HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-04/04/1995THOMAS H. WICKHAM SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main l~oad P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APRIL 4, 1995 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the concIusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of April 4, 1995 Approval of minutes of March 21, 1995 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 18, 1995 at 4:30 P.M. A MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMORY OF FRANCIS A. THORP, A FORMER MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW. I. REPORTS ]. Report for the Southold Town Tree Committee. 2. Office of the Building Inspector Report for March 1995. II. PUBLIC NOTICES Public Notice of Spring Leaf and Brush Clean-up dates. Public notice from Army Corp of Engineers on behalf of applicant to remove existing 3 x 32 foot fixed pier and rep]ace with 3 x 25 foot pier 4 feet above grade of marsh, a 3 x 12 foot hinged ramp, a 6 x 16 foot float to be secured by.two pilings and'repair a 9 x-i-2'f0ot deck in Goose Creek, Shelter Island Sound, in Southold. Sou~hold Town Board meeting Agenda ~ April 4, 1995 Page 2 III. COMMUNICATIONS None IV. FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to 4:30 PA Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order Business. 1. Funding for Greenport Softball League. 2. Possible resolution appointment for Matron (s) for Southold Town Police Department. 3. Discussion of D & B Letter re: Town Landfill, Laboratory Specification, Level of Effort Justification. 4. Set date to interview applicants for Board of Ethics. 5. - Discussion of increased setbacks and other modifications for business-zoned properties along major roads. Discussion of Veterans Exemption. Procedures for Site Plan Applications and Waiver Requests. Update on LAP. Temporary clerk-typist for the Planning Board Office. 7. 8. 9. of Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 4, 1995 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION (Continued) V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak out on the following resolutions. Resolved that the Town Board enacts a Local Law in Relation to Affordable Housing Program. Resolved that the Town Board in accordance with Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Town Code adopts a definition, general regulations and requirements under the Affordable Housing Program. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Budget Modifications to the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to appropriate donated funds as well as a $5,000 Grant for the Tree Committee. 5/ 8/. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute agreements with specified individuals for the Spring 1995 recreation program. Resolved that the Town Board amends resolution no. 36 adopted on March 21, 1995, appointing Patricia E. Conklin to the position of Clerk Typist for the Southold Town Justice Court effective April 5, 1995 instead of March 30, 1995. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of one (1) four wheel drive for the Superintendent of Highways. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes an advance fee cheek in the amount of $125 to enable Recreation Supervisor Kenneth Reeves to take the American Red Cross Lifeguard instructor retraining course (27 hours) at Sayville Middle School. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a partial refund to Maria Grzesik, which represents the fee for a building permit to construct an addition and alteration to her dwelling, less an amended fee for less construction work. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 4, 1995 Page 4. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) 9/ Resolved that the Town Board approves a joint hearing on the petition of Marion M. Geier .on May 2, 1995 at 8:00 PM at the Southold Town Hall; and be it further Resolved that the Town Clerk be authorized to give all notices of such hearing. 10~/ Resolved that the Town Board files a list of names and positions of all officers and employees of the Town required to file annual : disclosure statements; and be it further resolved that the Town Clerk shall notify the persons on this list of their obligation to file an annual disclosure statement no later than May 24, 1995. 11/ 12/ Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to the Southold School Student Council to use specified Town Roads for a Walk-A-Thon for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on Saturday, APril 1, 1995 (raindate: Sunday, April 2, 1995). Resolved that the Town Board appoints Stephanie Grasick, effective May 16 through July 1, 1995 as a Stenographer for the Board of Assessment Review, at a salary of $7.50 per hour, and effective April 17 through 19, 1995, May 15, 1995, and July 2 through August 31, 1995 as a full-time seasonal Clerk Typist in the Assessors office, 35 hours per week, $6.50 per hour. 13~/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes an increase in the fee for an application to the Planning Board for a lot line change from $50.00 to $250.00 effective immediately. 14/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modifioation to the Solid Waste Management District 1995 Budget to cover 1994 deficit and to cover additional anticipated recycling improvements. 15~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to appropriate the recent grant from Suffolk County for a new typewriter for the Human Resource Center. 