HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-08/12/1980WILLIAM R. PELL Itl SUPERVISOR OFF'ICE: ~RVISOR TO~LD MAIN ROAD $OUTHOLD, L.L, N.Y. 1].971 AGENDA 80UTHOLD TOWN BOARD AUGUST 12, 1980 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes of the July 22, 1980 Meeting. Approval of the August 12, 1980 Audit. Date of Next Meeting: August 20, 1980 on Fishers Island, August 26, 1980 @ 3:00 p.m. REPORTS: 1. Mattituck Inlet Advisory Cormmittee - Mattes - Meeting on July 10,1980. 2. Emergency Medical Services Committee - Meeting on June 25, 1980. 3. Long Island Cablevision Monthly Report - June, 1980. 4. Parks and Beach Committee - Nickles. 5. Town Justice Report - Tedeschi - July, 1980. 6. Town Clerk's Report - Terry - July, 1980. 7. Board of Assessors Report - Kelsey - July, 1980. 8. Bay Constable Activity Report - Czelatka - July, 1980. 9. Bay Constable Activity Report - Januick - July, 1980. 10. Supervisor's Budget Report - July, 1980. 11. Highway Fund - July, 1980. 12. Fishers Island Ferry District Report - July, 1980. 13. Department of Environmental Conservation Meeting - Dean. 14. Disposal Area Committee - Murdock. 15. Building Inspector's Report - July, 1980. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 12, 1980. PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICE: N.Y.S Department of Environmental Conservation Re~ Notice of Complete Application for non-minor projects. Application by L.I. Oyster Farms Inc& for a 10 year permit to maintenance dredge in Greenport Harbor. Written comments by August 20th, 1980. Department of the Army, N.Y. District Corps of Engineers Re~ Application of William Pollert for pier, ramp, float at Jockey Creek, Southold. Written comments until August 29, 1980. 3. Suffolk County, Department of Transportation Re~ New Feeder bus service beginning in the Town of Southold on Monday, August 11, 1980. III. CO UHICATIO §: 1. Joan A. Dinizio Re: re-building of the "67 Steps" and adding police patrol for the area. 2. Suffolk County, Real Property Tax Service Agency Re: "over 65" Exemption new income limits - $9,200. 3. NoY.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Town of Southold Landfill · Inspection on July 10, 1980. Supervisor. Kenneth C. Butterfield, Town of Huntington Re~ Members of the County Legislature meet to consider the adoption of a resolution to place the question of the abolition of the County Legislature on for referendum in November, 1980. a) Supervisor Martin Lang, Town of Southampton Res Same b) Supervisor Patrick R. Vecchio, Town of SmithtownRe: Same. NoYS. Department of Environmental Conservation Res Division of Marine Resources Shellfish, ties Unit will be conducting a shellfish population surVey in some waters bordering the Town of Southold during late July and August of 1980. 6. Suffolk County, Department of Emergency Preparedness Re: Hurricane Briefing. 7. Department of Transportation, S. Glass Re= Fishers Island Ferry District Engineering Certification of Construction Contract. 8. Otto Schulze Re: Neighboring dogs creating a nuisance. 9. N.YoS. Archaeological Association, Southold Re~ request that additional funds be added for them in the 1981 Budget. 10. Jeanne L. Duffy Re~ Possible Zoning Ordinance Violations. 11. Petition against the disturbance caused by barking dogs from a kennel operated by Barbara Haines &Margaret Evans. Petition contains 12 signatures. 12. Suffolk County, Department of Public Works Re= Status of the study on the erosion east of the Goldsmith's Inlet. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 12~ i980, PAGE 3 III. ~.OMMUNICATIONS (CONT'D): 13. Town of East Hampton, Councilwoman Mary Ella Richard Re: PSC Hearing on Long Island lighting Co. Ts request for a rate increase. 14. Suffolk County, Department of Health Services Re: Federal Grant award to expand home health services for Eastern Suffolk. 15. Legislator Gregory J. BlaSs Re: Ways & Means Committee, System of reporting of certain rediation-related diseases, charge-back system, elimination of the County Legislature, and the proposed Department of Economic Development in Riverhead. 16. Mechthild Burkhardt Re: Noise Complaint. 17. Alice Amrhein, Special Assistant to the County ExecutiVe Re: Technical Assistance needs of Southold Town. 18. Raymar Enterprises, Inc. Re: Town Beach Concession. 