HomeMy WebLinkAboutSH RES 485, 493 Gabreski AirportSouthampton Town Board 116 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 Sundy A. $chermeyer Town Clerk Telephone: (631) 287-5740 Fax: (631) 283-5606 Hampton Bays Annex: (631) 723-2712 April 14, 2011 Honorable Elizabeth Neville Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED APR 2011 SouthoHTown Clerk Dear Honorable Elizabeth Neville: Responding to this letter will serve as an acknowledgement of receipt of the attached copies of resolutions adopted by the Southampton Town Board. Please sign this letter and return it to the Town Clerks Office via standard mail, by fax at 631-283-5606 or you may scan and email it back to townclerk~southamotontownnv.oov. Signature: ~'-'~/~.//J~.~ C~ .~Z~JDa re: ~Z./, ~ / / / Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on April 12, 2011 1:00 PM, reviewed the following resolution(s): Resolution RES-2011-485 Adopted [Unanimous] Notice of Combined Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to 330-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District (APDD) and Consider Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part III, Prepared to Examine the Significance of the Changes as Compared to the DGEIS and Findings Statement for the Gabreski Airport Master Plan. Resolution RES-2011-493 Adopted [Unanimous] Assume Lead Agency for the Purposes of SEQRA to Amend 330-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District Sincerely Yours, Sundy A. Schermeyer Town Clerk Generated 4/14/2011 Page I Southampton Town Board 116 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 Sundy A. $chermeyer Town Clerk Telephone: (631) 287-5740 Fax: (631) 283-5606 Hampton Bays Annex: (631) 723-2712 April 14, 2011 Honorable Elizabeth Neville Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Honorable Elizabeth Neville: Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on April 12, 2011 1:00 PM, reviewed the following resolution(s): Resolution RES-2011-485 Adopted [Unanimous] Notice of Combined Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to $$0-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District (APDD) and Consider Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part III, Prepared to Examine the Significance of the Changes as Compared to the DGEIS and Findings Statement for the Gabreski Airport Plaster Plan. CC: 3ames Overton, Police Chief Nancy Graboski, Councilwoman Cheryl Kraft, Public Safety Adm Russell Kratovill Tamara Wright, Comptroller Alex Gregor, Superintendent of Highways Kim Myers Christopher Nuzzi, Councilman John Capone, Network Admin Kathleen Murray Lisa Dunlap Kim Ottati Sundy Schermeyer, Town Clerk Tara Leach, Assistant Barbara Meyer Michael Baldwin Sandra Cirincione Anna Throne-Hoist, Supervisor Kathryn Scott Paul Rubano Karin Johnson James Malone, Councilman Bridget Fleming, Councilwoman Tiffany Scarlato Dennis Finnerty, Planning Board Chairman Janice Scherer Jefferson Murphree, Land Management John La Rosa Diane Neill, PR Planner Jacqueline Sherman-Smith, Principal Planner Lorraine David David Wilcox Michael Benincasa, Chief Building Inspector Generated 4/14/2011 Page i Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 Chief War Memorial Ambulance Hank Beck, Chair Clare Vail, Assistant Sandra L. Schroeder, Village Clerk Kimberly Shaw Brenda Prusinowski, Deputy Comm. of PELM Lori Riccardi, ZBA Head Clerk Martin Haley, Comm. of Bldg & Fire Prevention Patricia Eddington, Brookhaven Town Clerk Becky Molinaro, Village Clerk - Treasurer William H. Rogers, Deputy Commissioner of PELM Tullio Bertoli, Commissioner of PELM Robert Quinlan, Brookhaven Town Atty Gilbert Anderson, Deputy Commissioner Herb Phillips Stephen Funsch, Village Clerk/Treasurer Rosemarie Cary Winchell, Village Clerk Donald Louchheim, Mayor Honorable Frederick Overton, Town Clerk Thomas Tsles, Director L.T. State Park Commission Laura 3. Delessandro, Village Cerk Honorable Dorothy Ogar, Town Clerk Honorable Diane Wilhelm, Town Clerk Georgia Welch, Village Clerk Tim Laube, Clerk Andrew Freleng, Chief Planner Germano & Cahill, Attorneys at Law 3ustin Hipperling, Director of Highway Planning & Permits Yves Michele, Commissioner Kimberly Kennedy, Assistant to General Counsel Westhampton Fire District, Board of Fire Commissioners Lynn Schwartz, Superintendent Anthony Ceglio, Airport Manager Beecher Halsey, Chair, Airport Conservation & Assessment Members Airport Community Advisory Board Conrad Teller, Mayor and Board of Trustees Thomas Neely Michael Charrier, Chair, ARB Peter Scully, Director Resolution RES-2011-493 Adopted [Unanimous] Assume Lead Agency for the Purposes of SEQRA to Amend 330-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District CC: James Overton, Police Chief Nancy Graboski, Councilwoman Cheryl Kraft, Public Safety Adm Tamara Wright, Comptroller Alex Gregor, Superintendent of Highways Kim Myers Christopher Nuzzi, Councilman John Capone, Network Admin Kathleen Murray Lisa Dunlap Klm Ottati Sundy Schermeyer, Town Clerk Tara Leach, Assistant Barbara Meyer Michael Baldwin Sandra Cirincione Anna Throne-Hoist, Supervisor Kathryn Scott Paul Rubano Generated 4/14/2011 Page 2 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 Karin 3ohnson 3ames Malone, Councilman Bridget Fleming, Councilwoman Tiffany Scarlato Dennis Finnerty, Planning Board Chairman ]anice Scherer Jefferson Murphree, Land Management John La Rosa Diane Neill, PR Planner John Blaney, Vice Chairman ]acqueline Sherman-Smith, Principal Planner ]anice D'Angelo Lorraine David Freda Eisenberg John Zucca relli David Wilcox Michael Benincasa, Chief Building Inspector Chief War Memorial Ambulance Hank Beck, Chair Clare Vail, Assistant Sandra L. Schroeder, Village Clerk Kimberly Shaw Brenda Prusinowski, Deputy Comm. of PELM Lori Riccardi, ZBA Head Clerk Martin Haley, Comm. of Bldg & Fire Prevention Patricia Eddington, Brookhaven Town Clerk Becky Molinaro, Village Clerk - Treasurer William H. Rogers, Deputy Commissioner of PELM Tullio Bertoli, Commissioner of PELM Robert Quinlan, Brookhaven Town Atty Gilbert Anderson, Deputy Commissioner Herb Phillips Stephen Funsch, Village Clerk/Treasurer Rosemarie Cary Winchell, Village Clerk Donald Louchheim, Mayor Honorable Frederick Overton, Town Clerk Thomas Isles, Director L.I. State Park Commission Laura ]. Delessandro, Village Cerk Honorable Dorothy Ogar, Town Clerk Honorable Diane Wilhelm, Town Clerk Georgia Welch, Village Clerk Tim Laube, Clerk Andrew Freleng, Chief Planner Germano & Cahill, Attorneys at Law Justin Hipperling, Director of Highway Planning & Permits Yves Michele, Commissioner Kimberly Kennedy, Assistant to General Counsel Westhampton Fire District, Board of Fire Commissioners Lynn Schwartz, Superintendent Anthony Ceglio, Airport Manager Beecher Halsey, Chair, Airport Conservation & Assessment Members Airport Community Advisory Board Conrad Teller, Mayor and Board of Trustees Thomas Neely Michael Chattier, Chair, ARB Peter Scully, Director Sincerely Yours, Generated 4/14/2011 Page 3 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 Sundy A. Schermeyer Town Clerk Generated 4/14/2011 Page 4 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 RESOLUTION 2011-485 ADOPTED Item # 6.70 DOC ID: 13166 Notice of Combined Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to 330-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District (APDD) and Consider Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part III, Prepared to Examine the Significance of the Changes as Compared to the DGEIS and Findings Statement for the Gabreski Airport Master Plan. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby directs that a public hearing shall be held on May 10, 2011 at 1:00 p.m., at Southampton Town Hall, 116 Hampton Road, Southampton, New York, to hear any and all persons either for or against a local law entitled: "A LOCAL LAW to amend 330-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District," which provides as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. OF 2011 A LOCAL LAW amending 330-248A entitled "Gabreski Airport Commercial/Industrial Planned Development District (APDD)" of the Code of the Town of Southampton to account for site- specific adjustments related to a comprehensive development proposal for the construction of an office and industrial business park, as envisioned by the Gabreski Airport Master Plan. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southampton as follows: SECTION 1. Legislative Intent The Gabreski Airport property and land within boundaries of the APDD is within the Town of Southampton and owned by Suffolk County. The APDD zoning district and corresponding regulations was created based on the vision established by the Gabreski Airport Master Plan adopted in 2007 with community support and in cooperation with Suffolk County Economic Development to create a unique non-aviation employment and business center that will complement and not compete with existing village and hamlet centers and attract future non-aviation development to create a mixed-use activity center consisting of complementary light industrial, office, service, support retail, transportation, lodging and related uses. At the time of the Master Plan and APDD Code adoption, the exact development plan and number of leases involved with the future redevelopment of the APDD was unknown. Since that time, Suffolk County has entered into a lease agreement with a single developer, Rechler @ Gabreski, LLC who will lease and improve 49.7 acres of the overall 58.6 acre APDD area. This 49.7 acre area will constitute the new development area for the overall APDD known as the "Hampton Business and Technology Park" (note: one existing lease lot is occupied by AHRC and no changes are proposed to the lease area or existing improvements on that lot). The applicant has prepared a site specific development plan for the 49.7 acre area and is now requesting the amendments in order to allow for the construction of a proposed office and industrial business park, as envisioned by the Gabreski Generated 4/14/2011 Page 5 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 Airport Master Plan. When this process began, the Town Board of the Town of Southampton hired Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, to prepare the Site Development Master Plan for the Gabreski Airport PDD and assist the Department of Land Management with the establishment of comprehensive standards and guidelines to develop this property. Nelson, Pope & Voorhis was also retained to prepare a Draft and Final Generic Environmental Tmpact Statement (DGETS) and Findings Statement in connection with the Master Plan. The Master Plan was to evaluate the use restrictions associated with the current APD legislation and the Central Pine Barrens Plan, zoning overlays pursuant to the Southampton Town Code, specific uses permitted at the site, and the existing site conditions, in comparison with the goals and interests expressed by both the Town and Suffolk County for this site. The proposed code amendments now under consideration are intended to modify the land use regulations controlling development in the Gabreski APDD to achieve the collaborative vision of the Town of Southampton and Suffolk County to develop the APDD as a corporate center with emphasis on high-technology, homeland security, and communications industries. Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC has again been retained to prepare a supplemental EAF Part TTT to address the proposed amendments and compare the changes to the SEQRA findings statement and the anticipated impacts related to the Master Plan. Any changes that require mitigation will be outlined and addressed accordingly. The proposed Hampton Business and Technology Park is the site plan that implements the goals of the Master Plan. As every site specific detail could not be accounted for in a generic plan, the proposed code amendments have been crafted so that coordinated and high- quality development can be achieved and economic growth for the community can be realized. SECTTON 2. Amendment Chapter 330 Section 248 A entitled "Gabreski Airport Commercial/Tndustrial Planned Development District (APDD)' of the Southampton Town Code is hereby amended by deleting the stricken words and adding the underlined words as follows: Gabreski Airport Commercial/Tndustrial Planned Development District (APDD). [Amended 6-26-2007 by L.L. No. 34-2007] (1) Purpose and objectives. The Airport Commercial/Tndustrial Planned Development District (APDD) has been structured to accomplish the findings, purpose and long-term goals established by the Town Board as part of Article XXVT Planned Development District, of the Town Code. The proposed APDD also supports implementation of Suffolk County's Airport development program, the Town's Comprehensive Plan, the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and the Gabreski Airport PDD Master Plan. The APDD objectives are based upon the following: the 1990 Suffolk County Airport Study; the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southampton; and the planned development district goals defined by § 330-240E of the Town Code as follows: (a) Ensure that future nonaviation development and improvements will be in conformance with the standards established by §330-220, Development within compatible growth area, of the Central Pine Barrens. (b) Create a unique nonaviation employment and business center that will Generated 4/14/2011 Page 6 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 complement and not compete with existing village and hamlet centers in terms of retail sales, services and visitor attractions. (c) Attract future nonaviation development that will create a mixed-use activity center consisting of complementary light industrial, office, service, support, retail, transportation, lodging and related uses. (d) Target future nonaviation development recommended by the 1990 Suffolk County Airport Study. (e) Support retail and service development that will consist of multiple tenants and uses that will be phased to coincide with on-site demands. (f) Encourage