HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-01/22/1980 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JANUARY 22,1980 Call to Order. Approval of Minutes of January 8, 1980 meeting. Date of Next Meeting: February 5, 1980 I. REPORTS: l~Leases, Agreements, Contracts in effect. 2~Southold Town Board of Appeals Status Report as of 1/16/80. ~ Chairman, Planning Board Status Report as of 12/31/80. Southold Town 4a.Mimutes of Town Trustees special meeting on 12/18/80. b. Minutes of Town Trustees meeting on 1/2/80.  R.G. Holzmacher, P.E. report on ongoing and future engineering services performed by HMiM with the Town of Southold. 6. Justice Rich- 1979 Annual. 7. Dog Warden-December. 8?Supervisor Pell-East End Supervisors Meeting on 1/10/80. 9.¥Supervlsor Pell-Fishers Island Ferry Committee on 1/13/80. -Fishers Island Civic Association on 1/13/80. 10. Councilman Murdock- Youth Committee. ll.~Councilman Nickles- Beach & Parks Committee. 12. Councilman Drum- Inland Waterways Committee. G Supervisor Pell- 1979 Annual Financial Report. 14. Street Signs. 15. Deputy Supervisor Johnson - Presbyterian Church, Greenport Meeting on 1/13/80 16. Suffolk County Council on Environmental Quality--1979 Annual. 17. Fishers Island Fire District- Annual Report 1979.  Board Town Trustees- Annual Report 1979 of Page 2 - AGENDA- JANUARY 22, 1980 II. ~UBLIC NOTICES: 1.~Construction of catwalk - Arthur & Mildred David. 2. Constructmon of catwalk - George W. Bornschein. ~Completion of Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Henry Elfers, etal. ~Complete Application for non-minor projects - Henry Elfers, etal. ~5.~Complete Application- N.Y.S. Dept. of Transportation Re: Dam Pond Causeway. 6.~Mineola Hearing on Property Tax Classification. 7./Complete Application- Emanuel Kontokosta Re: Construction of 28 unit apts. and 21 unit motel complex with coffee shop 8J U.S. Am~y Engineer Re: Bronx River dredging project. Suffolk Fee Schedule. County III. COMMUNICATIONS: 't'~ H2M Corporation Re: Scavenger Waste Study, double payment of $457.89 ~ Group for Americats South Fork, Inc. Re: Meeting on 1/23/80 ~ Cutchogue Fire District Rex Flooding problem in the Cutchogue Fire District. 4.~Evelyn S. Gordon Re: Appointment of Councilman. ~ Henry B. Lytle Re: 1980 Fishers Island Trip. 6.$aLong Island Cablevision Corp. Re: Monthly Complaint Reports. ~Long Island Cablevision Corp. Re:N.Y.S. order approving ammendment 7. Highway Dept. Re: James D. Roache letter on Street Light request. 8.JC.S.E.A., I~¢in Scharfeld Re: re-open current contract to discuss a salary adjustment for 1980. ~Zina Chugin Re:Neighbors six foot fence. 10. william McGonegal Re: Use of the Senior Citizen Van. Page 3-AGENDA-January 22, 1980 ll.~arbara Albertson Re: Financial support for the Marine Education Program  2.~Bi01ogical Water Purification, Inc. Re: Experimental Sewage Treatment Installation, Greenport. 13./County of Suffolk, Department of Planning Re: InformatiOn Bulletin No. 8-Rules6-Regulations of Certain Municipal Zoning Actions ...... 14./Pan Tech Management Corp. Re: Wind Resource Monitoring  Suffolk.County Community College Re: East End Exposition f~. l~~f~M~v Oysterponds Unlon Free School District Re: $10,000 Grant . ~v ~ Peter J.J. Troyano Re. Burglar A}arm. System 18.~David Kapell Re: $50,000 Weather~zat~on Grant. ~ 19~County of Suffolk Department ~f Real Estate Re: Suffolk County Farmland Acquisition of Wickham's Fruit Farm 20.JNorth Shore Baymen~s Association Re: ~ha~glng a bill to allow removal of clams by any type of mechanical means. ~Soroptimist International Women Women Award Re: Helping 22.[ N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Rel Federal Funding for Shellfish Management. 23.~County of Suffolk Office of the Aging Re: Activities for May 24JCounty of Suffolk Office of the Aging Re: Inter-Agency Council 25.JCounty of Suffolk Office of the Aging Re: Formula Grant Program _~McMann-Price Agency.Rel Town Hall Fire Insurance ~Robert W. Tasker Re. Bois~eau Ave. Sump Drainage  '28~United States Department of the Interior Re: Long Beach, Orient State Park as a Natural Landmark. Page 4-AGENDA-J~nuary 22, 1980 IV. HEARINGS & DECISIONS: ~ · . ~1. & Mrs.,Arthur David Re: Wetland application Declslon Koehler a/c Mr. on hearing held on 1/8/80. Ve RESOLUTIONS: 1.JSet hearing date Re: Local law to establish flood plain management standards in flood hazards of the Town of Southoldo ~l¢~/~. ~ .~ ~2o~Approve bond of Marie Bauer Johnson, Deputy Supervisor, Custodian of Fishers Island Ferry District Funds-S15,000 Bond No. 73S-16366 BCA. ~ 3.JApprove bond of Marie Bauer Johnson, Deputy Supervisor, Town of Southold- $200,000. Bond No. 73S-16367 BCA. 4.JAward fuel oil hid - Burt's Reliable. ~5.JAppointa member to the Licensing Review Board/-~7~/~ ~6/End of reconciliation transfer needed: year General Fund Part Town for B9030.8 social security $ 7035.74 B9060.8 hospitalization 45.88 $ 7081.62 from B4020.2 registrar $ 500.00 B9010.8 NYS retire, cont. 165.56 B9015.8 P&F " " 1.00 B9040.8 workmens comp. 6161.58 $ 7081.62 7./Amend 1979 Budget - budgetary accounts: increase fund balance from $130,000.00 to $141,026.00 decrease est. revenues from$938,712.00 to $927,686.00 ~ 8.~Amend 1980 Budget to include: A8745.4 Flood & Erosion Control $4000.00 (Brushes Creek) Transfer of funds to cover amendment From: A8160.4- dis. area, contr, exp. $ 4,000.00 To: A8745.4- Flood & Erosion $ 4,000.00 Approval to $2,915.00 in 1980 for new furnace, Highway Dept., pay approved Agenda 915 meeting of 12/18/79; work was not completed in 1979. Page 5 - AGENDA - January 22, 1980 Authorize the Co~missioners of the Fishers Island Fe. rry District to have the ramp at the New London Ferry Terminal repaired at a cost not to exceed $ ~,950.00 .~ Division of Youth Grant - sign agreement. Bid documents for sale of Scrap Metal and Paper. Suffolk County Department of Labor - Memorandum of Understanding. Jamesport Resolution to five man board. ~' · ~Application for extra gas~ join with the five East End Towns. i roclama.tion - The week including February 23~ 1980 as Rotary nternatlonal Week. theSeni°r1979CltiZencontract.Nutrition Program - Three (3) month extension of