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Hamlet Stakeholder Recommendations
Town Hall. 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold. New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765~1823
Telephone (631 ) 765-1889
Hamlet Study Stakeholders
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
June 22, 2007
Community Outreach for Hamlet Study Implementation
As highlighted in your Hamlet Implementation Workbooks, stakeholders are charged with
scheduling open forum meetings in your respective communities to solicit feedback
regarding your hamlet implementation ideas.
The Town of Southold is committed to support and enhance your efforts to garner
community feedback. To that end, please review the following procedures that should
assist your ability to get community input:
· When you have established dates, times and places for community meetings,
please provide to Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator. He will make a flyer
with appropriate information with Publisher software. You may use this to post in
community facilities. In addition, he will forward to appropriate Town
depertmente so it can appear on the Town's website, bulletin board and aired on
the radio station WLNG.
· If you are seeking to enhance your efforts via a mailing, the Town will provide a
maximum of $500 per hamlet for mailing expenses. It is suggested that you send
one mailing with information of multiple dates of meetings and/or have sign-in
sheets at meetings to get contact information from interested parties. Please
forward an invoice with original receipts to Mark Terry of the Planning
Department for reimbursement. Linda Randolph, Planning Department secretary,
is the contact person/Town staff assistance for mailing. The telephone number
for the Planning Department is #765-1938 if you have questions.
Stakeholder chairs should assume responsibility that the aforementioned procedures are
followed. Once again, thank you for your hard work. Your efforts are greatly
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
Scott Russell, Supervisor
Members of the Town Board
Jerilyn Woodhouse ~7~
Members of the Plamfiffg Board
Re: New Suffolk Hamlet Stakeholder Emergency Concerns
Date: August 13, 2007
On June 8th 2007 the New Suffolk Stakeholders submitted a list of"emergency concerns"
to the Planning and Town Boards, Carlisle Cochran, Toxvn of Southold Chief of Police
and the Long Island Power Authority. The concerns are reiterated below:
1. Place warniug signage at the end of Old Harbor Road and Jackson Street that
warns boaters of the overhead electric wires.
2. Add 30 MPH speed limit signage on New Suffolk Avenue and New Suffolk
3. Provide increased police surveillance of the posted parking areas.
The Planning Board is seeking approval to contact Long Island Power Authority and
other appropriate agencies to act on the request. If you have any questions or would like
to discuss the Stakeholder's recommendations or concerns further I am reachable through
my office at 765-1938.
Thomas Samuels, Chair, New Suffolk Stakeholders
Philip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator
To: Geoffrey L. Rick, Transportation Analyst
From: Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner
Date: August 21, 2007
Re: Long Range/Short Range Planning Projects in the Town of Southold
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me earlier today about setting up a meeting with
your Department to discuss long range and short range planning projects within the Town
of Southold. We look forward to working with you to improve communication between
the Town and the NYSDOT regarding traffic issues and concerns.
As requested, I have assembled this list of"topics" that we would like to discuss at the
meeting, including:
· Street design/streetscape along the NYS Route 25 corridor in each of the Town's
Traffic calming measures and neighborhood traffic management, including
calming devices, measured results from traffic calming and current programs in
the U.S.
Issues relating to pedestrian movement/connectivity in the Hamlet Centers.
· Installation of a round-about in Mattituck at the Love Lane/NYS Route 25
· Current and proposed projects, including those presented by the Stakeholder
groups for each of the Town's Hamlets.
Please let me know of your availability. We will be happy to come to Hauppauge,
although it may be beneficial to come to the Town of Southold and let us show you
We look for~vard to meeting with you.
AUGUST 27~ 2007
Supervisor-Scott Russell
Highway Superintendent-Pete Harris
Dept. of Public Works-Jim McMahon
Planning Dept.-Mark Terry
Special Projects Coordinator-Phillip Beltz
1. Discuss Hamlet Stakeholder Groups priority implementation
2. Discuss establishing protocol to accomplish recommendations.
a. Project Managers
b. Process/Work Orders
3. Discuss the addition of Town Employees to panel to accomplish
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Evaluate Traffic Calming. ~ Town of Southold Transportation
Transportation Traffic Circle at Mare Road and Love Lane"'~'~Z" . comrmssion
Planmng Traffic Circle at Route 48 and Cox Neck Road : NYSDOT
-0 ,~,~L~ ~ V . 3r- ~'xl-~,}h ~,~[r ~ TOS Highway Dept./Engineer
! - Ii 2~ '~..~ T°vm °f S°uth°ld Transp°rtati°n
Transportation Commission
Planmng Estab sh Community Pavilion at head of Matt md< Cre
TOS Highway DeptYEngineer
-- N. Tov~l of Southold Transportation T~)
Pedestrian Plam~ing Complete sidewalk extension of Love Lane north to Mattimck Creek Commission
TOS High,va7 Dept./Engineer
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Transportation Planmng to Establish improve ano line parking zone of sight, in front of Karen's Deli or narrow sidewalks Town of Southold Commission Transportation
TransportatiOnplannmg Road.Change the sequence of the traffic light at intersection of New Suffolk CoFn'~ssionT°Wn of Southold Transportation
Transportation Install more effective signage to slow Route 25 traffic entering the Town of Southold Transportation
Planning Griffin Street/Route 25 intersection from the east. Cmmnission
Transportation Relocate Hampton Jitney bus stop s/o King Kullen parking lot, design To~vn of Southold Transportation
Planmng install bus shelter. NYSDoTC°mmissi°n
Install pedestrian walkway across Route 25 to scD'c eastbound bus Town of Southold Transportation
Pedestrian Planmng passengers accessing King Kullen parking lot. Commission
Plmming Depamnent
Town of Southold Transportation
Pedestrian Planning Extend sidewalks on Griffin Street to Heritage ~ Cutchogue parcel, cmrmmssion
Tovm of Southold Highway Dept.
Planmng Department
Pedestrian Install ne,v bicycle paths and repair existing paths. Town of Southold Transportation
Planmng Commission
Tovm of Southold Highway Dept.
Pedestrian Town of Southold Transportation
Planning Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind Karen's Deli Cormmssion, Town of Southold
Highway Dept.
Streetscape Install d°gw°°d trees °n island between the southbound and n°rthbound Town o f Southold Tree Committee,
lanes of Griffin Street. Town of Southold Highwa7 Dept.
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson Street warning boaters of
Transportation overhead electric wires. ~--. [k.a tt¢~.3I.-'l'~ 'ex
planmng TOS Highway DeptJEngineer
Transportation Install signage 30 MPH speed limit on Ne~v Suflblk Avenue and New ~*~
Planning Sufiblk Road. Town Board-v~ - ~
TOS Highway Dept/Engineer [4t,~9 ~\~ t'~.~_ t~k~.K.i~
CodeE~orcemen~ ~rovide~creasedpoliccs~ei~lanceo~the~os~edpa~k~gareas. ~'o,~o~outho~d~oli~e~ep~. 16~.,' ~
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Transportation Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran Parks.
g way Dept/Engineer
Planning TO
Re-lease parkin
Transportation maintenance. ~ ~ lot from John Rosko (Post Office) for $ l~and provide
TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Transportation Relocate bus stop to in front of High,vay Depmmrent building with Tovm of Southold Transportation
el~ng ~°sk. 0,~ ¢~ ~ ~ff~b Conmfission
~ ~
Pedes~an .Repa~ sideways and cmmect to Route 2¥ ,~0~
Recreation ~g 2'0 '0 I% '. 6~ - Tox,~ Board
( Improve parkl~ lots in ~c~a~Park and addconce~ion stand. TOS Highway Dep¢'Eng,neer
N ~qke li~t~ om at parks whan ~ot in &e (timer).
mlmng -- ~'~. ~[k~/ ht'L~ Cm~uni~Dev
S~eetscape Improve hamlet center/d~fi~s s~ee~all with landscaping TOS Highway Dept
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Transportation Provide new and attractive signage lbr mUmcipal parking lots.
&~ ~--¢'o TOS High~vay DeptYEngineer
Transportation Maintain ~nd landscape ~uni ~'p-al l~ar~i~g areas.
Planning TOS Highway Dept
Provide an ongoing street tree planting program; replace dead and Town of Southold Tree Comnmtee,
Slxeetscape daraaged trees. Tow~ of Southold Highway Dept.
Streetscape Provide recycling receptacles throughout the hamlet I Town of Southold Highway Dept
Streetscape Install shade trees, landscapmg, improve parking, sidewalks on south Plamfing Board/TOS Highway
Pedestrian Plarming side, street fmmitnre, lighting and signage on Traveler's Street Dept./Engineer
Pedestrian Planning Provide sidewalks on Horton's Lane and Young's Road TOS Highway DepffEngineer
Pedestrian Planning Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Town Code Amend Create more affordable housing opp. through accessory apartments Toum Board
Code Enforcement Enforce signage code Code Enforcement
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Additional sites in Orient that are not part of the TOS current list of
Storm water Storm water projects. Stom~ water Committee
TOS High~vay Dept/Engineer
Storm water Install catch basins to control storm water where needed. TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Transportation Repair road surface of Village Lane.
Planning TOS Highway DeptJEngineer
Pedestrian Repair sidewalks and curbs Village Lane.
Planmng TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Pedestrian (~ ~.~{> [[q ~/ ,q~..~~
Planning Repair street lighting t~ i ~ I TOS Highway DeptJEngineer
Hamlet Stakeholder Groups
meet with the Planning Board
Planning Board categorizes recommendations and projects and sends memo requesting
implementation of priority recommendations and projects to,Town Board?&~::~''''
Town Board reviews recommendations and projects at work session and authorizes.
Project Manager follows up with progress of the
project and reports back to Stakeholder Group via
Rec/Proj ect Rec~roceed
Rejected ] [ in Process [ [ with Project
~ Town Board authorizes resources/funding
~ for project, fl.~k,j~,~.
Project Manager sends Implementation
Request Form to Hamlet Stakeholder
Implementation Panel.
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
implements and manages project.
Department of Transportation
Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner
Geoffrey Rick, Transportation Analyst ~,~,~,,
Re: Long/Short Range Planning in the Town of Southold
August 27, 2007
Thank you for reaching out to New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
Long Island Region regarding various transportation-related issues in the Town of Southold.
We are always interested in hearing from and working with the various municipalities on
Long Island to address transportation issues, and to explore ways to move people and goods
safely and efficiently. In that regard, our office actively participates in monthly meetings of
the East End Transportation Council (EETC), which is comprised of each of the five East
End Towns and ten Villages (Town of Southold is one of them).
In addition, NYSDOT has worked with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council
(NYMTC) and the towns and villages comprising the East End on developing the Sustainable
East End Development Strategies (SEEDS).~ The purpose of the SEEDS process was to
evaluate the East End's transportation system in relation to its land use policies and
practices through the year 2025. The evaluation would help plan future development
patterns and transportation solutions that could sustain one another in the long term. Using
a number of guiding principles developed in conjunction with the public, the SEEDS process
comprehensively examined a wide range of future land use and transportation options and
identified a preferred land-use scenario and a preferred transportation scenado for long-
range implementation. The NYSDOT stands behind the SEEDS process, and we feel that
an effective balance between growth and sustainable transportation improvements can be
made. However, the municipalities should first work toward identifying how to implement the
preferred land-use scenado that will suppoded and sustained by the preferred transportation
options. Afterward, plans for implementing transportation solutions through partnerships with
the local municipalities, Suffolk County, the MTA, and the NYSDOT may be developed more
fully into a long-range program of projects.
Therefore, we recommend that you contact Mr. Thomas Neely, Chairperson of the EETC at
the Town of Southampton (TNeely@southamptontownny.gov) or Neboysha Brashich, of
Southold (nrbl@optonline.net) regarding the issues and ideas raised in your memorandum
so that they may be discussed with the full EETC membership within the context of SEEDS
~ The Sustainable East End Development Strategies (SEEDS) final repo/f is available for
reading or downloading from the following intemet website:
http://www.nymtc.or.q/files/sds report080906.pdf.
Minutes of August 8, 2007
Charlie Zaloom, Chair, Mattituck
Pat Mclntyre, Designee, New Suffolk
Jane Minerva, Chair, Cutchogue
John Rooney, Designee, Southold
Don Leslie, Jr., Chair, Greenport West
Jenny Gould, Co-chair, East Marion
Rona Smith, Secretary, Orient
Ken Edwards, Fishers Island Hamlet Stakeholder
Scott Russell, Supervisor
Mark Terry, Acting Director, Planning Department
Heather Lanza, Appointed Director, Planning Dept.
Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator
Summary of Hamlet Reports:
o Greenport West: New configuration of group that meets every
other week "slowly moving along". Awaiting the approval of their
HALO, seeking assistance from Planning Dept. to attend their next
meeting with maps.
o East Marion: Meeting every other week, newly configured group
will be holding public meeting on Aug. 18th with the public to solicit
input of recommendations. Will discuss housing and community
center at another time.
o Southold: Are meeting regularly and reaching out to cultural
groups. Have hosted walking tours of the hamletJHALO and
identifying affordable housing, municipal parking and preservation.
Public meeting scheduled for September 17th.
o New Suffolk: Their first public meeting at the school was well
attended (55 people). Focusing on waterfront development as
priority and conversion to accessory units for rentals as many
residents are "property rich/cash poor". Other imminent issues
have surfaced regarding safety (i.e. overhead electric wires) that
will need to be addressed immediately.
o Mattituck: Focusing on implementation and planning to achieve
goals (e.g. re-attaching business district, sewage analysis, etc.). In
addition, stakeholders are identifying key properties up for sale.
They have hosted public meetings and have another scheduled for
August 14th.
o Cutcho~lue: They are adding more structure to their meetings to
enhance content. Two meetings have been scheduled with the
public, another to be scheduled in the future. Due to proposed
Heritage development, they have prioritized traffic and safety.
They are also looking at feasibility of making illegal housing into
safe legal affordable housing at existing locations.
o Orient: Stakeholders meet regularly and have reviewed list of
short-term and long-term priorities. They are hosting a public
meeting on September 8th. Two emerging issues are storm water
run-off and retaining the post office at its current venue.
o Fishers Island: Facilitated through Valerie Scopaz, stakeholders
will hold ~ meeting on August 10th. They had listed their
recommendations on the Internet providing an opportunity for
persons to provide feedback via computer.
Project Management: Mark stated the Planning Dept. would assign
project managers (Planning Dept. staff) to all hamlet stakeholder groups to
assist with implementation ideas.
Common Themes:
o Adaptive re-use of existing structures priority for affordable housing.
o Accessory apartments/legalization of existing apts.
o Traffic calming.
o Signage.
Recommendations for all hamlet stakeholders:
o Walking tours of hamlet centers and HALO identifying sites for
affordable housing, preserved lands, etc. and photographing sites
o Provision of community feedback via computer
Quarterly Meetings with Chairs
o Format will be similar to Fishers Island meeting, debriefing of sites
and exploration of common themes
/FI Meeting Chairs
AUGUST 27~ 2007
Supervisor-Scott Russell
Highway Superintendent-Pete Harris
Dept. of Public Works-Jim McMahon
Planning Dept.-Mark Terry
Special Projects Coordinator-Phillip Beltz
1. Discuss Hamlet Stakeholder Groups priority implementation
2. Discuss establishing protocol to accomplish recommendations.
a. Project Managers
b. Process/Work Orders
3. Discuss the addition of Town Employees to panel to accomplish
MATTITUCK '~t/,~ ~v~ ~L~x
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations £ ,c~_~_O
Evaluate Traffic Calming. ~'~7_..' - To~vn of Southold Transportation
Transportation Traffic Circle at Main Road and Love Lane ~-"~' ~IV~. c°mrmssi°n
Planmng Traffic Circle at Route 48 and Cox Neck Road NYSDOT
..0.,,~.'C~ '~¥. ~ %*42')J'?iJ~L[r ~et~k~?.~ CommissionTOS Highway Dept./Engineer
· Town of Southold Transportation
Establish Community Pavilion at head of Matt tuck Cre
~t~.~l~.~--. "'~( ~ ~ ~I~.~'{'(~IdVx TOS Highway Dept./Engineer
Town of Southold Transportation
Pedestrian Planning Complete sidewalk extension of Love Lane north to Matfituck Creek NYSDoTC°mmissi°n
TOS Highway Dept./Engineer
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
TransportatiOnplanmng toEStabliShimprovea linen° parkingof sight.z°ne in front of Karen's Deli or narrow sidewalks CommissionT°Wn of Southold Transportation
Transportation Change the sequence of the txaffic light at intersection of New Suffolk Town of Southold Transportation
Planning Road. Comrmssinn
Transportation Install more effective signage to slow Route 25 traffic entering the Town of Southold Transportation
Planning Griffin Street/Route 25 intersection from the east. Commission
TransportatiOnplanning Relocateinstall busHampt°nshelter. Jitney bus stop s/o King Kullen parking lot, design comrmssionT°Wn of Southold Tnn~sportation
Town of Southold Transportation
Pedestrian Planning Install pedestrian walkway across Route 25 to serve eastbound bus Cormrfission
passengers accessing King Kullen parking lot. NYSDOT
Planmng Department
Town of Southold Transportation
Pedestrian Planning Extend sidewalks on Griffin Street to Heritage ~ Cutchogue parcel. Conmmssion
Town of Southold High~vay Dept.
Planmng Department
Pedestrian Install new bicycle paths and repair existing paths. Town of Southold Transportation
planmng Commission
Town of Southold Highway Dept.
Pedestrian To,vn of Southold Transportation
Plamfing Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind Karen's Deli Commission, Tovm of Southold
Highway Dept.
Streetscape Install dogwood trees on island between the southbound and northbonnd To,vn o f Southold Tree cornrmttee,
lanes of Griffin Street. Town of Southold Highway Dept.
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson Street warning boaters of
Transportation overhead electric wires.
Planning TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Transportation Install signage 30 MPH speed limit on New Sufiblk Avenue and Ne~v
Planmng Suffolk Road. Town Board
TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Code Enforcement Provide increased police surveillance of the posted parking areas. Town of Southold Police Dept.
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Transportation Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran Parks.
