HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-04/11/2011PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
Monday, April 11, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Present were:
Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson
William J. Cremers, Member
Kenneth L. Edwards, Member
James H. Rich III, Member
Donald J. Wilcenski, Member
Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Linda Randolph, Secretary
tAAY ! 0 2011
Southold Town Clerk
Martin Sidor: Good evening, and welcome to the Southold Town Planning Board's
regularly-scheduled monthly Public Meeting. Our first order of business is to set
Monday, May 9, 2011 at 6 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, as
the time and place for the next regular Planning Board Public Meeting.
Donald Wilcenski: So moved.
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?.
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Plannin,q Board Pa,qe Two April 111 2011
6:00 p.m. - Indian Neck Farm - This site plan is for a change of use for existing
buildings from residential accessory structures to primary agricultural structures. The
buildings include three horse barns, two at 5,087 s.f. and one at 8,885 s.f., and two 12'
diameter silos. Buildings proposed to be added include six 12' X 24' pasture shelters.
Also proposed is a 1,243 s.f. apartment on the second floor of the largest barn for the
purpose of living quarters for on-site supervision of the horses (granted a ZBA special
exception approval as a "Farm Labor Camp" in February, 2011) on a 133+ acre parcel
in the A-C Zoning District. The property is located at 4170 Indian Neck Lane, on the
south side of Indian Neck Lane, 648 feet west of Arrowhead Lane, Peconic.
SCTM#1000-98-1-27.1 & 2.1 and 97-9-10.4 & 12
Martin Sidor: Anyone from the public wishing to address the Planning Board on this
matter, please step forward to either microphone and state your name and address,
please. Is there anyone from Indian Neck Farm? Maybe you should speak first.
David Emilita: Good evening members of the Board. My name is David Emilita. I am
the agent for Indian Neck Farm. I'd like to hand up some additional green cards.
Thank you. I would just like to briefly explain the proposal. The current owner has
owned the property for almost three years since February 2008. Upon acquiring the
property, the dormant agricultural fields were turned into horse paddocks in grazing
meadows, and a building permit was sought and obtained for three horse barns to
house up to 60 horses. They have now received the Certificate of Occupancy as has
the erection of two grain silos. With the impending arrival of the up to 60 horses, it
became evident that quarters for grooms was needed and was actually planned for in
the central gable of the middle barn. The Zoning Board has granted a special
exception in accordance with the Southold Town Zoning Code for that groom's quarters
and the Building Inspector has ruled that it is a legal use pending the achievement of
Site Plan Approval from your Board. There will be no expansion of the building footprint
of any of the barns. The only visible change would be the addition on the second floor
north and south gable of a metal fire escape, which would be required by the fire code.
No other physical changes to the property would take place; no changes in
landscaping, no additional lighting--all the existing lighting is down-directed and, I
believe, compliant with the Town Code. There will be no additional signs on the
property; this is a private non-commercial horse farm. All of the roads on the farm
except in the immediate vicinity of the existing dwelling are dirt roads. The total lot
coverage is very Iow--0.06%. There will be no other changes to the property except as
the Chair mentioned--a number of horse shelters--12' x 24' horse shelters--are
proposed. The original survey submitted with the application showed ten shelters.
However, the numbering was a bit off and the application itself stated only six. We
have submitted a revised survey with the correct numbering and so the actual number
of horse shelters--one in each paddock--will be ten. Other than that, those are my
opening remarks.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Three April 11,2011
Martin Sidor: Thank you. You may be needed again. Anyone else in the audience?
Noreen Frey: Yes, good evening. My husband is Martin. We live at 3395 Skunk Lane,
Cutchogue. We received a letter about the accessory apartment and my question is:
"Is this going to change the zoning of where I live from agricultural to commercial or to
residential, which it is presently?"
Martin Sidor: I believe it's A-C. Mark?
Mark Terry: I believe so.
Martin Sidor: And there is no change.
Noreen Fre¥: OK. That was my only question. Thank you.
Martin Sidor: Anyone else from the audience?
William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I will make a motion to close the hearing.
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
6:02 p.m. - Batta.qlia, Joseph & Heidi - This is a proposed standard subdivision of
2.32 acres into two lots where Lot 1 = 43,213 s.f. and Lot 2 = 57,809 s.f. in the R-40
Zoning District. This site is located at 1720 Hobart Road, on the west side of Hobart
Road, approximately 1,059 feet north from Terry Lane, Southold. SCTM#1000-64-3-3
Martin Sidor: Anyone wishing to address the Planning Board?
Patricia Moore: Good evening, Mr. Chairman and Board. I am here on behalf of Mr. &
Mrs. Battaglia. I have Mr. Battaglia here today. For the record, I am just going to give
some background and then we can address the questions that might come up. The
property is zoned R-40, which is one-acre zoning in a community which is fully
developed with homes on quarter and half-acre sized parcels. This parcel is 2.319
acres to the tie line and 2.2 acres of upland. Each proposed lot is over one acre in size,
and each lot having more than 175 linear feet of waterfront. The property was already
fully-developed when Mr. Battaglia purchased it with two structures: a 2-1/2 story
residence, a 2-story barn, a shed, driveway and sanitary systems. The house was
Southold Town Plannin,q Board PaRe Four April 11,2011
demolished and Mr. & Mrs. Battaglia are building their residence on the proposed Lot 2.
The barn was donated to Mr. Harbes and moved off the Battaglia property. Prior to the
starting of construction, the owner obtained a DEC letter of non-jurisdiction to demolish
and construct the house and obtained a permit to demolish the barn, which ultimately
as I said was donated to Harbes. Those permits are in your file. The owner also
obtained Trustee approval to permit the demolition and construction of the house and
provided for a non-disturbance buffer along the landward side of the high tide line. The
Trustees permit is in your file. Prior to implementation of the non-disturbance buffer,
Mr. Battaglia had actually applied to the Trustees for removal of vegetation such as
fallen trees within the buffer area, some limbs, washed up debris, an old wooden
plafform that had come up on shore. The Trustees issued this permit and allowed Mr.
Battaglia to do the work all within 100' of the wetland line. That area was within the 30'
buffer. The Trustees permit is also in your file. The Planning Board asked Mr. Battaglia
to plant the area which had been disturbed during the removal of the trees and the
removal of those structures. Obviously in the removal there were some tree stumps
and large trees that had to be removed and that showed disturbance. The Board asked
us to vegetate that area, which my client had agreed to do and will be doing as soon as
other work is completed. Mr. Battaglia also has an application--again approved by the
Trustees--which needs DEC approval, to place some stones on the south side of the
property because of the storm and the wind. There has been erosion to his waterfront
and some of the trees which the Board and my client tried to protect are eroding away
and that area is to be protected. So, again, all of that is being done in accordance with
permits all obviously needing the permits of the Trustees. Also, within the subdivision
process, all healthy larger caliber trees that were approximately 30' in width on the
seaward side of the house were preserved and protected during construction as the
Board had requested. The Trustees permit also, through the rock revetment (I had
mentioned that) to prevent the erosion. The new house on proposed Lot 2 was
constructed landward of the original house; the original house was at 70' from the edge
of the wetlands and the new house is located at its closest point 75' from seaward
wetlands. Throughout the subdivision process, he has been asked to prove things
along the way. The lot coverage of the house and garage is 11.9%. The code allows
20% lot coverage. The drainage will be collected in accordance with out Stormwater
Runoff Code. The setback of the house on Lot 2 and building envelope on Lot 1 are all
conforming. The building envelope on the vacant parcel is being shown with the larger
sideyard setback next to the adjacent property owner. The Zoning Code requires 20
and 15 sideyards and Mr. Battaglia and the surveyor have shown the larger setback on
the north side. My client also intends to landscape his property once the house is
completed. We have a landscape plan here if some neighbors want to see it. It is a
work in progress, but right from the beginning it's the landscape plan that Mr. Battaglia
wanted to complete. It is generally not a part of the subdivision process, but we thought
it might be helpful to show the neighborhood that although what they see now is a
house under construction, at the end Mr. & Mrs. Battaglia hope to have a beautifully
landscaped property. I also wanted to put on the record there have been comments by
neighbors and what I wanted to provide for the Board is also a history on Hobart Road.
