HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-08/10/1965Southold Town Planning Board
,~ohn V/icl:ham, Ch,~i iman
Henry Moisa
Alfred ~ebe
Archibald Young
~illiom Unkelbach
~_n_I ~ U T E S
August 10~ 1963
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was
held 7:30 P.Mo~, Tuesday,S-August 10~ 19~ at the Town Office.~
Main Road,~ Southold~ New York°
There were present: Messrs: John Wickham~ Chairman~
Henry Moisa~ William Unkelbach~!Alfred Grebe~ ~rchibald Young~
Also present: Mr. Otto Van Tuyl~ Consultant~ Mr. Howard
Terry~ Building Inspector
THE CHAIRMAN: In regard to the fact that discussion at the
last meeting a~out putting a new culvert under New Suffolk'Avenue
is not acceptable to the Town Superintendent of Highways~ there
had to be other plans made.
Mr.~Alden Young~ Consultant for the sTown of Riverhead
appeared before the Board and presented a~map of the area to.the
Board, ~e expla~ed about a pzoposed dam to be constructed on
.... the property of Me~ot'andTu~hill that.wou~d eliminate~fl°°ding
~f~i~he lots~Under~ ~uesti0n at times of hightide~ The Board was
..~assursdthat. the ,builders'would fill in part of the low lots.
-.Southold_Town .Planning Board
August l0B 1965
THE'CHAIRMAN: The Superintendent of Highways came down and
Spent !~ hours with me and said to make it very clear that he
didn't want"any obstruction connected with the highwayoo.SO any
possibility ofthe highway acting as a dam and having a hurricane
tide washing_'the w~ole thing out~ I suggested this possib~lty
and he said~at they do on their own land is perfectly ali right.
Let-me suggest something else~ though~ which might make it simpler~
Alden ~supposing you are raising this sill to this level - instead
of putting a pipe here you could use a spillway.
MRj YOUNG: You only elevate 10 and you are above the level
for salt water.
THE CHAIRMAN: Which once in 10 years or so happens.
MRj YOUNG: I have put this pipe at elevation 10 - an
equalizer pipe.
THE~HAIRMA~: This will keep the water fresh~ of course~ but
there are ~-'~me~ when a spillway would be particular~y advantageous
and e!imina~ any chance of a hurricane going over this whole thing.
M/{%~ ALDEN YOUNG: Wel~ if it goes over~ I don~'t think there
will he,enoUgh grass to hold. I have planned for a go~d solid
dam with eight feet at ,the top°
THE CHAIRMAN: How far from the highway are you going to
have this?
MRo ~r~ENYOUNG: Twenty feet from the high~ay. The highway
and gutter are not disturbed~
Those present discussed getting dirt for'fill and how much
this would cost.
M~ Ej ABITZ: HfOw does .the S'B~ard ~ .about this? We
do need permission from'Mr, Me,et a~dMr~T~thill. We do have
verbal permission from both of them~
THE CHA~: We are all i~accord thatthis will be suitable
and will meetthe Park'and PlaygroUnd provisions.
MR%~ Eo ABI~Z: If this is satis{actory to the Board we can get
the legal work cleared up and get started as soon as posible and
Seu~thold Town Rlanning Board
August 10~ 196S
THE~CPLAIRMAN: If you have the legal work started and have it
on the map - have it in the works -we can conclude the hearing and
fii~e the map.
It was suggested that this be put in a separate legal instru-
ment rather than ona map.
THE CHAIRMAN: You present this legal instrument thatassures
us that-this will be done for our records'and we can issue our
-instructions for our Building Inspecter.
MR. ALEX CHASE: I understand this proposal~~ asit is set forth
now. is acceptable to the Board? '
THE CHAIRMAN: Yes~ that is correct.
MR% CHASE: Is it my'further understanding that~this will meet
the so-called Park and Playground Provisions?