Pla~ng TOS Highway
Tra~po~ation Re-lease parch ~ l°t from Jo~ Rosko (Post Office) for $ ~d provide
Plying mmntenance. ,~ ~;~.~ [~¢) To~Board
TOS High~vay
Transpo~ation kiosk.Rel°cate bus stop to ~ front of Highway Depament building with__ ~ ~ ~ Co~ssionT°'m of Southold Transpo~ation
~,a~n~ 04 ~¢ %~ ~ ~ ~ ,
TOS Highway
eedes~an .Repak sidexlks and cmmect to Route 2~. ,t0~ ~q~ T°~l °f S°uth°ld Transp°~ati°n~
Recreation ~ Improve par~ lg lots in Co~Ma~Park and add conce~on stand. TOS Highway
Recreation ~ke li~t~;~ at ~0rks wh0n not in &e (timer)..a ·
Pl~ng -- ~ ~. ~[~ ] ~t,L~ Co--unity Dcv
S~eetscape Improve ha~et center/defi~ s~ee~all with landscaping TOS Highway
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Transportahon Provide new and attractive signage for municipal parking lots.
&~ ~1 ~.q_.e..~ TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Transportation Maintain [~nd landscape ~uni~rfpal ~ar[ci~g areas.
Planning TOS Highway Dept
Provide an ongoing street tree planting program; replace dead and Town of Southold Tree Committee,
Streetscape damaged trees. Town of Southold High~vay Dept.
Stleetscape Provide recycling receptacles throughout the hamlet Town of Southold Highway Dept
Streetscape Install shade trees, landscaping, improve parking, sidewalks on south Planning Board/TOS Highway
Pedestrian Planning side, street fum/ture, lighting and signage on Traveler's Street Dept/Engineer
Pedestrian planning Provide sidewalks on Horton's Lane and Young's Road TOS Highway DepffEngineer
Pedestrian plannmg Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center TOS Highway DepffEngineer
Town Code Amend Create more affordable housing opp. through accessory apartments Town Board
Code Enforcement Enforce signage code Code Enforcement
DRAFT 2005 Hamlet Study Project/Recommendations
Additional sites in Orient that are not part of the TOS current list of Storm water Committee
Storm water Storm water projects. TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Storm water Install catch basins to control storm water where needed. TOS Highway Dept~Engineer
Transportation Repair road surface of Village Lane.
Planmng TOS Highway DepffEngineer
Pedestrian Repair sidewalks and curbs Village Lane.
Planning TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
Pedeslxian ( ~
PlannLng Repair street lighting ~-~-(>c~i/" ~[q }1~11 TOS Highway Dept/Engineer
August 28, 2007
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Elizabeth Wolffto construct timber deck and stairs and replace bulkhead, Hog Neck Bay,
2. Liquor License Renewal with NYS Liquor Authority
Stepfal Restaurant Corp d/b/a Village Pizza, 13500 Main Road, Mattituck
Costello di Borghese LLC, 17150 County Road 48, Cutchogue
3. SC I)ept of Health - Public Hearing
September 11, 2007 3-5 pm, Riverhead
Ill. Communications
IV. I)iscussion
I. 9:00 Am - East End Rural Transit
Margaret Brown
Hank de Cillia
2. Natural Resource Department
3. 10:00 Am - Mattituck Stakeholders '~/ ~>~9~/~c~'
Charlie Zaloom 1~
4. 10:30 Am - New Suffolk Stakeholders X/'
Tom Samuels
5. Request of Verification of Water for CFI)
6. $4 Million Land Preservation Bond
7. Reports on Plum Island Seoping Session
Per Supervisor Russell
8. 12:30 Pm Executive Session
Property Acquisition - Melissa Spiro
9. Code Committee Report
Noise Control
Affordable Housing
10. Shellfish Code Closures
per Councilman Kmpski
Page 2
Terry, Mark
Lanza, Heather
Friday, September 07, 2007 3:48 PM
Terry, Mark
NYS DOT conversations
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red
So far I have not spoken to the right person, but I suspect Mark Wolfgang is him. Geoff Rick and Dave
Glass discussed some of the issues with me, but it turned out that they weren't the ones who could help
us implement short-term realistic goals in the hamlets, or even the bigger goals.
They said the transportation planning section where they work isn't the right place to call because they
deal only with long-range, larger scale planning and not with the majority of the types of requests the
stakeholders are making.
I was told that the DOT does not encourage any physical traffic calming that intrude into the roadway
such as traffic circles. When asked if they have ever allowed one, they admitted that North Haven is the
only one they have allowed, but that it is a "low volume" area. Their main concern is keeping traffic
moving along the road. When I mentioned that it could be argued that traffic circles might actually allow
a better movement of cars than traffic lights, and what other alternatives did he suggest, he said, "you
could get the local police to enforce the speed limits better."
Who in the Town has traditionally implemented new traffic signals ( if anyone)? Seems as though that
person would be well versed in how to get DOT to cooperate with us.
What was encouraging was that they said the Town can apply for permits to do the smaller, less
intrusive things to the state read. Installing better and more crosswalks, adding signs reminding drivers
to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, creating right-turn lanes, and other non-physical alterations
seemed to be something they would allow.
They did say that long range planning is working on bicycle lanes for sections of Rt.25 outside the
hamlet centers (so parking isn't eliminated in the hamlet centers).
For roads other than State roads, there is the Local roads program where towns can apply for grants
for Local safe streets and traffic calming. They said they aren't accepting applications right now, but
probably will again some time soon.
I am hoping Mark Wolfgang calls me back and we can either meet with him or send him the stakeholder
suggestions to see if he thinks we can apply for permits to get some of the work done. Sounds like the
Town might have to pay for everything, though.
Terry, Mark
From: Lanza, Heather
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 3:25 PM
To: Terry, Mark
Subject: Traffic & DOT continued
I spoke with Mark Wolfgang at NYSDOT and he suggested we send a letter to DOT outlining all the
traffic safety areas on Rt.25 the Stakeholders feel need to be addressed. He said that begins the
investigation process. Send the letter to:
Frank Pearson, Regional Traffic Engineer
Traffic Engineering and Safety
250 Veterans Hwy
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Telephone: 952-6020
The DOT will then send out investigators to see the problem areas and determine whether they need to
take action.
This process could take a while.
He also mentioned that the EETC was the way to get the larger items such as traffic circles considered
by DOT.
I also asked if DOT had someone that would come to meet with us, or if we could come meet with them
(staff and Neb and anyone else who wanted to come) to discuss this further. He said that he had
passed this request to Mr. Pearson and they would get back to us.
With regard to the recent upgrades NYSDOT made to Rt. 25, Mark said they most likely conducted
some public outreach. It would be interesting to review what was done, who gave input, whether the
DOT took any of the input and implemented it, and whether any input from the public corresponded with
the Hamlet Stakeholder suggestions.
September 26, 2007
· Purpose of Meeting-foster working relationship with Town of
Southold and Greenport Village
· Hamlet stakeholder participation from the Village
· Facilitation of Affordable Housing-sewage
· Adaptive re-use of existing structures
· Defining the need for affordable housing
· Ot~er
· Next Steps
To: Town of Southold Stakeholders
From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Re: Current Planning Board Applications in the Southold HALO
Date: October 9, 2007
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
North Fork Hardware
This site plan is for the proposed new construction of a 3,938 sq. fl. of first floor retail, 3,938
sq.fl, of basement storage and 3,000 sq.ft, of attic storage with 26 parking spaces provided on
20,002 sq.ft, parcel in the HB Zone located approximately 769' w/o Bosseau Avenue on the n/s/o
NYS Road 25 known as 54795 Main Road in Southold. SCTM#(s) 1000-62-1-3
Group for the East End
This site plan is for the proposed re-use and alteration of a 3,500 sq. ft. existing building into 1,439 sq. ft.
of office space and approximately 1,722 sq. ft. of storage and 339 sq. ft. of miscellaneous space and
conversion of an existing accessory garage to storage with a basement of 326 sq. ft. & 1 st fir. of 470 sq.
ft. with 15 parking spaces provided and 3 spaces land banked on a 23,320 sq. ft. parcel in the HB Zone
located approximately 653' w/o Bosseau Avenue on the n/s/o NYS Road 25 known as 54895 Main Road
in Southold. SCTM#(s) 1000-62-1-4.
~ or ~n ,-ucx
Oc*~m' 16, 2007 ~ 2:00
1. Town Goals
3. Criteria .for Sizing the Sewer Service Area ~ ~r~"
a. $~ze of system (l~ojec~d flow)
b. Minimum parcel size
c. Pazcel attributes
d. Cost for long term opa-ation and maintenance(Cost per gallon)
4. Proposed Sewer S~ice Areas
~ Phase I Service Area
i. Existing uses and assigned flow ~te~_
· , .... ~ o.~,~-'~ ii. Potential number ofresidmtial units based upon zoning
.'~"j~..~. '~ iii. Potential number of comme~clal uses and square footage based upon
~'~'~7--- .~ 1~.. e~. Development District
i-: ~ '~ .,.X -- flow/gpd)forcemm~cialuaezandas~i~ntofth~anitary
~ ~-'"~'i~'°?~,,,'-''x : . ,.
< ,, l' ~ ~ flow/spd acros~ parcel boundaries vaihin a defined Planned
;~ .¥"~ Development District area.
6. Other
Mattituck HALO Map
· Community Facilities
· Protected Land
r".~_,.~ Hamlet center
Proposed Sewer Areas
Phase 1
~I ]j J Phase2
~Figu[_e t~~ Proposed Phase 1 Community Sewer Service Area.
TO: Housing Advisory Commission
Phillip Beltz. Special Projects Coordinator
FROM: Mark Terry, Principal Planner
RE: Suffolk County Department of Health Accessory Apartments Standards and Town
of Southold Accessory Apartment Regulations
DATE: October 16, 2007
In response to the Housing Advisory Commission request, the Suffolk County
Department of Health Services (SCDOH) permits accessory apartments within
commercial and residential properties.
On commemially-zoned properties, other than single family dwellings, the SCDOH
assigns sanitary flow in gallons per day (gpd) dependent upon the square footage of the
accessory apartment. For example, 150 gpd are assigned to an accessory apartment up to
600 sq. fi., 225 gpd from 600 to 1200 sq. fi. and 300 gpd for apartments greater than 1200
sq. fi. The SCDOH also requires that the sanitary system be designed to handle such
On residentially-zoned properties, a single family dwelling is assigned 300 gpd.
Accessory apartments are permitted in a single family dwelling usually with no additional
requirements other than proof that the sanitary system can receive the additional sanitary
flow. The design of the sanitary system is dependent upon the number of bedrooms
proposed in a accessory apartment. If the sanitary system is inadequate the SCDOH will
require that the system is upgraded.
For example, accessory ap~ess than 4 bedrooms require that the septic
system be designed to receivq 1000 gp/d/(Minimum SCDOH septic tank system
requirements). A four bedrootn, apaffment requires a 1500 gpd system. The SCDOH
defines a bedroom as follows:
1. The following rooms will be considered as an integral part of the structure and
will not add to the overall bedroom count for the house:
1. Kitchen
2. 1 - Living room
3. 1 - Dining room
4. 1 - Family room (If omitted from floor plan, another room such
as a Den, Study or Office may be substituted in its place)
5. Bathrooms
6. Open Basement/Utility room
7. Foyer
8. Garage
2. The following rooms will be counted as potential bedrooms and will be added
to the bedroom count for sizing of the sanitary system:
1. Bedrooms
2. Studies
3. Offices
4. Play rooms
5. Media rooms
6. Any other room not listed in section 1 above.
The SCDOH requires the following to apply for a accessory apartment in residential
1. The property is zoned as single-family.
2. The sewage disposal system and water supply are adequate.
a. Sizing of the sanitary system
i. connecting to an existing sanitary system - use total number of
bedrooms for both dwellings when sizing system. Upgrade as
ii. Installing separate sanitary system use number of bedrooms
within apartment. At least a minimum sanitary system must be
iii. Sanitary systems that do not comply with the above
requirements will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
b. Water Supply - Public Water
i. Connection internal to structure - note on plans.
ii. New tap from main - provide tap letter from water district.
iii. Water line form primary structure to separate structure show
water line on plans. Inspection required by this office during
c. Water Supply - Onsite Well
i. Existing and new on-site wells - provide copy of water analysis.
3. The apartment is applied for under the Municipal accessory apartment program.
a. Form WWM-105 should be completed as part of this application.
4. The accessory apartment law from that specific town is on file and
acceptable to the Department.
a. Copy of law must be on file or request copy prior to issuing permit.
As you are aware, the Town has an accessory apartment law. Section 280-4 of the Town
of Southold Town Code defines an accessory apartment as
ACCESSORY APARTMENT -- A dwelling unit created in a presently existing one-family
dwelling pursuant to 3~ 280-13B(14)
In the Hamlet Density (I-ID), Agricultural Conservation (A-C), Residential 80 (R-80),
Residential -120 (R120), Residential 200 (R-200) and Residential 400 (R-400) zoning
districts accessory apartments are permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals
provided that criteria in § 280-13B (14) (below) are met.
One accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling, subject to the
following requirements:
(a) The accessory apartment shall be located in the principal building.
(b) The owner of the existing dwelling shall occupy one of the dwelling units
as the owner's principal residence. The other dwelling unit shall be leased for
year-round occupancy, evidenced by a written lease for a term of one or more
(c) The existing one-family dwelling shall contain not less than 1,600 square
feet of livable floor area.
(d) The accessory apartment shall contain not less than 450 square feet of
livable floor area.
(e) The accessory apartment shall not exceed 40% of the livable floor area of
the existing dwelling unit.
(0 A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided.
(g) Not more than one accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot.
(h) The accessory apartment shall meet the requirements of a dwelling unit as
defined in § 280-4 hereof.
(i) The exterior entry to the accessory apartment shall, to the maximum extent
possible, retain the existing exterior appearance of a one-family dwelling.
(j) All exterior alterations to the existing building, except for access to the
apartment, shall be made on the existing foundation.
(k) The certificate of compliance shall terminate upon the transfer of title by
the owner or upon the owner ceasing to occupy one of the dwelling units as the
owner's principal residence. In the event of an owner's demise, the occupant of an
accessory apartment may continue in occupancy until a new owner shall occupy
the balance of the dwelling or one year from date of said demise, whichever shall
first occur. [Amended 5-20-1993 by L.L. No. 6-1993]
(1) All conversions shall be subject to the inspection of the Building Inspector
and renewal of the certificate of occupancy annually. [Amended 5-20-1993 by
L.L. No. 6-1993]
(m) The building which is converted to permit an accessory apartment shall be
in existence and have a valid certificate of occupancy issued prior to January 1,
1984, or proof of occupancy prior to that date. [Amended 5-20-1993 by L.L. No.
(n) The existing building, together with the accessory apartment, shall comply
with all other requirements of Chapter 280 of the Town Code of the Town of
(o) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 280-13B hereof, no site plan approval
by the Planning Board shall be required for the establishment of an accessory
(p) Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services of the
water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be required.
(q) No bed-and-breakfast facilities, as authorized by § 280-13B(14) hereof,
shall be permitted in or on premises for which an accessory apartment is
authorized or exists. [Added 3-14-1989 by L.L. No. 3-1989]
In the Residential Office (RO), Hamlet Business (HB) and Business (B) zoning districts
accessory apartments are permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals subject
to meeting the following criteria:
Apartments are permitted within the principal building only, subject to the
following requirements:
(a) The Building Department issuing an accessory apartment permit.
(b) The habitable floor area of each apartment shall be at least 350 square
(c) There shall be no more than three apartments created or maintained in
any single structure.
(d) Each apartment shall have at least one off-street parking space.
(e) Construction and/or remodeling of an existing structure to create an
accessory apartment shall not trigger the need for site plan approval set forth
specifically in § 280-127 and Article XXIV in general unless such construction or
remodeling results in an increase of the foundation size of the structure.
(f) The apartment(s) shall not comprise more than 40% of the principal
The fundamental differences between the residential and commercial zone accessory
apartment requirements are bolded.
It is important to note that both the Town and SCDOH do not require that density be
attributed to accessory apartments. In other words, density in the form of a Transfer of
Development Right Credit or other form is not necessary to establish an accessory
apartment. If you have any questions please call me at 765-1938.
October 23, 2007 Page 2
Southold Town Board Meeting Minut~es
8. Recreation Department
September 2007
9. Board of Trustees
September 2007
H. Public Notices
NYS Liquor Licenses
Liquor License Renewal - G & E Seafood Barge Inc., 62980 Main Rd., Southold
Proposed aquaculture activity involving the culture of shellfish on less than a 5 acre parcel of
state underwater land in Long Island Sound, approximately 0.5 miles west Terry Point.
III. Communications
IV. Discussion
9:30 AM - Heather Lanza
Planning Department Staffing
2. Peconic Transfer Station Application
3. Conservation Advisory Council Vacancy
4. BCI Communications Waiver Request
per Town Attorney
Cutchogue Fire Department
New Facility SEQR
6. Long Island Homeowners Insurance Crisis Update
7. 1:30 P.M. - Greenport HALO Map ,.o~
Mark Terry
11:30 AM - Executive Session
Valerie Scopaz, Tim Caufield, Stephen Searl
Potential Land Acquisition
9. 12:30 PM - Executive Session
November 07, 2007 TB Work Session
Heather Lanza, Mark Terry and Phillip Beltz
Update of Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Process:
.....~Completion of third round of meetings with the Planning Board
· Meeting with the public to build consensus
~ Creation of Hamlet Implementation Panel
~ Development of Hamlet Implementation Form
· Necessity of finding funding sources to address implementation
· Fortuitous funding opportunity via LWRP Environmental
Protection Fund application
· "2008 Comprehensive Hamlet Revitalization Program" funding
to implement stakeholder/public identified short-term projects
o Ability to capture funding for activities from April 2007 to
present, including stakeholder volunteer time
o Identify general hamlet-centered themes and apply for
funding for future projects (e.g. infrastructure elements -
sidewalks, lighting, crosswalks, bus shelters, etc.)
o Specific dollar value unknown at this time but seeking TB
approval to proceed
Project Manager
Phone Number
Action Needed:
Refen'ed To:
__ Town Board
__ Planning Board
To~vn Engineer
Highway Department
__ Community Development
__ Storm-water Comrmttee
__ Renewable Energy Comini~ee
__ Police Advisory Committee
Tree Committee
Transportation Commassion
__ Housing Advisory Conmnission
__ Parks and Recreation Conanit~ee
Land Presmwation Committee
Conservation Advisory Committee
__ Historic Preservation Committee
P & Z Committee
Code Comrmttee
__ SCDOH Services
No Action
Start Date
Completion Date
Town Board Authorization:
Status Report:
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
November 7, 2007
2007/2008 EPF Grant Proposal Outline
Implement and advance the intent and policies of the Town of Southold Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) through the implementation of the
2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study by developing a 2008 Town of Southold
Comprehensive Hamlet Revitalization Program.