and enable access to the Long Tsland Rail Road and ground-based transportation for workers in the industrial park. (g) Establish a distinct business address and a functional and well-designed street, pedestrian, parking and public transit network and a complementary landscaping, lighting and uniform signage program. (2) District boundary: Beginning at a point located at the intersection of Stewart Avenue and of Old Riverhead Road (UTM 698, 482.43, 4, 523, 825.82); thence 392.74 feet in a general northeast direction along the east side of Old Riverhead Road to a point where the road curves to a northerly direction (UTM 698, 479.94, 4, 523,900.36); thence 1,039.21 feet in a northerly direction along the east side of Old Riverhead Road (UTM 698, 461.21, 4, 524,258.81); thence 383.94 feet east to the intersection of the airport's north service road (UTM 698, 575.58, 4, 524, 257.46); thence 945.26 feet in a southeasterly direction along the south side of the north service road to the intersection of Rust Avenue (UTM 698, 796.17, 4, 524, 079.92); thence 138.5 feet in a southwesterly direction along the west side of Rust Avenue (UTM 698,784.06, 4, 524, 044.95); thence 1,642.75 feet in a southerly direction along Rust Avenue to a point where it intersects Cook Avenue (UTM 698, 820.38, 4, 523, 540.56); thence 1,241.41 feet in a westerly direction along the north side of Cook Avenue to the point of intersection with Old Riverhead Road (UTM 698, 459.91, 4, 523, 494.83); thence 1,094.53 feet in a northeasterly direction along the east side of Old Riverhead Road to the point of origin. Total area equals 58.6+ acres. (3) Permitted, accessory, and special exception uses within the APDD. (a) The following primary uses shall be permitted subject to compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations: [1] Accommodation industries (hotel/conference facility) that comply with the thirty-five-foot height maximum with no outdoor public-address or music system, and all indoor and outdoor activity in conformance with Chapter 235, Noise. [2] Arts and craft manufacturing and warehouse. [3] Corporate, small business, nonprofit offices. [4] Engineering, architectural, scientific and/or research offices and organizations. Generated 4/14/2011 Page 7 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (b) [5] General and special trade contractors. [6] Health club or personal fitness facility. [7] Tnformation services and software/data processing services. [8] Manufacturing industries. [9] Medical arts facilities and dental laboratories. [10] Motion picture production facility, digital media and sound recording industries that comply with the thirty-five-foot height maximum with no outdoor public-address or music system, and all indoor and outdoor activity in conformance with Chapter 235, Noise. [11] Nonaviation light industrial uses, not to include self-storage facilities. [12] Photofinishing/Digital printing laboratory. [13] Printing, publishing and related support activities. [14] Professional, scientific, and technical services. [15] Renewable energy, manufacturing, research and development. [16] Restaurant, standard. [17] Restaurant, take-out or counter service without "drive through" window. [18] Technology uses, to include research and development facilities/la boratories. [19] Nonaviation vocational schools, job training and educational services. [20] Wholesale and distribution industries, not to include wholesale "membership clubs." The following accessory uses shall be permitted subject to compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations: [1] Artist gallery space, with no outdoor display (unless in connection with special event permit). [2] Outdoor overnight parking of registered vehicles accessory to a permitted principal use, subject to compliance with site plan standards. [3] Outdoor plaza, seating, tables, paths, and other recreational areas incidental to the planned industrial park. Generated 4/14/2011 Page 8 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (4) [4] Private garage or off-street parking area pursuant to §§330-92 through 330-101. [5] Public utility structure or right-of-way (not to include wireless telecommunications facilities), sewage treatment plant, water supply facility, fire substation, and renewable energy infrastructure. [6] Retail, subject to compliance with Subsection A(9)(a)[1] through [6] [7] Restaurant, as accessory to a hotel/conference facility, not subject to restriction of Subsection A(9)(a)[6]. [8] Transit and ground passenger transportation services (e.g., bus passenger shelter), not to include storage or repair. (c) The following uses require special exception (SE) approval by demonstrating compliance with the general and specific criteria pursuant to Article XVT] and as listed herein: [1] ]ndoor and outdoor recreational facilities other than health and fitness clubs, except that no gambling establishments or facilities of any kind shall be permitted, including, but not limited to, casinos, game parlors, or facilities operating coin-operated or non-coin-operated machines. [Amended 7-27-2010 by L.L. No. 22-2010] [2] Motion picture production facility, digital media and sound recording industries above 35 feet in height, up to 3 stories (55 ft. maximum) [3] Nursery school or child day-care. [4] Wireless telecommunication antennas and infrastructure. [51 Accommodation industries (hotel/conference facility) above 35 feet in height, up to 3 stories (45 ft. maximum) Dimensional regulations. Dimensional setback standards shall be applied to the lot or leased areas within the APDD as provided in Subsection A(4)(f) herein. Height and floor area requirements shall not be varied except by utilizing the mechanisms described in Subsection A(5)(a) and (b) herein or unless specifically permitted because of the nature of use. Any other variances that are not expressly authorized shall require a majority plus one vote by the Town Board. (a) Total APDD area: 58.6 acres. (b) Total APDD gross square footage (buildings), maximum: 510,500 square feet. (c) Height, maximum: [1] Stories: two, except as provided for specific uses herein [2] Feet: 35, except as provided for specific uses herein Generated 4/14/2011 Page 9 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 [31 For the purpose of this section, "height" shall be measured from the approved finished grade (d) Leased area (lot) size: [1] Minimum: 30,000 square feet. [2] Maximum: none. (e) Maximum number of uses. The maximum number of uses permitted in a building or buildings upon a leased lot in the APDD shall be one use for every 10,000 square feet of land area. (f) Leased area dimensional setbacks. To the maximum extent practicable, the dimensional setback requirements of the most applicable commercial zoning district shall be used to determine the specific requirements for a leased area development application. Tn all cases, the minimum required front yard setback shall be 50 feet, provided that within said required front yard there shall not be any off-street parking areas, truck loading spaces or paved vehicular maneuvering lanes [except for entrance(s) and exit(s) to the site and pedestrian walkways]. All other setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Board based upon the size of the leased area, the proposed use, the adjacent uses (existing or planned) and the appearance of the development proposal within the overall context of the APDD. Setbacks shall be designated from internal roads, cross-access roads and lease lot lines. The Planning Board shall find that the arrangement of commercial structures upon the leased site and well as driveways, off-street parking, cross access, landscaping and other site plan elements are consistent with the design considerations outlined within the Gabreski Master Plan document and as further refined herein. (g) Floor area ratio, maximum. For the purpose of this section, "floor area ratio (FAR)" shall mean the gross floor area (GFA) of a building divided by the ~F Suffolk County established lease area lot within which it is situated. [1] FAR, maximum v~.