HomeMy WebLinkAboutPBA-01/26/1998pI~N'NING BOARD i~/[EMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI..IR. Chai~an ~I~I J. CREME~ ~TH L. EDW.~S GEORGE RITCHIE ~, ~. RIC~ G. W~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Sou~:hold, New York 11971 Fa..',[ (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 SETTING OF THE NEXT PLANNING BOARD MEETING PLANNING BOARD OFFICE ' TOW'N OF SOUTHOLD f~ioO_,' ~ AGENDA S;~c : o lanua~ 26,1998 c~~'~ ~ Board to set Monday, Februa~ 23, 1998 a~ 7:30 p.m. at ~he Sou~hold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as ~he ~ime and place ~r ~he ne~ ~ regular Planning Board meeting. PUBUC llEI~ING$ 7:30 p.m. - Fishers island Develooment Coro. - These lot line changes are to change the layout ot: 10 existing lots which are shown on the Fishers Island Development Corp. subdivision which was approved by the Planning Board on September 9, 1991. The result of the lot line changes will be a reduction in the number o1: lots from 10 lots to 8 buildabte lots and I non-buildable wetland lot, which will be retained by F.I.D.C.O. The parcels are located on the northeast corner of Peninsula Road and East End Road on Fishers island. SCTM# 10-5- 12.7 [ F.I.D.C.O. lots #44-(17-25) and #44-491 Hearings Held Over From I~evious Meetings: Parker, Betsey and Chester Dickerson - This proposal is to set off a 1.8454 acre parcal from an existing 24.~.211 acre parcel. The Town has purchased the development rights on ~he proposed 22.5757 acre parcel. The proposal is located on the south side of Old North Rd. and the west side o1: Young's Ave. in Southold. SCTM# 1000-55-I- 8.1 & 8.3. Town Planning 8oard . 2 January 26, 1998 · ~o,~-~,~ . Broadwaters Cove - This site plan is for the expansion of a concrete block tool shed at an ex,sting marina located on Skunk Lane (Bay Ave.) ~n ~,~c~) Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-104-8-2.5. MAJOR AND MINOR SUBDIVISIONS, LOT LINE CHANGES AND SET OfF APPLICATIONS Final Determinations Fishers Island Develooment Coro. - SCTM# 10-5-12.7 Stanley & Matra Wiepsynski and Herodotus Damianos - This lot line change is to subtract 332 square feet from a 151,480 square foot parcel and to add it to a 54.4 acre parcel. The parcels are located off Jennings Road in Southold. $CTM# 1000-54-6-1 and 59-3-28.3. Review of Reports: ~,o~.% Fishers Island Develooment toro. * SCTM# 10-5-12.7 MAJOR AND MINOR SUBDIVISIONS, LOT UNE CHANGES, SET OFF APPUCATIONS - STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY REVIEW ACT Determinations: Peconic Land Trust, Inc. - This minor subdivision is for 4 lots on 49.5494 acres. Lot number 4 contains ~7.63 acres of land on which the Town has purchased the development dghts. The property is located on the south side of Main Rd. and the north side of Wells Rd. in Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-1-9. SITE PLANS Waivers: ' ' ' C~¢A-e~ ~4,~,~. North Fork Country Club - This site plan waiver is for a 410 square ~¢~ ~,-~ ~ foot addition to an existing storage building. SCTM# 1000-109-4-8.3 ~'e~,~ . APPROVAL OF P~NING BO~D MINU~ Board to approve the Oecember 15, 1997 and January 5, 1998 minutes.