HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-02/10/1981WILLIAM R. PELL III SUPERVISOR OFF'ICE ~RVISOR TI:3~LD MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. $OUTHOLD TC~N BOARD FBBRUARY 10~ igB1 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (5~6) 765-1939 Call to Order Pledge ~f Allegiance Approval ~f the Minutes of the January 27, 1981 Iieeting Date of herS, meeting February 24~ 1981 I. ,REPORTS: 1. Building Inspectors Monthly Report - Fisher - January 1981 2. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - Terry - January 1981 3. Police Department Montly Report ~ Cataldo - January 1981 4. Bay Constable Activity Report - Czelatk~% - Deceraber, January 1981 5. SupervisOr's Monthly Report - January 1981 6. Highway 7~onthly Report '- January 1981 ?. Fishers Island Ferry District Monthly Report - January 1981 8. C ounci~-merl Report 9. Deputy Supervisor's Report - Johnson 10. Town 3ustice bionthly Report - Tedeschi - January 1981 PUBLIC NOTICES: 1. N.Y.$. Dept. of the Army Re: Application by Rita Gledich to construct a pier,and floats, EuDene Creek, Little Pectic Bay, Cutcho~ueo Written comments by February 11~ 1981 SOUTHOLD T(~%'N BOA/1D AGENDA- FEB. lO, 1981 PAGE 2 II. 2. N.Y.S. Dept. of Bnvironmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Theodore Laoudis to construct groin with deck, Southold. Written cotangents by ~kxrch 6~ 1981 N.Y.S. Dept of the Army Re: Applicatio~ by Nicholas Fontana to construct a pier, ramp and float~ f,~ttituck Creek, Mattituck Written comments by ;~rch 2~ 1981 Notice from N.Y. $. Employ~ent Office, Youth C~servation Corps. jobs for young men and women 15 through 18 years of age I I I. CO.~.IUNICAT tONS: 1. Robert W. Wendell, Winds Way Building Corporation, Southold Re: Commend Building Department 6. 7. 8. Suffolk County Legislature Budget Review C~fice Re: Survey of all Capitol ImprOvement PrOgrams (CIP) and Capitol Budgets Eloise C. Anderson Re: Judy King, Assessors Office Senator Kenneth P. LaValle Re: Reintroduction of bill, "Position of Police Officer" Mrs. Ann Johnson Re: Animal Shelter Mr. & ..Mrs. George H. Fry Re: Animal Selma Polatnick Re: C~mmend Police Officer John Clark S~uffolk County Police Departrment Re .' Part-ti~e Police Officers Training at Police Academy Long Island Lighting Company Re: Authorized Listing of Supervi- sory Personnel to be Contacted in the Even~ of Any Gas Emergency Steve G. Tsontakis ~e: Resume - Consulting ~ngineer Suffolk~ounty Departmen~ of Public Works Re: New Suffolk Avenue ~d Creek~ Down Creek and West Creek Bridge ImprOvements Wmo F. ,%h~llen - Re: Insurance 13. George Mellas - Tax Receiver - Purchasing of two new Receipting Units 1981 SOUTI{OLD TOUN BOARD AGENDA - FEBRUARY 10, PAG~ 3 }~ING$ & DECISIONS: 1. Pending decision af Local Law to provide for the regulation and use of Recreational Areas in the T~n ~f Southold RESOLUTIONS: ~. Approval of a Public Official Bond for Kenneth L. Edward Commissioner-Secretary of Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse District in the amount of $4,000 · ~ Approval of a ~ublic Official Bond for Joan L. Richter as Account Clerk, Town of Southold in the amount of $50,000 ~. Approval of a Public Official Bond for Lawrence R. Horn, Town Constable, Fishers Island in the amount of $4,000 ~.Approval of a Public Official Bond for Robert B. Wall, Commissioner-Treasurer of Fishers Island Garbage and Refuse .~~in the a~ount of $20,000 ..... proval of a Publlc Official Bond for A/fred R. Grebe Jr., T(a~n Constable, Fishers Island in the amount of $4,000 .~Jean P. Koke, Southold Chapter Daughters af the American /Revolut ion, declar~ February American History Month Ward Associates Re. Recreation & l:'a.rt Improvement Heritage Conservation & Recreation ~ervice Program Proposal Accept resignation of Frederick Gordon from Planning Board effective February 1, 1981 Southold To~ Board declares itself Lead Agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Enconsultanta, Inc. for Eugene Bolter for a wetland permit located on Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogue Step II Salary Increase - T. Czelatka, Bay Constable Appointment to the Planning Board SOUTHOLD T(~4N BOARD AG~)A - F~B~UA~Y l0t 1981 PAG~ 4 ~ESOLU~IONS: . ~ /~.ard Police Car Bid .~yA~,~ard .Bay Constable Boa~ Bid Au~horlza~i~ ~ the B~rd ~ Co~$ss~ers ~ F~shers Island Ferry D~strict to advertise for bids for dryd~k~n~ for ~r~od~c Sns~c~ion~ repairs ~d refurbish~n~ ~ the I~ l~taw~t~s unde~ater b~y ~HSre l~ichard F. ~rk as s~c~al co~sel f~ the p~pose ~ prosecuting vi~lations ~ the ~d~na~es ~ the T~ ~ Southold . SOUTHOLD TC~N BO/dtD A~ENDA - FE~IUARY lO, 1981 AGENDA 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Audit Nutritions Program - V. ~Keighan Douglas ~bores (Farm Journel) S. Rosenstriech Trustees