HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/05/1981WILLIAM R. PELL III SUPERVISOR Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Apprbval of the May 5th, OFFICE ~RVISOR T O~~i~OLD MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MAY 5, 1951 1981 Audit Approval of the April 21, 1981 Meeting~inutes Date of Next Meeting: May 12, 1981 attO0 pm I. REPORTS: 1. Board of Town Trustees Monthly Report - March 1981 2. Building Inspector~ Monthly Report - April 1981 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765.1939 3. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report - April 1981 4. Fishers Island Ferry District Monthly Budget Report - April 1981 5. Highway Department Monthly Budget Report - April 1981 6. Town Justice's Monthly Report - Tedeschi - April 1981 7. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - Terry - April 1981 8. Robins Island Advisory Committee Final Report 9. Councilmen's Reports 10. Supervisor's Report II. Dept. of the Army, N.Y. District, Corps of Engineers Re: Application of Town of Southold for jetty and maintenance dredging Written Comments by May 22, 1981 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 5, 1981 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: N.Y.S., Dept. of Environmental Conservation Workshop on the problems of nuisance aquatic plants on May 20, 1981 at l:00 p.m. at DEC's Stony Brook Office, Building 40. Suffolk County Department of Real Estate Public Hearing on May 19, 1981 at 10:30 a.m. at Southold Town Hall on the acquisition of properties for the Construction of Drainage Facilities for a portion of CR 48, Middle Road, Town of Southold Resume's for Conservation Advisory Council - three, two year terms. Resume's will be accepted until May 15, 1981 N.Y.S., Dept. of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Wunneweta Pond Association to maintenance dredge,Cutchogue Written. Comments by May 20,,1981 6. N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Henry H~mmerschlag to construct a one family dwelling and associated sanitary system, Southold~ Written Comments by May 20, 1981 7~Suffolk County Department of Planning Re: Notice of Completion of Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the ProRosed Amendment to Suffolk County's Local Law on the Prohi- bition of Certain Detergents Written Comments by June l, 1981 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 5, 1981 ~AGE 3 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Town of Brookhaven Re: Resolution in support of State Bottle Bill and article on "Dealing with Long Island's Toxic Waste". 2. Thomas W. Russell Jr. Re: Baseball diamond on Fishers Island. Office of the Comptroller, Joseph R. Caputo Re: Proper Taxation, Methodology for Detectives' Division of the Suffolk County Police Depart- ment. Alice Amrhein, Special Assistant to the County Execueive Re: Proposed Rescission of Budget Authority Federal Register William Weinheimer Re: Free Tax Aide to Senior Citizens of Town of-SoutHold 6. Southold Town Youth Services Program Re: Summer Program at Recreation Center Nassau Point Property Owners Association Re: Motorbikes on Public Roads and Nassau Point Causeway IV. HEARINGS & DECISIONS: RESOLUTIONS: l~/0pposition to Assembly Bill 2945A .An Act to Raise the Size Limit of Striped Bass from 16" to 24"." 2.~'/Appropriation of Recreation Funds 5~/Amend the resolution establishing a minimum 8nnual salary and minimum work week for all new employees to be qualified for benefits. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 5, 1981 PAGE 4 ;, · 4~/ Negative Determination on the wetlands application of Mattituck Inlet Marina to maintenance dredge 5~/Trailer renewal by William P. Ruland, Mill Lane, Mattituck 6./Advance money from the Town of Southold General Fund Whole Town to the Town of Southold Nutrition Program $10,500 to pay the salary of Gerald King, Chef, for the year 1981. 7~/Amend resolution of 3-10-81 to allocate $375.00 from General Fund Whole Town - Contingent A 1990.4 to General Fund Whole Town Drug Abuse Prevention A 4210.4 8~/Approval of payroll check deduction option for insurance (Gary ~Goldstein Assoc., Inc. ) 9~/Support Senate Bill No. 5080 entitled "An Act to enable the towns in the County of Suffolk to provide for the extermination of mosquitoes and establishment of districts therefore, in relation to the amount of the annual appro- priation by the Town of Southold for the Orient mosquito district." lO~/Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of Carol K. Tuthill, to construct a catwalk, ramp and float, Inlet Lane Extension, Green- port. TT Unds be transferred to Town Historian for Suffolk County ~centenary Commission Meetings 12.~Approve the per annum salary of the Fishers Island Ferry District Manager-Secretary Robert ?. Knauff at $24,000 per annum effective May ~, 1981 13 ~/ Transfer funds: $23.53 from "Repairs Ferry" to the line item "Bonded Indebtedness." 14~/Approve the advertisement of bids for painting the Fishers Island Ferry District building at Fishers Island. 15/Enter into contract with Alarm Security Protection Co., New London, Ct. for warning devices for increased security at the New London Ct. terminal and on board the M/V' s MUNNATAWKET and OLINDA at a cost of approximately $3,500. ~Community service through the Justice Court for offenders. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 5, 1981 PAGE 5 WORK SESSION AGENDA 8:00 a.m. Police Committee Meeting 9:00 a.m. Audit 1:30 p.m. Town Trustees - Anna Hataier