MR~ CHAIRMAN: We have not exactlydiscussed its but it~would
beamy expectationthat it would,
The Chairman pointed out that-there werecertain rules and
regulations for sub-divisions expresslyprohibiting shrubbery or
solid fenceswithin certain distances from a cornerl It was
stated by MR~ ABITZ that~there was a stipulationin each deed
that-no obstruction could be placed beyond-the front of the house.
M_ri Unkelbach raised the question whetheror not the County
'Clerk would accept-the mapbefcre the lots are filled in~ and M_ri
Alden Young stated that they are filled in.
Mr. Chase,asked theBoard to signify approval of the sub-
divisienbefore the legal work is completed in order that~.the
builder could go ahead~
TNE CPL~IRMAN: to, do,this
because there are ire. As far as the
~_bond' is concerne~' there is no .problem~~' There-has got to be worked-
out'some legal instrument, which is gen~rallyaccept~bletOlthe
Planning-Beard and.to the TownAtt~orneY~
MR-J~ CHASE: Iem Willing to leave it in your-Town-Attorney~s
Southotd Town Planning Board
August 10~ 1965
THE CHAIRMAN~ The Town',Attorneyis~-c0unsel for-theRlanning
. B~ard but-the decision, in ~y mind as, to. whether, or not.it, s a
practical'solution'to~.~ the problem rests finally-With the Planning
Board...whether this is a workable wayof solving'this problsm~
Legally'it~can be fine~ but if it 'doesn'~t;meet the needs'as we
MR~ CHASE: I don'~t~want to be argumentative~ but'as I~understand
the practicality-of the proposal - the mechan'ics - meets with
THE CHAIRMAN: We~are-meeting on the 1st of September and
question whether or not you could get this ,taken care of much
before that. Is thatcorrect?
MK.~ CHASE: All right~ we will sit on this until the 1st of
MRj CHAIRMAN: I would like to present this to Harold Price~
Superintendent Of'Highways~~ but Idon~t anticipate anyproblems.
MR~~ CHA~E: I would like to place thelegalwork in'the attorney'~.s
hands. He'would contact you'people~ tell.yeu it's legally enforCeable~
at. which time - at.~ your convenence- yournext,,meeting _ you could
pass on it.
THE CHAIRMA5~: Rather than keep ir'in suspense any longer?
I prefer to do it the other way~
MR~,~ ARCHIBALD YOUNG: Thisis the,opinion I have - we aresitting
as a Board and the moment we deviate from the policies Whi-ch~we'have
ad0Pted~ we are discriminating toa certain'degree, Id~n"t~think
we'shouId do it. I think'they could got h rough thenatural~channels,
Iidon~tthink we should set ourselves up forsome~other sUb-division
who comes in and wants the same privilege~. I am.very much opposed
to deviating one bit from the policies we have
MR~~ ABITZ: I was'wonderin~ about electric service coming in,
The lighting company-will not'doanything .'unt'il they have approval
from~the~County.and it,~s crea, ted a harship in the past month-~.
they wilt not even giv~ mela lay-out untll'the'Countyis aware of
the 'fact thatthis~sub~division.has been approved, ~n the basis
that this is.notapproved tonight~i find it necessary to shut
THE CHAIRMAN: We can approve itW but not sign it.
Southold Town Planning Board
MR%' ABITZ: If hhe Board approved it on this basis~ I am sure
lighting company will go along with it.
MR~ ARCHIBALD YOUNG:Am I correct in stating that-if you had
a letter from the Planning Board that this will be approve~ then
the lighting company will 9o ahead?
E~ ABITZ: Yes.
On motion by ~Lr~ Grebe~ seconded by Mr? Un~elbach~ it was~
RESOLVED that the Planning Board approve this sub-division
including a plan for a park area as presented tonight~ f~om the
map of-Alden-W. ¥oung~ dated August 10~ 1965.
THE CHAIRMAN: Any discussion?
