HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/2011I 4/1/2011 J4/2/2011 4/3/2011 4/4/2011 L 4/5/2011 April, 2011 MONTHLY REPORT nvest gat on Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation: Supervisor's DAMON RALLIS Nature MS4 Use ZONINGStatus INSPECTOR Town BUILDING DEPT. Property Owner Name New Complaint Southold 62.-3-8 Open Violation Matt/tuck Shinn Vineyards IPaperwork INature IStatus ITown n/a n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Time Sheet Set-Up/Submission Prepared and Sent Monthly Report Milage Sheet Creation IPhone From: Public Jen (TA) INature I Status I Town WRONG TOWN MS4 IProperty Owner Name WRONG TOWN n/a n/a New Language n/a n/a IMeetings INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name Jen (TA) Accounting Accounting MS4 New Language n/a n/a Direct Deposit Info n/a n/a n/a Direct Deposit Info n/a n/a n/a Investigation Nature Status Town Complaint Investigation MS4 Property Owner Name New Complaint Southold Saunders 1Paperwork ].Nature ].Status ]Town Property Maintenance Expired Permits MS4 Violation Notice: Prepared/Sent Kimball: Permit Renewals Chapter 236 Letter: Prepared/Sent ]Property Owner Name Updated Southold Kelly/Brautigan Renewed Matt/tuck Cardinale New Complaint Southold Saunders 1Meetings ].Nature ].Status ]Town Questions File Questions ]Property Owner Name Answered n/a n/a Answered Matt/tuck Cardinale Connie Kimball .[Road Investigation Investigation Investigation .[Phone From: Public .[Phone From: Public: For Roger From: Public: BD Question From: Public: BD Permit Questions From: Public: For Roger From: Complainant To: Expediter ].Nature ].Status ]Town Apartment Chicken Housing Property Maintenance ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint Matt/tuck Sigsbee Road Open Court Case Matt/tuck Santillo New Complaint Southold ? ].Nature ].Status ]Town Permit Fee Questions ]Property Owner Name Answered n/a n/a ].Nature ].Status ]Town For Roger Fire Door Question Permit Questions For Roger Use Follow-up ]Property Owner Name Transferred n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a Transferred n/a n/a Open Complaint Southold Altinoprak As Built (Open Complainy) New Suffolk Saul 1Paperwork ].Nature ].Status ]Town File Update Unsafe Bidg Notice Prepared/Sent From KM: Vic. Notice: Prepared/Sent Construction w/o Permit Unsafe Bldg - General Wayne Occupancy w/o CO ]Property Owner Name Open Violation Cutchogue Campo New Complaint Southold Suffolk County New Violation Mattituck Batist .[Investigation ].Nature ].Status ]Town New Investigation Ongoing Investigation Unsafe - General Wayne Use New Complaint Southold Open Complaint Matt/tuck .[Meetings ].Nature ].Status ]Town Lori/Martin (TA) ]Property Owner Name Site Plan Violations Suffolk County Shinn Vineyards ]Property Owner Name Hypotheticals n/a n/a I MS4? Y I MS4? I MS4? Y I MS4? Y MS4? Y I MS4? Y I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I M$47 I M$47 L 4/6/2011 L 4/7/2011 L 4/8/2011 Mike Toni Booth From: Public:Question Mike Issue w/certain Employees Landmark Questions Grand Opening Party Unsafe Bldg - General Wayne n/a n/a n/a Answered Cutchogue Spanos Answered n/a n/a New Complaint Southold Suffolk County 1Paperwork ].Nature ].Status ]Town New Documents for Def. Attorney File Creation 1Phone Refuse Unsafe Building Open Court Case n/a New Violation Southold J.Nature J.status ]Town Question about bedbugs Complainant Defedent Attorney Complainant Question about Boat regulations bedbugs Property Maintenance Illegal Apartment Illegal Apartment boat regulations ]Property Owner Name Go Green General Wayne Inn ]Property Owner Name couldn't help n/a n/a Open Violation Southold Kelly/Brautigan Open Violation Mattituck Arnzen Open Violation Mattituck Arnzen doesn't want to complain n/a n/a 1Meetings ].Nature ].Status ]Town Refuse Illegal Apartment ]Property Owner Name Open Court Case n/a Go Green Open Violation Southold Grausso J.Nature J.status ]Town Lori (TA) Complainant 1Road Investigation Investigation Investigation/Photos IEmail Apartment Chicken Housing Unsafe Building To/From: Jim Grathwhol Open Complaint Open Court Case Open Violation Mattituck Mattituck Southold J.Nature J.status ]Town Landmark Questions ]Property Owner Name Sigsbee Road: Bail? Santillo General Wayne Inn ]Property Owner Name Answered n/a n/a 1Paperwork ].Nature ].Status ]Town File Updates File Creation File Updates New Complaint File Violation Notice Created/Sent 1Phone Complainant Complainant