Most of the properties on Hobart are developed. There are homes, as I said before, no
larger than ~ acre size lot--most of them are ¼ acre size lots. But in 1978, beginning
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Five April 111 2011
with Henry Smith, who is the property further to the north, Henry Smith had an oversize
parcel that at the time was 69,000 s.f. in a one-acre zone. The parcel had Henry
Smith's homestead on it, but the balance of the property I think is still vacant. That
property was subdivided April 18, 1978 by the Zoning Board. I went searching through
the Planning Board records and I couldn't find what the Planning Board had done with
that subdivision. For this one and the next one that I'll mention, the Planning Board
procedures-at the time on a one-lot was called a "set-off"--would be that it would be
presented to the Planning Board and the Planning Board could decide whether or not it
required further subdivision. Again, these were subdivided by the Zoning Board. So,
for all intents and purposes, the lots were created and then the Planning Board, by way
of waiver of the further subdivision application or just by resolution during one of the
minutes of the meeting, there would be an approval, but nothing very fancy, certainly
not what we have to go through today. Again, I could not find the final Planning Board
approval, but we all know that it has been subdivided. The other subdivision that is
right next door to the Battaglia property is the parcel that was owned by Frederick Rich.
That piece of property was a little more than an acre. However, there were two houses
on the property. The Rich Family subdivided what remains I believe of their homestead
closer to the water, and then the parcel that is next to us--one of the neighbors who
has been communicating with the Board--is the other lot, and the parcel is shown here.
The Town records are not always very complete. The Zoning Board approved the
subdivision with the one lot being no less than 20,000 s.f.--that would be the Rich
homestead--and what would be the larger parcel being about 31,000 s.f. That's the
parcel that is directly contiguous to the Battaglia property. I'll put that in your records so
that you can see that the subdivision along Hobart has been incremental. There really
are very few properties that are large enough to subdivide and those that were large
enough to subdivide were in fact subdivided. This one is the first subdivision that does
not require Zoning Board applications. It is, as a matter of fact, large enough to create
two parcels with upland. Again, this is another rule that has been implemented since
then--that we have to have upland of at least one acre--and in this instance we have
two parcels significantly over the minimum. I'll put that on the record.
I would also point out at this point that in our subdivision--and you see it on the map--
the underwater land under the existing dock is privately owned. The existing dock was
issued a permit back in January of 1993 as an 8' x 85' grandfathred dock. It being a
permitted structure, it has subsequently been repaired by the prior owners and Mr.
Battaglia. Finally, you have in your file a DEC permit. Once the lot is created, then at
that time the Town's wetland ordinance #275 allows Mr. Battaglia to go in and seek a
permit for a dock. That can't be accomplished until a separate lot is created. But in
your files you have a DEC permit for a dock on the improved residential parcel.
That all being said, I am going to sit down, wait for comments and respond.
Martin Sidor: Is there anyone in the audience wishing to comment on the subdivision?
Joseph Fischetti, 1725 Hobart Road, Southold: Good evening, I live across the street
from Mr. Battaglia. I've been in contact with Mr. Battaglia for a couple of years now,
seeing he's across the street. He is a very shrewd and intelligent person. Anyone who
Southold Town Planninq Board Page Six April 11, 2011
is building a multi-million dollar house has to have some smarts. He is the owner of the
property, he is the developer of the subdivision, and he is the builder of the house. He
has an intimate knowledge of every aspect of that project. Nothing goes out without
him knowing it. All the maps that are submitted to this Board from Nate Corwin get
directed by Mr. Battaglia. I'd like to start out tonight talking about haybales. This will
give the Board some insight how information has been controlled, and it also gives
some background to the people in the community historically what went on with this
project. On January 21, 2009, the original wetland permit was issued. It was issued for
a demolition and other work, and the demolition of the barn and other work that was
done on the property. In that permit, it specifically talked about a line of staked
haybales with silt fence along a 10' contour. That's pretty specific. After that point,
Corwin submitted a map dated April 18, 2009. This is an important map. This was
used for the Sketch Plan and for the Preliminary Approval. That map contains the 10'
contour. There are notes on the map that this contained the Trustees haybale line. It
also contained the clearing limits that the Board required. On June 9, the Planning
Board approved the applicant to build his home with a waiver which is not required by
the subdivision requirements that an applicant can build. So this Board granted the
builder a waiver to build his home during the subdivision process. At that point, when
Mr. Battaglia had your waiver in hand, he also had the April 18, 2009 map. Now that
map gave him the ability which gave him restrictions of setbacks. He gives that map to
his architect and he says "Build me the biggest house that can fit on this property." And
the drawings take some part of the end of the year of 2009 to complete. When that
drawing is done, we end up having a house that sits on the 15' sideyard, it's 2 or 3 feet
from the front yard setback, it's 2 or 3 feet from the rear yard setback, and it sits right on
the 10' contour which was the haybale line. The Board doesn't know this, but when I
reviewed the documents at the Building Department, it's within 6" of the height
requirement of the Town. This is the biggest house that can fit on the property. When
Pat starts talking about other houses on Hobart--a building envelope is basically where
you can put the house somewhere in the envelope. It's not how big you can fit this
house on a piece of property. But let me go further. He finishes his architectural
drawings and he needs a building permit. But he can't get a permit until he gets a
wetlands permit, which is for the house. He goes to the Trustees and says "1 have
wetlands--I want to get an amendment to the existing wetlands permit." But that
wetlands permit has the haybale line on the 10' contour. So he asks for an amendment
for the plan asking to build a house and to move that haybale line 30' to the south. Now
he submits drawings with that new haybale line. The drawings are in the Trustees
office showing that haybale line 30' away. The amendment that was in the Trustees
office is February 24, 2010. Mr. Battaglia gets his permit from the Building Department
using that Trustee map done on February 24th. But the applicant never supplies the
Planning Board with that new information. That's what is confusing to me because the
Planning Board still had and still used the April 18, 2009 with the old haybale line. He
never submitted to this Board that change, because he was afraid if he changed
anytime because during construction his preliminary approval expired--during
construction. So he needed to come back to you for an extension on that. Now, he
knew that information was available. He never changed that--he didn't want to change
the preliminary map of April 18 because that showed a different haybale line. So this
Board basically approved his amendment to his extension with incorrect information.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Seven April 11,2011
The maps today that you have in front of you for the Final still show the old haybale
line. Those are incorrect. This is a little bit of manipulation. Ms. Moore is going to say
"Why are we talking about haybales?" It is just the issue that the applicant doesn't
control what information goes on the maps--you people do. And that's what has
happened all through this: control of information. I'd like to talk about clearing and
Section 240-49 ¶A: "Clearing and Vegetation and/or Grading is permitted only within
areas designated by the Planning Board and as shown on the final clearing and grading
plan." ¶D: "The clearing limits shall be clearly staked and approved by NYS licensed
engineer or surveyor prior to any clearing or grading." Those clearing limits were never
staked. The applicant cleared both of the lots by more than 90%. Those were two of
the requirements that this Board gave in the Waiver. I'd like to read that Waiver into the
minutes. This is the Planning Board Waiver of June 9, 2009: "The resolution is subject to the following conditions:
(3.) The applicant shall identify significant trees on the plan and indicate how
they will be protected during demolition and construction."
That was not done until October 18, 2010 after construction, and I'll go over that with
"The waiver of this restriction on disturbance of existing conditions extends only to the
proposed area of Lot 2 and necessary to accomplish the demolition of the existing
house. Construction of the new single family dwelling: no clearing of vegetation
beyond that area necessary for the actions allowed."
"(7.) No clearing of trees, shrubs or other vegetation either beyond that necessary to
accomplish the demolition of the existing dwelling is authorized. The clearing
necessary must not be greater than Section 240-49, meaning no more than 50%."
So, Mr. Battaglia did not comply with the requirements of that Waiver. You gave him
that as a gift. I'd like to read the Corwin letter and the Corwin map of October 18, 2010.
Both of those, the letter and the map, are deficient. The letter from Nate Corwin:
"This letter is to confirm the existing clearing and tree locations for the above premises.
Upon field inspection by myself, October 17, 2010, I have located and verified existing
limit of clearing and have shown it to be on the attached map---Note 5. Also have
verified the location of significant trees that are shown on the attached map which are
to remain. All trees are shown on the map as intact."
Mr. Corwin did not use the definition that I gave you earlier in the Code to write this
letter, and the definition was not used to locate clearing on this. I beg to say that again,
it doesn't take an engineer or a surveyor. All this Board has to do is take your April 18
map which showed clearing limits and walk out there and see where it's been cleared.
Lot #2 is cleared almost 90%. It's been disturbed almost 90%. Lot #1 is completely.
There is mulch everywhere. He has touched every square inch of Lot~l.