~No response)
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Wickham~ bir~ MoisaF~Mr. Grebe.
~r. unkelbach~ and Mr. Younge ~'
bir.,Alden Youn9~ Consultant for the Riverhead Planning'Board~!
spentconsiderabie time dtscussisngthe~prop~sed desalinization
plant with regard to the water needs'of the To~n of'Riverhead~; and
problems related to,the proposed feederroutes for~the Long I~land
TheChairman r~ad a letter from Bernard Kaplanof~Dawn~ Estates~
dated July 30~ 1965~ re proposals for a canal in the sub-division. '
THE CHAIRMAN: I have looked this over and feels that it's
~d~quate~and~ more~than~that~ it gives usa very good g~ide for
future use~hd reference~ as'far as I am personallyconcerned.
The rest of the Board meh~0ers have not been'in the office.
MR~ THEODORE KAPLAN: Our purposewas to make itflexible to
see if y~u people want that property or'noto
THE CHAIRMAN: Weare always concerned about the f~esh-water
resources of the To~n~ but in this case where it is low - there
was origin~llya salt pond - and very close to Preston'~s~ I'find
no real objection to it on that~basis~
Southold Town Planning Board
August 10~ 196S
MR-i-KAPLAN: If you-have any further'questions or~lsuggestions
of~anY kindi I Would like to hear them,
THE CHAIRMAN: We have a uuggestion - take it a little easy
on the signs youhave down there. We~'~re telling youthatthey
are in violation and we wo~ld appreciRte it if youwould back
off on it a little. You can talk with HoWard about it later.
MR%- UNKELBACH: Maintenance of the canal is stated in every
deed? ~
MR.~ UNKELBACH: It could conceivablyhappen people could not
get in and out - something should be worked outabout~maintenance.
MR~~ KAPLAN: They will have to work-as a group.
MR~ URKELBACH: I raised~the question as to dredging the canal
when property is not yours.~iwritten titleto the~land under the~
water:at the center,line of the canal - then'the property owners
can bargain.
MR%~ EAPLAN: Is it your suggestion'that we give title to only
the marked lines/
s THE CHAIRMAN: This constitutes dedication to the Townand'the
TOW~ does not want this at'this time. If theyaccept-dedication at
this time~ it is their responsibility. It is' my understanding that
the Town~ With dedication~ acquires complete'responsibility and at
the present.time they don~t~want it -nat-least'they have indicated
that they. didnot want it* At the same time~ I'think'this is good.
Whether or'not this is complete~ or right down to the finaI through
on each ones is more or-less a question. We haVe~askedyou to bring
iD a suitable,proposal that we would have no objection to the loca-
tion of the proposed canal not,to its interference
water problem~ andas I see it~ you havebrOUght in a~
is reasonable'~and may.not fill'the bill completel~but which is work~
able and gives us something moreto go,on~ Therefore~. I would
entertain a resolution that.we give you Preliminary approval of this
this as timegoes on. I'would~think it wouldbe minor,)tofulfii1
the intent which you have expressed here.
Southold Town Planning Board
August 10, 1965
MR~ KAPLAN: You wNll not make major changes in. the layout?
THE CHAIRMAN: We.are proposing preliminary approval only -
actually this is the first step. There wilt be adequate time,to
make changes and I see no problem.
MR? KAPALN: What do you suggestas-the next-step?
THE CHAIRMAN: Normally,~, you get preliminary approval before
you cut-in the streets~ the canals~! etc~ and then you start in
with your engineer to make the final map.
On motion by Mr. ~Moisa~ seconded byMr. Grebes3-it was
RESOLVED that the Board grantpreliminary approval to the
sub-division entitled Dawn Estates~' Section %1~; at Greenport~
based on the letter of proposal da~ed, July 30~'1965~ from Dawn
Estates and signed by Bernard Kap~an. '
THE CHAIRMAN: Are there any questions?
