HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-03/13/1979 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1979 3:00 P.M. ~. Call to Order. ~ Approval of Minutes of February 22, 1979 Meeting. x~ Date for Next Meeting: March~/-~ at 3;00 P.M. ~ Audit. epDepartment Reports (Supervisor, Town Clerk, Bu.ildi.ng Department Highway artment, Police Department~ Dog Warden, Ferry Dmstrlct, Assessors, Bay Constable, Judges, Trustees) Bids Received: Police Cars /~ Two Outboard Motors installed with two trade-inst. X~/Police Boat "Blue Belle'.' ~/C~EA Memorandum of kgreement,~'~r~}~ ~ Pebble Beach Realty~ Inc. Re: Bond Release ~-- ,Patrolmen John Droskoski / -~W _ , ~-.. Association of Towns Questionnaire Re: Costs of Government Increases ..Town Board invited to Boat Show, Port of Egypt March 17th. Ribbon Ceremony. ~eq~ests for recreation funds. Natlorml Red Cross Re: Health Fazr. .~_._. ~://-' ~"'~ f~/~ , Letter from Planning Board for invitation of Mr. w~izmam C& LaRow ~o meet the Town Board Re: Sanitation Projects. ~. ~J~Yz~.~z~ -- "~'/Letter from Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell Re: Meeting at NYC March 19, 1979.  Letter from Nutrition Program Re: 5th Anniversary. Request Town Board's sence March 21~ 1979 at 12:00 Noon. o~r ~New York State DEC Letters (3) advising of Steve ~it, acc~hio~e a, pplication onstruction of buildings, (Impact Statement). State Department of Transportation Re: Laurel Road Project. One way road. Page 2 Southold Town Board Agenda Tuesday, March 13, 1979 ~/.' Resignation of appointment to Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council of John F. Mulhall. Resignation of Lois A. Mellas, Dog Warden, 3/31/79. Health Reasons. ~ Letter Re. Flooding Problems Wi' Cleaves Point, Ea%t Marion~ r ' Letter Re: Flooding Proglems Peter R. Stoutenburgh, Southold. ~ Letter from Suffolk County Department of Public Works Re= Reconstructing bulkhead at Cedar Beach. ~... Notice of Suits: ' .~oh.~ S. Loc~n & wife Re.' ~.rosion, Goldsmith ~nlet aree. . ~ Brian Robins, Cutchogue / Installation of Irrigation Pump,.. Department of the Army Applications: ~ others possibly. "N~.~etter from A1 Mould, O~ient Re: Historic Preservation. Letter from Jean Tiedke Re~ LILCO Hearlngs.c- oun~ Department of Health Services SPDES Permit /5~/Appolntments - Radio Operators. John Rayn~c. @a~ry Charters. S8,000.00. 3/16/79. ~*" ,~Kn Bingo License Application of Marian Councx ights of Columbus. .. arki. ng. Lease~ Resol. utio~. Re~ Fieldea~of. Southold~se~x/~z~T~°~ a. ttltuck Sen~or Citizens Club request permxsslon fpr_ bus trips~ ' ~a~ April 18, 1979 - 2 busses, $255,00.& ~ August 14, 1979- 1 bus. $316.0 ~~... Seniors Club of Southold-Peconic request permission for bus trip 4/4/79 $248.00. Page 3 Southold Town Board'A~enda Tuesday, March 13, 1979 Letter from Jerry S. Walker, D.V.M.~Re~' ~aywa~rs. Cove, Nassau Point. ~State DEC Re: March 22, 1979 discussion ~bout solid, waste'management regional solutions. /~/~-- - '4~b'~-' ~J~z~/~/~'~ ' ~ NYS Commission on Cable Television Re: CATV standards. ~.x~TScheyer, Jellen~k & Attoni~o, EsqsJ Re: Nokomis Road violation of Town Code. ~E~ Lon.g Island R. eglonal Planning Board Re: Small Cities Grants. Application filmng deadlxne 3/19/79. ~ ~ ~ Page 4 - Additions Southold Town Board Agenda Tuesday, March 13, 1979 ~Resolution to authorize the Superintendent of Highways to advertises .~./for bids for drainage pipes with banks ~for bids for drainage rings and domes ~for bids for one tractor mower .~ for bids for one dump truck cab & chassis ~/for bids for diesel fuel . of the Public Notices: Department Arrm~ ~ ek Co~nents due ~ %~m~ Dorothy Staples to dredge at Sterling Cre . 4/7/79. ~Salvatore Prato--to~u~ea~d, dredge, fill, etc. at Fordham Canal, Greenport. Comments due 4/7/79.  Fishers Island Electric Corporation increase in street-lighting rates. National Red Cross Re: Proclamation for March Drive. Wetlands Permit application of WoS. Gardner, Wunnewetta Pond. ~. Resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to adver~lse date for public _ / ' hearing Re: Raymond W, Pluschau Wetlands Application #36. ~,Robert J.~nnegan & Associates Re: Implementation of NYS Real Property Tax Information-- System/Reassessment Program. ~ Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners Resolution to seek bids for M/V Munnatawket haul-out~  ,Department of State letter Re: New Yorkls eligibility for Federal Funds Res Coastal Energy Impact Program. Deadline 4/16/79,  etter from Horwitz & Tamborra, Esqs. Re: Miller Industries v, Ed Billiag- on Improvement Corp, (Fishe~ I~land ~ installation of fence)~'W-~+z~Y' ounty Clerk announcement ~e: T~x Apportionments. utchogue Fire District Re. Low Band Police Car Radios. . _ Approval of Minutes ~f Public Hear}~n~s. ~ '