HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/30/1995THOMAS H. WICKHAM SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (5~.6) 765-~.889 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MAY 30, 1995 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of May 30, 1995 Approval of minutes of May 15, 1995 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Beard Meeting: Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at 4:30 P.M. 7:30 PM - PRESENTATION BY THE LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDUI.k"n: 8:00 - Change of Zone Hearing on Depot Enterprises, Inc. 8:05 - Local Law in Relation to Provid~,~g a Change in the Amount of Veterans Exemptions 8:10 - Local Law in Relation to Building Code I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Police Department Report for April 1995 2. Town of Southold Community Development Report for April 1995 II. PUBLIC NOTICES Public Notice from State of New York Department of Transportation to add a "No Stopping - Anytime" restriction on the North Side of Rte. 25 from mm1521 to 50+ feet east of NYT Pole 325. 2. Public Notice of the Summer Showcase Concert Series Summer 1995 and the Young Folks Afternoon Showcase at Sliversm/th's Corner. Southold Town Board meeting Agenda - May 30, 1995 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES (Continued) Public Notice from US Army Corp of Engineers to dredge material from Little Peconic Bay at Robins Island, Town of Southold with ten year maintenance and subsequent upland disposal. Public Notice from NY District Army Corp of Engineers for an applicant to install a 4 x 92 foot pier, a 3 x 14 foot ramp, a 6 x 20 foot float with two outriggers to be secured to two 10-inch diameter dolphins and replace existing stairways and platforms. Public Notice from NY District Army Corps of Engineers for an applicant to place shellfish cages in Little Peconic Bay NYS/DEC Notice of Complete Application to establish that major renovations to a home on Mason Drive and Haywaters Road, Cutehogue, would have no significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration is on file. III. COMMUNICATIONS - None IV. FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to 4:30 PA Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order of Business. 1. Discussion of a Local Law in Relation to Lot Creation and Merger. 2. Reappoint specified individuals to the Conservation Advisory Council. 3. Discuss Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant Underground Storage Tanks. 4. Discussion of Single Lifeguard Beaches. 5. Discussion of Community Service assignments by Justice Court. Discussion of Ron Morizzo's request to donate and plant a tree at Silversmith Corner in memory of the children who lost their lives in the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma. 7. Possible resolution on appointments to the ENTEK Committee. 8. Discussion of Funding for America's Sail Event in Greenport. 9. Set policy with respect to advertisements in newspapers. 10. Possible resolution authorizing Town Clerk to advertise for members of the Architectural Review Committee. 11. Possible resolution appointing Traffic Control Officers for the summer. 12. Upgrade of NYSPIN Computer System. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 30, 1995 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION (Continued) 13. Set personnel policy pertaining to hiring notifications. 14. Discussion of "Welcome To Southold" sign at Town Line in Laurel. 15. Discussion of Town acquisition of a Lot on Peconic Lane. 16. D & B Scope of Work and budget estimate to prepare a report which provides justification for "simple" closure of the Landfill. 17. Comments on a Local Law in Relation to Parking. 18. Comments on a Local Law in Relation to Beach Parking. 19. Discussion of possible change in Code with respect to violations. 20. Discussion of Tie Vote on Annexation of Geier Property. 21. Discussion of illegal dumping. 22. Set dates to interview applicants for Landmark Preservation Commission, Computer Equipment Operator and Cook for Nutrition Center. V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak out on the following resolutions. 1~,/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Frankie L. Freeman, SNAP Driver for the Nutrition Program. 2/ 4~,/ 5/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a refund to Kreiger Well & Pump Corp, which sum represents a duplicate Contractor Permit fee. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes an advance fee check for the family bus trip to the Bronx Zoo through the Town Youth Program. Resolved that the Town Board appoints specified individuals as Lifeguards, Beach Attendants, Playground Instructor, Swimming Instructors and Beach Managers for the 1995 Season. Resolved that the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the Loeai Law in Relation to Appearance Tickets be implemented as planned. Resolved that the Town Board sets 5:05 PM, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a public hearing on A Local Law in Relation To Appearance Tickets. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes budget modification-General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to appropriate Park & Playground funds for the purchase of a trailer for the Parks Department. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 30, 1995 Page 4. V~. RESOLUTIONS (Continued.) Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to appropriate funds to purchase markers for Haliock's Bay and the appropriate permits for same. 9~ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Office for the Aging, for the Community Services for the Elderly Housekeeper/Chore Services Program, for the period of April 1, 1995 through March 31, 1996. 10/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Office for the Aging, for the Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Housekeeper/Chore Program for the period of April 1, 1995 through March 31, 1996. Il/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Office for the Aging, for the Community Services for the Elderly Senior Day Care Program for the period of April 1, 1995 through March 31, 1996. 12 ~ Resolved that the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the proposed Local Law in Relation to Landmark Preservation be implemented as planned. 13/Resolved that the Town Board sets 5:10 PM, Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Landmark Preservation. 14~ Resolved that the Town Board approves refund to FI Club, Inc. on overpayment of FI Sewer District rent for Anton T. Bussman property. l§~/Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to appropriate additional funds for the insurance policy on the Bay Constable boats. 16~Resolved that the Town Board accepts the declination of Gary C. Blasko for appointment as a Southold Town Police Officer. 17/Resolved that the Town Board declares two Johnson Outboard Motors to be surplus, and authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for sale of the motors. 18/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the proposal of Pirates Cover Marine, FI, for repair and placement of channel markers and instruction floats to be placed in both West Harbor and Hay Harbor, FI, as well as repairing and replacing or returning missing markers lost during the season under the supervision of P/T Bay Constable Thomas Doherty. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 30, 1995 Page 5. V~ RESOLUTIONS (Continued) 19/Resolved that the Town Board creates an Architectural Review Committee to consist of five members: two architects or landscape architects, one member of the Landmark Preservation Commission and two residents from each of the hamlets of the Town, all to serve specified terms. 20~,/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the specified items for the Superintendent of Highways. 21/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid from Harold Cook, FI, for maintenance of the grounds at the FI Sewer District pump station for a period of one year, effective June 1, 1995 through May 31, 1996. Be it further resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid from Harold Cook, FI for providing maintenance of the FI Pump Station for a period of one year effective June 1, 1995 through May 31, 1996 and the bid from Harold Cook for providing initial labor to bring the FI Sewer District pump station up to full operating condition. 22/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes specified modifications to the Solid Waste Management District 1995 Budget. 23/Resolved that the Town Board rejects the bids of Paul Corazzini & Sons, Inc. and Thomas H. Gannon & Sons, Inc. for the application of 150,000 square yeards of Micro-surfacing for the Southold Highway Dept and further resolved that the Town Clerk is authorized to readvertise for bids for the application of 150,000 square yards of Micro-surfacing. 24/Resolved that the Town Board reappoints William F. Mullen, Jr. as Southold Town Insurance Consultant, effective July 1, 1995 through January 31, 1996 at a compensation of $1,750 per month; and be it further resolved that Mr. Mullen shail continued on, effective February 1, 1996, as Insurance Advisor to the Town, at no compensation. 25F/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corazzini Asphalt Inc. for supplying and applying Liquid Asphalt Application with Stone for the Southold Town Highway Department. 26/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corazzini Asphalt, Inc for supplying and applying Polymer Modified Bituminous Single Course Application for Pavements for the Southold Town Highway Department. 27V/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corazzini Asphalt Inc. for supplying and applying Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials for the Southold Town Highway Department. 28/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corazzini Asphalt Inc. for supplying and applying 50% MC-250 and 50%RC-250 Liquid Asphalt Application with Sand for the Southold Town Highway Department. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 30, 1995 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) 29V/ Resolved that the Town Board engages the services of Andrew Stype to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee of two properties. 30V'/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes closure of Cases Lane, Cutchogue, on July 1, 1995 during Cutchogue-NewSuffolk Historical Council 31st Annual Antiques Show and Flea Market / 31/Resolved that the Town Board intends to interced with Federal and State officials to correct what they believe is an erroneous interpretations of the ISTEA grant procedures and attempt to get this very important project reinstated into the program. 