HomeMy WebLinkAboutPBA-06/19/1989PLANNING BOARD
JUNE 19, 1989
7:30 p.m. Sunbeau Associates- Board to review the revised bond
estimate dated March 21, 1989. Public hearing on the
amended map dated May 31, 1989. This subdivision is on
30.637 acres located at Mattituck.
SCTM #1000-100-2-5.1.
7:45 p.m. Russell Weiss- Public hearing on the amended map
dated May 11, 1989. This subdivision is on 5.263 acres
located at Mattituck. $CTM #1000-100-2-5.
8:00 p.m. ~omas Shalvey- lic hearing on the final map
dated January 2, 1989. This minor s~ivision is on
5.9130 acres located at Cutchogue. SC~ ~1000-84-4-11.
N./orth Road Associates- Board to keep the public hearing open
fr--~Fe-~a~. This minor subdivision is on 16.886 acres~
located at Orient. SCTM ~000-18-4-1. ~ · .~- D ~ ~
%/Board to set Monday, July 10, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. at the Southold
Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as the time and place for the
next regular PlaDnlng Board meeting.
Boa~~ minutes of the regular meeting of June 5,
Frank & Mytrle Hendrickson- Board to authorize the Chairman to
endorse the final maps dated December 2, 1988. This lot line
change is on 95,756. sq. ft. located at Southold.
SCUM #1000-70-4-44 & 45.
Fishers Island Utility- Board to review the resolutions of
June 5, 1989 for this subdivision. This minor subdivision is on
2.53 acres located at Fishers Island. SCTM #1000-6-6-2.
Paul Matthews- Board to start the coordination process to
dete~ine lead agency and enviro~ental signific~ce. This ~jor
~ 2~/ ubdivision is on 69.9 acres located at Mattituck. ~*~ ~CTM #1000-.100-2-1 ....
Dorothy Robertson- Board to make a determination under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act. This minor subdivision
is on 2.508 acres located at Orient. SCTM #1000-13-1-10.
Cedarfields/Mooresland- Board to make a determination on the
completeness of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Board
to initiate a public comment period of thirty (30) calendar days
from the date of this resolution. This public comment period
will run until July 19, 1989. Board to set Monday, July 10, 1989
at 7:45 p.m. for a public hearing on the Draft Envrionmental
Impact Statement. This project is located on Moores Lane at
Greenport. SCTM #1000-4-5-1.
Harbor View Realty- Board to accept the sidney B. Bowne & Son
report dated June 9, 1989, which reduces the bond estimate to
$854~190.00. Board to extend the Irrevocable Letter of Credit
from June 20, 1989 to September 20, 1989, for the amount of
$854,190.00. Board to recommend the reduced bond estimate for
$854,190.00 and the extension on the Irrevocable Letter of
Credit to September 20, 1989 to the Town Board for their review
and approval of same. SCTM #1000-115-17-17.
Mohrin~ Enterprises- Board to review the engineer report dated
June 5, 1989. This minor subdivision is on 34.5765 acres located~
at Mattituck. SCTM #1000-75-6-7.
L Long Meadow Estates- Board to review the engineer report dated
~/~ . April 28, 1989. This major subdivision is on 36.9636 acres
~..~ 19~ated at Mattituck. SCTM #1000-113-7-19.2. ,
Long Pond Estates, Section I- Board to review the engineer
report dated June 12, 1989. This major _~ubdivision is located at
\~ Sou~khold. SCTM #1000-52-8-(1-4)., ~ %.~, · ~ ~- . '~ -~.
~ ~ ~ . ~- ~F-~ . ,~ . v..
Elijah's Lane, Sect. II- Board to make a reco~endation to the
To~ Board in regard to the Bond Est~ate. Board to set Monday,
July 10, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. for a p~li~ hearing on ~e
maps dated March 21, 1987. This major s~ivision is on 20.3
~.~ a~es locate~ at ~attituzk. SC~ 91000-108-4-p/o 7.1.
Se~ M. Deleh~ty- Board to review the S~fo~ Co~ty ~l~nning
Co~ission report dated June 9, 1989. Board to start the
coordination process to determine lead agency and enviro~ental
signific~ce. This lot line ch~ge is on 2.74 acres located at
~attituck. SC~ ~1000-107-1-13 & 14.
Garrick L. Mallery- Board to review the Suffolk Cowry
Plying Co~ission report dated June 12, 1989. This lot line
change is on 2.9 acres located at Nassau Point.~ m~.,
SC~ ~1000-118-1-16,17,18.1. ~
Barbara Sowins~- Board to review the Suffolk Co~ty Planning
Co~ission report dated June 9, 1989. ~is minor s~ivision is
on 4.3075 acres located at Cutcho~e. SC~ %1000-103-1-20.2.
Sunoil Refininq- Board to start the coordination process.to
deter?ine lead agency and environmental significance. This site~
plan KS located on the Main Road and Factory Avenue at
Mattituck. SCTM #1000-142-1-27.
Port of E~t- Boar~ to make a dete~ination ~der the State
Enviro~ental Quality Review Act. This site plan is located on
the Main Road at Southold. SC~ %1000-56-6-6.1
Sidney Olmsted- Board to ~iscuss this application with the
applicant. This minor subdivision is on 3+ acres located at
Mattituck. SCTM ~1000-114-7-14.
Gran~e (former Church of the Open Door)- Board to discuss this
proposal with the applicant.This proposal is located on Beckwith
Avenue at Southold. SCTM #1000-61-1-25.