HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/09/1978SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA May 9, 1978 3;00 p.m. Call to Order. Approval of Minutes of April 25, 1978. Date for Next Meeting -- May 23, 1978 at 3:00 p.m., Town Hall. 4. Audit. Report of Committees -- Street Light Comm. -- Police Co~m. Sea Grant Meeting. Report of Departments -- Supervtsor's Report~ Town Clerk's Report, Building Depart- ment's Report, Assessor's Department Report, Police Department, Trustees, Planning Board, Appeals Board, Judges, Dog Warden. CAST's Operating Budget. Communications: DispOsal of Dogs fees ($15.00 all dogs e~cept $20.00 large dogs). Briar Cliff Landscape, Inc. Re= Extra La~n Work H~.Do from Margaret Myerson Re= Recreation Center Holzmacher & Ors Re: Solid Waste Possible Study Southold Griswold-Terry-~l.~ver Post Re: Declaration Day Complaint of Roger K. Williams, East Mar]on ~e= Dumping Senior Action Mobile Office - May 18, 1978 $outhold Town ]{all Celia Swing Re~ Navigational Hazard at Co~klin~s Point ~W~James Bitses Re= Walt Whitman Society, Inc. North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Re= Securities ~Frank A. DeSantis~ Esq. Re= Pollee Commendation, Police Officers Charters &Refter · Timothy Kelly & Ruth Kelly Re= Law Suit NoY.S. Environmental Conservation Re= Sea Breeze Village 8. Requests~ Greenport Fire Department Re~ Memorial Statue. Laurel Country Estates Re: Street Lights. Bernie Walsh,Fishers Island Re~ Zoning. ~--Proclnmation -- Salvation Army, 5/15-21/78~ Mattituck Senior Citizens Re~ Busses: October 16 & 17 Lancaster, PA, 1 bus $663.00 August 15 Pomono, NY, 2 busses $280.00/$266.00 Fishers Island Ferry District Approving $19,083.91 bid, Fishers Island Ferry District possible $4,043.00 Coast Guard Additions. Department of the Army Permit Requests Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. -- ob%ectlons by 5/27/78 Re: Maintenance Dredging within ferry sllp. Changes of Entrance and ~xit to Parking Lot across from Southold Post Office · S.A.M. Organization has been contacted. Decision on Wetlands Application #33 (Rosenberg by S.S. Corwin, Esq.) Zone Changes-Decisions: Aliano-Krupski, A-R to M-1. North Fork Manor, A-R to B-Light-Business. Orient Historic District. $.0UTHQLD TOWN B D AGENDA May 9, 1978 Page 2 10. Applications: Scenic & Conservation Easement to(Diana Day Lathan &)Roy Latham, Hearing. Sealed bids for Tennis Courts at Fishers Island Town Beach Concession - Bid Opening 5/12/78 at 3:00 p.m. Clams for Transplant - Bid Opening 5/19/78 at 3:00 p.m.~~ 11. Appointments: ~ ~/~ z One. Senior Building Inspector _,~9~c2~, ~, $14,0~0-$14,500~//~ Building Inspector - $10,000 _ ~One Steno, Linde Kowalski, $6,500 annually~//~'~f~'- ~"~/ ' One Exempt Secretary for Supervisor, Babbette Conroy, $6,500 annually. 12. 13. 14. ~15. 16. 17. 18. ~'19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Town Code Addition: New "Chapter 44 - State Quality Environmental Review." Letter .from Mattituck Chamber of Commerce Re: Sale Day, Love~,L~ne. Closing.~/~C~J D.E.C. Re: Fishers Island, Dock, Ramp and Float. Long Island Railroad Re: Closing -- Sound Avenue 6/7 & 8; Wickham Road 6/8. Department of Army Re: Harbor's Light Association, Malntenan~e Dredging. N.Y.So Dept. of Civil Service Re: John Wickham. ~/~'~~f~/~?~- Dry Cleaning -- Police Uniforms (bids)l~-~fl Sale of Town Clerk's Building. Still have $500.00 check of Mrs. DiMaggio. Bingo Application -- Sacred Heart R.C. Church Corps of Engineers notices: Stanley S. Corwin; Robert W. Martens.