32~/Resolved that the Town Board amends resolution No. 12, adopted on April 4, 1995, to correct per hour salary of Stenographer for Board of Assessment Review. 33/Resolved that the Town Board accepts recommendations of Cablevision Advisory Committee for changes to the Cable Franchise, and authorizes the Town Attorney to negotiate a new franchise on the Town Board's behalf. 34/Resolved that the Town Board declares that "A Local Law in Relation to Lot Creation and Merger" to Town and County Planning Boards for recommendations. 35/Resolved that the Town Board refers "A Local Law in Reiationk to Lot Creation and Merger" to Town and County Plannir~g Boards for recommendations. 36~/Resolved that the Town Board adopts a policy with respect to advertisements in newspapers. 37~/Resolved that the Town Board adopts a policy on administration of personnel matters. 38~Resolved that the ~?own Board enacts Local Law No. 9 - 1995, "A Local Law In relation to Beach Parking." 39g/Resolved that the Town Board enacts Local Law No.10 - 1995, "A Local Law in Relation to Beach Parking. 40~Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute 1995 Community Development agreements between Suffolk County and the Town of Southold. 41V/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Cameron Engineering, P.C. to conduct the necessary work to determine the current status of the ferric chloride and hydroelorie stroage tanks at the Scavenger Waster Treatment Plant. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 30, 1995 Page 7. V. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) 42/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Dvirka & Bartflucci to conduct engineering investigations of well relocations and filtration systems at the Landfill. 43/Resolved that the Town Board reappoints specified individuals who have request to continue service on the Conservation Advisory Council. 44,/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for individuals to serve on the Architectural Review Committee. 45~/ Resolved that the Town Board appoints specified individuals to serve as full-time and part-time Traffic Control Officers for the season. 46/ Resolved that the Town Board endorses the Municipal Electric Utility Technical Committee to review the ENTEK Feasibility Report and nominates James Monsell and Albert J. Romeril, and endorses the charge to the Committee. 47v/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a contribution of $1,000 to the America's Sail Event in Greenport over the July 4th Weekend. 48v/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an installment purchase agreement for upgrading the statewide NYSPIN Computer System for Police Headquarters. 49/Resolved that the Town Board enacts Loca~ Law No. ll - 1995, "A Loca~ Law in Relation to BuHdin9 Code". 50~/Reso~ved that the town Board desi§nstes Beniamin Franklin, who was responsible for the MHe Markers in Southo~d Town, and The Frank (Sparky) Coy~e residence ss Southo~d Town Landmarks. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8:00 - Re: Depot Enterprises, Inc. Change of Zone 8:05 - Local Law in Relation to Building Code 8:10 - Local Law in Relation to Providing a Change in the Amount of Veterans' Exemptions. APPOINTMENTS WITH THE TOWN BOARD 9: O0 - Cablevision Committee EXECUTIVE SESSION Purchase of Property Southold Town Bo~cl Work Session May 30, 1995 ORDER OF BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS WITH THE TOWN BOARD 9:00 - Cablevision Committee - Report COFFEE BREAK 9:30 AM - PLANNING AND ZONING ISSUES 9:30 - Change in Local Law In Relation to Lot Creation/Merger 9:45 - Acquisition of lot on Peconic Lane by the Town 10:00 - Annexation of Geier Property - L. Dowd 10:30 AM - TOWN POLICY/TOWN CODE 10:30 - Set Policy Pertaining to Classified Ads 10:45 - Set Policy pertaining to hiring notification 11:00 - Comments on Local Law in Relation to Parking 11:15 - Comments on Local Law in Relation to Beach Parking 11:30 - Changes relating to Town Code Violations - L. Dowd BREAK FOR LUNCH 1:30 PM - SOLID WASTE ISSUES 1:30 - Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant-Underground Storage Tanks 1:40 -D&B Estimate for Landfill Closure Report Preparation 1:50 - Illegal dumping A. Hussie 2:00 PM - PERSONNEL ISSUES 2:00 - Reappoint Members to the CAC 2:05 - Single Lifeguard Beaches 2:20 - Advertise for people to serve on Architectural Review Committee 2:30 - Appoint people to act as Traffic Control Officers 2:40 - Set interview dates for applicants for various positions 2:45 PM - OTHER 2:45 - Justice Court Community Service Assignments 3:00 - Tree Planting Donation for Silversmith Corner 3:10 - Appointments to ENTEK Committee 3:20 - Funding for America's Sail Event in Greenport 3:30 - NYSPIN Computer Upgrade - J. Raynor, J. Ruland 3:35 - Welcome to Southold sign at Town Line in Laurel 4:00 - Review Resolutions for Upcoming Meeting APPOINTMENT WITH THE TOWN BOARD 4:15 - Bidders for Microseal - Re: Resolution #23 EXECUTIVE SESSION Purchase of Property (BREAK PRIOR TO START OF 7:30 PM MEETING) (IV- 1) (IV-15) (iv-20) (Iv- 9) (IV-13) (iv-17) (IV-18) (IV-19) (IV- 3) (IV-16) (IV-21) (IV- 2) (IV- 4) (iV-lO) (IV-11) (IV-22) (IV- 5) (IV- 6) (iv- 7) (~v- 8) (IV-12) (IV-14)