-~- .~,~,~ .... a .v,~* ~.~ per Suffolk County established lease lot: 0.2. The 0.2 FAR maximum shall not apply to sub lease areas within each Suffolk County established lease lot; so long as the maximum for the overall Suffolk County established lease lot does not exceed 0.2 FAR. This provision shall also exclude preexisting leases in effect as of the date of this ordinance. (h) A street buffer yard with a minimum depth of 80 feet shall be established and maintained along a property line fronting County Road 31, except for the site access roadway. Said buffer yard shall be designed to include the installation and planting of an earthen berm as prescribed by §§330-110 and 330-111 of the Town Code; the landscape plan shall incorporate native vegetation and irrigation as necessary. The Town Planning Board may increase or decrease the depth of a required street buffer yard based upon findings that such an increase or decrease is warranted as a result of an analysis of existing on-site or off-site uses or dimensional conditions pertaining to the subject property or adjoining properties or to further screen or separate light Generated 4/14/2011 Page 10 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (i) (J) (k) industrial/commercial uses from roadside views. The landscape plan for the required street buffer yard shall be prepared for review and approval by the Town Planning Board. The Planning Board shall allocate a percentage of fertilizer-dependent vegetation to each lease area site plan application so that no more than 15% (8.8 acres) of the APDD shall be comprised of fertilizer-dependent vegetation. Existing vegetation on site shall be preserved and augmented as practicable. Grading Plan. The Planning Board, in consultation with the Town Engineer, shall review and approve a final grading and drainage plan prepared in connection with the site plan in accordance with the following: [11 With the exception of the perimeter vegetated berm proposed along the APDD CR 31 frontage, all final grades established shall be consistent with the average elevation of the constructed entrance roadway. The first/finished floor elevations of all proposed buildings shall not exceed the average grade along the APDD's CR 31 frontage. (5) Variation of standards. (a) The Southampton Town Planning Board shall have discretion to allow for increased floor area or height by utilizing the following mechanisms and provided that all other standards related to permitted and special exception uses are met. Tn no case shall the total gross floor area of all buildings within the APDD exceed 510 500 square feet ~ *~ ~m~, ...... ,~ · ..... ,~ .... [1] Pine Barrens [a] credit certificates. Each Pine Barrens credit (PBC) *..~....~..~.~ .... ~ ...~..~"~" ~ sh~ll be ~lloc~[ed pursu~n[ [he result[ions conjoined in ~330-~ of [he Town Code (Transfer of developmen[ rights; Pine Barrens credit program). [b] Each Pine Barrens credit (PBC) transferred shall be equivalent to 100,000 cubic feet of volume when utilized for the purpose of increasing the maximum height above 35 feet, but said use of a PBC shall not cause any building to exceed 50 feet in height, except where authorized by Special Exception herein. The use of Pine Barrens credits to increase the height of any building may only be considered by the Planning Board if consistent with the evaluation of FAA flight paths as indicated in the Master Plan. [2] LEED certification. The maximum gross floor area of a building may be increased up to 25% resulting in an increase in FAR within a leased area if the entirety of such building is built and certified to a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Generated 4/14/2011 Page 11 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (6) Rating SystemTM Gold Standard. (b) Tn connection with the use of LEED certification or Pine Barrens credits, the Planning Board is further authorized to allow minor dimensional changes in order to achieve site plan design objectives but in doing so shall make findings that: the modification is not significant (i.e., modification does not exceed 10% above the "as-of-right," including any additional square footage acquired through the transfer of PBC or LEED~s certification), the proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses and will not cause adverse environmental impacts, the use has adequate land area for parking and drainage facilities, and the overall design of the leased area will be in keeping with the conceptual Master Plan design for the APDD. The Planning Board shall not utilize this provision in lieu of requiring LEED certification or Pine Barrens credit redemption. Signage. All signs shall conform to the schedule of permitted signs pursuant to Article XXTT of the Town Code of the Town of Southampton as it pertains to industrial zones and as specifically permitted herein. The Town Planning Board, with an advisory report from the Architectural Review Board, may vary the number, size and design of permitted signs. The Town Planning Board, in conjunction with the Architectural Review Board or its successor, may also establish specific guidelines and standards for coordinated APDD signage as recommended in Section 5.2.3 (Signage) of the Gabreski Airport PDD Master Plan. The ARB or its successor shall review all sign permit requests as they are submitted. Additional signage parameters for the APDD shall include the following: (a) Locations of all approved ground signs must be shown on the site plan submitted for Planning Board signature. (b) Height. The height of a freestanding sign in the APDD shall mean the distance from the approved finished grade to the topmost portion of the higher of the pole or sign, excluding any embellishments permitted in ~ 330-205B(1). (c) Exterior Signs. Wall signs are prohibited in the APDD, except for one (1) wall sign per building that indicates the building number. Tndividual business identification signs may be permitted above the main entrance to a business in the APDD, including entrances that do not face