HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/28/1997JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OCTOBER 28, 1997 4:30 P. M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of October 28, 1997. Approval of Minutes of October 14, 1997 Town Board Meeting. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of October 16, 1997. Next Town Board Meeting: Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Recognition of Serge Doyen, .Ir. Proclamations for School Board Recognition Week Commendation of James Ginas I. REPORTS 1. Personnel Leave Time - September 1997 2. Budget Report - September 1997 3. Southold Town Police Department - September 1997 Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 28, 1997 Page 2 PUBLIC NOTICES Department of the Army, NY District, Corps of Engineers Application of Neil Simon to install an "L"-shaped extension to an existing float and secure both floats to three 2-pile dolphins in Waterway Inlet Canal, Shelter Island Sound, Southold. Comments by October 31, 1997. Public Lands Law, Section 3, Subdivision 2, Notice of Petition of Robins Island Preservation Corporation for grant of easement to install a submarine cable between New Suffolk and Robins Island approximately five feet below the Great Peconic Bay, Southold Town. Comments by November I, 1997. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application of U.S. Department of Agriculture for air pollution control permits to operate Stationary Combustion Sources, involving operation of four boilers, at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Plum Island, Southold. Written comments by November 14, 1997. Department of the Army, NY District, Corps of Engineers Application of Kenneth and Ann Edwards to construct an addition to the seaward end of an existing fixed pier to increase mooring space in West Harbor, Long Island Sound, Fishers Island, Southold. Comments by November 12, 1997. Department of the Army, NY District, Corps of Engineers Application of John Robert Hellier to remove an existing ramp and float and construct a 16' extension to an existing fixed pier, install a hinged ramp and a float and relocate existing piles for the new float in West Harbor, Long Island Sound, Fishers Island, Southold. Comments by November 12, 1997. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter to Supervisor Cochran from Joanne Braxton, Suffolk Community College, re thank you for support. 2. Letter to Supervisor Cochran from Shirley Strum Kenny, Stony Brook University, re research highlights from 1996-1997. 3. Letter to Supervisor Cochran from Daniel Harris, Congregation Tifereth Israel, re thank you. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 28, 1997 Page 3 IV~ FOR DISCUSSION Please note: All "For Discussion" items are discussed during the 9:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Town Board Work Session. 1. Request of North Fork Retrofit to work with Southold Town. 2. Appointment of Youth Member to the CAC, appointment of three individuals to the Anti- Bias Task Force. 3. Freedom of Information Appeal. 4. Decision on bid to construct stairs at the end of Rocky Point Road. 5. Reappoint members to Goldsmith's InletffKenny's Beach Working Group. 6. Proposed Local Law to Review Business Uses. 7. Engage the services of Nelson, Pope & Voorhis to provide environmental review services with regard to proposed Local Law to Review Business Uses. 8. Replacement of Fishers Island Senior Coordinator. 9. Set time and place for Public Hearing on '% Local Law in Relation to Wireless Communication Facilities". I0. Bmshs Creek Bridge. 11. Suffolk County Depastmant of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles, Clerk Typist. 12. Installation of a street light on Sound Beach Drive, Mattimck. 13. Position of Town Comptroller. 14. Municipalization of Electric and Gas - per Councilwoman Hussie. 15. Appointments to Agricultural Advisory Committee, Conservation Advisory Committee, Police Advisory Committee and positions of Mini-van Driver, Senior Adult Day Care Aide, SNAP Weekend Cook, and on Board of Appeals. 16. Responsibility for Browns Hill Cemetery. 17. Request for traffic light at Oaklawn Avenue and Route 25, Southold. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 28, 1997 Page 4 IV. FOR DISCUSSION - Cont. 18. Police Department request re Radford University Internship Program. V.~. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At the start of the Town Board Meeting the Supervisor will invite the public to speak on the following resolutions. 1/Authorize and direct Supervisor Cochran to execute an Extension Agreement with the Suffolk County Office for the Aging for the CSE Day Care Program. 2./Grant permission to Raymond Cleaves Post 861, American Legion, to use certain Town Roads in Mattituck for a Veterans' Day Parade on November I 1, 1997. 3/Authorize and direct HI-IS Administrators to pay the medical bills for an individual, which bills were submitted by the provider more than 90 days after service. 4/Set 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 25, 1997, Sou~hold Town Hall, as time and place for a Public Heating to hear citizen views on local hous~g and community development needs to be met with the Community Development Block Grant Funds. 5 ~/Authorize and direct modifications to the Southold Town Housing Rehabilitation Program Guidelines, raising total amount for rehabilitation work to $20,000. 