Task 1. Develop a public consensus for the future of the Towns nine hamlets
through the re-formation of the Hamlet Stakeholder Groups.
Task la. Re-convene the hamlet stakeholder groups to identify~ organize
and prioritize Town of Southold Hamlet Study recommendations through
oublic meetings and focus groups.
Task lb. Prepare and present written reports to the Town of Southold
Planning Board and Town Board during series of meetings.
Task lc. Identify and list short term priority projects and identify fundin?
sources for project design and completion.
Task Id. Identify and list of long term projects and identify funding sources
for I~roiect desien and completion.
1. List of Hamlet Stakeholders Groups.
2. Supervisor's message and Hamlet Stakeholder Mission Statement.
3. Hamlet Stakeholder Meeting Schedule (Round 1).
4. Hamlet Stakeholder Meeting Schedule (Round 2).
5. Hamlet Stakeholder Reports (draft and final).
6. List of short term priority projects.
7. List of Long term priohty projects.
Task 2. Formation of the Town of Southold Hamlet Study Implementation Panel.
Task 2a. Categorize and organize Hamlet Stakeholder recommendations
into spreadsheets to each element listed in the Town of Southold
Consolidated Comprehensive Plan for presentation to the Town of Southold
Hamlet Study Implementation Panel.
I. List of Hamlet Study Implementation Panel Members.
2. Hamlet Study Implementation Spreadsheets.
3. Hamlet Study Implementation Forms.
Task 3. Prepare a Draft Town of Southold Comprehensive Hamlet Revitalization
Task 3a. Design and construct short term priority proiects.
1. Draft Town of Southold Comprehensive Town of Southold Hamlet
Revitalization Plan.
Task 4. Prepare a Final Town of Southold Comprehensive Hamlet Revitalization
Task 4a. Design and construct long term priority proiects.
l. Final Town of Southold Comprehensive Hamlet Revitalization Plan.
January 08, 2008
/planning agenda 13
· Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation:
o Panel implementation form and schedule of mcctings with
panel, letter SAR to panel
o Spreadshccts of hamlet projects (pending grant
submission, future submission, panel, etc.)
o Greenport and Mattituck meetings with PB to report
findings of their public meetings in January
o Stakeholder chair meetings with Transportation
o Schedule of next round of stakeholder meetings with
TB/PB to renew energy, establish ad hoc meetings to
utilize them as "link to hamlets" .... Peconic stakeholders
serve in advisory capacity for Community Ctr. (design,
programs, etc.)
o Other
· Affordable Housing
o AH legislative changes -
o Senior housing
o Accessory apts. (HAC)
o Meeting with Levy re "Downstate Initiative"
· Comprehensive Plan _/,l~k
· Other /
03/27/2008 13:10 FAX 6312984462 SOUTHOLD TOWN HRC
~tit¢ch Staiceholders ?ubllc Mestinfi 1/19/08
The following ideas, suggestions and commsnts were made durin9
this meeting. The ar~a under discussio~ was r~ute 25 to the
Es~sblish minimum setbacks, hight and design of buildiogs, 9lantinps
parking in rear of buildings. A good eKample beinp' the Suffolk Times
and the Medical Profession buildings.
R~view zonin~ r~uirem,nts and maximum ~ize.~u~'~
Desiqn s~andards ~,~r new as well as renovation.
~XiStin§ structures should be e~courag~d ~o follow the new Dle~nln9
rules with some !=i~d of incentive.
Bury power
Some kind of §ateway a~ ~he railroad tre~e to "say welcome to Mattit
Pla~t ~rees alon~ 25, as vel% in the Mattituck Shopping mall.
No widenin9 of Route 25, except ~n ~p~cial areas, i.e. at the cur~e
hamlet/h,~lO its c~pacitf
must be erefully managed %o prevent overdevelopment .
.... D~',elo'o attractive
Monday, January 28, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Site Plans and Subdivisions
Site Plans
· The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#: 1000.102-1-33.3
Location: Griffing Avenue, Cutchogue
Action: Review proposal from consultant for review of DEIS
Status: Draft Environmental Impact Statement review for 139 unit
condominium housing for 55+
Recommendations: Accept the proposal and move forward with review of DEIS
North Fork Hardware SCTM#: 1000-62-1-3
Location: Main Road, Southold
Action: Review lighting plan
Status: Site plan review for new retail building
Recommendations: Lighting should be restricted to the site (not spill over onto
neighboring properties) and comply with dark sky recommendations
Gallucio Estate Vineyards SCTM#: 1000-109-1-13
Location: 24385 Main Road, Cutchogue
Action: Review new site plan application
Status: Site plan application for "as-built" agricultural storage building
Recommendations: Request additional information, and consider waiving certain site
plan requirements (as allowed by Town Code for agricultural
buildings in cases where this is deemed appropriate by the Planning
· Harbes Winery SCTM#: 1000-120-1-4 & 112-1 7.6
Location: 715 Halleck Drive, Mattituck
Action: Review draft letter and revised site plan
Status: Pending Planning Board accepting the site plan as revised and ZBA
Recommendations: Accept the revised site plan, allow staff to send letter to applicant,
pending receipt of parking calculation revisions/new site plan fee,
permit staff to start an Unlisted Coordinated Action under SEQRA at
the February 11, 2008 meeting
· Warex Terminals SCTM#: 1000-142-1-27
Location: 9945 main Road, Mattituck
Action: Review Draft NPV report
Status: Pending SEQRA determination
Recommendations: PB review NPV report and determine if additional review is required
Attachments: NPV draft report dated January 21, 2008
· Seifert Construction SCTM#: 1000-141-3-44
Location: 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck
Action: Review site plan status and consider starting SEQRA
Status: Pending the site plan process
Recommendations: PB allows staff to start the SEQRA process and classify the project
as Type II under 617.5 C 7 of NYCRR at the February 11, 2008
· Standard Subdivision of Colony Pond
Location: s/s/o Colony Road, approximately 470' elo Bayview Avenue, in Southold
SCTM#: 1000-52-5-60.3
· Standard Subdivision for John Scott
Location: els/o Wells Road and the s/s/o Main Road, e/o Peconic Lane in Peconic
SCTM#: 1000-75-6-3
Up-date: Review Covenant and Restriction language and proposed amendments
Discussion Items:
1 ) ZBA request for comments - new sign for King Kullen Shopping Center in
Cutchogue - the variance is for a larger sign than permitted by Code
2) Site visit to Harbes Winery - schedule date and time
3) Recommendations on zoning district of 3.2 acres in Southold -
SCTM#11000-89:3-1-.--1, 3.4 acres. Currently zoned HB & AC
January 30, 2008 ~ 12:30
Hamlet Implementation Panel Update
1. Draft letter from Supervisor to Hamlet Stakeholders
2. Meeting with Planning Board
3. Memo sent to Transportation Commission
4. Funding Update
5. Schedule Town Board work session to: 1. Review 2008 Year-End Report,
2. Present Planning Board prioritized projects.
3. Discuss funding sources (achieved and potential).
4. Discuss 6 month work-plan developed using information
provided. (to be created)
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765-1823
Telephone (631) 765' 1889
Hamlet Study Stakeholders
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
January 29, 2009
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Update
I am pleased to provide stakeholders with an update of current efforts to promote the
implementation of hamlet stakeholder ideas that includes a year-end report:
Accomplishments: · Development of Hamlet Implementation Panel (H.I.P.)--membership and process
· Multiple meetings of H.I.P.
· Award of LWRP Downtown Revitalization Environmental Protection Fund grant to
address multiple hamlet stakeholder recommendations
· Submission of quarterly reports to stakeholders
· Hamlet stakeholder recognition meeting/reception
· Website link created for hamlet stakeholder quarterly reports
· Meeting with Fishers Island stakeholders during annual meeting and follow-up meeting
with several stakeholders and Walsh Park Development Corporation board members to
discuss ways the Town can assist their efforts towards advancing affordable housing
and economic development
· Meeting with stakeholder chairs June 2008
· Develop of preliminary recommendations from the Housing Advisory Commission to
foster the creation of affordable apartments
· Yearly report to stakeholders and Town Board regarding specific accomplishments
Objectives for 2009: · Planning Board will develop list of priorities, budget and timeline for pending streetscape
· Implement EPF grant work-plan goals and objectives
· Identification of additional funding opportunities
· Execute capital improvements (sidewalk repair) approved in budget
· HAC to host public forum on apartments/accessory apartments
· Legislative recommendations from the Town Board re accessory apts.
· Budgetary restrictions
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Special Projects Coordinator
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 85
Matfituck, NY 11952
Tel. (631 ) 298-4460
Fax (631) 298-4462
January 22,2009
Scott Russell, Supervisor
Members of the Town Board
Jerilyn Woodhouse, Chair
Members of the Planning Board
Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator
Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Re: Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Report 2008
Below, please find a summary of the implementation efforts of the hamlet stakeholders
recommendations; the full Hamlet Implementation Panel Year End Report - 2008 is attached.
Accomplishments: · Development of Hamlet Implementation Panel (H.I.P.)---membership and process
· Multiple meetings of H.I.P.
· Award of LWRP Downtown Revitalization Environmental Protection Fund grant to address
multiple hamlet stakeholder recommendations
· Submission of quarterly reports to stakeholders
· Hamlet stakeholder recognition meeting/reception
· Website link created for hamlet stakeholder quarterly reports
· Meeting with Fishers Island stakeholders during annual meeting and follow-up meeting with
several stakeholders and Walsh Park Development Corporation board members to discuss
ways the Town can assist their efforts towards advancing affordable housing and economic
· Meeting with stakeholder chairs June 2008
· Develop of preliminary recommendations from the Housing Advisory Commission (H.A.C.) to
foster the creation of affordable apartments
· Yearly report to stakeholders and Town Board regarding specific accomplishments
Obiectives for 2009: · Fulfillment of LWRP goals and objectives
· Identification of additional funding opportunities
· Execute capital improvements (sidewalk repair) approved in budget
· H.A.C. to host public forum on apartments/accessory apartments
· Legislative recommendations from the Town Board re accessory apts.
· Budgetary restrictions
Cc: Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel Year End Report - 2008
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report -2008
Hamlet: Mattituck
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
T1 Evaluate Traffic Calming.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
1. Evaluate traffic circle at Main Road and Love 2008 to address pedestrian access
Lane & safety at this intersection.
2. Evaluate traffic circle at Route 48 and Cox In progress, County DPW to study
Neck Road and develop plan.
3. Develop plan to reduce Route 48 to single Tabled - Town Transp. Commission
lane between Cox Neck Rd and Wickham investigated in the past and
Avenue. recommended against it.
Establish Community Pavilion at head of
Mattituck Creek with transportation and Tabled - future consideration - T4
1`2 )edestrian connectivity to Hamlet Center. deemed greater priority
Tabled - future consideration -
Complete sidewalk extension of Love Lane north Wickham Ave might be better
1-3 to Mattituck Creek. )edestrian connection
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 to address pedestrian access
T4 Develop West Mattituck Corridor Plan & streetscape here.
Included partially in the
Develop streetscape plan from train trestle east Transportation Enhancement
S1 to Love Lane along S.R. 25. Program Grant.
On September 24, 2008 HIP met
with Code Enforcer and was
advised that the Town Code would
need to be amended to ticket the
S2 Prohibit car sales on Main Road (Rt 25 e.g. NFB) vehicles.
S3 Bury power cables Tabled for future consideration
Referred to Planning Department to
S4 Develop attractive signs develop design standards.
Principal Planner fowarded several
draft tree codes to the Tree
Committeefor consideration,
S5 Develop Town -wide tree code. awaiting comments.
Page 1 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report -2008
Hamlet: Mattituck
EL~ENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
In process. Planning Dept
developed draft. Referred to
D1 Develop commercial design standards Planning to complete.
Close I_ove lane for Saturday Farmers Referred to Transportation
EH1 Market/Pedestrian Mall Commission/Planning Dept.
Develop sewage plan covering Mattituck
HALO/Hamlet Center areas to allow increased In process. Planning Dept working
EH2 density and housing opportunities, with agencies
EH3 Provide transient boat access Tabled
Page 2 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report- 2008
Hamlet: Cutchogue
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
In progress. Meeting held in April,
DOT will evaluate traffic calming
Establish a no parking zone in front of Karen's throughout hamlet center, In the
Deli or narrow sidewalks to improve line of interim, DOT will install a delayed
¥1 sight, walk signal for pedestrians.
Change the sequence of the traffic light at
72 intersection of New Suffolk Road. see above
Install more effective signage to slow Route 25
traffic entering the Griffin Street/Route 25
T3 intersection from the east see above
Relocate Hampton Jitney bus stop s/o King Tabled - potential conflict with
T4 Kullen parking lot, design install bus shelter, regress & egress to King Kullen
Install pedestrian walkway across Route 25 to
serve eastbound bus passengers accessing King
TS Kullen parking lot. see above
Planning Board will accomplish
O Extend sidewalks on Griffing Street to Heritage Lhrough the subdivision and site
T6 @ Cutchogue parcel, plan process
Repair and mark shoulder of New Suffolk
Avenue because it serves as a bike path. Install Referred to Transportation
T7 new bicycle path in appropriate locations, and Commission; awaiting comments.
DPW has purchased bike rack.
Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind Town Board to seek property
T8 Karen's Deli owners permission.
Trees could be installed directly in
Install dogwood trees on island between the front of Post Office - Refer to
southbound and northbound lanes of Griffing Southold Tree Committee for final
T9 Street. determination,
Proposed as a project in the
Transportation Enhancement
T10 Commission Towmwide Transportation Study Program Grant,
Page 1 of i
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report- 2008
Hamlet: New Suffolk
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson
Street warning boaters of overhead electric Accomplished signa§e in
T1 wires. ~lace/wires have been removed.
Install signage 30 MPH speed limit on New
T2 ~uffolk Avenue and New Suffolk Road. Accomplished
Provide increased police surveillance of the Ongoing ad overall parking need
T3 ~osted parking areas, comprehensive approach
T4 Enforce 30mph speed limit Ongoing
investigate and develop traffic calming
T5 measures Ongoing
Increase sticker fee for non-resident
1-6 beach/ramp users Accomplished
1'7 Enforce use of beach/ramp stickers Ongoing
Develop and post appropriate restrictions for
use of boat ramp particularly as to maximum Accomplished (sign limits vessels to
T8 size and weight of boats. 26')
Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and
T9 First Streets Not recommended at this time.
Highway Department to look for
Evaluate and correct visual impediments at encroachments into the right of
T10 driveways and intersections, way causing safety issues.
Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past
Tll school Tabled
Draft tree codes sent to Tree
Committee, Town Aborist attends
all Tree Committee meetings and
Survey and protect significant trees and plant assesses the condition of trees to
Sl new street trees, be removed on public lands.
Provide additional parking for district including
52 Legends Referred to Planning Department
Peconic Land Trust and community
Preserve scenic water views and historic acquired property. Property use
S3 character plans are in developmental stages.
Page 1 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: New Suffolk
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
In process. Planning Dept
Develop design guidelines for residential developed draft. Referred to
D1 'commercial buildings Planning Dept. to complete,
EH~_ Provide transient boat access See T3 above.
Page 2 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report- 2008
Hamlet: Pe¢oni¢
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Not recommended by
Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran Transportation Commission due to
T1 Parks. ~edestrian safety concerns.
No Town requirement that owner
must maintain lot. Private
Re-lease parking lot from Owner (Post Office) property utilized by public, Town
T2 for $1 and provide maintenance, has no obligation.
The projects have been permitted
Relocate bus stop to in front of Highway by the NYSDOT, contractors will
T3 Department building with kiosk, accomplish work.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 may include a portion of this
T4 Repair sidewalks and connect to Route 25. recommendation.
Improve parking hots in Cochran Park and add
T5 concession stand In process
SI Address Recreation Center eyesore Accomplished
Improve streetscape in Hamlet Center with
S2 landscaping. Referred to Planning Department
Page :1 of :~
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT 'I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Install shade trees, landscaping, improve
parking, sidewalks on south side, street
furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's The Panel discussed a long-term plan to link Travelers,
Street - make it more pedestrian friendly and Hortons, and Youngs Road with pedestrian-friendly
.connected to the hamlet center and to infrastructure. Possibly part of a Transporation
encourage commercial and municipal Enhancements Program grant proposal being
T1 development, submitted in June.
Provide sidewalks on Horton's Lane and
T2 Young's Road gee above
T3 Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center See above
Prevent accidents, improve pedestrian safety,
T4 and reduce traffic impacts:
~l. Implement traffic calming measures in the
Hamlet Center between Boisseau and Tuckers
Lane, and to conduct traffic safety evaluations
at the intersections of Main Street and the
O and Main Street and Referred to Transportation Commission - being
Boisseau evaluated.
2. Restrict right turn on red at selected
intersections such as Main Street and Youngs
Avenue See above
3. Enforce posted speed limits throughout
he Hamlet Center and HALO zone, especially
on Youngs Avenue, Hortons Lane and Main
4. Improve the design and signage at all
~edestrian crosswalks throughout the Hamlet,
Center and HALO zone, especially at Main
Street and Oaklawn Avenue, and add a
crosswalk at Main Street and Beckwith Referred to Transportation Commission - being
Avenue evaluated.
5. Inventory all existing sidewalks in the
hamlet and ask the Highway Department to
budget for a periodic sidewalk inspection
program and to regularly repair and maintain Sidewalk inventory is proposed in the Hamlet
sidewalks in the hamlet center Revitalization EPF Grant.
