HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-03/31/1975Sou hold Town Planmng Board
SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971
TELEPHONE 765-1313
John Wickham, Chairman
Henry Molsa
Alfred Grebe
Henry Raynor
Frank Coyle
Southold Town Planning Board
March 31, 1975
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
was held March 31, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Clerk's
Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were
Chairman John Wickham, Vice-Chairman Henry Moisa, Frank S.
Coyle, Alfred Grebe and Henry Raynor.
Luce and Penny minor subdivision. Mr. Walter Luce appeared.
Mr. Moisa read the Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of
the Town Law, Public Hearing will be held by the Southold
Town Planning Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road,
Southold, New York, in said Town on the 31st day of March,
1975, on the question of the following:
7:30 p.m. Approval of a minor subdivision of property
owned by Flora S. Luce and George L. Penny consisting of a
parcel of land situate, lying and being in Cutchogue, Town
of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described
as follows:
BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the
easterly line of Pine Tree Road with the northerly line of
said Pine Tree Road; from said point of beginning running
along said northerly line of Pine Tree Road, S. 63° 54' 00"
W. 51.62 feet; thence along land of LaGrande, N. ll° 41' 50"
W. 266.85 feet; thence along said land of LaGrande and land
of Krupski,,S. 63° 24' 00" W. 3~8.28 feet; thence along land
of Heidtmann, N. 25° 28' 40" W. 103.32 feet; thence along
land of Stoutenburgh, N. 31° 17' 50" W. 166.78 feet; thence
along land of Billard, N. 58° 42' 10" E. 1169.72 feet; thence
along land of Kull, two courses: (1) S. 12° 56' 20" W. 4a2.51
feet; thence (2) S. 7° 16' 30" E. 163.77 feet; thence along
land of Tornlund, two courses: (1) N. 85° 42' 50" W. 254.30
feet; thence (2) S. 63° 24' 00" W. 200.0 feet; thence along
Planning Boara -2- ~arch 31, 1975
said land of Tornlund and land of Schwab, S. 11° 41' 50" E.
267.31 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7.878 acres.
Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter
should appear at the time and place above specified.
Dated: March 24, 1975 ~BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN
Proof of publication was presented from the Suffolk
Weekly Times and the Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman.
Mr. Wickham read the covenants and restrictions as to
no further subdivision of this property and copy of the
description will be attached to this affidavit to be filed
with the County Clerk.
Mr. Wickham: Is there anyone who would like to be heard in
opposition to this subdivision? Hearing none, I will ask for
anyone who wishes to be heard in favor of it.
Mr. Luce: We have contracted to have the road built and will
resurface the road to comply with the Board's recommendation.
Any suggestions you may have I am willing to listen and I
would appreciate it if you can see your way clearly to favor
this minor subdivision.
Mr. Wickham: This matter has been before the Planning Board
for almost two years and we have had many changes in it and
this map has been designed to meet the requirements of the
Planning Board. If there is no one else who wishes to speak
on this subdivision, I will declare the hearing closed.
Mr. Wickham: I would like to have written into the minutes
exactly how you and the Board propose to handle the road.
Mr. Luce: It is my understanding that we are to go 150 feet
up on this road going to the Billard property and to about
the middle of lot number three.
Mr. Wickham: We said in view of the fact that this was a
minor subdivision that we were asking for you to surface the
road but not to town standards. What were you thinking on
the width of the surfacing?
Mr. Luce: It is a fifty foot road all the way in. Twenty
feet would be ~urfaced keeping it as a private road until
such time if in the future we would turn it over to the town.
Mr. Coyle asked him if he had thought of putting in a fire-
well and Mr. Luce replied that he thought there was one on
Pine Tree Road.
It was agreed by Mr. Luce and the Planning Board to bring
the twenty-f$ot paved road to the park area.
Planning Boara -3- March 31, 1975
Mr. Spies - Klaffky property in Nassau Point. Barry Spies,
the son, appeared with him.
Mr. Spies is desirous of making a six-lot subdivision of
property owned by Mrs. Klaffky in Nassau Point for which he
is under contract. Mr. Spies seemed insistent that he wanted
to divide the property into six lots as a major although Mr.
Wickham thought he would probably be better off with a four
lot minor. Mr. Spies will think it over and come back to the
Board with a proposal in the future.