public streets, in accordance with the following: [11 Business identification signs are restricted to the area above the main entrance for each tenant and shall not exceed i ft. x 4 ft. Other than [21 [31 [41 what is specifically permitted for the hotel use, no business identification sign shall be visible from CR31. The top of any business identification sign shall be no higher than 12 feet above the approved finished grade. Doorway identification signs (i.e. directory placards next to the entrance), if any, shall be limited to one (1.0) sq. ft. Business identification signs shall not be internally illuminated. Generated 4/14/2011 Page 12 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (d) Freestanding signs. [11 Entrance Signage. One monument sign shall be permitted at each side of the front entrance (total of 2) for both the technology park and the County Airport and shall comply with the following standards: (i~ The signs shall be set back 20 ft. from the property line; (ii) The signs shall be limited to a total area of 96 square feet, to include all embellishments; (iii) The height of the monument or planter signs shall not exceed 6 ft. (b~ Entrance signs shall not be internally illuminated. [21 Other freestanding or monument signs. One (1) additional monument or planter sign may be permitted at the roundabout as follows: (e) (a) (b) (c) The height of the monument or planter sign shall not exceed 6 ft. The sign shall be limited to a total area of 48 square feet, to include all embellishments. The sign shall not be internally illuminated. [3] Menu directory signs may be permitted by the Planning Board at the entrance to each parking node for the individual buildings as follows: (a) Each building is limited to one double-sided menu directory sign. (b) The directory signs shall be made of wood or wood-product substitute that has the appearance of wood. (c) Directory signs shall be limited to 40 square feet in size and in no case shall the height exceed 8 feet with two (2) ft. minimum clearance below the sign; (d) Directional signs (e.g. 'to Airport' etc.) throughout the site shall be kept to a minimal amount, and if provided, shall be a maximum of two (2) sq. ft. in size, wooden/rustic in nature and found to comply with overall signage objectives of Article XXII. (e) Lighting for menu directory signs shall be goose-neck or top- down and shielded so as to comply with dark sky initiatives Hotel Signage. Signage related to the hotel use shall comply with the Special Exception standards. Promotional signage. With the exception of one-time signage that shall be allowed during the initial "grand opening" period, if any (the time frames, Generated 4/14/2011 Page 13 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 locations, and specific nature of such "grand opening" signage shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board as part of the site plan submission), temporary signs, boards or banners for advertisements, promotions, events etc. any kind that are freestanding or affixed/attached to the outside of any buildings or fronting on CR31 are prohibited. (7) Lighting. A lighting plan shall be submitted to the Town Planning Board as part of any site plan application. The Town Planning Board may limit the type, height, location, intensity and hours of operation of all exterior lighting devices proposed. Tn reviewing a lighting plan, the Town Planning Board shall consider the potential impacts of outdoor lighting on both adjoining properties and the overall rural character of the surrounding Central Pine Barrens environment. Tn addition to the above, the Planning Board shall find that lighting plans are consistent with "dark skies" objectives by providing fully shielded light fixtures that meet full cutoff specifications. Further, the Planning Board may require more than one type of lighting to achieve objectives on a site and may require lighting plans to be coordinated between leased areas. (8) General development standards. (a) To ensure consistency with the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan, all development in the compatible growth area shall comply with 2330-220 of the Town Code of the Town of Southampton. (b) To ensure consistency with the findings, purpose, goals and general development standards established for planned development districts, all development shall conform with 22330-240 and 330-245 of the Town Code of the Town of Southampton. (c) A site plan for each lease area proposal must be submitted to the Town of Southampton Planning Board for review and approval pursuant to 22 330-181 through 330-184.1 of the Code of the Town of Southampton. Tn deeming an application complete, the Planning Board shall determine if a public hearing is necessary by utilizing the provisions of §330-184D. (d) The Town of Southampton Planning Board, in reviewing and approving a final site plan, shall ensure that said plan conforms to the requirements of the APDD as well as adequately addresses Fire District recommendations. (e) All development within the APDD shall be connected to the Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) for handling of wastewater, except as otherwise authorized by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. (f) Suffolk County shall prepare or cause to prepare an infrastructure plan incorporating mitigation measures as may be required by the SEQRA findings as well as depicting internal roads, sidewalks, street trees, site furniture, including bus shelter(s), drainage improvements, water main and underground utility (electric, telephone and cable) extensions, hydrants, streetlighting, landscaping and landscaping berms, irrigation, signage and any traffic improvements on or in the vicinity of Generated 4/14/2011 Page 14 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 CR 31. The infrastructure plan may be phased and shall be subject to review and approval of the Town Engineer and Planning Board. Tnfrastructure required to access and operate within a leased area shall be in place prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for the leased area building. (g) Where the dimensional standards in the "special conditions and safeguards" of Article XVTT (Special Exception Uses) require setbacks from property lines or a minimum lot area, said standards shall be applied to specific lease areas. (h) Outdoor storage in connection with a primary use shall only occupy up to 5% of a leased area in the APDD. Storage areas shall only be permitted in the rear yard, and shall be contained and screened from view subject to review and approval by the Planning Board. (9) Specific development standards. (a) Retail and service uses. Applications for individual retail and service uses proposed for the APDD shall demonstrate that: [1] Existing demand is clearly established within the APDD to sustain such uses. [2] Proposed uses are essential to the day-to-day operations of individual establishments or the overall functions of the APDD. [3] Proposed uses will not impact the economic viability of surrounding hamlet and village