6g//Accept the bid of Cargill Salt Inc. for Bulk Salt for Snow and Ice Control for the Southold Town Highway Department. 7/Authorize and direct the Town Attorney to draw upon the Certificate of Deposit for the Thornton Smith Subdivision if Continuance Certificate is not received by Noon on November 11, 1997. 8. Grant permission to certain elected or appointed officials to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns in New York City on FebruaD' 15-18, 1998. 9~' Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the sale of eight used police vehicles. 10/Accept, with regret, the resignation of Claire Toy, Clerk Typist in the Building Department. / 11/Authorize the Superintendent of I-Iighways to make an order laying out Land~ End Road, to consist of lands described on subdivision map entitled "Map of Land's End at Orient". Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 28, 1997 Page 5 V_:. RESOLUTIONS - Cont. 12/Authorize the Superintendent of Highways to make an order laying out Great Pond Way, to consist of lands described on a survey of property for the Community Development Agency of the Town of Southold. 13 v~/Grant permission to the Southold P.T.A. to use Oaklawn Avenue for their annual Halloween Parade on October 31, 1997. 14v/ Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to readverfise for two members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee. 15/Grant permission to Cutchogue Fire Department to use Town roads for their annual Halloween Parade on October 31, 1997. 161//Sponsor Todd F. Bryant to attend the Suffolk County Police Academy part-time program. 17.t/'Modify the General Fund Whole Town 1997 Police Department budget. 18v'/Set 8:05 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, 1997, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a Public Hearing on A Local Law m Relataon to South Harbor Road. 19v~Grant permission to the Fishers Island Board of Commissioners to accept the bid and enter into a contract with Machnik Bros. for repairs to the "MUNNATAWKET Ramp" at the F.I. Ferry District New London Terminal. 20/Set 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 25, 1997, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a Public Hearing in the Matter of the Increase and Improvements of Facilitias of the Southold Solid Waste Management District, in the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, NY, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law. 21/ Authorize 1997 Budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town to appropriate donated funds for the Tree Committee. Close Building Department window fi.om 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., effective November 3 for a one-month trial. 23V/ Reappoint individuals to the Anti-Bias Task Force. 24/Appoint three new members to the Anti-Bias Task Force. 25/Grant the alternative veterans exemption allowable under State law applicable to the 1997 final assessment roll. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 28, 1997 Page 6 V_a. RESOLUTIONS - Cont. 26/Authorize Supe~isor Cochran to execute the Management Plan for the Marratooka Lake Preserve. 27/Reappoint the members of the Goldsmith Inlet/Kennys Beach Working Group. 28g/ Refer "A Local Law to Revise Business Uses" to Town and County Planning Departments for review and recommendations. 29/Engage Nelson, Pope & Voorhis to provide Environmental Review services on "A Local Law to Revise Business Uses". 30~/Readvertise for bids to construct stairs at the end of Rocky Point Road, East Marion. 3 l~/Set 8:00 p.m., November 12, 1997 for a Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Wireless Communication Facilities". 32v/ Authorize Supervisor Cochran to execute a $165,000 Agricultural & Farmland Implementation Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture & Markexs. 33v/Create the position of Town Comptroller and set the salary. 34t/~Appoint Alicia B. Matin as a Youth Member of the Conservation Advisory Council. 35/Request New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a traffic study at the intersection of Route 25 and Oaklawn Avenue, Southold. 36v/~gree to participate in the Radford University Criminal Justice Intern Program and accept Roman Wilinski as the Intern. 37i/ Resolution and Order afrer the Public Hearing on the Increase and Improvement of the Facilities for the Solid Waste Management District. 38~/ Bond Resolution for $200,000 for the increase and improvements of facilities of the Solid Waste Management District. 39v//Authorize the Town Clerk to publish the $200,000 Bond Resolution. 40/ Town Board adjourns in memory of Wilbur Lloyd Ray. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 28, 1997 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:00 p.m. - Hearing in the Matter of the Increase and Improvements of Facilities of the Southold Solid Waste Management District, in the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, NY, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law. Southold Town Board Work Session October 28, 1997, 9:00 A.M. TOWN BOARD APPOINTMENTS 9:00 a.m. - Ed Forrester re Building Department hours 9:30 a.m. - Scott Russell re New Veterans Exemption Law and Senior Deduction for Out-of- pocket Doctor and Prescription Expense~ 10:00 a.m. - Special Olympics per Councilman Moore 10:30 a.m. - Nature Conservancy re Marratooka Plan 11:00 a.m. - Jim Bunchuck re C&D (2:00 p.m. - Interview for Youth Member of CAC) EXECUTIVE SESSION Employment PBA Contract