Tut's Acres, minor subdivision. Alma Surer appeared.
Mr. Raynor read the Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of
the Town Law, Public Hearing will be held by the Southold
Town Planning Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road,
Southold, New York, in said Town on the 31st day of March,
1975, on the question of the following:
8:00 p.m. Approval of a minor subdivision of property
owned by Alma Suter known as "Tut's Acres", consisting of a
parcel of land situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town
of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described
as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the Main
Road, 764.09 feet easterly along said norhterly line from
Elijah's Lane, said point of beginning being the southeasterly
corner of land of Adel; from said point of beginning running
along said land of Adel, N. 26° 19' 20" W. 2256.59 feet;
thence along ~and of Tuthill, N. 61° 31' 40" E. 626.61 feet;
thence along land of Kurkowski, N. 73° 52' 10" E. 253.20 feet;
thence along land of Cross, S. 27° 27' 00" E. 832.82 feet;
thence along said land of Cross, and other land of said Adel,
S. 59° 51' 30" W. 875.70 feet; thence along said other land
of Adel, S. 26° 19' 20" E. 1354.81 feet to said northerly
line of the Main Road; thence along said northerly line N.
86° 00' W. 20.85 feet to the point of beginning. Containing
18.6597 acres.
Any person desiring to be he~rd on the above matters
should appear at the time and place above specified.
Dated: March 24, 1975
Proof of publication was presented from the Suffolk
Weekly Times and the Long Island Traveler - Mattituck
Planning Boar~ -4- March 31, 1975
Mr. Wickham: At this time I will ask if there is anyone who
wishes to be hard in opposition to this subdivision known as
Tut's Acres. Hearing none, I will call at this time anyone
who wishes to be heard in favor of it.
Mrs. Suter: I would like to thank you for your consideration.
I think we have complied with all the rules and regulations
that go along with a subdivision. I think the lots are big
enough so I don't think there should be any objection.
Mr. Wickham: Make sure the minutes show that there is a
statement on the map saying "Private road" as shown is
reserved for possible future dedication to the Town of Southold.
There being no one else wishing to be heard, at this time I
will declare the hearing closed.
Peter Sled~eski minor. Rudy Bruer appeared.
The Board and Mr. Bruer discussed the two rights-of-way
on this property. The Stillo right-of-way is not a metes and
bounds description and can be changed without any trouble.
The twelve foot right-of-way on the west of the property will
either be exchanged for the new right-of-way or left as is.
~n-~oti~n made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it
RESOLVED to approve the sketch plan of the minor sub-
division owned by Peter Sledjeski located at Orient, New
York, subject to resolving the problem of the twelve-foot
right-of-way on the westerly side of the premises.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe,
Mr. Coyle made a motion, seconded by Mr. Moisa and
carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
March 12, 1975.
On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it
RESOLVED that a public hearing be held on April 21,
1975 on the question of the approval of a minor subdivision
of Simcich located at Southold, New York.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
PLanning Boar~ -5- March 31, 1975
Oregon View.
Mr. Raynor reported that the vast majority of the trees are
in the town right-of-way. He spoke with the Town Attorney,
Mr. Tasker, and he said they are correct and the exceptions
Mr. Terry quoted are not applicable to the s~ecific section
of plantings for new subdivisions.
Mr. Wickham read the applicable section, A106-33 B.
Improvements. Streets shall be graded and improved with pave-
ments, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities,
water mains, sewers, stre~tlights and street siEns, street
trees and fire hydrants, except where waivers may be requested,
and the Planning Board, upon written approval of the Superin-
tendent of Highways and the Town Board Highway Committee, may
waive, subject to appropriate conditions, such improvements
as it considers may be omitted without jeopardy to the public
health, safety and general welfare. Pedestrian easements shall
be improved as required by the Planning Board. Such grading
and improvements shall be approved as to design and specifica-
tions by the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Board
Highway Committee.
Mr. Wickham said he had spoken with some members of the Town
Board who would like them on the property owner's land so the
town is not respansible for the maintenance in the future.
Until such time as our rules and regulations for the subdiv-
ision of land are changed we really have no right to ask for
it uuless it should be waived at the request of the subdivider.
