HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-09/26/1978SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 3:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of September 5, 1978 and of September 19, 1978 Special Meeting. 3. Date for next Meeting: October /O~ 1978 at 3:00 P.M. 4. Report of Town Trustees. 5. Reports of Committees. CORRESPONDENCE: ~. Request of the North Fork Bank & Trust Company to allow parking in restricted parking areas for designated bank personnel during flooding. Bingo License Amendment - Sacred Heart R.C. Church. Audio-visual equipment sale. Interested party: Greenport Public Schools. Proposal of Mascony Transport & Ferry Service to use RR site as ferry terminal. Fishers Island Ferry District relocation negotiations between AMTRAK & City of  New London. 1o Request'of Wunneweta Pond Association for Funds increase for dredging and request for extension of permit through 10/15/78. ~2. Request of Dewberry, Nealon & Davis, Technical Evaluation Contractor for Federal Insurance Administration for more topographical information for flood insurance appeal. ~3. Letter of Department of Public Works regarding West Lake Inlet dredging. ~4. Jelly Fish net proposal report. ~5. Request of A. Naekel for street lights on Delmar Drive, Mattituck. ~6. Request of Mr. Locker for street lights at Sunset Lane (Pole #4)~ Mattituck, and at the corner of Route 25 and Sunset Lane~ Mattituck. ~7. ADP increase of $.03 per pay in payroll processing. Effective 9/78. AUTHORIZATIONS: ~8. Request of Superintendent of Highways to advertise for bids for rock salt. ~. Request of Superintendent of Highways to advertise for bids for snow fence. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. Page 2 APPLICATIONS: ~0. Wetlands application #35 of Whitcom Investment Company. 321. Trailer Renewals: a) Florence Steiner, E/s Main Road (John's Road), Mattituck. b) Martin Sidor, S/s Oregon Road~ Mattituck. Oscar Goldin, S/s Linnett Street, Greenport. Isidore P. Krupski~ N/S Main Road, Peconic. DECISIONS: North Fork Bank & Trust Company Cable Franchise. Wetlands application of Meskouris. Local Law, Increase of Dog License Fees. Long Island Cablevision (CATV). OTHER: ~6. Change of zone application of Lawrence Kirk readyfor public hearing advertisement. ~7. Civil Service appointment of Babette C. Conroy. ~28. Extension for Robert W. Gillispie, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals~ retirement. ~9. National 4-H Week October 1-7, 1978. ~0. General Electric Company's L.I. Municipality Roadway-Lighting Seminar 10/24/78 at no charge for participation by municipality regarding roadway lighting reduction in costs, ~1. Development Plan. 2. Rift Valley Fever, Plum Island. Complaints of local citizens. .~PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3:30 P.M. Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for the 1979 Fiscal Year. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - Additions SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. Page 3 (Additions of 9/25/78) ~3. Mattituck Senior Citizens request to use balance of $113.00 for N.Y.C. trip. Excess amount needed for trip will be paid among Seniors personally. ~4. Report of Mrs. J. Tiedke re: Solar Energy Co~nission Meeting of 9/14/78. '~5. North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. recommendations Re: Dog License Fees. · Southold Fire Department request for permission to use part of Bayview Road, Lower Road, Ackley Pond Lane, Jockey Creek Drive for 1979 Annual parade. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - Additions SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. Page 4 -(Additions as of 9/26/78) (9:45 A.M.) 437. LILCO Hearings comments from Jean Tiedke. ~8. Resolution regarding Auditor's proposals (Elaine Kaldor).