HomeMy WebLinkAboutGardiners Bay Estates Homeowners AssocKEN REEVES RECREATION SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 970 Peconic Lane ~- P.O. Box 267 Peconic, NY 11958 631.765.5182 Ken. Reeves~town.southold.ny.us TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR USE OF SOUTHOLD PARKS FACIILITIES PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ,~, APPLICATIONS DUE AT LEAST TWO (2) MONTHS BEFORE EVENT sb ~TODAY'S DATE: J~l ~ ' t HO~ PHONE: ~9l' ~l '7~1 BUSmESS:6J/ 75~- ~Z4 CELL: ~D~SS: dooy ~SH 7 ~ ~ ~ta.~m DAY(S)~DDATE(S)OFUSE: ~ ~OL~/~ D~ ~. ~0~ REQUESTED TIME FOR FIELD/pARK/COURT USE: FROM: k :~Y'~ /~ TO:' ~: ~t~ ?~ REQUESTED TIME FOR LIGHTS TO BE ON OF APPLICABLE}: FROM: TO: NOTE: LIGHTS MUST BE TURNED OFF BY 10:00 P.M. REASON FOR USE(PLEASE BE SPECIFIC AND GIVE DETAILS): ~. · '- ~ u 0 IS ~MISSION BErG C~GED? YES NO ~ YES, HOW MUCH IS BErG C~GED? PLEASE PROVIDE A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF HOW THE PROCEEDS ARE TO BE USED: It' ..... .c/ - 0 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The applicant/group/organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southold, its officials, employees, and/or agents from all claims, lawsuits, hospital and/or doctor bills, actions, proceedings, and liabilities for the loss or damage to property, or a~,~_ injury, the death of a person, including' ' any expenses incurred by the Town of $outholdl~ defending any claims, lawsuits, or action that may arise as a result of the conduct, actions, including the negligence of the xpplicant/grouP/o~ganization to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. I have read the attached "SOUTHOLD TOWN FACILITY RULES AND REGULATIONS" and agree to abide by them. NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ~. ~/~iL~.~/9~ ~'5~'/°~'~/~ ~/O~e~.¢ ~O~., . PLEASE PlglNT ¢ D~.TE PLEASE PRINT (PRINCIPAL/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVe) r~ z.z. z z~.z.~.zz.~.z z ~. zzzzz, z~. z. z. zzzz~. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FACILITY IS: REQUEST IS: AVAILABLE { ~1 ' APPROVED NOT AVAILABLE { } DENIED { } Town of Southold Police Department Special Event Cost Analysis Event: Community Yard Sale July 16, 20t1~ / Date(s): ; _ Location: Old Schoolhouse Park, Rt. 25, East Marion Patrol Allocation for Event PoIk~ Oltl~ Reg Hours OTHrs Hrly Wage Total Comments spec~l e~trol Bicycle P-.tml K-9 Unit Highway PM~oi TC Officer TC Officer TC Officer TC Officer TC Officer Equipment Costs Reg Hours lOT Hrs Hrly Wage $15.83 Total : Comments $126.64 Total Department Cost for Event = $ $126.64~ Prepared by Capt. M. Flatley 4/11/2011,~ Page 1