19. Southold Town Fire Officers Association Re: expression of appreciation and thanks to Supervisor Pell and the Town Board for their adoption of the Southold Town Fire Code, 20. Alfred C. Hedge Re: Protesting the Garbage Wagon parking in front of his home at Fishers Island. IV. HEARINGS & DECISIONS: ~. Pending Decison on a Local Law to amend Chapter 92 of the Code of the Town of Southold in relation to traffic regulations. Public Hearing held on July 22, 1980. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 12,1980 PAGE 4 Ve RESOLUTIONS: Salary increas~for Police Officer Alfred Falkowski Southold Town Board as lead agency determines no significant effect on the environment in the application of John J. Miesner for a change of zone from "A" Residential & Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District, Cox"s Lane, Cutchogue. Southold Town Board as lead agency determines no significant effect on the environment in the application of Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. to construct a walkway across the wetlands on his property, East Marion. ~). Set a Public Hearing @ 3545 p.m. on August 26th, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall on the wetlands application of Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. to con- struct a walkway across the wetlands on his property, East Marion. Renewal of trailer permit of John C, Tuthill, Mattituck - 6 months. Accept dedication of Grange Road Extension, Southold. Southold Town Planning Board Re: Southold Town Board classify the property of Thornton Smith, located at Mattituck, as being developed in the cluster concept. ~7. Southold-Peconic Seniors Club Re5 Request for approval of funding for one bus @ $78.75. Trip to Mystic Seaport on September 18, 1980. ~. Fishers Island Ferry District transfer of funds: from NYS Retirement $17.69 to Bonded Indebtedness(Ferry) $17.69. ~. Southold Town Board adopt Records Retention & Disposition Schedule No.19-TC-1, containingmlnimum retention periods. ~. Renewal of trailer application by Florence Steiner, Main Rd. Mattituck - 6 months. Transfer of funds( to meet contract agreements with the North Fork Animal League for 1980)5 from General Fund Whole Town A3510.1 $7,567.98; A3510.2 $500.00; A1990.4 $3,700.25 To A3510.4 $11,768.23. Congressman William Carney Re5 HR5981, a bill to establish Barrier Islands National Parks. Ladies Auxiliary, Greenport Fire Department requests permission to have a picnic on August 14, 1980 @ 6500 p.m. at Gull Pond, Greenport. Trailer Application by James P. Lessard, Westphalia Road, Mattituck - 6 months. ~. Southold Town Board accepts, with regret,the resignation of Terry B. Tuthill as a member of the Southold Town Board of Appeals, effective Sept. 15~1980. ~6. Greenport Women's Softball League, ~0 for recreation program. 7. Eastern Long Island Hospital Mental Health Ward. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 12,1980 PAGE 5 We RESOLUTIONS (CONT'D): ~. Greenport Women's Softball League, request for recreation funds. ~9. Transfer funds= from General Fund Whole Town from A1910.4 to Programs for the Aging A6772 in the amount of $221.92. ~0. Set a Public Hearing @ 3:50 pom. on August 26, 1980 at the Southold Town Hall on a "Local Law to Provide for the Removal or Repair of Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed Structures" J R~quest by Magdaline Goodrich to attend the NYS Municipal Historians Associa- tion. Meeting on September 17-21, 1980. 'F~ . /~.~Rural NY Farmworkers Oppo~tunmties~ Inc. Re: Use of proper~y between Zack / ' Street and the Town Dump mn Cutchogue for recreational actmvitles for migrant & seasonal farm workers. Fire Officers Assoc~aulon Re: Request for funds to defray the cost of their meeting with the Fishers Island Fire District. Transfer Funds in General Fund: from Contingent B1990.4 to Workmen's Compensation B9040.8 in the sum of $190.75. Southold Town Board authorizes an issuance of a $15,000 serial bond of the Town to pay a portion of the acquisition cost of Real Property in Laurel, by the Mattituck Park District. Authorization to advertise for bids for the following= One Dodge 3/4 ton pickup - (or equal) with trade in of one 1975 Dodge pickup~ for the Southold Town Highway Department.' Renewal of Trailer permit by Martin Sidor, Oregon Rd., Mattituck - 6 months. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 12, 1980 PAGE 6 WORK SESSION AGENDA Discussion on the opening of the Senior/Youth Recreation Center on August 27, 1980. 2{00 2:15 2:30 2:45 Ma~a Tejo, Gladys,Csajko Julius Kinczell Gail Wickham Stephen Guido North Fork An~nal League. Noise complaint, New Suffolk. Mattituck Park District serial bond Hamilton Stone~ Inc.