business districts. [4] Applications for retail uses shall only be permitted as accessory and incidental to a primary use permitted within the APDD. [5] The square footage of any accessory retail or service component shall not exceed 5% of the total gross floor area of building(s) within a lease area. Floor plans depicting the proposed retail area(s) and corresponding square footage shall be submitted for Planning Board review and approval as part of the site plan process. For the purpose of this section, restaurants and other food service related uses shall be limited to the requirement of Subsection A(9)(a)[6] below. [6] The entire APDD shall be limited to 5,000 square feet of gross floor area for food service (e.g., restaurant, delicatessen) uses, exclusive of any restaurant use created as accessory to a hotel/conference facility. (b) Tndoor recreation uses. Applications for individual indoor recreation uses proposed for the APDD shall demonstrate that such uses shall be harmonious with existing and permitted uses of the APDD, Suffolk County Airport operations and environment and the Central Pine Barrens Overlay District. The minimum lot or lease area shall be two acres for indoor recreation other Generated 4/14/2011 Page 15 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (c) (d) (e) than health club/fitness centers, except that no gambling establishments or facilities of any kind shall be permitted, including, but not limited to, casinos, game parlors, or facilities operating coin-operated or non-coin operated machines. [Amended 7-27-2010 by L.L. No. 22-2010] Light industrial uses. Applications for individual non-aviation light industrial uses proposed for the APDD shall demonstrate that such use shall be beneficial, compatible and harmonious with existing and permitted uses of the APDD, Suffolk County Airport operations and environment and Central Pine Barrens Overlay District. Nursery school or child day-care. Applications for individual nursery school or day-care facilities in the APDD shall be consistent with the general standards provided in §330-122 and shall meet the following special conditions and safeguards: [1] The leased lot area shall be not less than 20,000 square feet. [2] Outdoor play areas: [a] An outdoor play area shall be provided at a rate of 100 square feet per individual enrolled. [b] Off-street parking compounds shall not be used as outdoor play areas. [c] Outdoor play areas shall not be located within the front yard and must be set back at least 25 feet from all lease area demarcation or property lines. [d] All outdoor play areas must provide a means of shade, such as a shade tree(s) and/or pavilion(s). [e] Outdoor play areas shall be completely enclosed by a six-foot- high fence with appropriate landscaping and be screened from adjoining uses. [3] Outdoor public address systems shall be prohibited. [4] The Planning Board may require a noise assessment to determine if this type of use would be subjected to adverse noise impacts related to other activities at the Airport. Motion picture production facility, digital media and sound recording industries above 35 feet in height. Applications for a motion picture, digital media and sound recording studio shall be consistent with the general standards provided in §330-122 and shall meet the following special conditions and safeguards: [1] The leased lot area shall be not less than two acres. [2] Because of the nature of the use, a movie, film or other digital media Generated 4/14/2011 Page 16 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 studio may exceed the thirty-five-foot height requirement up to a maximum of 50 feet, provided there is no interference with FAA flight paths. Any height increase above the fifty-foot maximum will require redemption of Pine Barrens credits or LEED certification pursuant to Subsection A(5)(a) herein, up to a maximum of 56 feet. [3] There shall be no outdoor public-address or music system, and all indoor and outdoor activity shall conform with Chapter 235, Noise. (f) Hotel accommodations, above 35 feet in height shall be consistent with the general standards provided in ~ 330-122 and shall meet the following special conditions and safeguards: [1] Building Design. Iai The hotel building height shall not exceed 45 feet from approved finished grade. (i) The building mass shall be de-emphasized in a variety of ways through architecturaldetailssuch as divisions or breaks in materials, windows, variation in roof lines, awninqs, or the use of sections that may project or be recessed up to 10 feet. (ii) There shall be a clear delineation of the boundary between each floor of the structure through belt courses, cornice lines or similar architectural detailing. [bi The hotel building shall be designed so as to achieve the traditional look and character of Southampton as identified in the Gabreski Airport Master Plan and as follows: (i) Formula or franchise designs are prohibited. (ii) Use of traditional building materials such as wood clapboard, wood/cedar shingle, native stone, or brick of a shape, color, texture and design similar to that found in the historic buildings in the Town. Concrete block and stucco are prohibited. (ii) The building shall be limited to a simple palette of one to three subtle colors. (iv) Decorative elements shall be provided with approval of the ARB; awnings with corporate Iogos, other than Generated 4/14/2011 Page 17 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 above the porte-cochere or in connection with the swimming pool area, are prohibited. Icl Roofing: Gabled and hip roofs shall be covered in shingle (slate, asphalt or wood) (i) Fagades, doors, window frames, awnings, and other architectural elements should be colored to complement the roof color theme of the building. [2] Ac'cessory Uses. The following accessory uses may be approved as part of the hotel accommodations: Iai Barber and beauty shops, for use by hotel guests and employees only. [bi Cocktail lounge (nightclubs are prohibited). I-cl Coffee Bar. Fitness Center, for use by hotel guests and employees only. [el GiA shop. If1 Meeting and conference facilities. [gl Ih1 Recreational uses and swimming pool, for use by hotel guests and employees only. Restaurant. [il Sauna, spa or steam room. Valet shop. [31 The proposed restaurant shall offer the preparation and serving of food and drink to be consumed on the premises; no drive-through or takeout services shall be permitted. [41 Landscaping. Tn addition to landscaping around the building and in parking areas, fencing and a dense, year-round landscape buffer shall be provided around the swimming pool and outdoor lounge area. [51 There shall be no outdoor public-address or music system, and all indoor and outdoor activity shall conform with Chapter 235, Noise. [6l Signage. Neither a menu directory sign or a business identification sign as provided in ~330-248A (6) herein shall be permitted for the hotel building; instead the hotel building may have the following associated signage: [al One freestanding sign: not to exceed 