MRi~ YOUNG: The. questionin my mind is - we are granting a
preliminary approval for ~ir. Kaplan to go ahead on the receipt of
this letter~ an~ I am wondering whether or notwe are going too
fast and wh~ther or not the Town Council shouldn'~t read this over
and tell us ~hether this is all right or not.
THE CHAIRMAN: We'have a lether right here from the Town Council
which we will present.
Vote of the /Board: Ayes: Mr. Wickham~ Mr. ~oisa~ bit% Grebe~
and Mr~ Unkelbach~ and Mr. Young. '~
There were no further discussions or proposals OnEastern
Shcres~ Sectionsk III'~andIV. Wehave received-the County~Highway
Access'Permit for'Eastern Shores~ Sections IIand III.
There Was~,nothing new on Town Harbor Terrace pending~new
estimates on water mains and roa~ds from Mr. Hoey,
Southold Town Planning BlOard -8- August 10. 1965
~terlzng Homes - the work is going ahead on the ~oads and drain-
age. No bond or money put up as yet.
THE CHAIRMAN: On the matter of the proposed road known as
'Charlie's Lane - after eight~years Mr. Grathwohl and Mr~ Krukowski
have gotten together with an attorney and worked out a deal whereby
they do the whole job and I have a letter of~approval by-the Chief
Engineer of the County.~ Under 'the circumstances and in view ~of
~the fact that-we have been working so long on i~ we ought to
encourage them to build the highway and dedicate"it to-the town.
This is the most reasonable, way under the. circums%ances~ rather
than try to waive our rules and regulations in this case. It
would be much s/mpler to .recommend that they build the highway and
dedicate~ There is enough building on it already to ~ualify.
think if this is the case - we will notify'them that we suggest
that the Town Planning Board would approve it as laid out and would
approve the dedication.
~ The Board took up the matter of the petition of Irvisng L.
Price~ representing Rarus~ Inc. relative to change of zone of
certain property situated 'in Arshamomaque~ New York~ from."A"
Residential and Agricultural District~to '"B~2" Busi~ess'Dist, rict
more particularly bounded and described.as follows:
Beg'~nning atamonument in the southerly line of Middle
(North] Road~,365109 feet easterly.from its intersection with the
easterly line of Chapel Lane; thence N. 36~ 33~ 20" E. 390,0
feet; thence S. ~ 26' 40': E. 400.0 feet;'thehce S. 36' 33~
20" W. 390.0 feet;"'the~ce N. S~° 2'6~ 40" Wo ~00o0 feet ~o the
point'or place of beginning~ Containing 3.581 acres,
The~Chairman read a letter from the Town Clerkdated August
~2~ 1965~ instructing the Board to prepare an official report
defining'-the conditions described in the petition with the recom-
mendation of the Board.
MR% UNKELBACH: One question - should you have him clear first
with the Board of. Health? If you rezone it and the Board of Health
turns him~ down~ he can do.whatever he wants with
CHAIRMAN: I would like to suggest that.we hold this over to
the next meeting and send our team around to look it over and see
what you can find out about it. Is it acceptable to hold this
over? We would like to consider the possibility of rezoning a
more extensive a~-ea,~ perhaps~ under the Town Board-Zoning Laws.
Southold Town Planning Board
August 10, 1965
The Board took up the matter of ~he amended petition of
A. John Gada of Fishers Island, New York, relative to change of
zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l"
Multiple Residence District more particularly bounded and de-
scri]~sd as follows:
Ail those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate,
lying and being on Fishers Island, Town of Sountyoid, County
of~Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lots
"C", "D", "E" and "F" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property
on Fishers Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E.
Hoffort, Now Belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July, 1914"
and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County or'Suffolk
on January 2, 1915, as Map No. 242.
~ CPIAIRMA~: In view of the volume of protest and in view
of bhe residential character of all of Fishers Island, it would
be my suggestion that w~ refuse to recommend changes of zone on
all of these plots. There are several non-conforming uses on
the~e premises now.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Wickham, Mr. MoiSa, Mr. Young,
and Mr. Unkelbach. Mr. Grebe abstained from voting.