Where the subdivider has met the requirements of the Planning
Board, Mr. Wickham feels that there is no problem. Mr. Wickham
signed the maps of Oregon View.
Peconic Knolls. Stephen Tsontakis, Nelson Axien and Stanley
Waimey appeared.
Mr. Moisa read the Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of
the Town Law, Public Hearing will be held by the Southold Town
Planning Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, in said Town on the 31st day of March, 1975, on the
question ~f the following:
8:30 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of property
owned by Adelphi Land C~rporation known as "Peconic Knolls"
consisting of a parcel of land situate, lying and being at
Peconic, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Lakeview
Avenue where the same is intersected by the northeast corner
of lands now or formerly of Elaine Axien, at the northwesterly
Planning Boara -6- March 31, 1975
corner of the herein described premises; thence running along
the southerly side of Lakeview Avenue S. 54° 52' 40" E. 200.0
feet to lands now or formerly of Jose Garido; thence along
said lands S. 28° 09' 50" W. 201.48 feet to lands now or form-
erly of Four Sails Realty, Inc.; thence along said last mentioned
land along lands of Jose Garrido S. 54° 52' 40" E. 400.02
feet; thence N. 35° 07' 20" E. 200.0 feet; thence along said
map line and the s~Mt~ert~ map line of subdivision "Bailey
Park" Suffolk County File No. 1097 the following two courses
and distances: (1) S. 54° 52' 40" E. 421.99 feet and (2) S.
42° 24' 00" E. ?9.09 feet to land known as the subdivision
"Peconic Homes, Section 2" Suffolk County File No. 5001; thence
along said last mentioned land S. 44° 50' 00" W. 518.30 feet
to the northwesterly terminus of "Peconic Homes"; thence along
lands now or formerly of C.P.F. Land Corp. the following two
courses and distances: (1) N. 48° 29' 00" W. 355.33 feet; (2)
N. 53° 39' 50" W. 621.95 feet; thence along lands now or for-
merly of Elaine Axien N. 27° 46' 40" E. 479.13 feet to the
point or place of beginning.
Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters
should appear at the time and place above specified.
Dated: March 24, 1975
Affidavits of publication were received from the Suffolk
Weekly Times and the Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman.
The following letter under date of February 24, 1975 to the
Planning Board was read:
The Highway Committee and I have inspected the map, and
approve the lay-out of Peconic Knolls, Peconic, New York.
/s/ Raymond C. Dean
Supt. of Highways
The following communication dated January, 1975 was read:
I, Stephen G. Tsontakis, the undersigned, depose that
I am the sole owner of Adelphi Land Corp.
/s/ Stephen G. Tsontakis
Signature notarized
The following letter to the Planning Board under date of
September 12, 1974 was read:
Mr. Larry M. Tuthill and I inspected the site of Peconic
Knolls and Mr. Louis M. Demarest inspected the plans and the
Planning Boara -7- March 31, 1975
and recommendations are as follows:
1. That the road cross-section does not show curbs.
2. That the paved section is not centered in the 50'
of highway area.
That the name of Henry's Lane be used in place of
Autumn Lane as this road is an extension of Henry's
That the existing mosquito ditches be noted on the
plans and profile as it is believed these ditches
must be maintained since they go beyond the sub-
/s/ Raymond C. Dean
Supt. of Highways
Mr. Raynor: It is noted on the map to be preserved also.
Mr. Wickham: There is a letter here from William Wickham,
Esq. saying that his office represents Nelson Axien and that
an endeavor will be made to have all the owners of the Axien
property agree to change their rights over the present trav-
elled road for easements over the new 50 foot roadway.
The following letter was read addressed to Mr. Tsontakis and
dated December 7, 1973.
Dear Mr. Tsontakis:
In reply to your letter of December 6, 1973, the drainage
pond and sluice gate that you plan to construct in the pro-
posed subdivision of Peoonic Knolls appears to be adequate
for mosquito control purposes.
The Suffolk County Mosquito Control Commission approves
of this plan and has no objections to your developing this
/s/ Joseph Sanzone
Mr. Wickham: Everything appears to be in order. At this
time I will open the hearing to anyone who wishes to speak in
opposition to this subdivision known as Peconic Knolls. Hear-
ing none, anyone who wishes to speak in favor of it may do so
at this time.