24 square feet, the height shall not exceed 4 feet with one (1) ft. minimum clearance Generated 4/14/2011 Page 18 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 below the sign and not internally illuminated. [bi Entrance, exit and directional signs: not to exceed i sq. ft. and made of wood or wood-substitute and not internally illuminated. Icl One logo sign on the awning or outer canopy of the porte- cochere, not to exceed 4 sq. ft. Id1 One wall sign facing CR31: not to exceed 6 sq. ft. and not internally illuminated; the mounting height shall not exceed 20 feet. (g) Architecture and site design. New office and industrial buildings shall reflect both their tenants' business needs and contribution to the design objectives for the APDD. The Planning Board shall review individual site plans to ensure that the architecture and site design are compatible with the appropriate recommendations outlined in Section 5.0, entitled "Land Use and Site Plan Guideline Recommendations," of the Gabreski Airport PDD Master Plan dated May 2006, revised April 2007 and adopted on 3une 26, 2007. Generated 4/14/2011 Page 19 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (h) Utility elements. Mechanical equipment and service functions, including but not limited to electrical service equipment, and dumpsters associated with the development of the site shall be incorporated into the overall design theme of the building and landscape so that these functions are out of view from streets and parking lots. Walls, fences, and landscaping shall provide an opaque screen, and shall be visually compatible with the design of the building and site. [11 Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located so that it is not visible from the ground level or is screened by parapet walls. [2] Mechanical or "meter rooms" shall be incorporated into a building to house all appropriate utility meters, junction boxes, conduit and connections. [31 Vents shall be painted to match adjacent wall surfaces or otherwise screened with landscaping. [4] Dumpsters and transformers shall not be located in prominent or highly visible location. All dumpsters shall be screened with fences or walls pursuant to ~330-109B(3). All fencing within the APDD shall comply with ~330-109(B). Generated 4/14/2011 Page 20 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 (i) Parking. The following parking standards shall apply to the APDD: [11 Design of the parking and truck loading spaces shall be in accordance with 2330-99 of the Code of the Town of Southampton. [21 Parking calculations shall be based on the following Gross Floor Area (GFA) for each use: (a) Office: i space per 250 sq. ft. (b) Warehouse: i space per 1000 sq. ft. (c) Manufacturing: i space per 650 sq. ft. (d) Tndustriah i space per 650 sq. ft. (e) Hotel: 1.2 spaces per room (f) Day Care Center: i space per 250 sq. ft. * Uses b, c and d may include up to 20% accessory office space associated with the primary use. [3] On-street parking shall not be permitted within the APDD. [41 Surface parking lots shall be divided into modules ("outdoor rooms") through the placement of planting islands with groundcover and deciduous trees. Linear islands of planting are preferred. Sites with greater than 50 parking spaces shall comply with the internal landscaping requirements of ~ 330-993; sites with fewer than 50 spaces shall dedicate at least 10% of the parking area for landscape islands. [51 Parking lots visible to the internal streets shall be screened with a hedgerow of evergreen planting no less than four feet in height when installed. [61 Cross-access and shared parking agreements may be required by the Planning Board where appropriate. Generated 4/14/2011 Page 21 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 [71 Nothing shall preclude the Planning Board from utilizing the provisions of 2330-100, Exemptions and waivers of parking and truck loading space requirements, where appropriate. Truck loading spaces for buildings that have strictly office uses shall not be required. [81 Outdoor overnight parking is limited to vehicles that have a valid and current DMV registration. Any parking of truck trailers within a leased area in connection with a primary use must be screened by fencing and hedges or other vegetation deemed appropriate by the Planning Board. The Planning Board may limit the number of truck trailers parked on site based on adequacy of parking provided, layout and design of site and impact to adjoining uses. (J) Pedestrian circulation and amenities. The site plan for development of the subject APDD property shall incorporate a system of sidewalks to provide safe pathways within the property. [11 Pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided along the full length of internal road, and through parking areas to the entrances to the building. [21 A landscape planting area shall be provided next to all sidewalks throughout the development and planted with deciduous street trees specified at a minimum of three-and-one-half-inch caliper with a maximum spacing of 35 feet on-center. Corner intersections shall be landscaped with street trees, shrubs and appropriate ground cover. [31 Traffic calming techniques, such as a change in paving materials, may be used at crosswalks, drop-offs and lobby zones. (k) Drainage. All stormwater runoff originating from development on the subject property shall be retained on site in accordance with Town and County standards. Adequate measures shall be taken to control soil erosion and stormwater runoff during and after construction, and all such measures shall be subject to the approval of the Town Engineer. (i) Water conservation. Water-conserving fixtures and Iow-maintenance landscaping shall be provided on the subject property. Trrigation systems that are equipped with moisture sensors capable of detecting 1/8 inch of rainfall Generated 4/14/2011 Page 22 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 and automatically interrupting and preventing operation/unnecessary watering are preferable. SECTION 3. Authority. The Town Board may adopt local laws pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section or subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of this law shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, any judgment made thereby shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part or provisions so adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This local law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law. AND BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the following Notice of Public Hearing: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTTCE that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southampton on May 10, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. at the Southampton Town Hall, 116 Hampton Road, Southampton, New York to hear any and all persons either for or against "'A LOCAL LAW to amend §330-248A, "Gabreski Airport Commercial/Tndustrial Planned Development District (APDD)" Summary of Proposed Law A LOCAL LAW