HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12653 P 711SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Number of Pages: 3 Receipt ~her : 11-0028030 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 10-16304 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 040.01 01.00 EXAMINED AND CllARGED AS FOLLOWS $o. oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 Cert. Copies Transfer tax $15 00 $s oo $$ oo Ss oo 8o oo $0 oo TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 10-16304 NO Handling NO NY$ SRCHG NO EA-STATE NO Notation NO RPT NO Corm. Pres Fees Paid THIS PAG~ IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE Count-~ Clerk, Suffolk County 03/11/2011 10:08:37 AM D00012653 711 Lot: 044. 000 $20.00 $1s.oo $125.00 $o.oo $30.00 $o.oo $220.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Humber of pages ~ This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording~ RECORDED 2011 Mar 211 10:08,.~37 JLIDITH R. Pt:iSCALF CL£~ OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L D00012655 P 7~,! DT# Deed / Mortgage instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp I Recording / RIIng Stamps FEES Page /Filing Fee ~-i~' Handling ~. O0 TP-584 Notation EA-$2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State} Comm. of EcL 5. O0 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15, O0 Other Sub Total Sub Total Grand Total 4 Dist. IOOC 110049~40 o4ooz 0zoo 044000 lO'OO Real Property ~ Tax Service Agency Verification 15 Sati~:~tions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Frederick $. ?omasone, ~sq ~ 040 Hempstead ~umpLke Frank]in Sc~, NY ~1010 8 Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive, P~verhead, NY www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Mortgage Amt. t. 6asic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiL or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dua~ Town Dual C~ounty ,. Held for Appolntment~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family d weliing only. or NO .~see appropriate tax clause on of this in stru ment- 5 I'Eommunity Preservation Fund z Consideration Amount $ 'ff~ CPF Tax Due $ Impmved__ Vacant Land TD TD 7 [ Title Company Information 11901 Co. Name Suffolk County Recording Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached by: Frank C. Bmslin ]eann Breslin DEED (SPECIFYTYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In theTOWN of SOUT~OLD J'oann Br~lin In the VtLL~GE or HAMLET of GR~ENPORT 8OX5S ~ THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDiNG OR FILING. made (over) CONSULT ~OUR LAWYER BEFORE 81GNIflG THIS IlqgTRUM£NT--TNL~ iNSTRUMENT SHOULD BE UgEO BY LAWYER8 ONLY. NO ST/h~PS · No C~NSIDERATI~ THIS INDENTURE, made the 2 6 th day of /~iclu~t, m the year Two thousand nine (2009) BETWEEN FRANK C. BRESLIN AND $O3uNN BRESLI]q, R~SIDIblC AT44 CALEIt WAY, GKE]gNPORT~ NEW YORK 11944 pmk., of the fir~ pan, and JOANN BRESLIN, RESIDING AT 44 CALEB WAY, GRE~NPORT, NEW YORK 11944 ebrO- el part3' of tile second ..p~. WITNF.3SETH, that the partT~o~thg, first part, in considerattun of Ten Del .I. _a~i~..~o~ther~vaJ.~abte consklcratinn paid by th~ parW of. tim second pazl, does he~c~y gram ~ release unto ~lel]~ll'~/j'(]f ~he,~d'~pal'~ orsu~oi~d~i~'~fihepar~yef~dlesecondpanfor~r, ,~"~ ~" '~ ALL that ~r~ai~ plot, piece or p~rcel of la~d, with th~ buil~l[~gs'~il~ii~i~rb~t~ situa~ I¥in~ and being at Cr~er~or~ ~n ~ Town of So~hold County of Su~olk aad Sta~ of N~w York: being known and designal~d as Lot 44 on "Map of Moore. s land"~ fil~d in th~ Suffolk County Clerk's Off:mc on December 22, 1994 as filed No. 257, being known as Pheasant Run Estat~ Condominium ll, known and designated as Condominium Units 44. Each unit is together with aa undivided 5% interest in thc Common Elements. ALL that certain pint, piece or parcel of la~d with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate: lying and being at G-reenport, Town of $ou~old, County of Suffolk and Sta~¢ of New York, mor~ particularly bounded and described as follows: B EGINN IN G at a poim on the southerly line of Middle Road (CR48) said point being thc tcrcminus of a curve which connects thc sonthcdy line of Middle Road (CR48) with the enst~y line on Moore's Lane; RUNNING THENCE fiom said point and p~ace of beginning along the southerly li~ of Middle Read (CR48) North 65 degre~ 54 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 78.52 fee~ to aa angle point; THENCE north 69 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East still along the southerly line of Middle Road (CR48) a distance of 695.97 feet to a point; THENCE South 26 degrees 34 minu~s 20 secon~ West a distance of 435.59 feet to a point on a curve to the left having a radius of ! 