HomeMy WebLinkAboutPBA-01/05/1998PLA~N,.-~-fNG BOA_R3:) OFFICE T0W~ OF SOUTI{OLD AGENDA January 5,1998 ~:alI, 53095 NEain Road P.O. Box 1179 $oucho[d, .~ew York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 SE'~'I'ING OF THE NEXT PLANNING BOARD MEL:'riNG Board to set: Monday, January 26, 1997 al: ?:~0 p.m:a~ ~l~e Sou~hold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as the time and place'ror the nexU regular Planning Board meeting. PUBUC HEARINGS 7:30 p.m. Conrad S. Baoenski - This lot line ct~ange ben, ween Carole Kaelin and Conrad and Ka~hn/n BagenskJ 4s to subtract =;8,788 sq. ft. (tt~e area ofthe 50' r-o-w) from Lot #fl of the approved subdivision for Conrad and Frances Bagenski and to add it to Lot ¢2 of the same subdivision. The property is located on Wagon Wheel Lane in Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-108-=;-9.1 & 9.2. 7:35 p.m. Parker, 8etsev and Chester Oickerson - fhis proposal is to set off: a 1.8454 acre parcel from an exm ing 24.4211 acre parcel· The Town has purchased the development dgh~s on the proposed 22.5757 acre parcel. The proposal is located on the south side of Old Notch Rd. and the wes~ side o¢ Young's Ave. in Soul:hold. SCTM# 1000-55-I- 8.1 & 8.=;. HearingH Held Over From Previous Meetings: Broadwaters Cove - This site plan is for the expansion of a concrete · '~%~ ~'~'~ block tool shed at an existing manna !ccated on Skunk Lane (Bay Ave.) ~- ,~,;~,'~} in Cutctqogue. $CTM¢ !000-10~-8-2.5. Sou(:hold Town P!anning Board 2 January 5, 1998 MAJOR AND MINOR SUBDIVISIONS, LOT UNE CHANGES AND SET OFF APPUCATIO NS Final Determinations k~,,;.%') / r~,~g/~L~_~.~g~' SCTM# 1000-108-3-9.1 & 9.2. Setting of Final Hearings: Fisimers Island Development CorD. - These lot line changes are to change the layout of 10 exiCcing Io~s which are shown on the Fishers island Oeveiopment Corp. subdivision which was approved by the P!anning Board on SeptemDer 9, 1991. The result of the lot line changes will be a reduction in tlqe number o¢ lots from '10 lots to 8 buildaDle lots and 1 non-buildable wetland lot, which'will be retained by F.!.D.C.O. The parcels are located on the noFcheas~ corner of Peninsula Road and East End Road on Fishers Island. $CTM# 10-5- 12.7 i F.I.D.C.O. IDeS #44-(17-25) and #44-491 Sketch Determinations: Peconic Land Trust, Inc. - This minor subdivision is For 4 lots on 49.5494 acres. Lot number 4 contains 57.63 acres o¢ land on whict~ the Town has purchased the development rights. The propero/is Iccatc--d on ~he south side of: Main Rd. and the noFch side of Wells Rd. in Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-1-9. MAJOR AND MINOR SUBDIVISIONS, LOT UNE CHANGES,. SET OFF APPUCATIONS - STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT Lead Agency Coordination: ~%) ' Peconic Land TruE, Inc. - SCTM# I000-86-1-9. Uncoordinated Reviews: ~,~.~ F;sners Island Oeve!ooment Coro. - SCTM# 10-5-12.7. ScuE~oid Town Planning Board January S. 199B SITE PLANS Waivers: Joseph MarcoccJa - This proposed site plan waiver is for an auto repair shop on Counb/Road 48 in Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-96-1-19. SITE PLANS - STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY REVIEW ACT Uncoordinated Reviews: Richard W. Corazzini - This proposed site plan is for a 2,520 square foot %orage building au an exiszing asphalt company, on Cox Lane in Cutchogue. $CTM# 1000-84-1-26.2. Determinations: (, c~_~ ~o~% Richard W. Corazzln~i - SCTM# I000-84-1-26.2. OTHER Efthalia Katos - Planning Board to authorize Chairman :o endorse a Cercificate o¢ Correction ~o eliminate parc o¢ a right-dC-way. SCTM# 1000-106-I-41, 48.