6. Add an informal footpath on the east side Could be included in Transportation Enhancements
of Horton Lane from CR. 48 to Main Street Program grant - innovative options for sidewalks
Page 1 of 8
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Preserve and improve the vitality of Main
]-6 Street as a walkable local business district:
1. Provide additional strategically located
municipal parking with attractive signage,
Dark Sky lighting, landscaping, bike racks and Planning Board might incorporate more municipal
regular maintenance ~arking as part of future site plans in hamlet center
2. Investigate the feasibility of diagonal
street parking on Main Street Not feasible
3. Offer greater flexibility in parking
requirements in the site plan review process
(e.g. consider the overall parking as an Planning Board currently provides for flexibility where
average in the area instead of parcel by the code allows. Future code changes are also being
)arcel) to encourage diverse business uses examined.
4. Encourage walking in the Hamlet Center Transportation Enhancements Program grant should
and HALO zone accomplish some of this goal
~-7 Support expansion/additions to Southold Free Library addition is on hold.
full service transit hub at the
T8 existing railroad station on Travelers Street Tabled. See T8(2)
1. Work with the LIRR to improve
landscaping and parking around the train
station Local Girl Scout Troop decorates and maintains area.
Investigated by Town Transportation Commission, not
feasible due to resistance from the County and the
2. Meet with County Public Transit and Jitney bus services. Turn is too tight for buses, and
Hampton Jitney to relocate bus stops to better leaving the main road will cause delays in what is
locations such as the LIRR station already a very long bus route.
Transportation Enhancements Program grant
Create an infrastructure of bike paths and submitted June 25, 2008 may fund some work toward.~
T9 strategically located bike racks, this goal.
Implement a town-wide "dial-a-ride" car/van
service and or the use of school busses for
T~.O affordable local transportation ~chedule for a future Town Board work-session.
Provide new and attractive signage for
S1 municipal parking lots. Ongoing
Maintain and landscape municipal parking
~ S2 areas. Ongoing
Page 2 of g
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report- 2008
Hamlet: $outhold
Recommendation ! Project Status
Install shade trees, landscaping, improve
parking, sidewalks on south side, street
furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's
Support the Tree Committee's street tree
)lanting program, including the replacement
or dead trees
Strictly enforce the Town's signage code and
educate business owners about illegal displays
~nd uses of public rights of way in business
pecially on Main Street and CR 48
Pass legislation requiring Dark Sky lighting on
ali new construction and retrofitting pre-
existing construction over a reasonable time
Provide attractive trash and recycling
receptacle throughout the hamlet
Build a new Town Hall and campus in the
existing location
vide incentives to property owners to up-
rade existing streetscape attributes
Encourage burying of overhead utility lines
Referred to Planning Board and Tree Committee
Referred to Tree Committee
Referred to Code Committee
OS Energy Comm is reviewing other Town codes and
drafting code to be submitted to the Town Board
Board to send letter to Solid Waste
n Hold
Referred to Planning Board
Develop design guidelines for affordable
housing that reinforce local residential scale
and historic precedents
Housing Advisory Commission met with Planning
Board to discuss recommendations made to the Town
Board on accessory apartments. The Planning Board
fully supported the recommendations and forwarded
~mo on October 29th to the Town Board
Develop design guidelines and standards that
~rohibit commercial sprawl, emphasize
~uman scale, create pedestrian connectivity 'lanning Board proposed Residential Site Plan
and respects historic precedents and Standards for the HD and HB zoning districts.
typologies in Hamlet Centers and HALO zones Legislation is pending.
Page 3 of 8
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: $outhold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project ;tatus
EH1 Retain IGA grocery store in current location Referred to Planning Department
Provide incentives for reuse and adaptive
EH2 reuse for existing commercial structures See 01 response above.
EH3 Create more eaffordab]e housing Referred to Housing Advisory Commission
Legalize affordable workforce in detached
EH4 ac¢~;nry buildings in HALO Referred to Housing Advisory Commission
EH$ Provide incentives for property taxes See D1 response above.
Provide financial incentives for rehab of
existing residential structures for affordable
£H6 housing. See Dl response above.
Preserve and improve vitality of Main Street
EH7 as walkab]e business district Referred to Planning Department
EH8 Provide additional strategic parking Referred to Planning Department
£H9 Felxibility in parking requirements Referred to Planning Department
Provide tax incentives to property owners who
rent buildings at affordable rates to ~ocal
EHIO entrapanuers. See D! response above.
Planning Board was awarded EPF grant in the amount
=f $670,500.00. Workplan inciudestownwide
Conduct economic impact study of downtown sconomic study. The study is expected to begin in
EH11 ~rea 2009 upon reclept of the grant contract.
Increase intesity of use of Silversmiths Corner
for picnincs, games, summer events and
EH12 activities. Referred to Parks and Recreation Committee
Promote additional housing in HALO Zone
with affordable and senior housing and garden
EH13 apartments. See D1 response
~.llowing density I unit per 10,000 sqaure feet
EH14 in HALO with public water and sewer. Referred to Planning Department
Allowing density 1 unit per 5,000 sqaure feet
in HALO with public water and sewer for
EH15 Seniors. Referred to Planning Department
Encourage mixed use residential within
EH16 business properties in HALO/Hamlet Center. Referred to Planning Department/PDD
EH17 Create PDD legislation Referred to Planning Department
Preserv and support working landscapes and
EH18 traditional industries Referred to Planning Department/LWRP
EH19 Provide job opportunites for young people. Ongoing/Youth Bureau
Page 4 of 8
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
The NYSDOT has determined that
Change the traffic light on CR 48 and SR 25 to an upgrade of the traffic signal is
T1 three color, not warranted at this time.
Short-term - scenic corridor
recommendations implemented in
the site plan process by Planning
Board as they are submitted. Long-
term - create codifed design
Implement recommendation of the Town of standards based on the scenic
T2 Southold Scenic Corridor Plan corridor recommendations.
1-3 Require dormant buses along Rt 25 be relocated~ Accomplished
Transportation Commission
investigating best location for
T4 Instal[ crosswalk in the vicinity of 7-11 crosswalk in this area.
Town code requires maintenance
of properties adjacent to
T5 Establish sidewalk maintenance responsibilities sidewalks.
Planning Board is accomplishing
T6 Develop a well designed gateway through well designed site plans.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 to address pedestrian access
T7 Install sidewalks on one side of the street & streetscape in this vicinity
Town Board is in an ongoing
discussion with the ferry on several
Explore methods to break-up continuous strings issues, this being one of the major
T8 of ferry traffic concerns.
SC DPW has designed a plan to
rework the road in that stretch to
calm traffic and improve pedestrian
safety, and begun implementing it.
Explore traffic calming measures along North Not all of the plan has been funded
T9 Road i.e. near Soundview Restaurant for construction.
Panel recommends that problem
e areas be discussed with Highway
Evaluate all sight impediments at driveways and Superintendent for corrective
TIO intersections action.
Page 1 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Tll Provide S-92 bus service on Sundays Accomplished
Hold competition to design bus shelters, require
well designed and conveniently located bus
T12 shelters Accomplished
Planning Board subdivision process
Integrate new roads in subdivision with existing makes every attempt to do so
¥13 roadways, where feasible.
1'14 Provide public bus service along North Road Transportation Commission
1'15 Extend train service to enhance public transit Transportation Commission
1-16 Improve S-92 bus schedules with Shelter Island Transportation Commission
Bury overhead utility lines for any new Required pursuant to Town Code on
51 development new subdivisions.
Preserve the natural landscape and create 75-
52 100" buffers along the Hamlet's main roads Referred to Planning Board
Transportation Commission has a
grant to complete a sign study as
Develop a well designed on Route 25 of the
53 east of the village are proposed.
54 Preserve scenic vistas Referred to Planning Board
Code Enforcer Officer informed HIP
Weekly road clean-up, including removal of Cars that it is too cost prohibitive to tow
55 for Sale on Town property, garbage, debris etc.., cars.
Preserve street trees and develop planting and
56 maintenance plans Referred to Tree Committee
Design parking behind front yard setback with
D1 landscaped buffer Referred to Planning Board
In process. Planning Department
developed working draft. Referred
D2 Develop design standards to Planning Department.
Provide adequate parking for residential and
EH1 commercial development Referred to Planning Board
Page 2 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: East Marion
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
On September 24th Hamlet
IdentiF/laws that are on the books and not Implementation Panel met with
being consistently enforced, such as traffic and Code Enforcement Officer; three
T10 housing codes, properties were cited,
Problem: Traffic moves too quickly along Rt. 25
and is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists
Tll when exiting their cars. Police are enforcing speed limits
Town Transportation Commission
worked on this with DOT. They
would only agree to reduce speed
limit to 50 on causeway, no lower.
Possible Solutions: (Stakeholder) 1. Reduce Referred to Transportation
speed limit from 55 to 45 on causeway and from Commission for other speed limits
40 to 30 throughout East Marion. in other locations.
2. Direct Police Department to enforce speed
limits vigorously. Ongoing
3. Request assistance from Highway
O to recommend traffic
devices, such as breakaway bollards or
landscaped mini-medians, which would be Referred to Transportation
appropriate to East Marion. Commission
4. Install residential neighborhood signs to Referred to Transportation
emphasize the need for slowing down. Commission
Planning Board developed
LIPA/Town contact protocol for
S1 Monitoring LIPA tree trimming tree trimming program
On September 24th Hamlet
Implementation Panel met with
Code Enforcement Officer; illegal
S2 Enforcing existing code on signage signs have been removed.
Provide boundary focal points for E. Marion witk
well designed gateway signs at entrance and Referred to Transportation
S3 exit of the hamlet Commission
Page 2 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: East Marion
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Reduce and enforce speed limits and utilize
traffic calming devices and signage to emphasize
the need for drivers to slow down when passing
T1 through East Marion. Ongoing
Explore multiple means of reducing the impact
of ever-increasing Orient ferry traffic and [own Board in ongoing discussion
restricting any further expansion of ferry with ferry on several issues, this
T2 services being a major one.
Improve existing public beach access points by
repairing road ends and clearing phragmites.
Support repair of Bay Avenue and Gillette Drive
and removal of phragmites to increase beach Bay Avenue is complete. Gillete
T3 access. Drive work is in the 2009 budget.
Support more consistent and frequent
[4 enforcement of traffic laws Ongoing
Referred to Transportation
Support better signage, identification of sites for Commission & Town Attorney-
off-road parking, and relocating the bus stop to Town is renegotiating the
reduce traffic congestion near Post Office and maintenance agreement with the
O T5 Angel's Store. Fire Dept.
Sidewalk inventory proposed in the
Hamlet Revitalization EPF Grant.
Some pedestrian safety measures
proposed in the Transportation
Make sidewalks and road shoulders more Enhancements Program grant
T6 ~edestrian and bike-friendly, submitted June 25, 2008
Town will take this into
consideration on town roads, and
Eliminate road widening as an option for dealing make NYSDOT & SCDPW aware of
T7 with traffic problems, this recommendation.
Tranportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
Install traffic calming devices at entrance and 2008, may include a project to
T8 exit to East Marion with slow-down sign accomplish this goal.
Bring together key players, such as Police
Commissioner, representative of bus company,
Cross Sound Ferry, Town Supervisor to help Achieved - this is what the panel is
T9 solve East Marion problems, and does.
Page 1 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report- 2008
Hamlet: Orient
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Enforce of the speed limit by Southold Town
along Route 25 in the area from the Causeway
T:I east to Platt Road. Ongoing
Use non-aggressive traffic calming methods
such as painting lines for narrower lanes, using
different color paint or material in the verge Referred to Transportation
T2 lanes, moving lanes, and crosswalks. Commission
Reduce speed on causeway using LED speed
limit signs, narrow median, traffic enforcement
T3 camera, etc.) Referred to Police for enforcement
Town Board is dealing with this and
other issues with their ongoing
T4 Address Ferry traffic and parking discussion with the ferry.
T5 Repair / repave sidewalks in the Hamlet. Ongoing
Explore system of pedestrian trails through
~1 T6 fields in undeveloped areas Ongoing
Preserve the gateway property east of Latham's Referred to Planning Board to
S1 farm stand (vista is important) implement the Scenic Byway Plan
S2 Road repair of Village Lane In design phase/funding is needed
S2 Sidewalk and curb repair along Village Lane Referred to Highway Department
S3 Repair to street lighting in the Hamlet Ongoing
Exploration of alternate street lighting that
would be of a style more consistent with the
Historic Preservation designation, and that
would also be more efficient in projecting light Future Downtown Revitalization
S4 down on the street and sidewalk where needed. :Program Grant
Page ~L of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Year End Status Report - 2008
Hamlet: Orient
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Housing Advisory Commission met
with Planning Board to discuss
recommendations made to the
town Board. The Planning Board
i=ully supported the
recommendations and forwarded s
memo on October 29th to the
EH! Review accessory apartment legislation I'own Board indicating such.
EH2 Keep Post Office in Hamlet Center !Referred to Planning Dept.
Page 2 of 2
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hail Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
To: Jerilyn B Woodhouse, Chair
Members of the Planning Board
From: Hamlet Implementation Panel
Re: Prioritizing Hamlet Stakeholder Recommendations for 2009
Date: January 26, 2009
The Hamlet Implementation Panel is requesting that the Planning Board prioritize
the following listed hamlet stakeholder recommendations for 2009. Note that
several projects have been submitted to the Transportation Enhancement
Program grant for project funding however the grant award has not been
The Planning Department has secured $667,000 ($335,250 DOS Assistance)
from the EPF LWRP Grant Program for traffic calming, gateway signage, and
affordable housing; lighting and pedestrian movement analyses; development
and implementation of site-plan design standards; and hamlet centers economic
studies. The Town is awaiting the contract for this grant to execute.
A. Mattituck 1. Develop West Mattituck Corridor Plan including, develop streetscape plan
from train trestle east to Love Lane along S.R. 25.
2. Develop attractive signs.
3. Develop commemial design standards for new and renovated buildings.
4. Develop sewage plan covering Mattituck HALO/Hamlet Center areas to
allow increased density and housing opportunities.
B. Cutchogue
1. Install dogwood trees on island between the southbound and northbound lanes
of Griffing Street.
C. New Suffolk 1. Provide increased police surveillance of the posted parking areas.
(Planning Board should discuss Ionf:l range plannin,q for the waterfront).
2. Provide additional parking for district including Legends.
3. Preserve scenic water views and historic character.
4. Develop design guidelines for residential/commercial buildings.
1. Repair sidewalks and connect to Route 25.
2. Improve streetscape in hamlet center with landscaping.
1. Install shade trees, landscaping, improve parking, sidewalks on south
side, street furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's Street - make it
more pedestrian friendly and connected to the hamlet center and to
encourage commercial and municipal development.
2. Provide incentives to property owners to up-grade existing streetscape
3. Create PDD legislation.
F. Greenport 1. Implement recommendation of the Town of Southold Scenic Corridor Plan.
2. Design parking behind front yard setback with landscaped buffer.
3. Develop design standards.
East Marion
1. Make sidewalks and road shoulders more pedestrian and bike-friendly.
2. Install traffic calming devices at entrance and exit to East Marion with
slow-down sign.
3. Provide boundary focal points for E. Marion with well designed gateway
signs at entrance and exit of the hamlet.
1. Exploration of alternate street lighting that would be of a style more
consistent with the Historic Preservation designation, and that would also
be more efficient in projecting light down on the street and sidewalk where
2. Preserve the gateway property east of Latham's farm stand (vista is
3. Keep Post Office in Hamlet Center.
inning opment o
Southold Town Code Revisions - The Town of Southold will
the Town Code and propose amendments to
goals and objectives of its Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program. Work will focus on revising code
definitions, chapter language, zoning districts and their
associated permitted and special exemption uses. Town
;taft will be assisted by a consultant team in conducting this
$ 301,692.00 $
Villiam Cremers
Mark Terry
1/2007 - 1/201C
Hashamomuck Pond Watershed Management Plan
Implementation - The Town of Southold will implement the
Hashamomuck Pond Watershed Management Plan by
undertaking identified high priority Best Management
Practices (BMPs). The project will include installation of
~ass channels, bioretention systems, dry swales, sediment
separators, Iow flow outlets and site
restoration at identified BMP sites. Work wilt be conducted
by a combination of municipal staff ~
Implementation (Note that this money is the partial match
5outhold requests funding to support completed and
ongoing planning for a Corn
Program for the Town's nine hamlets. To date, hamlet
stakeholder groups have been formed, presented hamlet
stakeholder reports to the Town, and identified priority
projects. Grant funding will also support completion of the
program, and implementation of several short-term priority
projects. These include planning for traffic calming, gateway
signage, and affordable housing; lighting and pedestrian
movement analyses; development and implementation of
site-plan design standards; and an hamlet centers economic
Subwatershed Management Plans SGA 22
y Creeks) and SGA 26 (Richmond
Development and Implementation of Transfer of
Development Rights Program.
Mattituck Watershed (WATERWASH)
Pipes Cove Phragmites Eradication
$ 667,000.00
$ 670,500.00
$ 50,000.00
$ 55,400.00
$ 82,900.00
S 60,000.00
$ 341,000.00
$ 335,250.00
$ 25,000.00
$ 44,320.00
$ 40,000.00
$ 30,000.00
$ 136,000.00
$ 328,199.00
$ 11,080.00
$ 42,900.00
$ 30,000.00
Public Bid
¥o be determined.
Peconic Estuary
Neslon, Pope and
Vorhees, LLC
To be determined.
Public Bid
To be determined.
Public Bid
Mark Terry
Mark Terry
Mark Terry 4/2007-4/2010
Mark Terry
Mark Terry
Scott Hilary
Scott Hilary
Contract Pending
February 12, 2008 TB Work Session
Mark Terry and Phillip Beltz
Accomplishments to Date:
· Stakeholders developed short-term and long-term project
recommendations list from 2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study
· Stakeholders hosted public meetings and shared ideas to reach
· The Planning Board met with stakeholders on multiple occasions to
provide feedback regarding recommendations
· Planning Department staff coordinated meeting with stakeholder chairs,
once in Fishers Island and another to discuss Environmental Protection
Fund grant opportunity that required a tally of stakeholder volunteer hours
· Planning Dept. submitted grant for hamlet revitalization
Future Goals and Obiectives:
· Creation of Hamlet Implementation Panel (see attached goal, purpose,
process, outcome and flowchart) with utilization of Hamlet Implementation
Panel form
· Host meeting in March 2008 to recognize and celebrate stakeholders'
efforts and articulate further discussion of their future role and the Town's
role to achieve goals.
Previously Discussed and Revised by Town Attorney: (see handouts) · Definitions: Asset, Head of Household and Primary Residence.
