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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPBA-05/15/1989PLANNING BOARD
MAY 15, 1989
7:30 p.m. Public hearing to amend the Subdivision Regulations as
they pertain to highway specifications for subdivision
~orth Road Associates- Board to keep the public hearing open
/from February 6, 1989. This minor subdivision is on 16.886 acres
~/located at Orient. SCTM #1000-18-4-1.
~hBM - Affordable Housing proposal- Board to keep the public
earing open from May 1, 1989. This major subdivision is on
37.762 a~s located at Southold. SCTM 91000-55-6.15.1.
/Board to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of July ~
LY~88 and~ugust ~
wn of Southold at Soundvlew Avenue- Board to review the maps
V ~-~e~anu-~, ~9~. ~--~a-~ubdivision is on 5.83 acres
located at Southold. SCTM 91000-59-9-10.
rt & Ann Amiaga- Board to set Monday, June 5, 1989 at
\/7:30 p.m. on the final maps surveyed December 8, 1987. This lot
~ line change is located on Sound View Avenue at Southold.
SCTM 91000-135-1-23 & p/o 24.
~a_lsh Park- Board to review the preliminary maps dated
~s,i~---8s81anl9dS. 9~c~i~l~_o~_d2~31.el.hOusing project is located on
Lon9 Meadow Estates- Board to review granting an extension of
conditional preliminary approval from June 12, 1989 to December
989. This major subdivision is on 36.9636 acres located at
tuck. SCTM #1000-113-7-19.2.
Sketch: , ,v , /
Rita Brown- Board to review granting an extension of sketch
approval from May 6, 1989 to November 6, 1989. This minor
ision is on 12.506 located at Mattituck.
~orothy Robertson- Board to review the sketch map dated March
/ 31, 1989. Board to start the coordination process to determine
,./ lead/agency and environmental significance. This minor
subdivision is on 2.508 acres located at Orient.
~ #1000-13-1-10.
Barbara Dow- Board to make a determination under the State
~/ ~~-~al Quality Review Act. This minor su~bdivision is on
4.99 acres located at Orient. SCTM #1000-17-2-6.
/~, . r--~-~ ,--~. : ..... ,~ . ,' , ~ ~ ~.-~. ~__.~..~_
James Cross- Board to make a determination under the SLmL~
// ~al Quality Review Act. This set off is on 7.9140
ac~s located at Cutchogue. SCTM #1000-108-3-12.
Herbert Mandel- Board to make a determination under the State
~nvironmental Quality Review Act. This set off is on 11.912
~/~c, res located at East Marion. SCTM #1000-31-4-15.
William Lindsey- Board to make a determination under the State
L~llnvironmental Quality Review Act. This minor subdivision is on
7.~.50 acres located at Mattituck. SCTM #1000-113-7-2.1 & 2.3.
~ /Hanauer & Bagley- Board to make a determination under the
~ State Environmental Quality Review Act. This minor subdivision
~c'~'~ ~_or~_ ~'-945 acres located at s°uth°ld- SCTM #1000-50-6-4-
James Cohill- Board to make a determination under the State
Env~ronmental Quality Review Act. This major subdivision is on
18/9108 acres located at Mattituok. SCTM #1000-107-1-2.
/~obert Van Nostrand- Board to make a determination under the
St-~~ Quality Review Act. This set off is on
95 acres located at Orient. SCTM #1000-25-4-11.4.
/~ove Beach Estates- Board to review the status of the Final
/E--~ro---~t~ct Statement for this major subdivision at
~//East ~arion. SCTM #1000-22-3-15.1 & 18.3.
Frank & Myrtle Hendrickson- Board to review the Suffolk County
Planning Commission report dated April 10, 1989. Board to set
Monday, June 5, 1989 at 7:45 p.m. for a public hearing on the
final maps dated December 2, 1988. This lot line change is on
95,756. sq. ft. located at Southold. SCTM #1000-70-4-44 & 45.
Bertram Holder- Board to review the Suffolk County Planning
Commission report dated April 10, 1989. This set off is on
34.619 acres located at Arshamomaque. SCTM #1000-57-2-1.1.
Paradise-by-the-Bay- Board to review the Engineer report dated
May ~, 1989. This major subdivisions is located at
t ~.,.,~']~M #1000-70-13~2Q~ 1-20.20).
Port of Egypt- Board to start the coordination process to
~/, determine lead agency and environmental significance. This site
plan is/2~ocated on the Main Road at Southold.
SC~/~00~-56-6-6.1, 10.1
liffside/Tidemark- Board to review revised maps dated May 10,
989. This site plan is on 7.132 acres locate~ at Southold.,,SCTM
1000-45-1-1. ~ 9' cu~ (~2~_~ ~o~> 90W~. ~
~/ The Shoppes at Mattituck- Boara to azscuss thi-~ s~te plan with
.~ the applicant. This site~lan~s located on the Corner of Cox
^ ~ Ne~ck, R~ad ,~n~d CQu.n~y Route 48 at Mattituck. SCTM #1000-121-2-1.
Alan Cardinale- Board to discuss this application with the
a--~-~ic--~. ~--TM #1000-122-3-1.1.