Southold Town Planninq Board Page Eight April 11,2011
Now, significant trees. Not all the significant trees have been shown. When I read that
Corwin letter and I saw this map, it scared me. Because there are three 60' pines in the
front of that house that are buffering that monster and it's not shown on any of those
maps. There are many significant trees on that property that are not shown on that
map. Scares the hell out of me, because one day he's in there with his backhoe
working late at night--those trees are coming down. The applicant did not comply with
the restrictions of the waiver allowing him to construct. Very bad. I recommend that the
Planning Board void the waiver and issue a stop work order. Now you can't issue a
stop work order, but you could void your waiver. If you void the waiver, he has two
options: he can continue to work and lose his subdivision because you've now removed
the waiver from that property. Or, he will stop and negotiate and solve the problems
that have happened on this property. Now he has completely ignored all those
restrictions. Now you could think about that.
I'd like to talk about buffers. Pat talks about again subdivisions. This is the biggest
house ever. This is like seven times bigger than anything on that property. We need to
be protected from people like that. He thinks only of himself and he's always thought
only of himself. We need screening buffers along Hobart Road. All along Hobart
wherever there isn't the driveway we need to have screening. There should be
screening along both the south side and the north side. I recommend that the
screening should consist of 12' tall Leland Cypress placed 6' on center. That would
give a completo they are fast-growing trees, the deer don't eat 'em, and those are the
buffers. There should be a Performance Bond required to assure that the buffers are
installed. There should be a three-year maintenance bond to replace any trees if they
are dead, and there should be Covenants & Restrictions placed on those buffers that
they can't be removed and they must be maintained.
Now I know that the Board is as disturbed on this project as the neighborhood is, and
you'll hear more from the people behind me. This Planning Board granted a waiver of
the subdivision regulations to Mr. Battaglia as a courtesy. Mr. Battagllia took advantage
of that waiver and did not comply with those restrictions that were given very
specifically. The Board may find a more cooperative applicant if he is forced to stop
work. You may find a lot more community behind me talking, but I think it's really
important that you will find after hearing the rest of the community that you're gonna
really be obligated to void that waiver to make this community feel like they are listened
to. Thank you.
Martin Sidor: Thank you, Joe. Is there anyone else in the audience who wishes to
address the Planning Board?
Karen Hoa.q, law firm of Twomey Latham Shea on behalf of Andrew Simmons, owner of
house immediately to the north of the proposed subdivision at 1580 Hobart' Good
evening. We oppose the application as we don't want the same disastrous events
which have taken place on the lot under construction to happen to the vacant lot. I am
here to respectfully request the Planning Board to remedy the situation. Most of the
conditions set forth in the Planning Board's waiver of June 9, 2009 have been ignored
by the applicant as Mr. Fischetti has told you as well. This Board recognized in their
Southold Town Planninq Board Page Nine April 11,2011
November 1, 2010 letter that the applicant has overcleared property and cleared into
the non-disturbance buffer. While Ms. Moore states the applicant will replant and has
only cut down dead trees, we are very concerned that this will happen again because
the trees that were cut were not dead. We want assurances that this does not happen
on the vacant lot and we want the overcleared areas replanted. At a minimum, we
request that any decision be postponed until trees that are existing on the lots be
documented and correctly reflected on the Plans, also correcting the right amount of
trees that are on there--I think some of the trees next to Mr. Simmons' property there
are only two trees identified on the Plan. I have a photo of the side yard which I can
give to the Board. Besides the fact that Mr. Battaglia has a propensity to construct
large homes out of character with the community, he has destroyed wetlands and cut
down trees beyond the clearing limit lines. To ensure that this travesty be prevented on
the vacant lot, we propose that you consider the following: increasing the sideyard
setback on the lot between Mr. Simmons and the subdivision from 20' to 40', mandating
that Mr. Battaglia plant an evergreen buffer to provide adequate screening and to
ensure privacy. Document the trees that are in existing on the plans. We are very
concerned that the trees will not be protected if they are not on the plans which you
have in front of you. We also request that the height of any house constructed on the
vacant lot be limited to 25' by covenant. Regarding the existing dock, which is located
very close to Mr. Simmons' property, it was not repaired but it was actually replaced. If
you have been to the site, you can see that is not a repair job. Rather than an access
easement for use of the illegally constructed dock, we suggest moving it. Require that
the Battaglias install the dock in the middle of the two lots in the subdivision. If the dock
is to be used by both lots, it should be in the middle of the subdivision, not right near the
property line of the neighbors. Also, if the new dock is allowed to stay on that particular
lot, which we are calling the vacant lot for now, there is no main residence on that
property and the applicant should get a variance because it is an accessory structure.
Putting a dock there is against Town Code. We request more restrictions on
construction hours, such as not working on weekends and not working late into the
evening with machinery. Over the past t~vo years, the applicant has worked on the
property into all hours of the night. I implore you as a Board to protect the character of
this beautiful community and take control over this situation. In addition, I would like to
read a letter sent to the Board yesterday from a neighbor who couldn't be here this
evening: "We are homeowners next door to the Battaglia structure. We strongly
agraee with all our neighbors about the subdivision approval on the property. After
seeing how we were deceived by what was built next to our home and watching horribly
as beautful trees and wetlands were destroyed, you can understand our concerns
about what will be done to the other piece of property. Hobart Road will never be the
same because of that structure that was built, and another one would be beyond
disastrous. Please give careful consideration on what will be allowed on the second
piece of property. Sincerely, William and Robin Penney, 2200 Hobart Road, Southold"
Thank you.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Anyone else in the audience? Please.
Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Ten April 11,2011
Jeanmarie DiNoto, 1634 Founders Path. I live around the corner. I just wanted to ask
you, Ms. Moore: how many square feet is the proposed house supposed to have? I
didn't hear you. I am hard of hearing, I didn't know if you said it.
Patricia Moore: Which one are you talking about?
Jeanmarie DiNoto: What is the largest house that he can put on the property?
Patricia Moore: Are you talking about the vacant lot?
Jeanmarie DiNoto: Yes.
Patricia Moore: It's based on the building envelope. The zoning code allows you to
build up to 20% of your lot, whether it's house, accessory structures, whatever. In this
case, my client has the larger property and this house and the garage is 11.9%.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: What does that translate to, because I'm not too good at--is it
2,000 sq. ft., 3,000 sq. ft.?
Patricia Moore: The house itself is about 5,300 and the rest is the garage footprint.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: Are you talking about the present house?
Patricia Moore: The one that's under construction.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: I'm talking about ....
Patricia Moore: There is no plan for the other lot.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: I'm just asking about the subdivision: how big a house can be put
on that section, that's all I'm asking you.
Patricia Moore: On the one-acre lot?
Jeanmarie DiNoto: Yes.
Patricia Moore: 20% of 40,000. Nobodoy builds an 8,000 sq.ft, house, but I guess
technically you could build an 8,000 sq. ft. house. That's 20% of a one-acre parcel.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: Did Mr. Battaglia originally apply for--you said 53 ......
Patricia Moore: Yes. He asked the Building Department for exactly what he is building
Jeanmarie DiNoto: I imagine all of you are residents of the Town of Southold. During
the construction, did any of you go by and see how big this house was going to be that
you granted?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Eleven April 11,2011
Martin Sidor: We have all made visits.
Patricia Moore: Understand the Planning Board doesn't approve the size of the house.
That's the zoning code. We all live under the same rules. So, if somebody brought
your property and demolished your house and wanted to build 20% of your lot, they
could build whatever size is up to the zoning code allowance. Those are the zoning
rules of the Town.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: I think that's why we are all here. Because we don't want
Patricia Moore: I understand. But the Planning Board's jurisdiction, or what they look
at is the size of the property and where the property line falls on the property. And
whether or not we have adequate acreage to create two lots. That's what we have
presented to the Board throughout.
Jeanmarie DiNoto: OK, I understand. And you understand our concerns also.
Patricia Moore: I understand. I live in the neighborhood. I live right across from the old
Lafanier House--the May House. That house is probably twice the size of the Battaglia
Jeanmarie DiNoto: It's very attractively placed on the property. Mr. Battaglia's house is
very attractive also, it's just enormous for the property.
Patricia Moore: The problem always comes about that our rules now push all the
houses as close to the road as the zoning allows. The big houses used to be able to be
pushed towards the water. A big house would be big but you'd see them closer to the
Jeanmarie DiNoto: If he were any closer to the water, he'd be in it at this point.
Patricia Moore: No, they're 75' from wetlands, so we're about 100' from the edge of the
Jeanmarie DiNoto: Well, that's pretty close. All right. Thank you.
Martin Sidor: Thank you.
Patricia Moore: I would like to address some of the points? Is somebody else going to
speak? Oh, more, OK. I'm trying to write down so I can respond.
Paul Friese: Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the Board, I live in the property to
the north of Mr. Battaglia at 1580 Hobart Road. There are some points I'd like to
answer in Ms. Moore's initial statement that have to do in part with the... There are
many points; I've been taking copious notes as we have been going along here. I just
find a lot of this very, very surprising. Before I get to those points, however, the primary
concern that I and many of our neighbors have is the construction as Mrs. DiNoto
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twelve April 11,2011
brought up of what is going to be constructed on this proposed new subdivision.
