HomeMy WebLinkAboutNative Events/Country FestKen Reeves Recreation Superx'isor Town of Southold 970 Peconic Lane P.O. B0x 267 ~ ~', ~_..d Peconic, NY 11958 , 631.765.5182 Ken. Reeves@town.southold.ny.us TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR USE OF SOUTHOLD PARKS FACIILITIES PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY APPLICATIONS DUE AT LEAST TWO (2) MONTHS BEFORE EVENT TODAY'S DATE: REQUESTING ORGANIZATION: APPLICANT'S NAME: ADDRESS: ~ ~/ HOMEPHONE: ~/J~ ,~J~' ~9.,Q,~ BUSINESS: CELL: ~/)'/-~*~' E-MAIL ADDRESS: FACILITY DESIRED: DA (S) AND DATE OF USE: REQUESTED TIME FOR FIELD/PARK/COURT USE: FROM: ~'A~" ~o) .f-// TO: REQUESTED TIME FOR LIGHTS TO BE ON OF APPLICABLE): FROM: TO: NOTE: LIGHTS MUST BE TURNED OFF BY 10:00 P.M. REASON FOR USE (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC AND GIVE DETAILS): IS ADMISSION BEING CHARGED? YES ~'~' NO IF YES, HOW MUCH IS BEING CHARGED? ~ ~' ~) PLEASE PROVIDE A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF HOW THE PROCEEDS ARE TO BE USED: APP.CANT'SSIGNA , HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The applicanl/group/organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southoid, its officials, employees, and/or agents from all claims, lawsuits, hosl~toi and/or doctor b'dls, actions, proceedings, and habilitie~ for the l~as or damage to property, or any injury, the death of a person, including any expenses incurred by the Town of Southold defending any claims, lawsuits, or action that may arise as a result of the conduct, actions, including the negligence of the applicanl/group/organization to the fullest extent permitted by applicable 1aw. I have read the attached "SOUTHOLD TOWN FACILITY REGULATIONS" and agree to abide by them. NAME OF ORGANIZATION: A'/~'~' ~ t'Ce ~-:~t'~ 7~s PLEASE PRINT RULES AND DATE PLEASE PRINT (PRINCIpA~AUTHORIZED REPRF~ENTATIVE) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ~/~--~T/-~-' ~ FOR O ICE USE ONLY FACILITY IS: REQUEST IS: AVAILABLE { } APPROVED { } NOT AVAILABLE { } DENIED { } CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REQUIRED? YES Recreation Depach~ent Supervisor Fees for use of town fields must be paid in advance as follows: TIER # TIER DESCRIPTION FACILITY USE FEES Tier 1 Town of Southold, Little leagues, non- profit groups, civic organizations, local No Charge schools, charitable groups, etc. Tier 2 Resident For Profit $25/1/2 day Groups that charge fees (up to 4 hours) $50/full day (up to 8 hours) $200/week fiat fee Tier 3 Non-Resident For Profit $50/1/2 day Groups that charge fees (up to 4 hours) $75/full day (up to 8 hours) $300/week fiat fee Tier 4 Non-Resident Groups, $25/1/2 day Schools, Leagues, etc. (up to 4 hours) $50/full day (up to 8 hours) $200/week fiat fee Kind regards, Ken Ken Reeves Recreation Supervisor Southold Recreation Department 970 Peconie Lane PO Box 267 Peeonie NY 11958 631.765.5182 Page 1 of 2 Rudder, Lynda From: Tomaszewski, Michelle Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 9:46 AM To: Rudder, Lynda; Flatley, Martin; Cochran, Carlisle Subject: RE: Special Events Applications Chief Cochran has reviewed the request for the Old Schoolhouse Park event and has no objection to the approval. A hard copy of the cost analysis will follow by interoffice mail. Estimated cost of the event will be $150.00. Chief Cochran has reviewed the request for the Country Festival and cannot approve the event due to the lack of sufficient information provided on the Recreation Form. Please contact William Quinones to supply all information that is usually provided on the correct application form. Chief will then review it again at that time and make a determination. Michelle L. Tomaszewski Secretarial Assistant $outhold Town Police Dept. 631- 765-2758 From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:54 PM To: Tomaszewski, Michelle; Flatley, Martin; Cochran, Carlisle Subject: Special Events Applications I know this is not: usually the way x~)e do t, his but; I just explained to Ken the right way. Please provide cost analysis if applicable for bothl and approval or disapprowd. Thank you From: Reeves, Ken Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:52 PM TO: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Applications Here you go...I sent these to Martin Finnegan already. From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:29 PM To: Reeves, Ken Subject: Need to talk to you regarding field usage resolutions Lynda uddec 4/8/2011 Event: Community Yard Sale Date(s): July 16, 2011 Location: Old Schoolhouse Park, Rt. 25, East Marion Patrol Allocation for Event Reg Hours OT Hrs Hrly Wage Total Comments Police Officers Special Patrol Reg Hours OT Hrs Hrly Wage Total Comments CRU Bicycle Patrol K-9 Unit Highway Patrol Marine Units Traffic Control Reg Hours lOT Hrs Hriy Wage Total Comments ~ ~ 0 ..... 8~ $15.83 $126.64 TC Officer TC Officer TC Officer TC Officer Equipment Costs I Total Department Cost for Event = $ $126.64 Prepared by Capt. M Flatley 4/11/2011,~ Page 1