Public Questions:Pre-COs Public Questions:Feeding Cats 1Phone Defendant From: Public From: Public: For Roger iRoad Investigation Investigation Investigation Investigation: Photos File Updates Landmark Landmark Property Maintenance Property Maintenance ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a New Landmark Cutchogue Bennett n/a n/a n/a New Complaint/Old Comp. Southold Dzugas Smith New Complaint/Old Comp. Southold Dzugas Smith J.Nature J.status ]Town Chickens Property Maintenance Public Questions:Pre-Cos Public Questions:Feeding Cats ]Property Owner Name Status Update Mattituck Santillo Status Update Southold Kelly/Brautigan Answered Greenport Grigonis? Forwarded to Health Dept. n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town MS4 Burning Questions For Roger ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint Southold Saunders Answered n/a n/a Transferred n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Illegal Apartment Delivered Violation Letter Lot Clearing Property maintenance ]Property Owner Name New Complaint Mattituck Bail Open Complaint Southold Semons Unfounded Southold Adamis Open Complaint Southold Dzugas Smith 1Paperwork ].Nature ].Status ]Town Property maintenance Property maintenance Illegal Apartment Illegal Apartment Property maintenance Update Municity: Pictures Complaint creation Violation Notice Created/Sent Complaint creation Violation Notice Created/Sent ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint Southold Dzugas Smith New Complaint Southold Sfaelos New Complaint Mattituck Bail New Complaint Mattituck Bail New Complaint Southold Sfaelos 1Meetings ].Nature ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I M$47 Y I M$47 I M$47 I M$47 Lori(TA) Lori(TA) Elizabeth (Trustees) Mike IEmail To/From: Lynne Rudder 4/9/2011 Weekend 411012011 Weekend 411112011 Ema To/From: Jim Grathwol To/From: Complantant/Supervisor To/From: Complantant/Supervisor L 1Ph°ne From: Public From: Public From: Public From: Public To: Public L J.Meetings Lori (TA) Lori (TA) Lori and Mike Mike Mike L 1Paperw°rk From Kimball Landmarks L4112/20111Email To: Scott Russell To/From: Complainant (C. Hydell) To/From: Jim Grathwol L 1Paperw°rk Landmarks Ticket write-up for service Returned Mail: Post Notice Returned Mail: Post Notice Updated File: Photos: Kitchen Removed Update File Paperwork Cleaned out email Box Landmarks Filin9 L 1Ph°ne Lori (TA) To: Kendra (Justice Court) For: Kimball To/From: Public To/From: Defendent Lori (TA): From Public: RE Vehicle Open Complaints Open Complaint Open Complaint Issue w/certain Employees Open Complaints n/a n/a Open Complaint Southold Semons Open Complaint $outhold Semons n/a n/a n/a INature I Status I Town Re: Monthly Report IProperty Owner Name TB Agenda n/a n/a Nature Status Town Landmark Action List 2010 ATV Noise ATV Noise Property Owner Name Sent n/a n/a Discussing with Scott n/a n/a Discussin9 with Scott n/a n/a ]-Nature ]-Status ]Town Inspection Question about plans For Mike Verity Burnin9 Questions Burnin9 Questions ]-Nature Todays Court Cases Open Court Case Open Violations Open Court Case Open Violations ]-Nature Building Permit renewal Landmark Action List 2010 ]-Nature General Wayne Inn Property maintenance LPC Goals/Accomplishments ]-Nature LPC Goals/Accomplishments Chicken Housin9 Multiple Violations Multiple Violations Use Unsafe Building/Property Workplace Violance Complaint Email Landmarks ].Nature Open Court Case Unregistered Vehicle Ques. For Kimball Highway Department Boat in front/Occ, w/o CO Call from Zoning Inspector? ]Property Owner Name Scheduled Answered Transferred Answered Answered n/a n/a Fisher's Island n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ]-Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Open Court Cases Update Open Violations Update Open Violation n/a n/a Greenport Martocchia n/a n/a Greenport Martocchia Mattituck Price ]-Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Signed Prepared n/a n/a n/a n/a ]-Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Status Update Status Update Can't Download Southold Southold n/a General Wayne Inn Sfaelos n/a ]-Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Printed/Filed Closed Case: Reopened Open Violations Open Violations Case Closed Updated File Information Filed n/a n/a n/a Mattituck Southold Southold Cucthogue Southold n/a n/a n/a n/a Santillo Lafreniere Laub Bergan General Wayne Inn n/a n/a n/a ]-Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Status