· Priority Population
· Age-restricted modifications as relating to inclusionary zoning
· Affordable Housing District (AHD) changes
Previously Discussed and not Revised by Town Attorney:
t o
Building of MIFDU concurrent with market rate housing
· .._Allow MIFDU to be built offsite in same school district
°:/ Waive all fees.relating to building of MIFDU, excluding Sanitary Flow
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971'0959
Fax (631) 765' 1823
Telephone (631) 765-1889
Hamlet Study Stakeholders
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
February 15, 2008
Hamlet Study Implementation
The Town Board and Planning Board are enormously impressed with your
dedication and involvement in implementing the Town of Southold 2005 Hamlet
Study. Almost a year has passed since you were charged with your mission to
transform a static document into community focused planning.
Stakeholders have generously volunteered over 3500 hours to define a vision for
the Town's future. In light of your notable accomplishments, I am pleased to host
a celebratory reception and meeting to further the discussion of hamlet
stakeholder participation for the future. I hope you will be able to attend this
event scheduled for Thursday, March 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Human Resource
Center in Mattituck (750 Pacific Street).
While your work is nowhere near complete, now accomplishing your short-term
and long-term goals rest with efforts and actions from the Town Board, Planning
Board and staff. To effectuate action towards achieving goals, a "hamlet
implementation panel" has been developed to shepherd projects successfully
through appropriate Town departments and outside agencies. In addition, a
grant in the amount of $670,500 was submitted solely for hamlet revitalization.
Please RSVP to Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, via email or phone
(#298-4460). Thank you again for your efforts.
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation
and Recognition Meeting
March 13, 2008
Stakeholder Accomplishments
· Re-convening of Stakeholders
· Review of 2005 Hamlet Study
· Development of Consensus of Short-term
and Long-term Priority Projects.
· Quarterly Reporting to the Planning Board
· Community Participation and Visioning
· Development of Final Recommendations
Stakeholder Participation
Greater than 3500 Volunteer Hours
Expended Over a One Year Period!
Stakeholder Unified Concerns
and Priority Projects
· Transportation/Traffic Calming
· Pedestrian Infrastructure/Connectivity
· Streetscape/Design Standards
· Preservation of Rural Character
· Code Amendments/Zoning
· Code Enforcement
Town Tasks
Development of Spreadsheets Incorporating Stakeholder
Recommendations (Short Term and Long Term)
Formation of Hamlet Implementation Panel
- Prioritization of Recommendations and Projects
- Designation of Project Managers
- Accountability and Quarterly Reporting
- Identification of Existing and Future Funding
Submission of EPF LWRP Hamlet Revitalization Grant proposal
in response to Stakeholder recommendations in the amount of
$675,000. Grant scope included:
· Development of Town-wide Traffic Calming Plan.
· Commission of Economic Feasibility Study for Hamlet
Centers (Stony Brook MBA Students).
· Survey and Analysis of Pedestrian Movement.
· Development of Gateway Signage Plan for the Nine
· Inventory of Accessory Apartments in Hamlet Centers.
· Development of Commercial and Residential Site Plan
Design Standards.
· Prepare a Final Comprehensive Hamlet Revitalization
Document for Approval by Town Board.
Submission of future grants (NYS Quality Community Grant,
Transportation Enhancements Program)
Stony Brook MBA Phase II "Recipe for Main Streets"
Priority Parcel Acquisition and Trail Network Project (East
Marion, Peconic, Southold, Greenport, New Suffolk)
Storm-water remediation (Orient, New Suffolk)
Commercial and Residential Site Plan Design Standards (All)
Sewer Summit/Sewer Feasibility Study (Mattituck)
Stimulating apartment inventory including adaptive re-use with
Housing Advisory Commission (All)
Hamlet Implementation Panel
Goal: To ensure the efficient and expedient implementation and
management of hamlet stakeholder recommendations
Purpose: Utilize Smart Growth planning principles to design a vision
for Southold's Hamlets
- Project Coordinating Committee (Supervisor, Ad-hoc Town Board,
Principal Planner and Special Projects Coordinator) meet bi-monthly
and present to panel members.
- Panel review recommendations to determine what item are currently
being addressed by budgets and what item will be addressed in future
- Panel forwards recommendations to appropriate staff and/or
-Panel identifies potential funding sources (agencies or grants) to
accomplish recommendations.
Outcome: Deployment of resources (where applicable) to re-vitalize
hamlet centers.
Some Examples of Current Projects to Date
Analysis and Response to Stakeholder's
Transportation and Traffic Calming Concerns
Implementation of the
Mattituck Sewer Feasibility Study
Design and Implementation of
Greenport Trail System
Development of Design Standards to Protect the "Main
Street" Character of the Hamlet Centers
Preserving Rural Character
through active acquisition of
identified parcels.
Implementing Storm-water
projects and Seeking Funding
to Control Storm-water.
Developing the Peconic School
into a Community Center
Future Stakeholder Tasks
Ad-hoc Participation
· Long Term Visioning
~" Hamlet Revitilization
· Development of Hiking and Kayak Trails.
[·, Facilitating weekly cultural activities e.g. sidewalk art
[ and craft shows and farmers market (i.e. behind Town
~ Focus groups with Chambers of Commerce, North Fork
/ ~ Promotion Council and hamlet residents regarding
~- desired hamlet business uses.
Monthly meetings with Stakeholder Chairs to review progress
of the Hamlet Implementation Panel, share ideas and establish
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Referrals to the Transportation Commission
March 3 I, 2008
The following are recommendations from the Stakeholder groups. The common theme among all
Stakeholder groups is "traffic calming" and pedestrian safety.
T 1. Evaluate Traffic Calming.
1. Evaluate traffic circle at Main Road and Love Lane.
Comments of the Panel: The Transportation Commission has looked at this in the past and it
seems like a good idea. It was referred to the NYSDOT, but there has been no action on it
from the State. This recommendation, together with improving the connection between the
business centers in Mattituck West and East, including addressing pedestrian safety and
connectivity, may be a good fit for the NYMTC Transportation Enhancement Grant.
High Priority - Transportation Commission should evaluate the suitability for this and other
stakeholder recommendations for the grant referenced above, and make a recommendation to
the Town Board as soon as possible for how to proceed, including who to send requests for
proposals to write the grant.
T4. Develop West Mattituck Corridor Plan - Consider this as part of the grant proposal to NYMTC -
the portion of this recommendation that relates to pedestrian connectivity and safety.
T7.lnstall new bicycle paths and repair existing paths. - Referred by Panel back to Stakeholders for
clarification, however included here to note the interest in encouraging alternative transportation.
T10. Town-wide Transportation Study.
New Suffolk
T5. Investigate and develop traffic-calming measures - enforcement may be enough to accomplish this
goal in New Suffolk. Referred to Chief Cochran. May also be something to include in a grant proposal
related to pedestrian safety.
TI1. Restrict truck traffic on King Street past school. This item was referred back to the Stakeholders
for clarification, however it might also be addressed in a pedestrian plan grant proposal.
TI. Install crosswalk between parks on Peconic Lane
The Town is looking for a recommendation from the Transportation Commission as to whether a
crosswalk will serve the purpose of increasing safety.
T4. Repair sidewalks and connect to Rt. 25.
T 1. Traveler Street improvements for encouraging use by pedestrians and pedestrian safety:
a. Sidewalks
b. Shade trees
c. Landscaping
d. Parking
e. Street furniture
f. Lighting
g. Signage
T2. Provide sidewalks on Horton's Lane and Young's Road.
Panel recommendation. Long -term project. Start with an inventory of the sidewalks already existing,
and formulate a pedestrian plan.
Referred to: Planning and Transportation Commission (possible NYMTC Transportation
Enhancements grant project).
T4. Town wide Traffic Study - See Cutchogue.
T4. Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety
Prevent accidents, improve pedestrian safety, and reduce traffic impacts:
1. Implement traffic calming measures in the Hamlet Center between Boisseau and Tuckers Lane, and to
conduct traffic safety evaluations at the intersections of Main Street and the Civil War Monument and
Main Street and Boisseau
2. Resthct right turn on red at selected intersections such as Main Street and Youngs Avenue
3. Enforce posted speed limits throughout the Hamlet Center and HALO zone, especially on Youngs
Avenue, Hortons Lane and Main Street
4. Improve the design and signage at all pedestrian crosswalks throughout the Hamlet Center and HALO
zone, especially at Main Street and Oaklawn Avenue, and add a crosswalk at Main Street and
Beckwith Avenue
5. Inventory all existing sidewalks in the hamlet and ask the Highway Department to budget for a
periodic sidewalk inspection program and to regularly repair and maintain sidewalks in the hamlet
6. Add an informal footpath on the east side of Horton Lane from CR. 48 to Main Street
T6. Preserve and improve the vitality of Main Street as a walkable local business district.
Long Term goal - Pedestrian, business district
Recommendations related to pedestrians and walkabiitiy.
T9. Create infrastructure of bike paths and strategically located bike racks. Tabled for now - long term
project {Pedestrian Plan - maybe instead make it an "alternative transportation plan" and include
bike paths?)
T1. Change the traffic light on CR 48 and SR 25 to three color. Traffic study done at that
location for a roundabout by the County, they recommended this to the DOT, and the state said
they agree, then it was not funded and never happened.
Referral: Transportation Commission. - would a traffic light work there?
T4. Install crosswalk in the vicinity of 7-11.
T6. Develop a well-designed gateway. Sign study by Transportation Commission for design, and EPF
Grant from Planning for construction and installation.
T7. Install sidewalks on one side of Rt. 25. Pedestrian Plan -NYMTC Grant?
Tll. S92 Bus run on Sundays.
East Marion
T5. Support better signage, identification of sites for off-road parking, and relocating the bus stop
to reduce traffic congestion near Post Office and Angel's Store.
T6. Make sidewalks and road shoulders more pedestrian and bike friendly.
T7. Eliminate road widening as an option for dealing with traffic problems.
T8. Traffic calming at entrances to the hamlet center
Tll. Rt. 25 Traffic Calming.
Problem: Traffic moves too quickly along Rt. 25 and is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists when
exiting their cars.
· Recommend traffic calming devices, such as breakaway bollards or landscaped mini-
medians, which would be appropriate to East Marion.
· Install residential neighborhood signs to emphasize the need for slowing down
T12. Problem: Traffic congestion on both sides of Rt. 25 creates a hazardous condition for
pedestrians, drivers, and vehicles.
Possible Solutions: (Stakeholder)
1. Make U-turns illegal between Cedar Drive and Bay Avenue.
2. Forbid shoulder parking on south side of Rt. 25 between Angel's Store and the Post Office.
3. Identify areas for off-street parking near the Post Office and Angel's Store.
T13. Problem: The ever-increasing Orient Ferry traffic creates hazards for local residents entering
and exiting Rt. 25.
Possible Solutions: (Stakeholder)
1. Require Cross Sound Ferry Company to stagger fen'y traffic.
2. Enforce speed limits and issue fines to deter speeding by late ferry travelers.
3. Encourage public transportation to and from the ferry.
4. Restrict ability of Cross Sound Ferry Company to expand the capacity of its boats or frequency of
TI4. Problem: The current bus stop location immediately west of Angel's Store creates a hazard to
pedestrians, drivers and vehicles and occupies needed parking spots for store customers.
Possible Solutions: (Stakeholder)
1. Relocate bus stop to the area east of the Fire House.
2. Create a bus shelter that is in character with the architecture of the hamlet.
T3. Use non-aggressive traffic calming methods such as painting lines for narrower lanes, using
different color paint or material in the verge lanes, moving lanes, and crosswalks.
T4. Reduce speed on causeway using LED speed limit signs, narrow median, traffic enforcement
camera, etc.)
T6. Repair / repave sidewalks in the Hamlet.
T7. Explore system of pedestrian trails through fields in undeveloped areas
Pedestrian & Traffic Calming Plan & Implementation:
All the Stakeholder groups identified traffic calming, sidewalk quality, and safety for
pedestrians as an issue. The Town needs an inventory of sidewalks and their condition, as well as
crosswalks and lighting for pedestrian safety - this was written into the Hamlet Revitalization
EPF grant last fall (award decisions will be known in April). That grant proposal included the
inventory, but not any funding to repair or add sidewalks, add crosswalks, or improve lighting.
The NYMTC Transportation Enhancements grant could be written to fund the completion
and implementation of a town-wide Pedestrian Plan. This plan could also survey innovative
sidewalk materials designed to save large historic street trees (as in Orient), and investigate
alternatives to sidewalks altogether (walking paths). The NYMTC grant might also be written to
provide funding for the inventory mentioned above, should the EPF grant not be awarded. We
will know about the EPF grant before the June deadline of the NYMTC grant.
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
To: Town of Southold Hamlet Implementation Panel
Scott Russell, Supervisor
Members of the Town Board ,~
From: Jerilyn Woodhouse 4
Members of the Planning Board
Re: Priority Hamlet Stakeholder Transportation Projects and Recommendations
Date: March 21, 2008
Most Stakeholder Groups have submitted final lists of priority projects relative to transportation
and traffic calming and pedestrian planning. The Planning Board has identified the following
priority projects and recommendations that can be accomplished with Town resources.
1. T1- Evaluate Traffic Calming.
1. Evaluate traffic circle at Main Road and Love Lane
2. Evaluate traffic circle at Route 48 and Cox Neck Road
3. Develop plan to reduce Route 48 to single lane between Cox Neck Rd and Wickham
1. T8- Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind Karen's Deli.
New Suffolk 1. T1- Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson Street warning boaters of overhead
electric wires.
2. T2- Install 30 MPH speed limit signage on New Suffolk Avenue and New Suffolk Road.
3. T3- Provide increased police surveillance of the posted parking areas.
4. T4 - Enforce use of beach/ramp stickers.
5. T9 - Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and First Streets.
6. T11- Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past school (Signage).
1. TI- Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran Parks.
1. T3- Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center.
2. T4- Implement traffic calming measures in the Hamlet Center between Boisseau and
Tuckers Lane, and to conduct traffic safety evaluations at the intersections of Main Street
and the Civil War Monument and Main Street and Boisseau.
3. T4- Restrict right turn on red at selected intersections such as Main Street and Youngs
4. T4- Add an informal footpath on the east side of Horton Lane from CR. 48 to Main
5. T4- Enforce posted speed limits throughout the Hamlet Center and HALO zone,
especially on Youngs Avenue, Hortons Lane and Main Street.
6. T4- Improve the design and signage at all pedestrian crosswalks throughout the Hamlet
Center and HALO zone, especially at Main Street and Oaklawn Avenue, and add a
crosswalk at Main Street and Beckwith Avenue.
7. T4- Inventory all existing sidewalks in the hamlet and ask the Highway Department to
budget for a periodic sidewalk inspection program and to regularly repair and maintain
sidewalks in the hamlet center.
T4-Install a crosswalk in the vicinity of 7-11.
2. T5- Develop a well designed gateway.
3. T6- Require dormant buses along Rt 25 be relocated.
4. T10- Provide S-92 bus service on Sundays.
East Marion
1. T3- Improve existing public beach access points by repairing road ends and clearing
phragrnites. Support repair of Bay Avenue and Gillette Drive and removal of phragmites
to increase beach access.
2. T4- Support more consistent and frequent enforcement of traffic laws.
3. T5- Support better signage, identification of sites for off-road parking, and relocating the
bus stop to reduce traffic congestion near Post Office and Angel's Store.
1. T2- Enforce the speed limit by Southold Town along Route 25 in the area from the
Causeway east to Platt Road.
2. T4-Reduce speed on causeway using LED speed limit signs, narrow median, traffic
enforcement camera, etc.).
Please contact my office with any questions.
Project Number: MT1 Hamlet: Mattituck
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Evaluate Traffic Calming.
1. Evaluate traffic circle at Main Road and Love Lane
2. Evaluate traffic circle at Route 48 and Cox Neck Road
3. Develop plan to reduce Route 48 to single lane between
Cox Neck Rd and Wickham Avenue.
Action Needed: Multi-Agency Cooperation
I Funding: I I
Referred To: I TOS Transportation Commission,r I
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation b~rm doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: CTi0 Hamlet: Cutchogue
Project Manager: I Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Commission Town-wide Transportation Study (See Cutchogue
Concerns Attached)
Action Needed: Multi-Agency Cooperation
I Funding:
Referred To: I TOS Transportation Commission ~' I
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S:Plann, g/Forn t'/lla nlet Stud), Implementation Form.doc March 25. 2008
Project Number: NST1 Hamlet: New Suffolk
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson Street warning
boaters of overhead electric wires
Action Needed: Signage
I Funding: I I
Referred To: [ Highway Department
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
To,vn Board
8.'Planning~Forms~Hamlet Study Implementation Form.doc March 25, 2008
Project Nomber:
Project Manager:
Heather Lanza
Hamlet: ~ New Suffolk ·
Phone: t765-193~ I
Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: install signagc 30 MPIt speed limit on New Suftblk Avenue
and New Suftblk Road.
Action Needed: Install Road Signs
[ Referred To: 1 Highway Depamncnt
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number:
~P[o~cct Mauagcr:
INST3 & ~ST4
[ TowI1 Board
] Hamlet: [ New Suftblk
Stakeholder Recommendation
T3 - Provide increased police sur,,eillance of thc posted parking
1'4 - Enforce usc of bcacl~'ramp stickers.
Funding: [
Referred To: I Police Department
Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: NST9 Hamlet: New Suffolk
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: [ Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and First Streets
Action Needed: Signage
I Referred To: I Highway Department
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form.doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: NSTll Hamlet: New Suffolk
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation:
Action Needed:
Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past school.
Referred To: I Highway Department
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S'Planning/PDrms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: PT1 Hamlet: Peconic
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran Parks.