On the matter of Harold R. Reeve's application fo.r a change
of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2"
Business District, it was decided that this be held over.
On the matter of Clayton Clark's application for a change
of zone from "A" to "B~2", the motion was made by Mr. Moisa and
seconded by Mr. Grebe and it was
RESOLVED that the Board not recommend the change of zone for
Mr. Clarke.
It is the plan and hope of the Board-that we keep County Road
27 from becoming completely commercialized such as the Sunrise
Highway. Further ~attention was called to.the report of the County
Planning Commission which has the same hopes for maintaining County
Road 27 as a high,speed artery.
Vote of 'the Board: Ayes: Mr. ~ickham, Mr. Grebe, Mr. Young,
Mr. Moisa, and Mr. Unkelbach.
Southold Town Planning Bo~
August 10.~ 1965
On the application of'MartinNelson for a change of zone from
"A" to "B"~'~. there was nothing further from his attorney. This
matter is held over for the next meeting.
On the application of:William-J~ Pollert~ residing at-~outhold~
New York~ relative to. change of zone from "A"~ Residential ~nd
AgricUlt~ral Districtto "B-2" Business District on certain property
situated at Greenport~ New York~ the Board. decided to hold this over
until the next meetin~~,
On the application of!Caroleo for re-zSning of property on
Middle Road from "A" to "B-2"~.the Board received a letter from
Lefferts P* Edson~ attorney~ Withdrawing the~application of Mr,
Caroleo.i ~
An offer of dedication of roads for the Board's approval
(Race Point-Corporation~i Fishers Island) was examihed and it was
decided to notify'them that'the Board is holding it:up pending
notice, from-them that the-building has been removed as per state-
ments of:F~r. Wickham'to the effect-that this would be necessary,
The Board discussed a letter-fromRobert~ Tasker~. Town'Attorney~.
suggesting changes in the wording of some of the amendments ~o the
Rules and Regulations for-S~b-division of Lands'i
On motion by Mr. Young~ seconded by Mr. Moisa~ it was
RESOLVED .to approve ~the amendments to the Rules and Regulations
for SUb-divis~ion. of Lands incorporating changes in wording as sug-
gested in the letter from the To~n Attorney.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:
W~ckham~ Mr~ Grebe~.~ Mr. ¥oung~
Moisa and Mr. Unkelbach.
On motion by'Mrl Unkelbach~ seconded by Mr~ Moisa~ it was
Southold Town Plann/ng Board
August 10~1965
RESOS~VED that a hearing be held on' September l~ 1~965~ on
the proposed amendments and 1changes in the Rules a.~d' Regulations
for' Sub-division ...... of Lands in the Town of Southol~ to be held
at 7: 30 P.M. ~.D.S.T. ) in the .Town Clerk"~s ~ Office'~ Main.
Southold~- New York',
Vote of the Board: Ayes: F~* Wickham~ Mr. Grebe~ Er* .Young~
Moisa~ and Mr* Unkelbach*
On motion of Mr. ¥oung.i seconded by'Mr~ Moisa~ it-was
RESOLVED that minutes of the July 20~ 1965~ meeting be approved
as presented.
Vote of the Boardr Ayes: Mr* Wiekham~ Mr.' Grebe~ Young,i'.~ Mr*
~oisa,~ and Mr* Unkelbach. ....
On motion of :Mr, Unkelbach~! seconded by Mr. Moisa~ it was
RESOLVEDH that the minutes of the joint meeting of various
Village Boards be approved as presented.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrl Wickham~ Mr. Grebe~Mr~ Young~.
Mr. Moisa~ and M l* Unkelbach. '
The. meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,.
Janet G. McLean~ Secretary
Southold' Town'PIanning Board
Jom -