Update Answered Transferred Gave Number Open Violation Wasn't me Greenport Mattituck n/a n/a Southold Mattituck Spanos unknown: Delmar Drive n/a n/a O'Connor/Jagel unknown: Delmar Drive I MS4? MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? From: Public [ J. Meetings Mike & Lori Counter: Public Counter: Public L 1Investigati°n ail From: Public From: Accounting To/From LPC To/From Jim G. (LPC) To/From Jim G. (LPC) L 1Paperw°rk Pieced together Tues. Notes [ J. Meetings L J.Road Attempted Ticket Service Investigation Investigation L J.Phone Public Public L4/15/20111Phone Phone Message Phone Message To: Two Brothers Scrap Metal To/From: Defendant Architect Public: Complainant Public: For George Jen (TA) Public: Complainant Public: Complainant Public: Call Gary L J.Paperwork File updated [ J. Meetings Mike & Lori Real Estate Agent Mike & Pat Public: Rich Hokinson L 1R°ad Investigation Investigation Investigation Investigation For Michael (In TB Meeting) Transferred n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Code Issues Open Complaints Handicap Ramp Questions Foundation Construction Ques. ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Deferred to Pat Orient n/a Deferred to Inspector n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Phone Number/Address ]Property Owner Name Found Southold O'Connor/Jagel tNature tStatus tTown Letter for Landmark Paycheck/Reimbursement Letter for Landmark Letter for Landmark Research for Public tProperty Owner Name Forwarded/Printed Southold Schonoer n/a n/a n/a n/a Southold Schonoer n/a Southold Schonoer n/a Southold Schonoer J.Nature J.status ]Town They disappeared from my desk? ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Reported Paperwork Missing ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Failed: No one home Use Property Maintenance Court Case New Complaint Open Complaint Matt/tuck New Suffolk East Marion J.Nature J.status ]Town BD Ma/ling Address Beekeeping Questions ]Property Owner Name Santillo Fifth Street Breglia ]Property Owner Name Answered n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Property Maintenance Construction w/o Permit Investigation As Built Construction Unregistered Vehicle For George Workplace Violance Complaint Bus Parking Property Maintenace For Gary ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint Already Southold O'Connor/Jagel New Complaint Southold ? Open Court Case/Comp/ East Marion Breglia Open Complaint - Status New Suffolk Saul New Complaint Southold unknown - Tuckers Transferred n/a n/a Status n/a n/a Unfounded Southold Dzugas Smith Open Complaint Southold Dzugas Smith Transferred n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Open complaint ]Property Owner Name Updated - Open New Suffolk Saul J.Nature J.status ]Town Open Complaints n/a n/a Farm Sign Questions Answered n/a Open Permits n/a n/a Property maintenance new complaint Southold J.Nature J.status ]Town Property Maintenance Construction w/o Permit: Shed Illegal Apartment Sign on sidewalk ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a Nokimas rd? ]Property Owner Name New Complaint Southold Nokimos Road OK: Unfounded Southold 625 Kenny's Old Complaint Southold Grausso Unfounded Southold Piping Plover I MS4? I MS4? t MS4? MS4? MS4? MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I M$47 I M$47 I M$47 Files Use Unfounded New Suffolk Neckermann I IEmail INature Istatus ITown IProperty owner Name I MS4? I To: den (Town Attorney) Workplace Violence Complaint Meeting confirmation n/a n/a To: Jim Grathwohl LPC Agenda Items Sent n/a n/a 411612011 Weekend 411712011 Weekend 411812011 Sick Day 411912011 Email Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? To/From: Complainant Use [ IMeetings ].Nature Public: Permit Questions To: Jen (Town Attorney) Public: Questions Lori: TA LPC Meeting [ IPhone ].Nature Public: Proper~y Maintenance [ IRoad .LNatu re Investigation L4/20/2011J. Email ].Nature To/From: Jim Grathwol Resignations [ IRoad ].Natu re Investigation: Follow Up: Took Photos Investigation Investigation Renewal Letter Service Investigation [ IPaperwork ].Nature File Updated Created Appearance Ticket Public: Fence questions Violation Prepared and Sent File Creation Closed case file [ J. Meetings ].Nature Lori: TA [ IPhone ].Nature Defendant L4/21/2011J. Phone ].Nature Public Doug C. (Landmarks) Tim Kelly Public Defendant Complainant Defendents Gerry Goehringer (ZBA) [ IMeetings ].Nature Gary Use Open