Action Needed: Construction/Signage
I Funding: I ]
I Referred To: I Highway Department ~e..° I
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S.'Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form.doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: ST3 Hamlet: Southold
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation:
Action Needed:
Funding: I
Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center
Pedestrian Planning, Multi-Agency Cooperation
I Referred To: I TOS Transportation Commission I
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S:Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Pbrm.doc March 25. 2008
Project Number: ST4(I) Hamlet: Southold
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Implement traffic calming measures in the Hamlet Center
between Boisseau and Tuckers Lane, and to conduct traffic
safety evaluations at the intersections of Main Street and the
Civil War Monument and Main Street and Boisseau
Action Needed: , Multi-agency Coordination
Funding: 2007 EPF Grant
I Referred To: I TOS Transportation Commission,/
Start Date: I Completion Date: [ I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S:Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation bbrm doc March 25~ 2008
Project Number: ST4(2) Hamlet: Southold
Project Manager: Heather Lanza , Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Restrict right turn on red at selected intersections such as
Main Street and Youngs Avenue
Action Needed: Multi-agency Coordination/Traffic Study/Signage
Funding: 2007 EPF Grant
I Referred To: I TOS Transportation Commission
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S. Plamung/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: ST4(3) Hamlet: Southold
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Enforce posted speed limits throughout the Hamlet Center and
HALO zone, especially on Youngs Avenue, Hortons Lane and
Main Street
Action Needed: Enforcement
I Funding: I I
Referred To: I Police Department
Start Date: [ Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S'Planning/Forms/Hatnlet oetudy Implementation Form doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: ST4(6) Hamlet: Southold
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Add an informal footpath on the east side of Horton Lane
from CR. 48 to Main Street
Action Needed: Pedestrian Planning
I Funding:
Referred To: I Highway Department/TOS Transportation Commission
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
To~vn Board
S:Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form doc March 25~ 2008
Project Number: GT3 Hamlet: Greenport J
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-19~}I~ Department: I Plmming
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install crosswalk
Action Needed: Multi-agency Co
I Referred To: I TOS Trans[
of 7-11
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months /
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S:Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form.doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: GT4 Hamlet: Greenport
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install crosswalk in the vicinity of 7-11
Action Needed: Multi-agency Coordination
Referred To: ] TOS Transportation Commission
Start Date: I Completion Date: [ I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S'Planning/Forms/llamlet Study lmplementatton Fortn.doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: GT5 Hamlet: Greenport
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Develop a well designed gateway
Action Needed: Multi-agency Coordination
Referred To: [ TOS Transportation Commission
Start Date: I Completion Date: I I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S. Phmning/Forms/Hamlet Study bnplementation Form.doc March 25. 2008
Project Number: GT10 Hamlet: Greenport
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Provide S-92 bus service on Sundays
Action Needed: Multi-agency Coordination
Referred To: I TOS Transportation Commission
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S'Planning/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form.doc March 25, 2008
Project Number:
~project Ma~nager:
Department: [ Plamfing
Stakeholder Recommendation:
Action Needed:
Support moro cousistcnt and frequent entbrcement of traffic
Multi-agency Coordioation
Referred To: Police Department
[ S~artart Date:
I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: EMT5 Hamlet: East Marion
Project Manager: Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Support better signage, identification of sites for off-road
parking, and relocating the bus stop to reduce traffic
congestion near Post Office and Angel's Store.
Action Needed: Multi-agency Coordination
[ Referred To: [ TOS Transportation Commission
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S:Planning/l:brms/Hamlet Study lmplementatton Form doc March 25, 2008
Project Number: OT4 Hamlet: Orient
Project Manager: Phone: Department: I
Stakeholder Recommendation: Reduce speed on causeway using LED speed limit signs, narrow
median, traffic enforcement camera, etc.).
Action Needed: Enforcement/Signage
Referred To: I Police Department
Start Date: I Completion Date: I
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
S.'Planmng/Forms/Hamlet Study Implementation Form.doc March 25, 2008
/ June 2, 2008/
· Introductions
· Summary of Implem~.~tion of H_~_..~Stakeholder Recommendations:
o EPF Downtown an~mlet Revitalization grant submission of $670,500
to support the development of a comprehensive plan that will accomplish:
· Traffic calming plan
· Survey and analyze pedestrian movement and lighting within
hamlets~nventory of sidewalks needing repair, etc.
· Gateway signage
· Survey and analyze the ability to increase inventory of affordable
accessory apartments in hamlet centers
· Voluntary commercial and residential site-plan design standards
· Partnership with Stony Brook MBA students for an economic
feasibility study to support commerce in hamlet centers to mitigate
exodus of local businesses
o Creation of Hamlet Implementation Panel, to date HIP has reviewed
transportation, streetscape and design standard elements---many items
forwarded to Transportation Commission for action. Dept. of Highway
has increased signage where warranted and Police Chief has stepped up
enforcement. Future HIP to address Housing and Economic
Development on June 11~.
o RBA Consulting hired by Town Board to address significant amount of
recommendations through Transportation Enhancement Program grant
proposal up to $2.5 million
o Additional grant opportunities: 2008-2009 EPF Fund via LWRP
· Summary of Town Initiatives that Complement Stakeholder Recommendations:
o TDR Legislation
o PDD Legislation
o HAC Recommendations to Stimulate Apartment Inventory
o Code Committee to address rental law rental permits
o Planning Dept. streamlining site plan application process
· Stakeholder Status Reports on the Town's Website
· Project Management:
/Agenda Stakeholder Chairs 6.2.8
Draft #7 June 2008
· Update the existing code to permit the creation of accessory
rental apartments in owner-occupied principal dwellings~~'~
· Establish a su.q. set provision of~100)newly created apartments,
no les, s than~50~of the total shal~b~ affordable according t~
Town s guide~nes~rental amount set by Town Board. ~.~AII
applicants for affordable apartment units will l;~on the Town's
Housing Registry meeting income requirements.~
· Promote the creation of owner-occupied apartments in HALO
zones that could include detached accessory buildings (e.g. ~
barns, garages, etc.)on homeowners' property where adequate
water, sewage and parking exist. Such structures would not
require a variance or special permit from the Zoning Board of
Appeals providing it meets Town code.
· Promote the creation of affordable workforce accessory
apartments in areas not located within HALO zones that have
approval from SCDOH and awarded a variance or special
permit from ZBA.
· Develop an amnesty program that allows landlords the ability to
make housing units/apartments sufficient to code within a
reasonable timeframe such as a deadline of January 2010.
Apartments receiving amnesty would not be a part of the sunset
· Provide incentives like property tax breaks to owners who
create affordable accessory apartments.
· Create system to fast-track permits for the creation of
affordable accessory apartments, designate personnel within
departments to work with projects to accelerate timeframes to
allow completion in timely manner.
· All newly created apartments would be required to receive an
annual rental permit from the Building Department. Permit for
affordable units would require certification of tenants' eligibility
through the Special Projects Coordinator. Permits for
Monday, Mamh 31, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Site Plans & Subdivisions
Site Plans
Kruk Greenhouse
SCTM#: 1000-76-1-1.1
Location: 34800 CR 48 in Southold
Description: Construction of a 20' x 124' greenhouse
Review of revised site plan and status up-date with Staff Report.
Pending approval at April 14, 2008 PB Meeting.
PB considers accepting revised site plan as final map and authorize
Staff to proceed to complete approval at the 4/14/08 meeting.
Staff Report
Rutkoski SCTM#: 1000-108-1-2
Location: 11166 CR 46 in Mattituck
Description: Proposed construction of a 6,000 sq. ft. new
agricultural farm machine storage building on a 4.8 acre parcel in
the A-C zone.
Action: Review of revised site plan and status up-date with Staff Report.
Status: Pending approval at April 14, 2008 PB Meeting.
Recommendations: PB considers accepting information and authorize staff to proceed to
complete approval at the 4/14/08 meeting.
Attachments: Staff Report
· Harbes Barn &
SCTM#: 1000-120-1-1.3
Location: Sound Avenue in Mattituck
Description: Construction of a new 6,000 sq. ff. farm equipment
storage building and three greenhouses, 5,880 sq. ff. each on a
24.2 acre parcel.
Action: Review of revised site plan and status up-date with Staff Report.
Status: Pending approval at April 14, 2008 PB Meeting.
Recommendations: PB considers accepting information and authorize Staffto proceed to
complete approval at the 4/14/08 meeting.
Attachments: Staff Report
Standard Subdivision of Hazel's Woods
SCTM#123-6-6.9 & 123-6-23
Location: The property is located east of Camp Mineola Road and north of Private
Road in Mattituck.
Planninq Board Work Session A~]enda Paqe Two March 31, 2008
Description: This proposal is to subdivide a 8.46 acre parcel into 5 lots where Lot 1
equals 23,798 sq. ft.; Lot 2 equals 23,133 sq. ft.; Lot 3 equals 23,200 sq. ft.; Lot 4
equals 23,200 sq. ft.; Lot 5 equals 21,993 sq. ft. and the subdivision open space equals
5.0072 acres in the R-80 Zoning District.
Action: Review new submitted plans
Standard Subdivision of Cleaves Point Manor
SCTM# 1000-38-7-9
Location: The property is located on the w/s/o Shipyard Lane, approximately 173' s/o
Gus Drive, in East Marion.
Description: This proposal is to subdivide a 4.04-acre parcel into four (4) lots where Lot
1 equals 44,004 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 44,004 sq. ff., Lot 3 equals 44,004 sq. lt. and Lot 4
equals 44,004 sq. lt. in the R-46 Zoning District.
Action: Recommend Final Approval
Sumrnary of the first Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel meeting
Summary of Transportation Commission meeting- items relevant to Planning)
Review Architectural Review Committee minutes from 3/20/08 meeting
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
Scott Russell, Supervisor
Members of the Town Board
From: Hamlet Implementation Panel
Priority Hamlet Stakeholder Transportation/Traffic Calming Projects and
Date: April 4, 2008
The Hamlet hnplementation Panel inet on March 28, 2008 to prioritize and route projects relative
to transportation, traffic cahniag and pedestrian safety and movement. The following list of
projects requires Town Board authorization. Following authorization, the projects will be ronted
to Department Heads for implementation. Note, that projects identified as involviug inventor}',
assessment, analysis and design were sent to the Town of Southold Transportation Commission
for implementation under a separate memo.
1. TS- Install bike rack ill Town parking lot behind Karcn's Deli.
New Suflblk 1. T1- lnsta}l signage at Old ltarbor Road and Jackson Street warning boaters of overhead
electric wires.
2. T2- Install 30 MPH speed limit signage on New Suffolk Avenue and New Suffolk Road.
3. T9 - Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard aad First Streets.
4. T11- Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past school (Signagc).
East Marion
1. T3- hnprove existing public beach access points by repairiug road ends and clearing
phragmites. Support repair of Bay Avenue and Gillelle Drive and removal of phragmites
to increase beach access.
Please contact the Plauning Department with any qaestions.
Project Number: CT8 Hamlet: Cutchogue
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind Karen's [)eli
Action Needed: Multi-Agency Cooperation
[ Referred To: I Public Works
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: NST1 Hamlet: New Suffolk
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and First Streets.
Action Needed: Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and First Streets.
I Funding:
Referred To: I Superintendent of Highways
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: NST2 Hamlet: ! New Suffolk
_Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install signage 30 MPH speed limit on New Suffolk Avenue
and New Suflblk Road.
Action Needed: Install Road Signs
Referred To: [ Highway Department
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: NST9 Hamlet: New Suflblk
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and First Streets.
Action Needed: Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and First Streets.
Referred To: I Superintendent of Highways
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Montl=~s
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: NST11 Hamlet: New Suffolk
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: Department: ] Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past school.
Action Needed: Signage
I Funding: I
Referred To: I Superintendent of Highways
Start Date: I Completion Date:
Status Report
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Project Number: EMT3 Hamlet: East Marion
Project Manager: Heather Lanza Phone: 765-1938 Department: I Planning
Stakeholder Recommendation: Improve existing public beach access points by repairing road
ends and clearing phragmites. Support repair of Bay Avenue
and Gillette Drive and removal ofphragmites to increase
beach access.
Action Needed: Multi-agency Coordination
Referred To: [ Superintendent of Highways
Start Date: I Completion Date: I r
Status Report
3 Mont~s
6 Months
12 Months
Town Board
Terry, Mark
Forrester, Ed
Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:48 PM
Beltz, Phillip; Finnegan, Patricia
Russell, Scott; Lanza, Heather; Terry, Mark
This condition has been the subject of discussions from time to time over the years but has yet to be addressed
directly in Code. I would say at this point cars for sale on public property can be dealt with under existing Code. It
is my opinion that selling one's car from private property is not a violation unless there were multiple cars so as to
be considered a used car lot, there is Zoning Code that must be complied with in that instance,
Hope this helps.
From: Beltz, Phillip
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:4! PM
To: Finnegan, Patricia; Forrester, Ed
Cc.' Russell, Scott; Lanza, Heather; Terry, Hark
In evaluating hamlet stakeholder recommendations, several hamlets have expressed concern about "vehicles fbr
sale" throughout the Town, or private and public property.
Are you considering the development of code or guidelines to address this concern? Please advise. Thank you.
May 13, 2008
· Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation'
o HIP Status Report-March & Apnl
o Website Notice/' ~ ' , ~ ~,/-
Meeting.~.~n~ / .*--~.~ ~-~
o Future Meetings with Stakeholders and PB? Chairs?
o Fishers Island Meeting--Agenda
· Affordable Housing ~
o AH Legislative Changes ~
o Senior Housing
o Apartment Code Revisions (HAC)/~
· Suffolk County Downtown Revitalization Grant
· Other
/planning agenda 14
June 2,2008
· Introductions
· Summary of Implementation of Hamlet Stakeholder Recommendations:
o EPF Downtown and Hamlet Revitalization grant submission of $670,500
to support the development of a comprehensive plan that will accomplish:
· Traffic calming plan
· Survey and analyze pedestrian movement and lighting within
hamlets--inventory of sidewalks needing repair, etc.
· Gateway signage
· Survey and analyze the ability to increase inventory of affordable
accessory apartments in hamlet centers
· Voluntary commercial and residential site-plan design standards
· Partnership with Stony Brook MBA students for an economic
feasibility study to support commerce in hamlet centers to mitigate
exodus of local businesses
o Creation of Hamlet Implementation Panel, to date HIP has reviewed
transportation, streetscape and design standard elements--many items
forwarded to Transportation Commission for action. Dept. of Highway
has increased signage where warranted and Police Chief has stepped up
enforcement. Future HIP to address Housing and Economic
Development on June 11th.
o RBA Consulting hired by Town Board to address significant amount of
recommendations through Transportation Enhancement Program grant
proposal up to $2.5 million
o Additional grant opportunities: 2008-2009 EPF Fund via LWRP
· Summary of Town Initiatives that Complement Stakeholder Recommendations:
o TDR Legislation
o PDD Legislation
o HAC Recommendations to Stimulate Apartment Inventory
o Code Committee to address rental law rental permits
o Planning Dept. streamlining site plan application process
· Stakeholder Status Reports on the Town's Website
· Project Management:
/Agenda Stakeholder Chairs 6.2.8
Special Projects Coordinator
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 85
Mattituck, NY 11952
Tel. (631) 298-4460
Fax (631 ) 298-4462
July 3, 2008
To: Heather Lanza and Mark Terry
Fr: Phillip Beltz
In an effort to advance further communication to stakeholders regarding
the implementation of their initiatives, I offer the following:
Supervisor has signed letter to stakeholders (attached) that will be
sent electronically advising them of status reports on the Town's
website, etc. Please make this a priority to finish reports ASAP. If
you need any further assistance, let me know.
As the letter prompts stakeholders to review status reports on the
website, I reviewed its current content and informed Heather of some
discrepancies and she requested I provide them in writing. Please
note suggested changes below:
Link should be "Hamlet Stakeholder Initiatives 2007-2008" rather
than "hamlet stakeholders".
Opening paragraph should contain some truncated "mission
statement information" and not the text as written. I suggest the
following: In 2007, Supervisor Russell convened hamlet
stakeholders (former stakeholders and new volunteers) to
advance the implementation of the 2005 Hamlet Study findings
to further define a vision statement for each Hamlet. This
included assisting the Town in identifying and prioritizing short
and long term planning projects outlined in the original study as
well as disseminating information to residents within their
respective community to develop consensus.
Recommendations have been made to the Planning Board and
Town Board, see attached links on recommendations and
quarterly status reports.
The link to the nine hamlets is totally inconsistent as some list
recommendations and some do not, some list incomplete status
reports, some list no reports. I suggest moving to separate link as
noted below. All of the hamlet links list committee membership that I
like, however, membership is totally inaccurate as it lists
stakeholders from 2005. Attached find current contact list that
includes names of persons involved as of July 08.
Bullet for "Hamlet Stakeholder Process Overview" is actually
information of March 2008 Powerpoint presentation--i.e, it is not
really an "overview". I suggest eliminating this link but a link should
be "recommendations" followed by a link "quarterly status reports".
Order should be: 2005 Study, HALO and Hamlet Center Maps,
Stakeholder Recommendations, Quarterly Status Reports.
In addition to the aforementioned, we need to schedule additional
HIP meetings for Fishers Island as well as one for Land Preservation
and Code Enforcement (I sent Ed a memo a few weeks ago and
have not heard anything). We also need to meet to coordinate the
implementation of LWRP grant for Downtown Revitalization. I also
think that a press release should be written on the Town's success in
obtaining these grants.
Cc: Supervisor Scott Russell
/PD hs doc
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Mattituck
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
T1 Evaluate Traffic Calming.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
1. Evaluate traffic circle at Main Road and Love 2008 to address pedestrian access
Lane & safety at this intersection.
2. Evaluate traffic circle at Route 48 and Cox In progress. County DPW to study
Neck Road and develop plan.
3. Develop plan to reduce Route 48 to single Tabled - Town Transp. Commission
lane between Cox Neck Rd and Wickham investigated in the past and
~,venue. recommended against it.
Establish Community Pavilion at head of
Mattituck Creek with transportation and Tabled - future consideration - T4
T2 ~edestrian connectivity to Hamlet Center. deemed greater priority
Tabled - future consideration -
Complete sidewalk extension of Love Lane north Wickham Ave might be better
T3 :o Mattituck Creek. ~edestrian connection
Transportation Enhancements
Program submitted June 25,
2008 to address pedestrian access
T4 Develop West Mattituck Corridor Plan & streetscape here.
Develop streetscape plan from train trestle east
S1 :o Love Lane along S.R. 25. Referred to Planning Department
SPC spoke to Facility manager of
Captial One, bank discourages use,
S2 Prohibit car sales on Main Road (Rt 25 e.g. NFB) but no state enforcement.
S3 Bury power cables Tabled
Referred to Planning Department to
S4 Develop attractive signs develop design standards.