16/ 17/ Resolved that the Town Board urges the Suffolk County Legislature to continue their bipartisan support for the two health care positions mandated by the State of New York and to override the County Executive's veto immediately for the health and welfare of the residents of Suffolk County and be it further resolved that the Town Board authorizes the transmission of a copy of this resolution to the Suffolk County Executive, The SC Dept. of Health Comm and the SC Coordinating Council. Resolved that the Town Board sets 8:05 PM, Tuesday, May 2, 1995, Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Architectural Review. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 4, 1995 Page 5. V~. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) 18/ Resolved that the Town Board sets 8:10 PM? Tuesday, May 2, 1995, Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Site Plan Approval. 19 ~/ Resolved that the Town Board grant permission to the Supervisor to attend the Town Lobbying Day in Albany on April 24-~.5, 1995. 20~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc. to pay medical bill of a retired Town · employee which was submitted to them more than 90 days after the date of service. 21/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Robert H. Whelan, P.E., member of the Southold Town Board of Assessment Review, effective March 29, 1995. 22/Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to Personnel Assistant Barbara Rudder to attend the LI Regional Job Service Employer Committee Spring Conference to be held on May 11, 1995 at the Huntington Hilton Hotel in Melville 23/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the FI Ferry District to retain the services of R3 Information Systems for an additional three month period for purposes of further refinement of software and accounting programs. 24/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a P/T Home Health Aide for the Senior Adult Day Care Program at $6.00 per hour. 25~/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Jean Coehran as Chairperson of the Substance Abuse Committee. 26~'/ Resolved that the Town Board approves the appoints Rory Simpson as Chairperson of the Substance Abuse Committee. 27/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the budget for Southold Town Beach and Klipp Park Improvements. 28~/- Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for new members for the Transportation Committee. 29/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget for the Recreation Department. 30/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget for the Southold Town Beach and Klipp Park improvements. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 4, 1995 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) 31/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to executie budget modification ~equest from County of Suffolk for Senior Day Care Program. 32/ Resolved that the Tow~ Board accepts the porposal of Dvirka & Bartilucci to prepare a laboratory specification for analysis of samples collected at the Landfill. 33/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Matrons for Southold Town Police Department. 34/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Robert T. Bayley from the Transportation Committee. /R 35 esolved that the Town Board appoints Jane Rousseau as a temporary Clerk Typist for the Planning Board effective April 5, 1995 for a 'period of 4 weeks. 36~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a modification to the General Fund Part-Town 1995 Budget to pay the salary of the temporary Clerk Typist for the Planning Board. 37/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes an expenditure not to exceed $2500 to replace the ramp at Sandy Beach Road. 38~/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Nancy P. Distilli as a part-time Clerk Stenographer in the Supervisor's office. PUBLIC MEETINGS None APPOINTMENTS WITH THE TOWN BOARD 9:00 AM - Substance Abuse Committee 9:30 AM - Dunn Engineering 10:00 AM - Tranportation Committee Chairman N. Brashich Southold Town Board Work Session April 4, 1995 ORDER OF BUSINESS 9:00 AM - APPOINTMENTS WITH THE TOWN BOARD 9:00 - Substance Abuse Committee - J. Cochran and R. Simpson 9:30 - Dunn Engineering - Re: Scope of Traffic Study 10:00 - Neb Brashich - Chairman, Transportation Committee 1) Committee Membership 2) Future Directions of the Committee 10:30 AM - SOLID WASTE ISSUES 10:30 - Landfill Lab Specification Level of Effort Justification 10:45 - Recycling PubLicity - J. Bunchuck 11:00 - FI Metal Dump, distribution of materials after cleaning-L.Evans (IV- 3) 11:15- POLICE - EXECUTIVE SESSION 11: 15 - Police Hiring 12:00 - Appoint Matron (s) for Southold Police Department (IV- 2) (BREAK FOR LUNCH) 1:30 - PERSONNEL ISSUES - EXECUTIVE SESSION 1:30 - Set date to Interview applicants for Board of Ethics 1:40 - Interview 2 applicants for Supervisor's Clerk/Steno position* 1:50 -Temp. Clerk/Typist for Planning Board * Applicant #1 at 10:30, Applicant #2 between 1:.30 and 2:00 PM (IV- 4) (IV- 9) 2:00 - PLANNING AND ZONING ISSUES 2:00 - Average Setbacks for Business Zones 2:30 - Update On LWRP - R. Oliva 2:40 - Open Space Bond Vote by Land Pres. Comm.-J. Gold, R. Oliva 3:00 - Procedures for waiving Site Plan Reviews - T. Wickham (IV- 5) (IV-'S) (IV- 7) 3:00 - OTHER 3:00 - Parks and Recreation - Park Improvements - J.McMahon 3:15 - Town Funded Sports/Lighting for Greenport Softball League 3:30 - Veterans Exemption 3:45 - Supervisor's Briefing: 1) Landfill Closure 2) Dredging and Spoil Placement 3) Stormwater Runoff 4:00 - Go over resolutions for tonight's meeting (IV- 1) (IV- 6) (DINNER BREAK PRIOR TO START OF 7:30 PM MEETING)