Complaint Mattituck Price ].Status ]Town [Property Owner Name I M$47 Questions Answered n/a n/a Workplace Violence Complaint New Meeting confirmation n/a n/a Shed Requirements Answered n/a n/a Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Regular Meeting n/a n/a n/a Proper~y Maintenance Sign on sidewalk Proper~y Maintenance Unregistered Vehicle Unenclosed Debris Returned Mail Service Unregistered Vehicle Proper~y Maintenance Proper~y Maintenance Fence Questions Unenclosed Debris Unenclosed Debris Unregistered vehicle ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name New Complaint Southold Holmes J.status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Signs Moved -Talk to Mike Southold Piping Plover ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Resignations n/a n/a J.status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint Cutchogue Lindner New Complaint Southold Goggins New Complaint Southold Holmes Gave to maid Cutchogue Kauffman Case closed - removed Southold Wilkinson ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint Cutchogue Lindner Open Complaint Cutchogue Lindner Answered n/a n/a New Complaint Southold Holmes New Complaint Southold Holmes Case Closed Southold Wilkinson ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Unregistered Vehicle Cell Towers Committee Members Questions Schedule Inspection Signs Signs Use Use ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name New Complaint Southold Goggins ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Forwarded to Mike Mattituck Penney Lumber n/a n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a Scheduled n/a n/a New Complaint Mattituck n/a New Complaint Mattituck n/a Update Mattituck Price Update File Mattituck Price MS4? MS4? MS4? MS4? I MS4? MS4? MS4? MS4? ].Status ]Town [Property Owner Name I .s47 I Open Complaint Southold Ciaglo Workplace Violence Task Force Meeting Meeting n/a n/a Mike & Lori Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a 412212011 Off 4/23/2011 Weekend 4/24/2011 Weekend 412512011 Meetings Nature Status Town Property Owner Name MS4? Mike L 1Ph°ne Lynne (TA) To/From: Bob Scott From: Public For Roger Richard To: Public From: Public From: Public To/From: Public L 1R°ad Investigation: New Complaint Investigation: New Complaint Ticket Service L 1Paperw°rk Complaint Creation for Court Violation Prepared and Sent File Creation Complaint Creation for TA L 1Meetings Court Court Court Lynne (TA) Lq/26/20111Road Investigation: New Complaint Investigation: Open Complaint Investigation: Open Complaint L 1Investigati°n Town Code Research State Code Research Online Online L J.Meetings Mike & Lori: New Complaint Mike: New Complaint L 1Ph°ne Jamie Richter (Town Engineer) From: Public Heather Lanza Lori: TA Sewage Lori: TA Expired Permit Renewal Fee orient Constant .LNature ].Status ]Town ]Property Owner Name I MS4? I Court Cases Today n/a n/a n/a Illegal Signs Removed Matt/tuck n/a CO Status Transferred to Connie n/a Cyprus Transferred n/a n/a n/a Permit Rebnewal n/a n/a n/a Chicken Questions Answered Greenport n/a Questions Answered n/a n/a Landmark Took message for LPC Southold Lund ].Nature ]-Status JTown Illegal Apartment Valid Matt/tuck Signs Removed Signs Personally Matt/tuck Chicken Coop Served Mother Matt/tuck .LNature .Lstatus ]Town Chicken Coop New: Court Case Matt/tuck Illegal Apartment New Complaint Matt/tuck Illegal Apartment New Complaint Matt/tuck Chicken Coop New: Court Case Matt/tuck .LNature .Lstatus ]Town Illegal Apartment Illicit Discharge in ROW Illegal Tasting Room Court Calendar [Property Owner Name Flaig n/a Santillo ]Property Owner Name Santillo Flaig Flaig Santillo ]Property Owner Name Adjourned Southold Goggins Adjourned New Suffolk Vangi No Show Matt/tuck Sm/then/Sherwood House n/a n/a n/a .LNature .Lstatus ]Town Debris Debris/Unsafe Occupancy wihtout CO Valid: Took Pictures Open Complaint Valid: Posted Property East Marion East Marion Southold .LNature .Lstatus ]Town Debris Valid: Took Pictures East Marion Debris Valid: Took Pictures East Marion Phone Number/Address Found East Marion Phone Number/Address Found Southold .LNature .Lstatus ]Town Debris New Complaint East Marion Debris New Complaint East Marion ]Property Owner Name .LNature .Lstatus ]Town Clearing ? Southold Questions Answered n/a Ques. Abt. Setbacks Accy. Answered n/a Open Complaint Unenclosed Debris East Marion Accessory Apartment Forwarded to SCHD n/a Refuse Case Closed n/a Island's End Golf Breglia