Mark Terry to draft memo &
forward draft tree codes to Tre~
Committee. Highway Dept.
will attend Tree Committee ~ v
S5 Develop Town ~wide tree code. meetings.
In process. Planning Dept
Develop commerical design standards for new developed draft. Referred to
k~~:~~ D1 !~ renovated buildings Planning to complete.
Page 1 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: IVlattituck
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Close Love lane for Saturday Farmers Referred to Transportation
EH1 Market/Pedestrian Mall Commission/Planning_D/ept.
Develop sewage plan covering Mattituck ~
HALO/Hamlet Center areas to allow increased In process. Planning Dept working
EH2 density and housin§ opportunities, with agencies
EH3 Provide transient boat access Tabled
Page 2 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Cutcho§ue
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
C ~ DOT will evaluate traffic calming
Establish a no parking zone in front of Karen's throughout hamlet center. In the
Deli or narrow sidewalks to improve line of interim, DOT will install a delayed
¥1 sight, walk signal for pedestrians.
Change the sequence of the traffic light at
¥2 intersection of New Suffolk Road. see above
Install more effective signage to slow Route 25
traffic entering the Griffin Street/Route 25
1-3 intersection from the east see above
Relocate Hampton Jitney bus stop s/o King Tabled - potential conflict with
IT4 Kullen parking lot, design install bus shelter. ~ngress & egress to King Kullen
Install pedestrian walkway across Route 25 to
serve eastbound bus passengers accessing King
T5 Kullen parking lot. see above
Planning 8oard will accomplish
e Extend sidewalks on Griffing Street to Heritage through the subdivision and site
T6 @ Cutchogue parcel, plan process
Repair and mark shoulder of New Suffolk
Avenue because it serves as a bike path. Install Refer to Transportation
T7 new bicycle path in appropriate locations, and Commission
Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind
T8 Karen's Deli In progress. Town DPW to install.
Install dogwood trees on island between the
southbound and northbound lanes of Griffing Highway Dept. to replant island
T9 Street. near post office.
Referred to Transportation
Commission - long-term, needs
TIO Commission Town-wide Transportation Study funding.
Page 3 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: New Suffolk
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation! Project Status
Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson
Street warning boaters of overhead electric Accomplished signage in
T1 wires. ~lace/wires have been removed.
Install signage 30 MPH speed limit on New
T2 Suffolk Avenue and New Suffolk Road. Accomplished
Provide increased police surveillance of the Ongoing ad overall parking need
T3 posted parking areas, comprehensive approach
T4 Enforce 30mph speed limit Ongoing
Investigate and develop traffic calming
T5 measures Ongoing
Increase sticker fee for non-resident
T6 beach/ramp users Accomplished
T7 Enforce use of beach/ramp stickers Ongoing
Develop and post appropriate restrictions for Panel recommends 21' boat length
~ T8 use of boat ramp particularly as to maximum restriction.
Install stop sign at intersection of Orchard and
T9 First Streets Not recommended at this time.
Highway Department to look for
Evaluate and correct visual impediments at encroachments into the right of
TiO driveways and intersections, way causing safety issues.
Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past Needs site visit for further
Tll ;chool evaluation
Forward draft tree codes to ~re~
Survey and protect significant trees and plant Committee/Joe Bladis aborist will
$1 new street trees, attend Tree Committee meetings
:Provide additional parking for district including
S2 Legends Referred to Planning Department
Preserve scenic water views and historic
S3 character Referred to Planning Department
~es~grlGu del ~e~ ~/ ?~ :~; "~
In process. Planning Dept ,~
Develop design guidelines for residential developed draft. Referred to
D1 /commercial buildings Planning Dept. to complete.
I~1 EH1 Provide transient boat access Site visit to be scheduled
Page 4 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Pecortic
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
T1 Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran Transportation Enhancements
Town will not lease lot but will
Re-lease parking lot from Owner (Post Office} commit to greater code
T2 for $1 and provide maintenance, enforcement
Relocate bus stop to in front of Highway
T3 Department building with kiosk. NYSDOT reviewing
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 may include a portion of this
T4 Repair sidewalks and connect to Route 25. recommendation.
There is funding in the 2008 Town
Improve parking lots in Cochran Park and add Budget for parking lot
TS concession stand ~mprovement. Concession stand
Sl Address Recreation Center eyesore Accomplished
Improve streetscape in hamlet center with
S2 landcaping Referred to Planning Department
Page 5 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
tr~porta~ '
install shade trees, landscaping, improve The Panel discussed a long-term
parking, sidewalks on south side, street ,lan to link Travelers, Hortons, and
furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's oungs Road with pedestrian-
Street - make it more pedestrian friendly and friendly infrastructure. Possibly part
connected to the hamlet center and to of a Transporation Enhancements
encourage commercial and munidpal Program grant proposal being
T1 development, submitted in June.
Provide sidewalks on Horton's Lane and
T2 Young's Road See above
T3 Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center See above
Prevent accidents, improve pedestrian safety,
T4 and reduce traffic impacts:
1. Implement traffic calming measures in the
Hamlet Center between Boisseau and Tuckers
Lane, and to conduct traffic safety evaluations
at the intersections of Main Street and the Civil Referred to Transportation
O __ Main Street and Boisseau Commission - being evaluated.
2. Restrict right turn on red at selected
intersections such as Main Street and Youngs
Avenue See above
3. Enforce posted speed limits throughout the
Hamlet Center and HALO zone, especially on
Youngs Avenue, Hortons Lane and Main Street Increase Enforcement
4. Improve the design and signage at all
)edestrian crosswalks throughout the Hamlet
Center and HALO zone, especially at Main Street
and Oaklawn Avenue, and add a crosswalk at Referred to Transportation
Main Street and Beckwith Avenue Commission - being evaluated.
5. Inventory all existing sidewalks in the
hamlet and ask the Highway Department to
budget for a periodic sidewalk inspection Sidewalk inventory is proposed in
program and to regularly repair and maintain the Hamlet Revitalization EPF
sidewalks in the hamlet center Grant.
Could be included in Transportation
6. Add an informal footpath on the east side of Enhancements Program grant o
Horton Lane from CR. 48 to Main Street innovative options for sidewalks
Page 6 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Preserve and improve the vitality of Main Street
T6 as a walkable local business district:
1. Provide additional strategically located
municipal parking with attractive signage, Dark Planning Board might incorporate
5ky lighting, landscaping, bike racks and regular more municipal parking as part of
maintenance future site plans in hamlet center
2. Investigate the feasibility of diagonal street
parking on Main Street Not feasible
~3. Offer greater flexibility in parking
requirements in the site plan review process Planning Board currently provides
[e.g. consider the overall parking as an average for flexibility where the code
in the area instead of parcel by parcel) to allows. Future code changes are
encourage diverse business uses also being examined.
Transportation Enhancements
4. Encourage walking in the Hamlet Center and Program grant should accomplish
HALO zone some of this goal
1'7 Support expansion/additions to Southold Free Planning Board will assist Library
O Develop full service transit hub at the
T8 railroad station on Travelers Street Tabled
Ask local landscaping company to
1. Work with the LIRR to improve landscaping )lant and maintain in exchange for
and parking around the train station a small sign being placed there.
Investigated by Town
Transportation Commission, not
feasible due to resistance from the
County and the Jitney bus services.
Turn is too tight for buses, and
2. Meet with County Public Transit and leaving the main road will cause
Hampton Jitney to relocate bus stops to better delays in what is already a very long
locations such as the LIRR station bus route.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
Create an infrastructure of bike paths and 2008 may fund some work towards
T9 strategically located bike racks, this goal.
Implement a town-wide "dial-a-ride" car/van ~
service and or the use of school busses for SPC met with Nurid on 6/11 and
TiO affordable local transportation will provide update.
~ Provide new and attractive s~gnage for
S1 municipal parking lots. Ongoing
Page 7 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation! Project Status
Maintain and landscape municipal parking
S2 areas. Ongoing
Install shade trees, landscaping, improve
parking, sidewalks on south side, street
furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's Referred to Planning Board and
S3 Street Tree Committee
Support the Tree Committee's street tree
planting program, including the replacement of
S4 damaged or dead trees Referred to Tree Committee
Strictly enforce the Town's signage code and
educate business owners about illegal displays
and uses of public rights of way in business
S5 zones, especially on Main Street and CR 48 Referred to Code Committee
Pass legislation requiring Dark Sky lighting on all
new construction and retrofitting pre-existing
56 construction over a reasonable time frame. Referred to Energy Committee
Provide attractive trash and recycling receptacle
57 throughout the hamlet Referred to Waste Management
--~ -- Build a Town Hall and in the
58 existing location On Hold
Provide incentives to property owners to up-
59 grade existing streetscape attributes Referred to Planning Board
IS10 Encourage burying of overhead utility lines Tabled
Develop design guidelines for affordable ~/
housing that reinforce local residential scale and
D1 historic precedents Referred to Planning Department
Develop design guidelines and standards that /
)rohibit commercial sprawl, emphasize human
scale, create pedestrian connectivity and
respects historic precedents and typologies in
D2 Hamlet Centers and HALO zones Referred to Planning Department
Economic De~elo~ment~ousini~ ~
EH1 Retain IGA grocery store in current location Referred to Planning Department
Provide incentives for reuse and adaptive reuse Referred to Housing Advisory
EH2 for existing commercial structures Commission
J~ Referred to Housing Advisory
O EH3 creatTnore eaffordable housing Commission
Page 8 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: $outhold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Legalize affordable workforce in detached Referred to Housing Advisory
EH4 accessory buildings in HALO Commission
Referred to Housing Advisory
EH5 Provide incentives for property taxes Commission
Provide financial incentives for rehab of existing Referred to Housing Advisory
EH6 residential structures for affordable housing. Commission
Preserve and improve vitality of Main Street as
EH7 ~valkable business district Referred to Planning Department
EH8 Provide additional strategic parking Referred to Planning Department
EH9 Felxibility in parking requirements Referred to Planning Department
Provide tax incentives to property owners who
rent buildings at affordable rates to local Referred to Housing Advisory
EH~.O entrapanuers. Commission
Planning Department is working
with SUNY Stony Brook MBA I~
Conduct economic impact study of downtown students/ Long term planning \1~,
EHI~. area initiative
t-- Increase of of Silversmiths
for picnincs, games, summer events and Referred to Parks and Recreation
EH12 activities. Committee
Promote additional housing in HALO Zone with
affordable and senior housing and garden
EH13 apartments. Referred to Planning Department
Allowing density 1 unit per 10,000 sqaure feet in
EH14 HALO with public water and sewer. Referred to Planning Department
Allowing density I unit per 5,000 sqaure feet in
EH~.5 HALO with public water and sewer for Seniors. Referred to Planning Department
Encourage mixed use residential within business Referred to Planning
EH16 properties in HALO/Hamlet Center. Department/PDD
EH17 Creat PDD legislation Referred to Planning Department
Preserv and support working landscapes and Referred to Planning
EH18 traditional industries Department/LWRP
EH~.9 Provide job opportunites for young people. Ongoing/Youth Bureau
Page 9 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Three way light request from
Transportation Commission has
Change the traffic light on CR 48 and SR 25 to recently been made to agencies for
T1 three color. ~mplementation.
Short-term - scenic corridor
recommendations implemented in
the site plan process by Planning
Board as they are submitted. Long-
term - create codifed design
Implement recommendation of the Town of standards based on the scenic
[2 Southold Scenic Corridor Plan corridor recommendations.
1'3 Require dormant buses along Rt 25 be relocated Town requested relocation
Transportation Commission
investigating best location for
T4 Install crosswalk in the vicinity of 7-11 crosswalk in this area.
Owners of properties in front of
sidewalks must clear them of
& ice. Town Highway Dept -
maintenance, Town Board -
reconstruction. Enforcement issue.
T5 Establish sidewalk maintenance responsibilities Possibly establish help-line.
Referred to Transportation
T6 Develop a well designed gateway Commission
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 2S,
2008 to address pedestrian access
T7 Install sidewalks on one side of the street & streetscape in this vicinity
Town Board is in an ongoing
discussion with the ferry on several
Explore methods to break-up continuous strings issues, this being one of the major
T8 of ferry traffic concerns.
SC DPW has designed a plan to
rework the road in that stretch to
calm traffic and improve pedestrian
safety, and begun implementing it.
Explore traffic calming measures along North Not all of the plan has been funded
~ T9 Road i.e. near Soundview Restaurant for construction.
Page 10 of ~.5
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation! Project Status
Panel had idea for hot-line to report
this and other problems such as
Evaluate all sight impediments at driveways and )otholes, and sidewalks in need of
TIO intersections repair.
Referred to Transportation
Tll Provide S-92 bus service on Sundays Commission
The County has little flexibility in
types of bus shelter. They have
Hold competition to design bus shelters, require agreed to upgrade the type of
well designed and conveniently located bus shelters funded for this year at no
Ti2 shelters cost to the Town.
Planning Board subdivision process
Integrate new roads in subdivision with existing makes every attempt to do so
T13 roadways, where feasible.
]-14 Provide public bus service along North Road Transportation Commission
]'15 Extend train service to enhance public transit Transportation Commission
r16 improve S-92 bus schedules with Shelter Island Transportation Commission
Bury overhead utility lines for any new Required pursuant to Town Code
~i development on new subdivisions.
Preserve the natural landscape and create 75-
S2 100" buffers along the Hamlet's main roads Referred to Planning Board
Develop a well designed gateway on Route 25
S3 east of the village Referred to Planning Board
S4 Preserve scenic vistas Referred to Planning Board
Weekly road clean-up, including removal of Cars
SS for Sale on Town property, garbage, debris etc... Referred to Code Enforcement
Preserve street trees and develop planting and
S6 maintenance plans Referred to Tree Committee
Design Standards
Design parking behind front yard setback with
D1 landscaped buffer Referred to Planning Board
In process. Planning Depart, ~ L~
.developed working draft. Re lerred
D2 Develop design standards to Planning Department.
Provide adequate parking for residential and
EH1 commercial development Referred to Planning Board
Page 11 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: East Marion
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Reduce and enforce speed limits and utilize
traffic calming devices and signage to emphasize
the need for drivers to slow down when passing
T1 through East Marion. Police will enforce
Explore multiple means of reducing the impact
of ever-increasing Orient ferry traffic and Town Board in ongoing discussion
restricting any further expansion of ferry with ferry on several issues, this
T2 ~ervices being a major one.
Improve existing public beach access points by
repairing road ends and clearing phragmites.
~upport repair of Bay Avenue and Gillette Drive
and removal of phragmites to increase beach Done for Bay Ave. Gillette Dr. being
T3 ~ccess. evaluated by DPW
!Support more consistent and frequent
T4 enforcement of traffic laws Police will enforce
Referred to Transportation
Support better signage, identification of sites for Commission & Town Attorney-
off-road parking, and relocating the bus stop to Town is renegotiating the
reduce traffic congestion near Post Office and maintenance agreement with the
T5 Angel's Store. Fire Dept.
Sidewalk inventory proposed in the
Hamlet Revitalization EPF Grant.
Some pedestrian safety measures
proposed in the Transportation
Make sidewalks and road shoulders more Enhancements Program grant
1-6 )edestrian and bike-friendly, submitted June 2S, 2008
Town will take this into
consideration on town roads, and
Eliminate road widening as an option for dealing make NYSDOT & SCDPW aware of
1-7 with traffic problems, this recommendation.
Tranportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
Install traffic calming devices at entrance and 2008, may include a project to
T8 exit to East Marion with slow-down sign accomplish this goal.
Bring together key players, such as Police
Commissioner, representative of bus company,
Cross Sound Ferry, Town Supervisor to help Achieved - this is what the panel is
T9 solve East Marion problems, and does.
Identify laws that are on the books and not
being consistently enforced, such as traffic and
TlO housing codes. Refer to Code Enforcement
Page 12 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: East Marion
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Problem: Traffic moves too quickly along Rt. 25
and is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists
Tll when exiting their cars. ~ ~
Town Transportation Commission
worked on this with DOT. They
would only agree to reduce speed
limit to 50 on causeway, no lower.
Possible Solutions: (Stakeholder) 1. Reduce Referred to Transportation
speed limit from 55 to 45 on causeway and from Commission for other speed limits
40 to 30 throughout East Marion. in other locations.
2. Direct Police Department to enforce speed
limits vigorously. Police will enforce
3. Request assistance from Highway
Department to recommend traffic calming
devices, such as breakaway bollards or
landscaped mini-medians, which would be Referred to Transportation
appropriate to East Marion. Commission
4. Install residential neighborhood signs to Referred to Transportation
~ emphasize the need for slowing down. Commission
S1 Monitoring LIPA tree trimming Referred to Tree Committee ~
S2 Enforcing existing code on signage Referred to Code Enforcement
Provide boundary focal points for E. Marion with
well designed gateway signs at entrance and Referred to Transportation
53 exit of the hamlet Commission /
Page 13 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Orient
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Enforce of the speed limit by Southold Town
along Route 25 in the area from the Causeway
T1 east to Platt Road. Police will enforce
Use non-aggressive traffic calming methods
such as painting lines for narrower lanes, using
different color paint or material in the verge Referred to Transportation
T2 Panes, moving lanes, and crosswalks. Commission
Reduce speed on causeway using LED speed
limit signs, narrow median, traffic enforcement
T3 :camera, etc.) Referred to Police for enforcement
Town Board is dealing with this and
other issues with their ongoing
7'4 Address Ferry traffic and parking discussion with the ferry.
]-5 Repair / repave sidewalks in the Hamlet. Ongoing
Explore system of pedestrian trails through
]-6 fields in undeveloped areas Ongoing ~
Preserve the gateway property east of Latham's Referred to Planning Board to
~! farm stand (vista is important) ~mplement the Scenic Byway Plan
S2 Road repair of Village Lane In design phase/funding is needed
S2 Sidewalk and curb repair along Village Lane Referred to Highway Department
S3 Repair to street lighting in the Hamlet Ongoing
Exploration of alternate street lighting that
would be of a style more consistent with the
Historic Preservation designation, and that
I~1 would also be efficient in Future Downtown Revitalization
S4 down on the street and sidewalk where needed. Program Grant
Page 14 of 15
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Quarterly Status Report - April - June, 2008
Hamlet: Orient
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
'Referred to Housing Advisory
EH1 Review accessory apartment legislation Commission
EH2 Keep Post Office in Hamlet Center Referred to Planning Dept.