85,00 feet; THENCE along said curve t~ Lke left a distance of 361.08 feet to a point; THENCE South 17 deg~es 1'~ minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 20~.00 feet to a point and the beginning ora eurv~ to the right; DISTRICT 10fi0, SECTION 040.01, BLOCK 01.00, LOT04a.flOll TOGETHER with all tigl~ title a~ inte~st, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any st:eels and roads ab~tting the above de~c~ffoed promises to the center lines the~eo~ TOGETHER with the apputtenance~ and all ihe estate and fights of the pa~y of thc first pa~ ia anti to said p~mises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pmmis~s he~in granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or ~uccesso~ and assigns of the party of the second pan forex~r. AND lhe pa~7 of'the first part covenants that the pa~y of ~e first part has net dorm or suffe~d at~ whe~by the said premiss haw: bees enca~ml~rod Ln any way whatever, exc~IR as afo~aaid. AND lh¢ pan'y, of the first patt~ in compliance wilh Section 13 of tim Lien Law, covenant~ that the party of the first part will receiw thc ¢o~ideratJor~ for this conveyance and will hold the right to txceive g~ch consideration as a trust fund In ~ applied first fo~ fha propose of paying ~o cost of the improvement and will apply ~c same first ~o ~e pa3~,em of thc cost of the improvement before using a~y part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "puny" shall he construed as if it read ~patties" whenever tt~ ser~e of thi~ imir, nture so reguires. IN WITNESS WgKREOF, the p~y of the tim pan has duly executed this deed thc d~] and y~ar fast abav¢ written. IN PRESENCE OF: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAI~N IN N~W YORK STATE I~t ~y hi~e[r ~s) on &e im~ t~ Ihe in,mount. VICTO~ MORAN NOTARY PUILIC.,TA; OF NEW YORK Stale of New York, County of , ss: On the day of ia th~ year before me, the undeesigned, n Not~, Public in and for said State, pemon~ily ~ppe~ged ~ubsefihi~ wltne~s to ll~ foresoin~ in.qmm~t~, wi~ wh~m I nm pep~mmlly ~cquainl.",d. who. bdnfl by me duly ~ ~d ~ ~d (if{~ F4~¢~ af t~ide.~ is in a gil~, ir~l~ ~ :u~t ma ~r~ nuval~ i£ ~mT. II, at hed$he-Rhey know(s) to be t~ individual d~$cfibefl in and who executed the foregoing inatramcnt; that said subsr, fibin~ witnea$ v~$ present and saw mid cxecul~ thc mmv, md thfit aid wime~a at ~ same time hia'her/thei~ nat~(s) ~a n wime~s the~ ACKNOWLEI)~EM~[~? TAKEN !~ lVEW YORK 5TATR vState of , Count'/of , ss: *(Or iaa=l Dislrkt of Columbia, Tetri~ry~ Possession or Foreig~ County) Onthe dayof in ~eyeor before me the andemgned per~n~ly appeared. pers~metly known to rede or ~oved m me on tire basis of satisfactory. evidenc~ to be the ~Aivktuel(s) whose nem~(s) is (tre) subscri~d thc witlfin ir~rammt and =eknowlc~ed to me execm~l the sarae in h.is/h~tthe~r cq~ity(ies), thet by hi~ther/their siglmmr~s) on thc instrument, thc ina;v£dml(s) or ~e peeaon upon behflf of which the individtafl($) acted, exeo~ted the iastcument, ami that such individual nmke sUCh ~4q~ear~te.e before the under~ign~ in (add thc city ~' l~lili;~l ~bOivi~ion ;md th~ elam place t.~ tteknowledgnment wes ~e~}. Bargain and Sale Deed with covenant against Grantors Acts Title No. DISTRIEILITED BY MacGregor Abstract Corporation SECTION ~10.01 BLOCK 01.60 LOT {kM.O0 COUNTY OF SUIq~LK RETURN BY MAIL TO: FREDERICK S. TOMASONE t040 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEWYORK 11010 PLEASE TYPE OF~ PRESS FIRMLY 1N~rEN 'VWqil'ING ~ FORM. INSTRUC'IIONS:. ~tt~p:/AvwW.ml)S. mta~.ny.u~ ty PHONE (51~ F~ ~ USE ~LY ~ ~ REAL PROPERTW' TRAN$FER REPORT STAI~. ~ N~Ar ~ RP - $2t7 I i t944 I BRESLXN [ JOANN ~ ~',, rl.'Idy Re~lerdc:,,I Cmnmendal 'J' L~ laddie; N~¥mcan~l. Jad ;il~r"~lltn~nt,~q~L~OnlOflt LLj FQIt~Ic 1IL Bulm' remhm;I I die:kmum nu~'~; --'~'P'll [] J $~,E INFORMATION J 11. k/m Cmm~m~ Omm Inn/ t ] It944 ~ &T"I~Y TO~4A~ONE I E'REDER'rCK S. 328-1188 NEW YORK STATE ..........