HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-06/10/1997JEAN W. COCI-IRAN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THlg SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUNE I0, 1997 4:30 P. M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of June 10, 1997. Approval of Minutes of May 27, 1997 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 24, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENTATION - Southoid School Graffiti and Vandalism Competition Southold High School Junior Class, Winner I. REPORTS 1. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility - May 1997. 2. Office of Building Inspector - May 1997. 3. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - May 1997. 4. -Town Justice Court, Bruer - May 1997. 5. Lawrence Healthcare Claim Lag Study Analysis, Town - May 1997. 6. Lawrence Healthcare Claim Lag Study Analysis, PBA - May 1997. 7. Board of Town Trustees - May 1997. H.~. PUBLIC NOTICES None. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 10, 1997 Page 2 1. COMMUNICATIONS Letter to Supervisor Cochran from John Wagoner, Department of Energy, Brook.haven Group, re search for new contractor to manage and operate Brookhaven National Lab. Letter to Supervisor Cochran from Antonia Booth, Town Historian, re acquisition and preservation of Fort Corchaug. Letter to Supervasor Cochran Congressman Michael Forbes, re Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). Letter to Super,,isor Cochran from Governor George Pataki, re thank you for contribution to success of the study of Long Island Sound and Peconic Bay Historic Maritime Areas. Letter to Super~asor Cochran from Mary Dewey and Joan Sinning, ELI Auxiliary, re thank you for use of recreation building. Letter to Supervisor Cochran from Thomas Prendergast, LIRR, re Main Line Track Rehabilitation Program. IV~ FOR DISCUSSION Please note: All "For Discussion" items are discussed during the 9:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Town Board Work Session. 1. Sick Leave Bank. 2. Committee Structure of Planning and Zoning Committee. 3. Construction of municipal solid waste transfer station. 4. Reduction of speed limit, Route 48. 5. Grant allocation to COOL Program. 6. Request for financial support for Greenport Maritime Festival's fireworks display. 7. Permits for night fishing. 8. Set date to interview applicants for: Land Preservation Committee, Pm-time Clerk Typist. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 10, 1997 Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION - Cont. 9. Stenographer Certification of Eligibles List. 10. Lot Creation with Structures. 11. Fishers Island Harbor Management Plan. 12. Letter fi.om Congressman Forbes re Eastern L.I. Scenic Byway. 13. Employee Handbook. V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At the start of the Town Board Meeting the Supervisor will invite the public to speak on the following resolutions. 1 ~/~ Authorize and direct Supervisor Cochran to execute the Environmental Prote~on Fund Grant Agreement with the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for the Fort Corchaug Park Project. 2~/Appoint Evelyn Kouri and Katherine J. Turpin as an EISEP Aides. 3~Grant permission to Orient Community Activities, Inc. to use Town roads for a "Walk into Summer" on Saturday June 21, 1997. 4~//Set 8:~.b'~.m., Tuesday, .Iune 24, 1997, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a public hearing on the question of the acquisition of development fights of agricultural property of Aliperti (SCTM #1000-95-01-03) at a price of $6,000 per acres for approximately 31 acres. 5V/ Engage the services of Andrew D. Stype to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee. 6.//Engage the services of David Wimpelberg to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee. 7~//Authorize the increase of the Police Department Classroom Capital Budget. 8/Accept the proposal of Pirate's Cove Marine for work on channel markers in West Harbor and Hay Harbor, Fishers Island. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 10, 1997 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS - Cont. 9.d' Accept the bid of Trinity Transportation Corp. for hauling and disposing of solid waste; and authorize Supervisor Cochran to execute an agreement with Trinity Transportation Corp. 10/' Accept the bid of Trinity Transportation Corp. for hauling and disposing of construction and demolition debris; and authorize Supervisor Cochran to execute an agreemem with Trinity Transportation Corp. 1 k// Authorize and direct Supervisor Cochran to execute an Extension Agreement with the Suffolk County Office for the Aging for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (S~). 127/ Set 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 24, 1997 as time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Parking by Permit at Luther's Road, also known as 'Breakwater Road'". 13./` Set 8:02 p.m., Tuesday, June 24, 1997 as time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Parking at Luther's Road, also known as 'Breakwater Road'". 14~/ Set 8:05 p.m., Tuesday, June 24, 1997 as time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to a Stop Sign at Spring Lane". 15g" Set 8:07 p.m., Tuesday, June 24, 1997 as time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Parking Restrictions on Spring Lane". 16v/'Authorize the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners to engage the services of a pm-time Deckhand. 17/Accept the bid of Malvese Equipment Company for supplying the Highway Depanmem with one Ford Tractor Loader. 18/ Participate in the Comell Cooperative Extension Peconic Estuary Native Plants Project. 19v/ Commence the Lead Agency Coordination regarding SEQRA in the matter of the change of zone petition of Richard and William Mullen. 20/Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to transmit the petition of Richard and W'flliam Mullen for a change of zone to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations. 21/Amend resolution no. 24, adopted on May 27, 1997, reappointing Richard E. Ploth to the Board of Ethics by correcting the date of his tetra to: effective immediately through December 31, 2000. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 10, 1997 Page 5 V.~. RESOLUTIONS - Cont. 22/Set 8:10 p.m., Tuesday, June 24, 1997, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a public hearing re A Local Law in relation to Southern Boulevard. 23/Authorize modification to the General Fund Whole Town Budget to appropriate donated funds from Metropolitan Life for the Elder Forum. 2~ccept the resignation of Loraine Murphy, cook for the SNAP Program, effective June 12, 1997. 2~Appoint William Evans as Weekend SNAP Cook to work Saturdays; and Lori McIver as Weekend Snap Cook to work Sundays, effective June 22, 1997. 26~/~ Appointments of 1997 Summer Recreation Department personnel. 27V/Grant permission to Recreation Supervisor Kenneth Reeves to take a 16 hour CPR/First Aid Class on June 9, 10, 11 and 23, !997; $75.00 tuition as legal charge to Recreation Department. 28t~/ Grant the American Diabetes Association to use an area near the Visitors Information Center at the S. Wentworth Horton Park, Route 25, Greenport, as a rest stop for their Tour de Cure cycling event on June 29, 1997 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 29v/ Engage the services of Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to the petition of Richard F. Mullen III and W'flliam H. Mullen for a change of zone. 30v/ Grant temporary watchman trailer permit to Roy A. Schelin. 3 It/ Request the Suffolk County Department of Public Works to conduct a tragic survey on CR ~48 from Southold Town Beach to Sound Shore Motel for the purpose of reducing the speed limit. 32V/ Allocate $500 from the 1997 Grant Program to the North Fork Women's Resource Center for the COOL Program. 33v/'Authorize a settlement of the ~ Charters v. Town of Southold and The Southold Town Police Benevolent Association, Inc., subject to the execution of a collateral agreement with the PBA. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 10, 1997 Page 6 VI._.:. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. Southold Town Board Work Session June 10, 1997, 9:00 A.M. TOWN BOARD APPOINTMENTS 9:00 a.m. - Don Sayre, Southold Fire Depmhaent - re private mad clearing, house numbering 9:30 a.m. - Dick Hilary - re SOAR update 10:00 a.m. - Roy Schelin- re application for trailer permit 10:30 a.m. - James Bunchuck - Solid Waste; C & D 11:00 a.m. - Scott Russell, Dick Cron, Esq. - litigation (Executive Session) 11:30 a.m. - Francis Yakaboski, Esq. - litigation (Executive Session) EXECUTIVE SESSION Litigation Collective Bargaining Personnel History