Mr. Tsontakis: I believe that the latest version of the
preliminary map presented here complies with the requirements
of the Highway Department, the Town Planning Board, the Health
Department, the Mosquito Control Commission and the adjoining
neighbors. We have endeavored to develop this piece of land
Planning Boara -8- .arch 31, 1975
not only from the standpoint of satisfying everyone's require-
ments but to retain as much as possible the natural beauty of
the area. To live with all the requirements and trying to
achieve this goal is no simple task. I pray that the Planning
Board approve it.
Mr. Tsontakis agreed to contact Mr. Dean, the Highway Superin-
tendent, to see what he wanted as far as a slope easement was
Mr. Moisa: The drainage ditch which is noted to be preserved
has not been resolved.
Mr. Axien: There is no deed easement leading into Miami
Avenue. The travelled driveway in lot number 9 should go out
of lot number 9 at the junction to the rear of Peconic Homes
lots. In Section 4 paragraph ll it requires that the plat
show the location of and width of all easements. The easement
is twenty feet shown in Liber 2289 Page 147. This deed will
certify the easement as being 20 feet. The restrictions say
that the amount of money for the property owners association
to pay cannot exceed $50 in any year. This seems too restrict-
Mr. Wickham: He is right. You should probably add "or what-
ever amount might be determined necessary by the property
owners association".
Mr. Raynor: Don't forget to name the street.
Mr. Wickham declared the hearing closed as there was no one
else wishing to speak.
Highland Estates. William Wickham, Esq., Richard Mohring,
Bart J. Piscitello, and Howard Young, P.E. appeared.
Mr. Raynor read the Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of
the Town Law, Public Hearing will be held by the Southold
Town Planning Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road,
Southold, New York, in said Town on the 31st day of March,
1975, on the question of the following:
9:00 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of property
owned by 75 Highland Road Corp. known as "Highland Estates",
consisting of a parcel of land situate, lying and being at
Cutchogue, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, bounded
and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the
northwesterly line of Main Road, N.Y.S. Rte. 25, with the
northeasterly line of the land of J. Faszewski and running
Planning Boar¢ -9- March 31, 1975
thence from said point of beginning northwesterly, south-
westerly, again northwesterly and again southwesterly along
the land of J. Faxzewski the following courses and distances:
(1) N. 47° 37' 30" W. 273.92 feet; (2) S. 57° 58' 40" W.
35.00 feet; (3) N. 45° 27' 50" W. 151.16 feet; ~) S. 57° 58'
40" W. 57.00 feet to the land of R. Asselta; thence north-
westerly along the lands of R. Asselta and of Lefferts P.
Edson the following courses and distances: (1) N. 46° 51' 30"
W, 18.94 feet; (2) N. 45° 15' 50" W. 400.34 feet; (3) N. 48°
45' 50" W. 1398.68 feet; (4) S. 38° 59' 00" W. 436.30 feet
to the land of Pa~l Kaloski; thence northwesterly along the
lands of Paul Kaloski and of Alvah Farm Company the following
courses and distances: (1) N. 49° 00' 30" W. 439.27 feet;
(2) N. 46o 41' 37" W. 359.36 feet; (3) N. 47° 57' 17" W. 394.92
feet to the land of Long Island Vineyards, Inc.; thence north-
easterly along the land of Long Island Vineyards, Inc. the
following course and distance: (1) N. 37° 57' 03~' E. 834.24
feet to the land of Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart
of Cutchogue; thence southeasterly along the land of Roman
Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Cutchogue the following
courses and distances: (1) S. 49° 51' 35" E. 236.56 feet to
the land of the Presbyterian Church; thence southwesterly and
southeasterly along the land of the Presbyterian Church the
following courses and distances: (1) S. 44° 56' 10" W. 109.13
feet; (2) S. 44° 39' 10" E. 255.78 feet to the northwesterly
line of the Main Road, N.Y.S. Rte. 25, thence southwesterly
along the northwesterly line of the said Main Road the follow-
ing courses and distances: (1) S. 52° ll' 50" W. 156.06 feet;
(2] S. 57° 58' 40" W. 140.95 feet to the point or place of
beginning. Containing 46.450 acres.
Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters
should appear at the time and place above specified.
March 24, 1975
Affidavits of publication were presented from the Suffolk
Weekly Times and the Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watch-
Mr. Wickham: Please note that the map says "77 Hightadd Road"
and the description says "75 Highland Road". Which is
Mr. Piscitello: 75 Highland Road.
The following letter under date of February 27, 1975 addressed
to Richard Lark, Esq., Attorney for the developers was read.
Dear Mr. Lark:
The Planning Board would like to request you and the
developers of Highland Estates at Cutchogue to extend the period
of time for holding the required hearing on preliminary
Planning Boar~ -10- March 31, 1975
In discussion with the Town Attorney, this seems to be
by far the best way out of the present dilemma and, acting
in good faith, we have already scheduled the required hearing
for March 12 and assure you that we will take immediate action
on it.
In the meanwhile, we will notify our engineer, Lawrence
M. Tuthill, that he should meet with Mr. Alden Young of Young
& Young to work out the problems that have stalled us for so
long. This is as per your suggestion.
It is my belief that these matters can be satisfactorily
settled in this way and that we may proceed to submit the
amended maps to county agencies for their approval.
/s/ John Wickham, Chairman
Southold Tow~ Planning Board
The following letter under date of February 19, 1975 to the
Planning Board was read:
Dear Mr. Wickham:
In corn~ection with the above-captioned proposed subdivision,
my records reveal that the application for approval of plat
was submitted originally to the Planning Board on March
1974, and pursuant to sketch plan approval received from the
Planning Board, the plat was submitted to the Planning Board
for preliminary approval on October 4, 1974. However, the
Planning Board requested a slight change in the road layout
in order to accommodate Mr. Lefferts Edson's proposed subdiv-
ision which is adjacent to the westerly boundary of this prop-
erty. This revision was accomplished and sent to the Planning
Board on October 31, 1974. Since that date I have not heard
of any official action taken on the map.
Accordingly, demand is being made on you pursuant to
Section 276, subdivision 3of the Town Law for a certificate
as to date of submission and failure to take action within
the prescribed time under the law.
/s/ Richard F. Lark
Mr. Wickham: Our extension was granted and we were unable
to meet the March 12th date because of some problems beyond
our control but working with Mr. Lark, we set the hearing for
tonight. On January 27th, we have a letter from the Super-
intendent of Highways:
A meeting to review several subdivisions was held at the
office of Superintendent Raymond C. Dean, Peconic Lane,
Peconic at lO:O0 a.m. on January 23, 1975. Present were
Planning Board -11- March 31, 1975
Superintendent Dean, Justices Louis Demarest and Martin
Suter of the Highway Committee and Mr. L. Tuthill, P.E.
It was requested by all that the two cul-de-sacs be
eliminated and the road loop around and return to the adja-
cent subdivision.
/s/ Raymond C. Dean
Supt. of Highways
Mr. Wickham: Going back to get background for this, under
date of December 6th, I have a letter from Howard Young about
contour lines on the location map. This is one of our prob-
lems because elevations on adjacent maps did not jibe and it
took us awhile to work that out. There was a five foot
difference in elevations on adjacent maps. Under date of
November 26, 1974 a letter is here from our department to the
To~n Superintendent of Highways forwarding copies of the map
of Highland Estates to the Highway Committee and our Engineer,
Larry Tuthillo The following letter under date of November l,
1974 from the Soil Conservation Service of the U. S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture is in the file:
Dear John:
Regarding the Highland Estates proposed recharge basin
site and the soil thereon, I have sampled the soils in three
parts of the proposed site and find that the upper silty clay
layer varies from 2-1/2 to 5 feet in thickness, and is under-
lain by coarse sand. I conclude that there should be no serious
problem with these soils in establishing an adequate recharge
/s/ Charles R. Barnett
District Conservationist
Mr. Wickham: There is a letter from the telephone company
saying telephone service will be available upon request. There
is the same thing from the Long Island Lighting Company. There
is a receipt for the fee. Under date of June 17th, there is a
letter from the Superintendent of Highways:
On June 12, 1974, at the site, the Highway Committee and
I reviewed the subdivision of Highland Estates, Cutchogue, New
York, and approved of the drainage and road(s).