Initially, all of the adjoining neighbors were submitted a plan for a given property and
structure that was going to be built on what is now Lot #2, or the current construction.
We found out subsequently, however, that through either sleight of hand or legal
chicanery that an amendment to that proposal was given to either--I don't actually even
know to whom it went--to the Planning Board here or to the Zoning Board or
whomever. Regardless, adjacent property owners were not notified of the significant
change in plans. The initial property--and actually I called to question that this house is
actually 5300 sq. ft. I really cannot believe that--maybe one story is 5300 sq. ft., but it
is a 2-1/2 story structure. This thing can be seen from space. Take a look at Google
Maps and you can see just exactly the scale of the structure. The other thing that I am
very very concerned about too is the placement of the garage, and also that the garage
doors face the creek. On the maps which we currently have been shown and which are
also posted outside the meeting room, there is no provision for exactly where driveways
are going to go for the many vehicles that are doubtless going to be coming in and out
of this property-again, at all hours and God forbid for the poor people across the creek
who have to deal with headlights pointing across at them and then swinging around to
pull into the driveway. Going back to my points with Ms. Moore and regarding the
reventments that sadly got approved by the Town Trustees, the initial applications--
they were denied by the DEC and the erosion that's going on there is arguably caused
by the massive topographical changes which Mr. Battaglia has affected to the property.
At this point in time, beyond the spoils from the digging out of the foundation of the
property, there have been significant changes to where the wetlands have been filled in,
and the massive amount of wood chips that are all over the property. So it's arguable
that by having changed the topography of the property between the house and the
wetlands, this is where this erosion has come from. The erosion was not a problem
before; but the previous house that was demolished, known as Wills Way, was there.
Insofar as the protected trees, there are many more trees that were taken down than
are necessary for construction. Many many more. This point has been brought up
before, but I really do believe that it bears repeating. The lots have been, for all intents
and purposes, virtually cleared--virtually totally cleared. And that is a crime. Insofar as
the subdivision of other properties on Hobart Road-it's apples and oranges. It is truly
apples and oranges. Yes, these properties were subdivided, and it was allowable. But
no structures anywhere near the ilk of what has gone up at this property are even--this
is like incomprehensible that a comparison has been made between those two things.
It's not an issue so much that the property is going to be subdivided, but what is the
scale of the structure that's going to be coming up on this property? Forgive me for
repeating myself, but this really does bear repeating. Mr. Battaglia has shown a
propensity to build to the absolute maximum allowable within inches of what the law
allows. But what we are trying to prevent or forestall is the same sort of thing
happening again. Another structure has gone up in our neighborhood during this
construction which is at the end of Old Shipyard Lane and Founders Path, which is a
prefab construction house. Again, I am not arbitrating taste. We are not trying to set
up an Architectural Review Board by any stretch of the imagination. However, when
that structure went up and did go up within the limit of the law, it towered over its
neighbors. There are three houses on the eastern side of Hobart Road which now
have their backyard views utterly destroyed. What they are looking at now is 2-1/2
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirteen April 11,2011
stories of vinyl siding. We don't want to see this happen on this property too. It very
well might. Insofar as the dock is concerned, the dock was not repaired, the dock was
completely rebuilt. The Trustees are aware of this. They also gave him the stipulation
that the dock has to be removed and rebuilt by June 11 of this year. I understand that
there is litigation going on regarding that. This is another example of how Mr. Battaglia
sidesteps recommendations. It was clearly stated--no question about that whatever.
Finally, once again, we as neighbors--the adjoining neighbors--particularly the
Penneys and the Simmons and myself--feel particularly deceived by this process of
having been apprised of one structure being built and because of not being notified of
significant changes to the proposed property another structure went up in its place.
That, with much vitriol, is what I have to say. Thank you all for your patience.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Are there any other neighbors that wish to speak?
Jamie Davis: I'm a lifetime resident of Hobart Road. Good evening everybody, how are
you? Nice to see you again Mr. Sidor. I drafted a letter which I faxed to you Friday
night so just for the record I'd like to read it if I may: "To the Southold Town Planninng
Board, To whom it may concern: I am writing to voice my complete opposition to the
development and subdivision of the Battaglia property on Hobart Road. The current
construction is totally out of context with the adjoining property and neighbors. Such
expansionism degrades the overall cultural, architectural and social integrity of our
entire community. This is an historical area that is traumatized with the dramatic speed
and breadth of growth in the heart of its backyard. Having spoken with a majority of the
people who live in the area, noone--and I mean absolutely noone--wants to see any
more structures like this built in the vicinity in which we live. I've grown up on this street
all my life and have always been proud to say that I know every tree by name. Now
some of those trees are gone. I am personally heartbroken by what has occurred here
on Hobart Road and find it hard to walk by the Battaglia catastrophe. If anybody knows
old Mr. Jimmy Rich, to quote him, he's heartbroken. Please hear the voices of all those
who contact you in opposition to the continued development of this property. Above all,
please hear us when not just myself, but all of us are opposed to the subdivision of this
lot. To do so would be a disaster. This is also not the first time I've had to be at a
Board meeting with Ms. Moore presiding over, going under the radar with construction
that should never have been allowed to begin with. Including that house on Old
Shipyard Lane and Founders because that house was going to be pre-approved for a
25% expansion before it was even finished. And they put a door on the second floor for
a balcony that never even existed. So we are here sittting again now with--this is a
small street, working class families, working class homes, retirees, summer people. It's
no question that this is totally out of character with what is going on in our community.
One of my adopted grandfathers was my neighbor, Alvah Goldsmith, who sat on this
Board for 25 years. I kind of miss him now because he used to tell me that back in the
old days he believed his family were pirates--which is what I do for a living when I have
grown my beard back. He would just sit there and say "By golly, Jamie, we're gonna go
get 'em!" I believe that he would be sitting here today saying "Go get 'em!" Let's not
have any more of this going on. Thank you for your time.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Yes?
Southold Town Plannin.q Board Pa.qe Fourteen April 11,2011
Diane Pietrodangelo, 1585 Hobart Road: I am the current resident and the newest
resident on Hobart Road. The house was deeded to me at the death of my parents
about a year or so ago. I had written in February asking that you consider a hearing; I
faxed the letter. I also mailed it--it came back to me "insufficient address" even though
I had your entire address and post office box on it, so hopefully you received that fax. I
came up from my current residence in New Jersey because I haven't been able to sell
my house yet. Eventually I plan to live in Southold. I've been coming here since
probably a teenager--I'm now currently 60 years old, so it's been quite a long time and
I'm sure some of you may have known my parents--they've owned various houses and
First Town Florist in this particular town. I chose when my father left me the house to
keep it because I would evenutally retire here; it's a beautiful neighborhood, he's always
talked about the values of this town. Seeing what has happened across the street from
me, I'm very concerned as my other neighbors are about the subdivision and I know
that it's your requirement to decide if it should proceed or whatever. But I would ask
that if it does go forward that you please consider whatever needs to be done to buffer
the area from the rest of the residents. My house actually now sits directly across the
street from the vacant lot, and I mean vacant. I never could see the creek growing up.
I can see the water--all of it. Every tree that's there is totally--most of it's gone. As I
said I live in West Orange, New Jersey. I made the effort to come up here because I
thought this was important. I just would ask you to consider everything that the rest of
the neighbors are saying and hopefully do the right thing by the neighbors that have
been here quite a lot more years than I am. Hopefully I'll be here quite a lot of years.
Thank you very much.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Anyone else in the audience? Any neighbors? OK.
Patricia Moore: I'll try to address some of these points. I guess I understand now why
this subdivision process has taken so long and so difficult for us because I have heard
so many exaggerations at this hearing that it explains why at every point in time we
were asked to submit surveys, plans, affidavits. It seemed like the DEC would come to
your property every month to check on something, the Trustees would check on things.
It was constantly being monitored. As far as Mr. Battaglia's cooperation--Joe Fischetti
is a friend of mine, but I disagree with him here. He has been extremely cooperative
throughout the whole process. He has worked closely with Tamara before she left.