Laub ]Property Owner Name Island's End Golf Island's End Golf Island's End Golf Laub ]Property Owner Name Island's End Golf Island's End Golf ]Property Owner Name Adamis n/a n/a Island's End Golf n/a Go Green I MS4? I MS4? J MS4? J Y MS4? J MS4? J MS4? J MS4? J Y From: Public From: Public L 1PaperW°rk Violation Prepared and Sent File Creation L4/27/201 llMeetings Public: Window: Mike & Lori Mike Lori (TA) Public: Window: Public: Window: L 1Email To/From Lori (TA) Complainant L 1Ph°ne Jen (TA) Complainant Public Jen (TA) Complainant Public L 1Paperw°rk Violation Prepared and Sent L 1R°ad Investigation: New Complaint Investigation: Open Complaint Investigation: Open Complaint L4/28/2011J. Meetings Lori (TA) Kimball: For Public L 1Ph°ne Lori (TA) Public Public Public Press Public L 1Paperw°rk Close Case File L 1R°ad Investigation: New Complaint Investigation: Open Complaint Investigation: Open Complaint Ticket Service Investigation: Open Court Case I nvesitgation L4/29/201 llPhone Public Complainant Inspection Inspection disconnected ? ? scheduled ? ? J.Nature J.status ]Town Debris Debris New Complaint New Complaint East Marion East Marion J.Nature J.status ]Town Shed Questions Open Complaints Illegal Signs Refuse Noise ordinance BP Questions ]Property Owner Name Island's End Golf Island's End Golf ]Property Owner Name Answered n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a New Complaint Peconic ? Open Court Case n/a Go Green Answered n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Refuse Boat Location ]Property Owner Name Open Court Case n/a Go Green Open Complaint n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Noise ordinance Construction w/o permit Landmark Questions Questions Illegal Signs Schedule Inspection ]Property Owner Name Answered n/a n/a Unfounded Cutchogue Schwartz Answered n/a n/a Forwarded to Mike East Marion Blue Dolphin New Complaint Peconic ? Scheduled n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Unsafe Premises ]Property Owner Name Open Complaint East Marion Breglia J.Nature J.status ]Town Illegal Signs Unsafe Premises Boat in Front Yard New Complaint Open Complaint Open Complaint Peconic East Marion Southold J.Nature J.status ]Town Open Complaints n/a n/a Shed Questions Answered n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Open Complaints Unregistered Vehicle Permit Questions Permit Questions Unsafe Building Stormwater Management ]Property Owner Name ? Breglia Bataglia ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a New Complaint Mattituck n/a Answered n/a n/a Answered n/a n/a Status Update Southold General Wayne Inn New Complaint n/a n/a J.Nature J.status ]Town Construction w/o permit ]Property Owner Name Case Closed: Fixed Cutchogue Tryon J.Nature J.status ]Town Illegal Signs New Complaint Peconic Unsafe Premises No one on site East Marion Boat in Front Yard No one on site Southold Property Maintenance No one home Cutchogue Accesspry Status Still there East Marion Unregistered Vehicle New Complaint Mattituck J.Nature J.status ]Town ]Property Owner Name Sotheby's Real Estate Breglia Bataglia Lindner Hill Sweeney ]Property Owner Name I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? I MS4? Illegal Apartment New Complaint Southold Rodriguez Illegal Signs New Complaint Peconic Sotheby's Real Estate Public Defendant (Freddy Markum) Defendant IEmail To/From Lanmarks To/From Barbara (Landmarks) IRoad Investigation: Open Complaint Investigation: New Complaint 1Paperwork Violation Prepared and Sent File Creation Ticket Creation Ticket Creation For Mike Verity Illegal Signs Illegal Signs .LNature Minutes Draft Open Issues .LNature unsafe Premises Illegal Apartment .LNature unregistered vehicle unregistered vehicle Construction w/o permit Occupancy without CO Transferred Will Remove Sign New Complaint ].Status Sent n/a ].Status No one on site New Complaint ].Status New Complaint New Complaint Open Violation Open Violation n/a Peconic Peconic ]Town n/a n/a ]Town East Marion Southold ]Town Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck n/a Sotheby's Real Estate Sotheby's Real Estate ]Property Owner Name Go Green n/a ]Property Owner Name Breglia Rodriguez ]Property Owner Name Sweeny Sweeny Burden Batist L 1Meetings Ron Rossi (LPC) Lori (TA) Mike & Lori [41~0120~ 1 IWeekend .LNature Landmark Open Complaints Open Complaints 1 ].Status n/a n/a n/a ]Town ]Property Owner Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a MS4? MS4? M$47 I M$47 ] [ I I