/s/ Raymond C. Dean
Mr. Wickham: There is also here a disclmsure statement
giving the names of the principles of this corporation. I
will now hear from those who are in opposition to this sub-
division. Hearing none, I will hear from those that wish to
be heard in favor of this subdivision.
Plsnning Boar~ -12- March 31, 1975
William Wickham, Esq.: I uuderstand that you people are in
fair agreement with this subdivision. There has been a great
deal of work done on it and it seems to me it is a highly
desirable subdivision not only for its location in relation
to the business section of Cutchog~ which is a slight walking
Mr. Wickham: At this time I would like to state that the
Planning Board has spent a great deal of time on this as has
your attorney and engineer and the Town Superintendent of High-
ways and the Town Highway Committee. We have had more than a
few changes and in particular the changes on the north end
of this subdivision. I personally have spent a great deal of
time on this and have discussed this thoroughly with members
of the Highway Committee and Supervisor and Acting Supervisor.
They are in accord at this time that this overlay which I
have before me noted as "Overlay 4B, Highland Estates, March
28, 1975" is the most acceptable. I want to note further
that this shows the two most northeasterly lots as large lots
of sixty thousand square feet and they are lots 24 and 25 on
this overlay. They are in the northeast corner and are larEely
wooded and the cul-de-sac shown on this overlay is surrounded
by four lots - 20, 21, 22 and 23 and I wish to point out that
whereas lots 24 and 25 are quite heavily wooded and generally
have some steep grades, lots 20 to 23 are mostly in the open.
The grades are much easier and for these reasons this overlay
seems much more acceptable. It has been informally approved
by the Superintendent of Highways, the Highway Committee and
the Acting Supervisor.
Mr. Coyle: These numbers seem to have lost one.
Mr. Young: We lost a lot.
Mr. Wickham: We should note that the date of the map is
March 27, 1975 and it shows a total of 39 lots. The overlay
4B will be an amendment to this map. We will incorporate this
overlay number 4B as part of the preliminary map of Highland
Estates. The map dated October 28, 1974 was not acceptable
to the Highway Committee and it showed 40 lots. As a result
of compromise and willingness to work together it has been
worked out to solve our problems by eliminating one cul-de-sac
and one lot. I personally am very well satisfied with this
and feel sure we can expedite it. It will have to be sent to
the County Planning Commission because it is on the Main High-
way but I see no grounds for any objection.
Mr. Young: Are you going to approve this map subject to the
overlay 4B?
Mr. Wickham: We are incorporating overlay 4B as part of this
map which means for our purposes this is part of this map.
Mr. Piscitello: Are we all together on this engineering?
Planning Boara -13- March 31, 1975
Mr. Young: I spoke to Larry today and it seemed to meet his
Mr. Wickham: Mr. Piscitello met with the Town Attorney, our
Engineer, myself, the vice-chairman, Mr. Raynor, in the office
of the Town Superintendent of Highways and we went over this
and Larry agreed with Young to work it out the best possible
way. It was Alden Young that was there.
Mr. Wickham declared the hearing closed.
Mr. Wickham: The provisions are that you will submit a final
map and we will act on it ~ust as soon as we can. Usually,
it takes longer to get the bond set up so usually we approve
subject to notice received in this office that the Town Board
has accepted and has in their possession the bond. We have
to receive notification from the Town Clerk that the bond is
in their b~ds before we can sign the map. We will send it
to the County immediately upon receipt of it.
On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Grebe,
it was
RESOLVED to grant approval of the preliminary map of
the subdivision known as "Highland Estates" dated March 27,
1975 and including overlay 4B dated March 28, 1975.
Vote of the Board:
and Raynor.
Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it
RESOLVED to approve the map of the minor subdivision
owned by Luce& Penny, Cutchogue, New York, dated February
6, 1975 and amended February 21, 1975.
Vote of the Board:
and Raynor.
Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Moisa, it
RESOLVED to approve the map of the minor subdivision
of Alma Surer known as "Tut's Acres", located at Mattituck,
New York, subject to receipt of the map with spot elevations.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe.
Mr. Raynor abstained from voting.