Absolutely every time something has been asked of him, he has provided it at great
expense, but nonetheless it has been our obligation in a sense--you have thrown the
obligation to us every time to prove or disprove what are the allegations that the
neighbors raise. To begin with, there is no conspiracy with respect to the hay bales and
silt fence line. The surveyor starts with a haybale silt fence line on the map during the
construction prior to construction and through the Trustees permitting process we had
to actually locate the haybale line, put the silt fence. The Trustees go out, they do a
site inspection--it's part of the payment of the fees that you prior to construction. They
inspect and they give you the first inspection and the first inspection of the multiple
inspections the Trustees will have is the haybale silt fence line. So that was installed
once construction began. It took longer. They haybales and silt fence obviously with
Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Fifteen April 11, 2011
weather, the rain and so on started to deteriorate. He was asked to go and put some
more haybales and put the silt fence in such a way that so it would be restored. He did
that immediately. He ordered up 40 more haybales and all of them went up again. The
DEC has been called by the neighbors and they've gone and inspected and they too
say everything is fine. You're doing what you are supposed to be doing. As far as
clearing limits, if you recall the reason that the Board waived and allowed him to build is
that this property was already developed. There was already a house there. The
house was in very poor condition. It was going to be demolished and Mr. Battaglia is
building his own house. This is not class warfare here. Yes, he is building a large
house. God bless him, he has done well for himself. He is a working person just like all
of us. He runs his own business. He is not a developer. To the extent that he bought
this property and saw that this property could be subdivided, it did not take a brain
surgeon to figure that out. Since I moved out here, people have known about this
property and said "oh yea, that property will one day be subdivided" because it was so
large. Imagine the complaints if the lot--not Mr. Battaglia because he is building the
house of his dreams--but let's say somebody else were to have bought that property
and built 20% of 2-1/2 acres. That could have been a much larger house. So to the
extent that this property is being subdivided, the house is being developed within the
bounds of the zoning code, all to comply with the code. So, noone here yet has
alleged--because it wouldn't be truo that he has violated any of the zoning provisions.
He has followed it completely. As far as 90% of this property has been cleared: again,
an exaggeration. The surveyor was asked, go back, look and see, have we met the
subdivision requirements for this parcel. After subdivision would be that this property
must maintain 50%. You're allowed 50% clearing. Again, clearing means you're
gonna take everything down. Here the amount of clearing that was done was to take
down an existing house, an existing sanitary and existing miscellaneous patios and
structures that were already on the property. He's building a house, building patios and
building a sanitary system. All those things require clearing excavation. That is all
being done and that is what is necessary to build the house. So to the extent that the
Board allowed him to continue and said "listen, we don't want you to clear beyond what
you need to clear for your house construction". That's precisely what he did. The
property goes from Penney's property line all the way over to the other end. The area
that we are dealing with is the area of our proposed lot. That still has the entire area,
the non-disturbance buffer which again is going to be imposed by the Planning Board
when we have a subdivision lot and filed map. We were following the Trustees non-
disturbance buffer and all of that was being done with the Trustees review absolutely
before anything was being done to the property. He went to the Trustees, he asked the
Trustees, they went on site inspections, they actually hand-drew the particular trees that
were going to be taken out right from the beginning. I have here from December of '08
the drawing you had given to the Trustees originally. This one actually had the stones
that he wanted. The concern about erosion was occurring right from the beginning.
Back in Dec. '08 shortly after he purchased the property, it was obvious that there was
some erosion taking place on the south corner of the property. There was a large stump
of a tree that had the root system there. That too, was being eroded away between the
stump and the sand, it was all being undermined. Again, the fallen trees are identified,
the uprooted unsafe trees were identified, some more falling trees, some root systems,
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Sixteen April 11,2011
This was all very detailed. All of this was done in the field, drawn by hand by Mr.
Battaglia with the Trustees through the Trustees inspection process. I'll put that in your
file. This is early on in December. What had been requested of the Trustees. At the
time, he was asking for riffraff and large stones to be added along the entire area. The
DEC said "no, we don't think you really need it--we don't see enough erosion". So now
it's a more smaller area over on the south side of the property clearly being eroded.
The Trustees recognize it. The Trustees were approving of this, but the DEC said "no."
So it was not pursued until more recently after the storms of this past year really started
eroding. I appreciate the neighbors' comments--I know change is always difficult. It is
a large house, but it's under construction. Any one of these smaller homes in the
neighborhood can be demolished and a large house built. We don't dictate taste. We
have a zoning code and as long as we abide by the zoning code, build what your heart
desires. You don't build to satisfy your neighbors. Then we go on to Mr. Simone's
attorney. I've gotten inconsistent--a letter asked for evergrees to be planted, then
again we have an existing tree line that is--in order to plant evergreens along the
common property line of Lot 1 we'd have to take down all those trees to plant
evergreens because otherwise the evergreens just wouldn't get enough light. It makes
absolutely no sense. I go by there every day--I saw the trees--so she probably showed
a photograph of the tree line that's there. The owner has asked in the past "please
don't take down trees because I'd like shade." That's inconsistent. The request for all
these evergreens to be along the property line just doesn't make sense. Again, these
exaggerations: "We've destroyed wetlands and trees". This property has been
monitored very closely between you and more importantly, the Trustees. The Trustees
have monitored this construction--they get phone calls regularly asking Bay Constable
to go down there, asking the DEC to go down there. It's part of their ritual--they seem
to stop there sometimes every-more than once a week based on phone calls. An
extreme exaggeration. You can't regulate the height of the house. The building
envelope is the building envelope. Mr. Battaglia has no intention of building a house on
that property. I think all his money is definitely going into finishing this house. Nobody
is dictating to the people that have spoken what house size, what house height they
must have. To mandate that this house must be a one-story house--I'm surprised it
comes from this attorney because on the south side that type of regulation--in fact the
Planning Board was asked to put that kind of regulation and it was overturned. That is
certainly not a condition that is reasonable for this Board. As far as the dock, we'll
leave it to the court to determine what was done. My client has photographs; it was not
reconstructed, it was repaired. To clarify, the Trustees did a resolution that said he
bought a piece of property with the dock that's there presently. The dock had a 1993
permit that said it was a grandfathered dock and the Creighton family had reconstructed
it at that time--done some work on it-so they got a permit and it was recognized that it
was already there. When the Trustees--typically you have a permit that gets
transferred when you purchase the property and when that permit was transferred the
Board said "well it is pre-existing if it was to be lost in a storm". In other words it comes
down and you have to reconstruct it. Then you have to come back and possibly
conform to the Code. Their resolution said you can't reconstruct it but there was
nothing about repairing it. The Code itself, the Trustees, the 275 specifically allows you
can repair a permitted structure. But what they say permitted is: a dock that has a
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Seventeen April 11,2011
permit is permitted to be repaired without a permit from the Trustees. We are in
disagreement with that because they passed a resolution and then gave us a written
permit that was contrary to what their resolution said. So that's the argument: we
disagree. The Trustees are telling us take what we have down. Meanwhile the
resolution at the meeting said we could have it. That's going to be the argument and
we'll see what happens. As far as it being a structure: it's not a structure. The Town
doesn't issue building permits for docks. It's regulated strictly by the Southold Town
Trustees. The next comment Mr. Paul Friese: again, exaggerations. He said the
topography of this property changed--we filled wetlands. Absolutely not! There has
been no change to the topography. In fact, nothing above the 10' contour--the DEC
line--the jurisdiction of the DEC runs seaward of the 10' contour. We specifically kept
everything landward of the 10' contour because of the letter of non-jurisdiction. There
has been absolutely no filling of wetlands. The height of the house and so on: we have
to abide by flood zones and whether or not we are in the flood zone. The
neighborhood, as little houses get repaired, they can't be repaired more than 50%
without having to comply with current floodzones and that's why some houses in the
neighborhood as they are being reconstructed are higher than the old houses that were
there. That's the flood ordinance. Again, Mr. Davis said some things and it's kind of a
repeat. We are compliant with the code; we have requested no variances with respect
to this house. Finally, the two properties are in some instances quadruple the size of
some of the properties in the neighborhood. It is a large house, no doubt. But it will be
a beautiful house to some, and to others--we've heard "monstrosity". Well, that's taste.
I'm disappointed because this is my neighborhood too and everybody is wonderful in
my neighborhood. They have their opinions, it's OK. But I hate to see Mr. Battaglia
come into a neighborhood and feel ostracized. The area of Founders is a great
neighborhood. Personally, I would never want to move. I may have to after this!
Anyway, I'm proud of Mr. Battaglia's work--he has been working very hard.
Martin Sidor: Thank you.
Joseph Fischetti: I'd like to respond to Ms. Moore. I have to go again to the clearing.
