HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-09/05/1978SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA SEPTEMBER 5~ 1978 3:00 P.M. 1. Call to order. 2. Approve Minutes of August 22, 1978. 3. Date for Next Meeting September,S, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. 4. Audit. 5. Report of Departments: Supervisor, To~m Clerk, Assessors, Building, Police, Judges, etc. 6. Report of Committees. 7. Presentation (Flag) by Jean Koke, Daughters of American Revolution. 8. H.U.D. Year II~ Funds approved. 9. Resolution for bidding (center). 10. Appointment/Dan Latham. 11. Acceptance of Bond "Country Club Es~a~es" $I90,000. ~. 12. Correspondence from Ron Ziel Re: R.R. Museum. Resolution. 13. Catholic Charities Re: Representative. 14. Two auditor proposals for E.D.A. Projects. 15. Bond Recommendation "Southold Gardens" subdivision. $27,000. 16. Correspondence from Kerron Barnes Re: Home Lmprovement Program. 17. Correspondence from Denis Hurley Re: Farm District. Meeting 9/5 at 8:00 P.M. 18. Dredging. Projects: (a) Cedar Beach, (b) Gull Pond, (c) Wickham's Creek~ (d) Hall's Creek. 19. Southold-Paconic Senior Citizens Club Incorporation. 20. Correspondence from American National Red Cross Re: Use of Buildings for disaster preparedness/purposes. 21. Correspondence from the Town of Brookhaven R : Conference on Undergroun Water Supply to be held 9/7 at 9:30 A.M. 22. Correspondence from Hotzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. Scavenger Wastes. 23. General Appraisal Company letter Re: Fixed Assets. 24. Correspondence from Jody Adams Re: CATV Meeting. (H2M Corp.) Re: Studies over 'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA continued September 5~ 1978 3:00 P.M. Page 2 25. Town of Southold Dog Control and Village of Greenport - Contract. 26. ANTIREC - Public Works Title 2f $15,400. 27. HIGHWAY Item 4. Salaries/Social Security $ 28. Proposed Indian Neck Lane Land Acquisition Re: Drainage. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3330 P.M. Application of James Meskouris for a Permit under the Provisions of the $outhold Tow~ Wetlands Ordinance. 3~45 P.M. Application of North Pork Bank & Trust Company for an Aerial Co~uni- cations Cable Franchise. 4:00 P.M. Proposed new Local Law entitled, "A Local Law Providing for the Increase of Dog License Fees in the Town of $outhoid." SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - Additions September 5, 1978 3:00 P.M. 29. 30. 31. Transfer Re: Fishers Island Ferry District 'From Operation Ferry to Insurance $5,500.00 From Operation Ferry to Repairs Docks & Buildings $3,000.00. Transfers From Contingent 1990.4 $3,377,58 as follows: (a) To Disposal Area, A8160.4 $1,877.58 (b) To Shellfish, A7530.4 $1,500.00. (Note: Disposal area has used all monies budgeted for the year. Transfers needed each ~ime, or lump sum transfer into account.) Request of Southold Senior Citizens for three, possibly four buses to Bear Mountain October 18, 1978. Estimate for three buses $1,052.00 & is covered under budget. If fourth is needed, kudget will allow. $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - Additions September 5, 1978 3:00 P.M. 32. 33. Re: Fishers Island Ferry District, appointment of f,a~r~=~=Doyen as Chaizman of the Board of Commissioners pursuant to the September Board of commissioners Meetzn=. 1978 Letter from Department of Environmental Control Re: Special Meeting of the Suffolk County Solar Energy Co~ission for Thursday~ September 7, 1978 at 9:30 a.m. (Representative). 34. Application for Location of Single Automobile Trailer outside of Tourist Camp of Carl Frelix, Jr. 35. Correspondence from The Steam Locomotive Fund Committee Re: Resolution Supporting Museum, etc.