Planning Board -14- March 31, 1975
On motion made by Mr. Grebe, seconded by Mr. Raynor,
it was
RESOLVED to approve the preliminary map of "Peconic
Knolls" dated May 29, 1973 and amended February 28, 1975
subject to the following:
1. Naming of the road.
2. Southerly mosquito ditch shown as re-routed.
3. The existing right-of-way being shown.
A statement being received as to the slope on the
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Moisa, it
RESOLVED to authorize the chairman to sign the map of
Werner Adel, Jr. minor subdivision upon receipt of notice of
the filing of the covenants and restrictions.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
The following was read into the minutes regarding "August
Acres" subdivision at Arshamomaque.
GEORGE WETMORE, JR., being duly sworn, deposes and says:
I have represented the non-resident owner of the property
involved in the above-entitled matter in connection with
certain problems arising out of this subdivision map and make
this affidavit because of a question which has arisen as to
the pond shown on Lot 1.
The pond shown is not a natural body of water. It is
man-made, having been dug by or for one Albert Sledjeski, now
deceased, in the early 1950's for use as an irrigation pond
for the nearby acreage which he had ~uuder cultivation.
The existence of the depression shown as a pond in Lot
#1 was necessarily shown because of the existing topography.
If the map is approved and an application for the erection of
a dwelling thereon should be made, it is proposed that the
depression would be filled in.
This affidavit is made both to the Southold Town Planning
Board and the Suffolk County Department of Health and there is
no objection to an endorsement on the map of a condition for
the filling in of Lot lopreliminary to it.
/s/ George Wetmore, Jr.
Planning Boarm -15- March 31, 1975
The Planuing Board concurred with the affidavit of Mr.
Wetmore and Lawrence Tuthill reported that he had spoken to
Mr. Irving Latham, an excavator, who told him that he had
dug it out at one time or another. A copy of this affidavit
with a covering letter from the Planning Board is to be sent
to Mr. Villa~of the Suffolk County Department of Health.
The following letter was directed by Mr. Wickham to be ~ent
to Mr. Schriever regarding his subdivision in Orient.
"We have received information from numerous people in
the Orient area that they do not look favorably on auother
connection to Village Lane. It is also our understanding that
the Highway Committee does not approve it. We think that you
would be well-advised to make a cul-de-sac in the proposed
road or as another possibility you might consider abandoning
the cluster concept and putting in a loop road with standard
lots plus playground and so forth. We offer this suggestion
only because to date there has only been one cluster concept
approved in the Town of Southold."
On motion made by Mr. Grebe, seconded by Mr. Moisa,
it was
RESOLVED to authorize the chairman to sign the map of
the subdivision known as "Inlet East Estates" upon receipt
of the inspection fee.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor,
it was
RESOLVED to approve the map of the minor subdivision of
Garelle located at Mattituck, New York, map dated August 28,
1974 amended January 2, 1975.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it
RESOLVE to ratify the action of the Southold Town
Planning Board with regard to the approval of the map of
the subdivision ~nown as "Pebble Beach Farms" upon receipt
of the action of the Suffolk County Planning Commission
disapproving same for the following reasons:
~lanning Boar~ -16- March 31, 1975
1. The Planning Board feels it is imperative to keep
the open area in agriculture.
2. 100 foot setbacks have been provided to protect the
bluff on the Sound.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
Mr. Edson is to be notified to draw up an agreement as
to the Home Owners Association for the subdivision "Pebble
Beach Farms" which will require review by the Town Attorney
and the Town Board before signing of the map. The developers
are going to have to prepare a statement that the open and
common lands are going to be maintained as open space in
On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it
RESOLVED that the following be incorporated in the rules
and regulations for the subdivision of land as soon as
1. Eight-inch well casings installed in subdivisions
with the pumping capacity at approximately 400 gallons per
minute regardless of whether the hydrant is vacuum-lift type
or submersible.
2. All hydrants have twenty feet of bronze screening.
3. There should be a minimum of one hydrant per thirty
homes or one hydrant within a half mile radius, to be
included in the bonding procedure under the regulations, the
Well to be assumed by the fire district on release of the
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe
and Raynor.
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Moisa and
carried, the meeting was adjourned. Meeting adjourned at
10:30 p.m.
~John Wickham, Chairman
Respectful~ly sub~mi~ted,
Murie~Br~s~, Secretary