When Mr. Battaglia did not mark the clearing limits. There were documents in the file
back and forth between this Board and Ms. Moore when you were talking about the 30'
buffer. There was a letter from the Chairman talking about clearing on the southeast
side. You were missing each other. You were talking about the clearing on the
southeast side which is completely south of the property. There's 8,000 feet that have
been completely cleared. She would always go back and say: we were restoring this
buffer area. She never responded to you. Again, I have to say that he did not comply
with anything in your waiver. Mr. Battaglia is a lousy neighbor. He was last night and
the night beforo Saturday night he had the guts to be out there at 8:30 at night with his
backhoe with lights on. Now, if that's the kind of neighbor that's going to be here while
it's going to happen before a meeting, my wife said "Why is he out there at 8:30 at night
with the backhoe and digging?" So, he is not a neighbor I want to have. I'm a little bit
upset about it. If he really cared about the neighborhood and he wanted to be nice--we
were nice in the beginning--not nice anymore. He's been out there every weekend--
Saturday, Sunday. Yesterday morning 8:00 the men come. That's why one of the
neighbors said you need to put restrictions. If you take the labor off and your give it
Southold Town Planning Board Page Eighteen April 11,2011
back again a couple of weeks later, you have to tell him he can't work there on
weekends. He can't have men working there on holidays: Fourth of July and every day
and until 9:00 at night. So, I disagree with Pat. She needs to be next door to him and
listen to what happens. He's down the block, she doesn't hear him. To Mr. Battaglia: "1
gave you beer. I tried to be nice to you, but you have no consideration of the
Joe Battaqlia: I own the "monstrosity"--whatever you want to call it--but anyway, I
have a question for Joe Fischetti: Do you know me personally? Do you know my
finances? Do you know what I do for a living? Do you know what I am all about?
Martin Sidor: I don't think we want to get into this type of discussion, everything is
supposed to be addressed to the Planning Board.
Joe Batta.qlia: He called me a shrewd person. I just feel insulted and I'd like to let the
Board know that I have no relationship with Mr. Fischetti. He says that I've been talking
to him for three years which is totally not true. I try to keep my own business to my own
business and I like my privacy. Everything I've done I have a permit for. Even cleaning
garbage off the beach. He keeps mentioning that the area was never marked for
clearing. He should know if he is a licensed engineer that it's not required to be
marked. I did everything by the book-everything by Code. I just want to say I'm doing
everything I can to satisfy the Planning Board, the Building Department--whatever I
have to do. It's a lot of talk out there--I could understand that. There's a lot of jealousy
in the air. But nobody knows what I do for a living--I don't know how people can say
I'm shrewd. Neighbors--I don't want to mention names--do have some violations
pending which are here today. Everybody's talking like they're perfect but there are
neighbors next to me that have violations pending with the Trustees, with the Building
Department and they're up here degrading myself, which I don't have any violations.
So I just find it a little disturbing.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Anyone else in the audience?
Joe Batta.qlia: Everybody was concerned about planting and trees and nobody wanted
to look at this landscape plan I have. I find that a little disappointing.
Mark Terry: Mr. Chairman, he was supposed to submit that during this hearing, so why
don't you go ahead and collect that from him?
Pat Moore: I think it's the only one--it's his personal plan. The $1400 plan.
Donald Wilcenski: The only thing I would like to add is to thank all the neighbors for
coming here. We did open this hearing up again out of your requests, so we will take
everything that you said into due consideration and we thank you for your time.
Jamie Davis: I just wanted to say that I personally have nothing against Mr. Battaglia as
a person. I just want that understood. This is just about a historical context of our
community and that, Mr. Sidor, as I mentioned to you, maybe perhaps this is the time--
Southold Town Planninq Board PaRe Nineteen April 11, 2011
because the Zoning laws have not changed since the 1950's--feels like we better start
working on something.
William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I'll make a motion to close the hearing.
James Rich: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
SUBDIVISIONS (Lot Line Modifications)
Conditional Final Determinations:
Manor Grove Corp. Lot Line Modification - Short description: "This Lot Line
Change will transfer 0.47 acres from Parcel #1000-53-1-1.3 & 1.2 to four parcels along
the southeastern boundary." The property is located on the northeast corner of
Albertson Lane & Main Road (NYS Route 25) in Greenport.
(Full-detail description: This lot line modification will transfer 0.3 acres from
SCTM#1000-53-1-1.3 to four parcels on its southeastern boundary (0.05 acres to
SCTM#1000-45-1-12, 0.01 acres to SCTM#1000-45-1-13, 0.1 acres to SCTM#1000-
53-1-3, and 0.03 acres to SCTM#1000-53-1-2). Additionally, 0.07 acres will be
transferred from SCTM#1000-53-1-1.2 to SCTM#1000-53-1-2, and 0.1 acres will be
transferred from SCTM#1000-45-1-13 to SCTM#1000-53-1-2 & 3.)
James Rich: WHEREAS, this lot line modification will transfer 0.3 acres from
SCTM#1000-53-1-1.3 to four parcels on its southeastern boundary (0.05 acres to
SCTM#1000-45-1-12, 0.01 acres to SCTM#1000-45-1-13, 0.1 acres to SCTM#1000-
53-1-3, and 0.03 acres to SCTM#1000-53-1-2). Additionally, 0.07 acres will be
transferred from SCTM#1000-53-1-1.2 to SCTM#1000-53-1-2, and 0.1 acres will be
transferred from SCTM#1000-45-1-13 to SCTM#1000-53-1-2 & 3; and
WHEREAS, a Lot Line Modification Application was submitted on November 17, 2010;
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the plans at their May 18,
2009 and January 19, 2010 Work Sessions and accepted the application in January for
review; and
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty April 11,2011
WHEREAS, on March 22,2011, revised plans were submitted to the Planning Board;
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Town Code §240-56
Waivers of Certain Provisions, may waive certain elements of the subdivision review if
in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and
general welfare. After reviewing the information submitted for this application, the
Planning Board has determined that it is eligible for a waiver of the ERSAP, the Primary
and Secondary Conservation Area Plan, the public hearing, and the Sketch Plan and
Preliminary Plat steps of the subdivision process for the following reasons:
1. No new lots are being created;
2. The lots involved are either already developed or are being preserved as open
3. No changes will occur as a result of this lot line change that would affect the
character of the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board performed an uncoordinated review of this Unlisted
Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental
Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Lot Line Modification Policy set by the Planning Board in
February 2011, this application is eligible for decision from the Planning Board prior to
receiving approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) as it
meets the following criterion set forth in that policy:
The transfer of land from an oversized parcel (larger than the minimum zoning
requires) where the oversized parcel remains above the minimum lot size
required, and where no new development potential will be created in the parcel
to which the land is transferred; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposed action meets all the
necessary requirements of Town Code §240 for a Lot Line Modification; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, hereby makes a
determination of non-significance for the proposed lot line modification and grants a
Negative Declaration;
Donald Wilcenski: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Twenty-One April 11,2011
James Rich: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby waives the
requirements of §240 to submit the ERSAP, Primary and Secondary Conservation
Plans, the public hearing, Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat steps;
Kenneth Edwards: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
James Rich: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby waives the
requirement for SCDHS approval prior to Planning Board approval;
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
James Rich: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
grants Conditional Final Approval on the maps entitled "Manor Grove Corporation Lot
Line Modification" dated February 2, 2009, last revised December 13, 2010, and
prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III, Land Surveyor, subject to the following condition:
Submit draft deeds (prior to filing with Suffolk County) that contain the following:
a. reference to this Planning Board approval of the lot line modification, and
b. a schedule (or schedules) with legible illustrations of the lot line changes
made and that will be filed as a page (or pages) in the deed.
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Twenty-Two April 111 2011
Preliminary Determinations:
Highland House FI, LLC - This proposal is to subdivide a 4.56 acre parcel into 2 lots
where Lot 1 = 80,390 sq. ft. and Lot 2 = 118,289 sq. ff. in the R-80 Zoning District. The
property is located on the corner of Ocean View and Heathulie Avenues, Fishers Island.
Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 4.56 acre parcel into 2 lots where Lot 1 =
80,390 sq. ft. and Lot 2 = 118,289 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, the two proposed lots are both already developed with single family
residences, and both are already served with municipal water connections; and
WHEREAS, the requisite referrals to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, Fishers
Island Fire District, LWRP Coordinator, and Town Engineer were all made in the Sketch
Plan stage in 2010, comments were received and those comments were incorporated
into the plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board (see Sketch Approval resolution
for details); and
WHEREAS, on June 14, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Sketch
Approval; and
WHEREAS, on June 22, 2010, the Preliminary Plat Application was submitted and
found to be complete; and
WHEREAS, on August 10, 2010, a public hearing on the Preliminary Plat was held and
closed; and
WHEREAS, on December 6, 2010, the proposed action was reviewed under the
policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan and the LWRP
Coordinator recommended that it is consistent with the LWRP; and
WHEREAS, on December 14, 2010, the Sketch Approval expired; and
WHEREAS, the applicant submitted revised plans on February 24, 2011 with changes
requested by the Town Engineer pertaining to drainage; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2011, the applicant submitted a copy of the proposed
subdivision Preliminary Plan with the approval stamp of the Suffolk County Department
of Health dated December 3, 2010; and
WHEREAS, on March 25, 2011, the Town Engineer provided a second review of the
revised plan and approved the revisions; and
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Three April 11,2011
WHEREAS, on March 28,2011, the Planning Board reviewed the application at their
Work Session and determined that it has met the requirements for a Preliminary Plat
determination; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board performed an uncoordinated review of this Unlisted
Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental
Quality Review Act (SEQRA); be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the proposed action
under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and
has determined that the action is consistent;
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Kenneth Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby
extends Sketch Plan Approval from December 14, 2010 to April 11,2011;
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Kenneth Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, the Planning Board, pursuant to
SEQRA, hereby makes a determination of non-significance for the proposed lot line
modification and grants a Negative Declaration;
James Rich: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Four April 11,2011
Kenneth Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning
Board hereby grants Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled "Standard
Subdivision prepared for Highland House FI, LLC Preliminary Plan" prepared by
Richard H. Strouse, P.E. of CME Associates Engineering dated June 18, 2010 and last
revised February 4,2011.
William Cremers: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Conditional Preliminary Determinations:
Bayberry Estates - This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 50.0609-acre parcel
into 18 lots and 2 open space parcels where the lots range in size from 28,235 square
feet to 36,400 square feet with the open space parcels totaling 35.0227 acres,
excluding the wetlands, in the R-80 Zoning District. The property is located on the west
side of Laurel Avenue, approximately 150 feet south of Yennecott Drive in Southold.
SCTM#1000-55-6-35 & 36 and 56-1-1.
Donald Wilcenski: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 50.0609-acre parcel into 18
lots and 2 open space parcels where the lots range in size from 28,235 square feet to
36,400 square feet with the open space parcels totaling 35.0227 acres, excluding the
wetlands, in the R-80 Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, an application for Sketch Approval was submitted on March 17, 2006,
including the Yield Map showing 18 lots, prepared by Howard W. Young, L.S., dated
June 13, 2005, and the Existing Resources and Site Analysis Plan, prepared by
Howard W. Young, L.S., dated January 30, 2006; and
WHEREAS, on September 12, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board granted
Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map prepared by Howard W., Young, L.S., dated
April 5, 2006; and
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2006, the applicant submitted an application for
Preliminary Plat Approval; and
WHEREAS, on November 30, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board initiated
SEQRA coordination for this unlisted action; and
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Five April 11,2011
WHEREAS, the Southold Fire District, the Suffolk County Planning Commission and
the Suffolk County Water Authority had no objection to the Town of Southold being lead
agency for this unlisted action; and
WHEREAS, on December 20 2006, the Southold Fire District recommended that one
fire hydrant be placed on O'Malley Road near the first cul-de-sac of the proposed
above-referenced subdivision; and
WHEREAS, on April 8, 2008, the applicant submitted a completed Phase I
Archeological Investigation for the above-referenced subdivision; and
WHEREAS, on August 26, 2008, the applicant submitted a copy of a Letter of Water
Availability issued by the Suffolk County Water Authority for the above-referenced
subdivision; and
WHEREAS, on December 15, 2008, revised Preliminary Plats were submitted by the
applicant; and
WHEREAS, on January 26, 2009, the applicant submitted a copy of a Letter of Non-
Jurisdiction - Freshwater Wetlands issued by the New York State Depar[ment of
Environmental Conservation for the action; and
WHEREAS, on April 15, 2009, the applicant submitted revised Yield Maps for the
above-referenced proposed subdivision reflecting the freshwater wetland boundary as
delineated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in April
2008; and
WHEREAS, on December 9, 2009, the applicant submitted a letter from LIPA, dated
December 7, 2009, indicating that LIPA "has no objection to the proposed development
within LIPA's easement area"; and
WHEREAS, on March 16, 2010, the applicant again submitted revised Yield Maps for
the above-referenced proposed subdivision reflecting the LIPA Easement on site; and
WHEREAS, on April 26, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed and
accepted the revised Yield Maps for the above-referenced proposed subdivision; and
WHEREAS, on May 14, 2010, the applicant submitted revised ERSAP maps reflecting
better clarity and revised Preliminary Plats reflecting minor changes to the proposed
lots due to the changed Yield Maps reflecting the freshwater wetlands delineation of
April 2008 conducted by the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation and the LIPA Easement on the property site for the above-referenced
proposed subdivision; and
WHEREAS, on June 11,2010, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed and
accepted the revised ERSAP maps and Preliminary Plats; and
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Six April 111 2011
WHEREAS, on June 30, 2010, the applicant submitted revised Drainage Plans with
changes requested by the Southold Town Planning Board for the above-referenced
proposed subdivision reflecting the following:
1) a shallow recharge area
2) a change in "Open Space 'A'"
3) Lot 18 shifted further away from Laurel Avenue
4) Lots 10 and 11 shifted further away from the southwesterly property line; and
WHEREAS, on July 13, 2010, these revised Drainage Plans, along with the Preliminary
Plats, were submitted to the Southold Town Engineering Inspector for review and
comment; and
WHEREAS, on July 19, 2010, the Southold Town Engineering Inspector provided
comments to the Southold Town Planning Board for the above-referenced proposed
subdivision, revised Drainage Plans and Preliminary Plats; and
to the applicant
Southold Town
August 10, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board submitted a letter
requesting revisions to the Preliminary Plat submitted based upon the
Engineering Inspector's comments; and
WHEREAS, on August 30, 2010, revised Preliminary Plats were submitted by the
applicant; and
WHEREAS, on September 21, 2010, the revised Preliminary Plats were referred to the
Southold Town Engineering Inspector for review and comment; and
WHEREAS, on October 19, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday,
November 15, 2010 for the Preliminary Public Hearing for the above-referenced
proposed subdivision; and
WHEREAS, on November 15, 2010, the Preliminary Public Hearing for the above-
referenced proposed subdivision was held and closed on the Preliminary Subdivision
Plat entitled "Subdivision Map Bayberry Estates - Preliminary Plat", prepared by
Howard W. Young, L.S., dated October 31, 2006 and last revised on August 24, 2010;
WHEREAS, the applicant petitioned the Town Board to waive the affordable housing
buy-out and, on March 16, 2011, the Town Board denied the petition; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional
Preliminary Plat Approval upon the Preliminary Subdivision Plat entitled "Subdivision
Map Bayberry Estates - Preliminary Plat" prepared by Howard W. Young, L.S. dated
October 31, 2006 and last revised on August 24, 2010. This approval is conditioned
upon the successful submission and acceptance of the following items/conditions:
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Seven April 11,2011
The State Environmental Quality Review Full Environmental Assessment
Form, received March 17, 2006, is incorrect. Please revise and submit a
corrected State Environmental Quality Review Full Environmental
Assessment Form for the current action. Upon submittal, the Planning Board
will commence SEQRA review of the action and issue a determination.
Submit six copies of a complete Preliminary Road and Drainage Plan. This
information needs to be separate from the Preliminary Plat. The plan shall
(1) Road and Drainage Plans shall show all metes and bounds
descriptions indicating street and drainage areas as well as the size
and type of road systems pursuant to Chapter 161, Highway
Specifications, of the Code.
(2) Where indicated or required, Road and Drainage Plans shall include
but not be limited to the following:
Metes and bounds descriptions of all building lots
indicating lot areas, proposed building envelopes and
scenic buffer areas;
Utilities: indicate size and location of all below-grade
utilities, including proposed water mains, electrical conduit
and transformer pads;
Fire hydrants;
The limits of all tidal and freshwater wetlands within 100
feet of the proposed development;
Topographical contours at an interval that will accurately
depict the slope and contour of the site;
Road profiles and typical cross-sections;
Drainage calculations and design indicating all drainage
structures and piping;
Test hole and boring data;
All existing and proposed easements indicating width,
area and purpose;
Concrete survey monuments;
Street trees, including size, type and specifications for
Street signs, indicating type and location.
The Suffolk County Water Authority Letter of Water Availability is dated
October, 2005. Due to the age of the decision, the Planning Board is
requiring verification that the decision is still in effect.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Eight April 11,2011
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Setting of Final Hearings:
Conway, Joseph & Margaret - This proposed lot line change will transfer 3.3 acres
from a 34.2-acre parcel to an adjacent 1-acre parcel. SCTM#1000-54-7-21.1 will be
30.9 acres. SCTM#1000-54-7-21.2 will be 4.3 acres. The Town of Southold will
purchase the 30.9 acres for farmland preservation. The property is located on the west
side of Horton Lane at the intersection of Horton Lane & Old North Road, Southold.