amending 330-248A entitled "Gabreski Airport Commercial/Tndustrial Planned Development District (APDD)" of the Code of the Town of Southampton to account for site- specific adjustments related to a comprehensive development proposal for the construction of an office and industrial business park, as envisioned by the Gabreski Airport Master Plan. Copies of the proposed local law, sponsored by Supervisor Anna Throne-Hoist are on file in the Town Clerk's Office, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK SUNDY A. SCHERMEYER, TOWN CLERK AND BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to send this resolution with a copy of the EAF Part TTT to all involved and interested agencies for review and comment. Fiscal Tmpact: None RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] HOVER: Anna Throne-Hoist, Supervisor Generated 4/14/2011 Page 23 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 SECONDER: Nancy Graboski, Councilwoman AYES: Throne-Hoist, Malone, Graboski, Fleming, Nuzzi Generated 4/14/2011 Page 24 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 RESOLUTION 2011-493 ADOPTED Item # 6.78 DOC ID: 13163 Assume Lead Agency for the Purposes of SEQRA to Amend 330-248A, Gabreski Airport Planned Development District WHEREAS, by Local Law 34 of 2007 the Town Board of the Town of Southampton established under 330-248A the Gabreski Airport Commercial/Tndustrial Planned Development District (APDD) pursuant to the Gabreski Airport PDD Master Plan that provides comprehensive standards and guidelines in order to support implementation of Suffolk County's Airport development program, the Town's Comprehensive Plan and the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan and to accomplish the findings, purpose, and long-term goals established by the Town Board as part of Article XXV[ Planned Development District, of the Town Code; and WHEREAS, Suffolk County has since leased 49.7 acres of the APDD to Rechler @ Gabreski LLC who proposes a phased development plan at the site pursuant to the adopted Gabreski Airport Master Plan; and WHEREAS, by letter dated December 10, 2010, Rechler @ Gabreski LLC has requested the Town Board to consider amendments to the APDD and adopted Findings Statement with regard to specific standards that relate to the proposed development as well as a traffic and parking needs assessment; and WHEREAS, on .lanuary 21, 2011 the Town the Town Board held a public work session on the Gabreski Airport Planned Development District pre-submission as required by Town Code 330-244(A) and elected to consider the proposed changes; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2011 by resolution 2011-255, the Town Board elected to consider the proposed changes to the Gabreski Airport Planned Development District; and WHEREAS, because the subject Change of Zone is a Type [ Action pursuant to SEQRA and Section 330-244 (G) of the Town Code and the SEQRA process was completed in 2007 with the adoption of a Findings Statement, the Town Board will consider the proposed changes in terms of the intent of the adopted Master Plan and adopted Findings; and WHEREAS, by resolution 2010-1377 the Town Board retained Nelson, Pope & Voorhis to review the proposed changes in terms of the intent of the Master Plan and SEQRA findings and prepare of an expanded EAF Part [[[ and if necessary, Supplemental Draft Generic [mpact Statement; and WHEREAS, the following are determined to be involved agencies: 1. Town of Southampton Town Board 2. Town of Southampton Planning Board Suffolk County Department of Public Works .lustin Hipperling, Highway Planning and Permits Generated 4/14/2011 Page 25 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 335 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, New York 11980 4. Suffolk County Department of Health Services Kimberly Shaw, Office of Ecology 360 Yaphank Avenue suite 2 B Yaphank, New York 11980 5. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation-Region 1 Peter Scully, Regional Director 40 Loop Road Stony Brook, NY 11790 6. Yves Michele, Commissioner Suffolk County Economic Development H. Lee Dennison Building, 2nd floor Hauppauge, NY 11788 WHEREAS, the following are determined to be interested agencies: 1. Suffolk County Planning Commission Thomas [sles Andrew Freleng PO Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 2, Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, NY 11769 3. Southampton Town Engineer 4. Southampton Town Building Division 5. Southampton Town Fire Marshal 6. Southampton Town Highway Department 7. Southampton Town Architectural Review Board 8. Southampton Town Director of Transportation and Safety 9. Westhampton Beach Fire District 10. Westhampton Beach Board of Trustees 11. Southampton Town Police Department 12. Westhampton War Memorial Ambulance Corps 13. Westhampton Beach Union Free School District Lynn Schwartz, Superintendent Generated 4/14/2011 Page 26 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 340 Mill Road Westhampton, NY 11978 15. Westhampton/Speonk/Remsenburg/Quogue Citizens Advisory Committee 16. Southampton Town Transportation Commission 17. Anthony Ceglio, Airport Manager Francis S. Gabreski Airport Administration Building No. 1 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 18. Mr. Beecher Halsey, TTT, Chairman Airport Conservation & Assessment Panel Francis S. Gabreski Airport Administration Building No. 1 Westhampton, Beach, NY 11978 19. Gabreski Airport Community Advisory Board c/o Francis S. Gabreski Airport Administration Building No. 1 Westhampton, Beach, NY 11978 20. Tncorporated Village of Westhampton Beach c/o Mayor Conrad Teller 165 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 WHEREAS, on behalf of the Town, Nelson, Pope & Voorhis circulated a preliminary letter of intent to assume Lead Agency dated February 7, 2011 for purposes of commencing and coordinating SEQRA and included the corresponding EAF Part T, the proposed site plan and aerial with location map to all interested and involved agencies; and WHEREAS, by resolution 2011-347, the Town Board of the Town of Southampton formally adopted a resolution to coordinate the SEQRA review; and WHEREAS, involved agencies have responded with no objection for the Town Board to assume Lead; now THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southampton hereby assumes Lead Agency, and will assess the potential significance of any associated adverse impact on the environment resulting from the proposed code amendments pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and Chapter 157 of the Town Code; and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to notify all involved and interested agencies of the Town Board's Lead Agency status. Fiscal Tmpact: None RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANTMOUS] MOVER: Anna Throne-Hoist, Supervisor SECONDER: ]ames Malone, Councilman Generated 4/14/2011 Page 27 Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of April 12, 2011 AYES: Throne-Hoist, Malone, Graboski, Fleming, Nuzzi Generated 4/14/2011 Page 28