William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following:
WHEREAS, an application for approval of a lot line modification was submitted on
August 24, 2010 by Joseph A. and Margaret Conway for the property located at the
west side of Horton Lane, at the intersection of Horton Lane & Old North Road,
Southold, SCTM#1000-54-7-21.1 & 21.2, in the A-C Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, this proposed lot line modification will transfer 3.3 acres from a 34.2 acre
parcel to an adjacent 1 acre parcel. SCTM#1000-54-7-21.1 will be 30.9 acres.
SCTM#1000-54-7-21.2 will be 4.3 acres. The Town of Southold will purchase the 30.9
acres for farmland preservation; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, May 9, 2011 at
6:00 p.m. for a public hearing at the Southold Town Hall regarding the maps dated as
last revised March 9, 2011, prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S. for the above-referenced
Kenneth Edwards: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Twenty-Nine April 11,2011
Setting of Preliminary Hearings:
James Creek Landing - This proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five lots
where Lot 1 = 40,686 sq. ft.; Lot 2 = 33,007 sq. ft.; Lot 3 = 44,986 sq. ft.; and Lot 4 =
43,520 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5 = 77,747 sq. ft. and is located in the B
Zoning District. The preserved open space is equal to 5.59 acres or 60% of the upland
area. The property is located on the west side of Main Road, approximately 280' south
of New Suffolk Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-122-3-1.4
Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five lots where Lot 1 =
40,686 sq. ft.; Lot 2 -- 33,007 sq. ft.; Lot 3 = 44,986 sq. ft.; and Lot 4 = 43,520 sq. ft. in
the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5 = 77,747 sq. ft. and is located in the B Zoning District.
The preserved open space is equal to 5.59 acres or 60% of the upland area; and
WHEREAS, on February 13, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board issued Sketch
Approval upon the map prepared by Nathaniel Taft Corwin, III, L.S., dated July 12,
2005; and
WHEREAS, on January 5, 2011, the applicant verbally requested the Southold Town
Planning Board to extend the Sketch Approval for 180 days to allow additional time to
address alternative access and negotiate acceptable design of the subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced request
at their March 23, 2011 Work Session; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby extends Sketch
Approval to June 13, 2011;
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Kenneth Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning
Board set Monday, May 9, 2011 at $:02 p.m. for a Preliminary Public Hearing
regarding the Preliminary Plat entitled "Standard Subdivision of James Creek Landing"
prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III, L.S. and dated as last revised March 25, 2011.
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty April 111 2011
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Sketch Determinations:
Manor Grove Corp. - This proposal is for an 80/60 conservation subdivision of a 29.8
acre parcel into 2 lots where Lot 1 = 0.72 acres (31,450 s.f.) is clustered in the LB
Zoning District and Lot 2 = 28.74 acres to be preserved as open space in the R-80 & LB
Zoning Districts. The property is located on the northeastern corner of Albertson Lane &
Main Road (S.R. 25) in Greenport. SCTM#1000-53-1-1.2 & 1.3
James Rich: Mr. Chairman, I make the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposal is for an 80/60 conservation subdivision of a 29.8 acre parcel
into 2 lots, where Lot 1 = 0.72 acres (31,450 s.f.) is clustered in the LB Zoning District
and Lot 2 -- 28.74 acres to be preserved as open space in the R-80 & LB Zoning
Districts; and
WHEREAS, a Sketch Plan Application was submitted on January 28, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the plans at their May 18,
2009 and January 19, 2010 Work Sessions and accepted the application in January for
review; and
WHEREAS, on March 22, 2011 and April 6, 2011, revised plans were submitted to the
Planning Board; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the revised plans at their April
11,2011 Work Session and found that this application was ready for Sketch Plan
determination; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Sketch Plan
Approval upon the map entitled "Manor Grove Corporation Conservation Subdivision"
dated February 2, 2009 and last revised April 4, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, III,
Land Surveyor.
William Cremers: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Page Thirty-One April 11,2011
Noone, Mar,claret - This proposal is for a standard 2-lot subdivision of a 21,000 s.f.
parcel where Lot I = 10,501 s.f. and Lot 2 = 10,500 s.f. in the R-40 & B Zoning Districts.
The property is located at 210 Sigsbee Road on the west side of Sigsbee Rd, 164'
south of Main Road in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-143-1-4.1
Donald Wilcenski: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposal is for a standard 2-lot subdivision of a 21,000 s.f. parcel
where Lot 1 -- 10,501 s.f. and Lot2 = 10,500 s.f. in the R-40 & B Zoning Districts; and
WHEREAS, the proposed lot sizes are below the minimum required in the zoning
district; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted an area variance on March 13, 2008
(reference ZBA #6107); and
WHEREAS, an application for Sketch Plan Approval was submitted on January 2,
2010; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the plans at their May 24,
2010 Work Session and accepted the application; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Town Code §240-56
Waivers of Certain Provisions, may waive certain elements of the subdivision review if
in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and
general welfare. This subdivision is not creating any new roads, is creating only one
additional lot, covers a small area (less than half an acre), and is not located near any
sensitive environmental features. These factors make the requirements to submit a
complete Existing Resource Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP), and a Primary and Secondary
Conservation Area Plan unnecessary. Instead, the applicant has been required to
submit a plan showing existing significant trees; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the application at their March
28,2011 Work Session and found that this application was ready for Sketch Plan
determination; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby waives the requirement to
submit an Existing Resource Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP), and the Primary and
Secondary Conservation Area Plan;
William Cremers: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Two April 11,2011
Donald Wilcenski: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning
Board hereby grants Sketch Plan Approval upon the map entitled "Minor Subdivision
Map Prepared for Margaret A. & Thomas E. Noone, Mattituck", dated March 27, 2009
and last revised December 1, 2010 prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin, Ill, Land Surveyor.
Kenneth Edwards: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Set Final Hearings:
Southwold Manor - This amended residential site plan is for the proposed construction
of an age-restricted (55+) condominium community of 27 dwelling units, consisting of
eight (8) residential multiple dwelling buildings, four buildings with a footprint of 7,573
s.f., and four with a footprint of 7,695 s.f. Each building contains three units ranging in
size from 2,700 s.f. to 2,958 s.f. The amended site plan also includes the conversion of
an existing single-family residence into three (3) affordable housing units, one at 891
s.f., and two at 1,121 s.f., a 370 s.f. detached garage, a two-story, 2,246 s.f. amenities
building and a swimming pool and deck area covering 2,887 s.f. on a 6.75-acre parcel
located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 829' east of Boisseau Avenue in
Southold. SCTM#1000-63-3-15
William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this amended residential site plan is for the proposed construction of an
age-restricted (55+) condominium community of 27 units, consisting of eight (8)
residential multiple dwelling buildings, four buildings with a footprint of 7,573 s.f., and
four with a footprint of 7,695 s.f. Each building contains three units ranging in size from
2,700 s.f. to 2,958 s.f. The amended site plan also includes the conversion of an
existing single family residence into three (3) affordable housing units, one at 891 s.f.,
and two at 1,121 s.f., a 370 s.f. detached garage, a two-story, 2,246 s.f. amenities
building and a swimming pool and deck area covering 2,887 s.f. on a 6.75 acre parcel;
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Three April 111 2011
WHEREAS, Albert & Rita Cohen are the owners of the property located on the north
side of Main Road, approximately 829' east of Boisseau Avenue, in Southold,
SCTM#1000-63-3-15; and
WHEREAS, on October 21, 2008, the agents, Alfred Amato & Chris Read, Amato &
Associates, P.C., representing the applicant, East End Resources LLC, submitted an
amended site plan application for approval; and
WHEREAS, the Appellate Division, Second Department, rendered a Decision and
Order dated February 22,2011, in the applicant's lawsuit pending in the Supreme Court
of Suffolk County, which Decision and Order re-instated the applicant's Third Cause of
Action seeking mandamus relief; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, May 9, 201'1 at 6:04
p.m. for a public hearing, pursuant to §280-137d, on the amended site plan prepared
and certified by Gregg J. Schiavone, PE, dated July 20, 2008.
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Martin Sidor: We need a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes of March 14,
Donald Wilcenski: So moved.
Kenneth Edwards: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Does anyone on the Planning Board wish to put anything
in the minutes? Hearing none, may I have a to adjourn?
Donald Wilcenski: So moved.
James Rich: Second.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Four April 11,2011
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ADJOURNED at
7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Randolph, Transcribing Secretary
"Martin H. 'Si~lor, '~'hair '
RECEIVED %~-'~- ~?
MAY 1 0 2011
Southdcl Town Clerk