Page :[5 of 15
Terry, Mark
Richter, Jamie
Friday, August 01,2008 8:29 AM
Beltz, Phillip
Harris, Peter; McMahon, James; Terry, Mark
I will be attending the annual F.I. Meeting.
Do I need to prepare any sketches or bring any information with me related to the F.I. stakeholder requests?
I have also reviewed the stakeholder recommendations that were enclosed in this e-mail.
There are some issues with these requests that I think you need to be made aware of
For instance, you reference the installation of new sidewalk near the Library for the purpose of extending the Bike
Bicycles and not allowed to ride on sidewalks!!!
In addition, Fowlers Culvert is not really a highway issue.
It is a vector control issue that is related to a natural drainage course.
The old culvert pipe under the road, which is failing, needs to be replaced.
But this pipe is not par[ of the highway system.
Highway would be available and has always been ready to replace the pipe.
However, the homeowner on the outfall side of this pipe does not want the water to flow into and/or over his
We should talk about some of these issues before the scheduled meeting so that we are all on the same page
I do not want to give the impression to F.h residents that we are of mixed opinion.
I have no problem attempting to fix a problem for the residents of F`I. but there needs to be an identified solution
that is within our means before we proceed,
Let me know if you want to get together before next Wednesday.
From: Beltz, Phillip
Sent: Thursday, ,iuly 31, 2008 11:32 AM
To: Harris, Peter; McMahon, ,lames; Richter, ,iamie; Terry, Mark
Cc: Woodhull, Ruthanne; Al Krupski, .Ir.; Bill Ruland; Louisa Evans; Scott Russell; Tom Wickham; Vincent Orlando
Supervisor Russell has scheduled a Fishers Island Hamlet Implementation Panel meeting on Weds. August 6th at
11:30 a.m. at the school to review and address Fishers Island stakeholder recommendations.
Attached are recommendations that were presented to the Town Board several months ago.
April 8, 2008 Page 2
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program in Peconic Bay and Gardiners Bay - Public Hearing
4/17/08 at 7:00 PM at Riverhead Town Hall.
III. Communications
IV. Discussion
9:00 A.M. - Trustees
Request for Temporary Assistance wifl~ Environlnental Reviews
Moratorium on Docks on the Bay
9:30 A.M. - Heather Lanza
Proposal to provide Site Plan Review Services
9:45 A.M. - Phillip Beltz, Heather Lanza, Mark Terry
- Hamlet Stakeholders Implementation Plan update
- CPF Exemption for 1st time homebuyers - Supervisor/Councilman Orlando
5. 10:00 A.M. - Jamie Richter
DOT Transportation Grant
6. 10:30 A.M. - Judge Price
Justice Court
Park & Recreation Per Councilman Orlando
- Strawberry Fields
- Committee Secretary
- Aldrich Ball Field Lighting
8. Stipend: Emergency Management Coordinator - Supervisor
9. Appointment to North Shore Iteriinge Trail Board - Neb Brashich
10. Department of Homeland Security Public Meeting Here
II. Deputy At Landfill
12. Colony Pond Water
13. Special Events/Road Closing Requests
4:00 p.m.
Site Plans:
Monday, April 28, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
Site Plans and Subdivisions
Peconic Transfer Station
SCTM#: 1000-95-2-5
Location: 560 Commerce Drive in Cutchogue
Review of NPV report issued on the Part III EAF.
PB accpet NPV report as submitted and provide the report to the
NPV report A-l- A-12
· Standard Subdivision of John Scott
Location: The property is located on the east side of Wells Road and the south side of
Main Road, east of Peconic Lane in Peconic.
Description: Proposal is to subdivide a 6.5539-acre parcel into three lots where Lot 1 equals
80,000 s.f., Lot 2 equals 80,010 s.f. and Lot 3 equals 82,932 s.f. in the R-80 Zoning District.
Action: Request additional information
Status: Conditional Sketch Approval ( September 12, 2006)
Recommendations: Revise Covenant and Restrictions, Submit Preliminary Plat
Attachments: None
· Standard Subdivision of Allan and Ellen Wexler
Location: The property is located on the s/s/o North Bayview Road, approximately 415 ft.
w/o Paradise Point Road, in Southold.
Description: This proposal for a standard subdivision is to subdivide a 3.832-acre parcel into
two lots where Lot 1 equals 1.916 acres and Lot 2 equals 1.916 acres in the A-C Zoning
Recommend Conditional Final Approval
Conditional Preliminary Approval (October 16, 2007)
Amend and File Covenant and Restrictions, Submit $7000.00 Park
and playground Fee.
Discussion: Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel - March Status RepOrt
May 22, 2008
10:30 -11:00
Community Center Tour -John S. and Mere
-Southold Funding for
-Exercise Equipment
-Tele-conference/meetings with town
-Fix up basketball court and fence
11:00-11:30 Police coverage issues
11:30-12:00 Sidewalk and Rec. Path issues.
12:15- 1:00 Lunch: Kathy Parsons
1:00- 2:30 Organizational and district meetings as requested.
There will be five people from Southold Town coming
-Scott Russell
-Heather Lanza
-Mark Terry
-Jim McMahon
-Philip Beltz
ICB Members planning to attend:
-John Spofford
-Peter Gaillard
-Bill Ridgway
-Meredith Doyen
-Cynthia Riley
Monday, June 2, 2008 at 4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. Site Plans & Subdivisions
Site Plans:
Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza, a.k.a. End of SCTM#: 1000-122-3-1.2, 2, 6.1, 17
the Road, LLC
Location: 11620-11750 NYS Road 26 in Mattituck
Description: Two new buildings: one office building, 9,986 square feet, and one bank, 3,241
square feet on a 1.9 acre split-zoned parcel in the General Business and Residential-40
Zoning Districts.
Action: Review site plan and comments from other agencies.
Standard Subdivision of Hazel's Woods (T. Smith) SCTM#1000-123-6-6.9 & 123-6-23
Location: east of Camp Mineola Road and north of Private Road in Mattituck.
Description: This proposal is to subdivide a 8.46 acre parcel into 5 lots where Lot 1 equals
23,798 sq. ff.; Lot 2 equals 23,133 sq. ft.; Lot 3 equals 23,200 sq. ft.; Lot 4 equals 23,200 sq.
ft.; Lot 5 equals 21,993 sq. ft. and the subdivision open space equals 5.0072 acres in the R-
80 Zoning District.
Action: Review subdivision concept design.
Nickart Realty SCTM#1000-62-2-13
Location: south side of North Road, approximately 900 feet west of Bayberry Lane, in
Description: Proposal to subdivide a 34,896 sq. f. parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals
17,438 sq. f. and Lot 2 equals 17,438 sq. ff. in the R-40 Zoning District.
Action: Review proposed subdivision.
ZBA referrals 1. Shipman Agricultural Building. SCTM# 108-3-5.5
2. Maritime DaY~SC!~0~!~ N?~ery School in existing building. SCTM#102-2-12.6
).m. Hamlet Stakeholders' Chairpersons Meeting with Supervisor Russell and the ~'~
Planning Board
Fax (631)- 765- 9015
TeL (631) - 765 - 1560
J. Kevin Darcy
Director of Community Relations
Suffolk County Department of Public Works
335 Yaphank Avenue
Yaphank, New York 11980-9744
June 12, 2008
Re: Southold Town Bus Shelter Locations
Dear Mr. Darcy:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your ongoing efforts to bring new
Bus Shelters to the Town of Southold.
As per our recent telephone conversations, please consider this letter to be a written review of
the Town Board Decisions regarding the locations and placement of Bus Shelters within the Town of
Southold. Shortly after construction began on the previously approved location in Southold, several
local residents and shop owners expressed there concern with these chosen location. I brought this
matter to the attention of the Town Board on June 3 during there regularly scheduled Meeting and it
was discussed at length. The outcome of there deliberations requested the following:
1 ) The proposed location adjacent to Silversmiths Corner in Southoid should not have a
shelter installed at this time. The Board respectfully requested that the Existing Bench be reinstalled
at this location subject to the review and approval by the DOT. An alternate location for a shelter in
the hamlet of Southold will be discussed by the Town Board and the Transportation Commission in
the coming months. If a location can be determined and agreed upon, the Commission wilt forward
another request for a Shelter during the next Phase of funding for such a project.
2) The Town Board is aware that you have been actively trying to provide a New Shelter
for the Village of Greenport during this current Construction Phase. Therefore, the Town Board has
requested that the New Shelter scheduled for Southold be given to the Village of Greenport.
3) The proposed location in Mattituck adjacent to the Shopping Center has the support
of the Town Board.
4) The proposed location in Peconic, in the corner of the Town's Highway Yard also has
the support of the Town Board. If your contractor requires the Town's assistance in clearing the
approved site, please notify my office prior to construction so that I can make the necessary
As I am sure that you are also aware, that we have received notice from NYS DOT, that
Permits will be required prior to the installation of New Bus Shelters along State Route 25. Please let
me know if the Town can be of any assistance regarding this matter.
Thank you again for your efforts in this undertaking.
James A. Richter, R.A.
Office of the Engineer
cc: Neb Brashish; Chairman, Transportation Commission
Peter Harris; Superintendent of Highways
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765-1823
Telephone (631) 765'1889
Hamlet Study Stakeholders
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
July 14, 2008
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation
The Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel (Supervisor, Engineer, Highway, Public
Works, Planning and Special Projects Coordinator) meets regularly to facilitate the
implementation of stakeholder ideas. The responsibility of implementation provides a
formidable challenge for Town departments (time, staff and budget); however, our
commitment is sincere and moving forward.
In essence, we have embarked upon "stage IIr' of the process which requires the Town
to "do the heavy lifting". We will continue discussion with stakeholders on an ad hoc
basis relating to issues of your respective hamlets, however, hamlet stakeholder
involvement will be limited during this "phase".
As the Town continues efforts to address stakeholders concerns, it is critical that we
keep stakeholders informed. To that end, I am pleased to inform stakeholders that the
Town's website now features a new link "2007-2008 Hamlet Stakeholder Initiative" that
features all relevant stakeholder information, including recommendations and status
I am also very excited to report that the Town was awarded a grant in the amount of
$675,000 from the State of New York's Environmental Protection Fund for its Downtown
Hamlet Revitalization program. This will greatly assist our efforts.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Once again, the Town Board thanks you
for your efforts.
I Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation August 2009
Improve/resurface Town roadways and Transfer Station Road (ICB)
West Harbor Dredging
Feagles' Path completion
Connect bike paths-FIDCO guard house/library via sidewalk.
llove/landscape path from school to ICC and basketball courts.
Identify and catalogue problem sidewalks and potholes
Explore purchase of on-island commuter boat.
Town Board instructed Highway Dept. to
=prepare RFP for Spring 2010 road
resurfacing on Fishers Island (by next week
and solicit bids for the work, including the
contractor doing the work for FIDCO.
The NYSDOS sent the project consultant
Docko Inc. a July 28, 2009 letter requesting
iadditional information. It is noted in the
letter that the dredge spoil is contaminated
with mercury.
Path is complete. Site inspection to locate
playground equip scheduled for Fall 09.
'Town Engineer/Highway Dept.reviewing
alternate bike route with consideration of
Bike Path Plan.
Scheduled for Fall 09
Town Board and HIP met with ICB and FI
residents on 8/5/09. Planning Board
presented sidewalk assessment and two
phase workplan to begin to maintian, repai~
and replace sidewalks. Maintenenace and
=repair phase of workplan (remove
vegetation encroachments and top and
bond uplifts) has begun. Supervisor
;requested cost estimates from Highway
Dept. to replace the sidewalks that pose a
critical safety hazard. The funding for the
project is expected to be obtained from a
$300,000 bond. Scheduled for August 11th
Town Board worksession.
Planning Department will work with ICB to
conduct a needs assessment--survey needs
to be developed and issued asap.
Define type and amount of affordable housing.
Identify single family homes to convert to two family homes
Publicize accessory apartment law.
Explore utilization of Suffolk City funds.
Update and maintain inventory of housing stock.
Utilization and development of Cleveland bldg.
Get new tax maps for FI.
Walsh Park Benevolent Corp. to explore
:ways to further affordable housing. Town
awaiting contract for EPF grant. SPC will
provide assistance as needed, with
~Planning Department.
Change zoning regs.?
Work with Housing Advisory Com. to
address impediments-rental permit law
could address.
Meet with Jill Rosen-Nikoloff.
Special Project Coordinator will work with
Walsh Park representatives to prepare
needs assessment. Meeting with Walsh
Park representatives and Planning Board
staff held in July 2009 to review process
and proposed density.
Sold to private developer.
Requires purchase.
Beach Maintenance: Chocomount/Isabella/South
Incorporate skate park ramps near tennis courts.
Refurbish basketball courts (ICB).
Funds to improve landscaping around Community Center
Maintain & update inventory of island related businesses.
Work with FIFD to develop mgt. strategies of town land under Ferry
Improve access to reasonably-priced healthcare.
rk with legislators (NY & CT) for healthcare.
Currently the Mosquito Girls maintain
beaches at a cost of $2500.00. Request is
for Town to fund beach clean-up. No
decision was made, however it was pointed
out that the Town accomplishes beach
cleanups on its other beaches by volunteer
efforts, not by paying staff.
On hold
Site plan will accomplish.
See needs assessment above
Town Attorney will review legal documents.
ICB joined Eastern CT Chamber of
Commerce to facilitate reciprocal
Director if Human Services is working with
iSuffolk County Office of the Aging in
readdressing reciprocal agreements
, between NY and CT for home health care.
(See full report attached)
Parade Ground Preservation Plan
Utilize CPF to preserve land.
Currently ongoing: Land Preservation
working with FI residents in developing a
Preservation Plan.
Currently ongoing: Town Land Preservatior
ils coordinating with Ferguson Museum to
Stewardship of properties acquired by Land Trust and FIDCO (Ferguson develop plan to eradicate Kudzu on
Museum) Dickson/Harvey Parcel
Seek LWRP-related funding to accomplish projects listed in the
Fishers Island section of the LWRP, particularly the revitalization
of the Silver Eel Cove area and protecting the fisheries resources. Ongoing
Amend Harbor Mgt plan to further protect marine water quality
Lake Mobil drainage system.
Address Fowlers Culvert run-off at Hay Harbor.
Address ponding at Avenue B & State Troopers Barracks
Develop "ground-truthed" wetlands map
Develop litter and garbage management plan
Refer to Harbor Com. & Planning
Town Eng. and Town Board members
inspected area on August 5, 2009 to
develop alternative drainage system to
improve storage volumne. Proposal is to
~ raise road elevation and construct shallow
:swale/french drain on NW side of right of
Drainage easement required-meet with
property owner to resolve issue
~ Inspection Scheduled
Ongoing: Town obtained "Mosquito
Control Wetlands Map". Groundtruthing
scheduled for Spring of 2010
Volunteer solutions and FIDCO
Partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension and University of Conn to
broaden educational offerings at school.
Establish smaller commuter boat for school
Community Center Teleconf/Video capability
Planning Department will contact Chris
: Pickerel for sea grass talks.
Planning Department to contact School
District to clarify need
At the August 5, 2009 meeting with Town
Board: ICB will provide the Town Board
with the specifications and a bid, and the
Town will fund it in 2009.
iPath is complete. Site inspection to locate
Feagles' Path completion :playground equip scheduled for Fall 08.
Town Enginner to source alternative routes
Connect bike paths-FiDCO guard house/library via sidewalk, and develop recommendation.
!Department of Pubiic Works will assess and/
Improve/landscape path from school to ICC and basketball courts, schedule in ~lm~
· ...
side-walk repair ($~00,000) appropriated in
ZOO9 Capital Budget. Inventow Completed
: by stakeholder and prioriW list will be
~senerated for ZOO9 workplan.
~ Environmental ProteCtion Fund Grant
Identi~ and cataloBue problem sidewalks and potholes money is also available for this projeCt.
~re )urchase of on-island commuter boat.
Planning Department will work with iCB to
conduct a needs assessment--survey needs
to be developed and issued asap.
Define type and amount of affordable housing.
Identify single family homes to convert to two family homes
iOn October 16, 2008 Special Projects
i Coordinator SPC met with a few members
of FI stakeholder reps and Walsh Park
Benevolent Corp. to explore ways to
further affordable housing. In light ofthe
reality that Stony Brook could not dispatch
a team to the island for economic and
i housing needs assessment, it was agreed
that such study should be done by someone
ion the island. Request from attendees that
Town fund seed money (approx. Sk) for
i study to be done with Fishers Island Ferry
District and local businesses re housing
needs of workers who come to the island.
Needs assessment could also target
economic needs within the island. SPC
informed by Health Lanza that this may be
funded by EPF grant, once executed. SPC
will provide assistance as needed, with
i Planning Department~
Change zoning regs,?
P~cize accessory apartment law.
Explore ~iiizati~ ~ ~ffoi~ ity funds.
Update and maintain inventory of housing stock.
Utilization and development of Cleveland bldg.
Get new tax maps for FI.
Work with Housing Advisory Com. to
address impediments-rental permit law
could address.
i~et w~th Jill Rosen-Nikoloff.
Special Project Coordinator will work with
Walsh Park to prepare needs assessment.
Sold to private developer.
Incorporate skate park ramps near tennis courts.
Refurbish basketball courts.
Funds to improve landscaping around Community Center
On hold
:Complete in Spring 2009.
Site plan will accomplish.
Maintain & update inventory of island related businesses.
Work with FIFD to develop mgt. strategies of town land under Ferry Town Attorney will review legal documents.
Improve access to reasonably-priced healthcare.
Work with legislators (NY & CT) for healthcare.
ICB joined Eastern CT Chamber of
Commerce to facilitate reciprocal
Not necessary-see above.
Parade Ground Preservation Plan Referred to Land Preservation
Utilize CPF to preserve land. Referred to Land Preservation
Planning DePartment to consider developin8
Stewardship of properties acquired by Land Trust and FIDCO (Fergus a plan.
Seek LWRP-related funding to accomplish projects listed in
the Fishers Island section of the LWRP, particularly the
revitalization of the Silver Eel Cove area and protecting the
Amend Harbor Mgt plan to further protect marine water quality
Refer to Harbor Com. & Planning
Maintain Lake Mobil drainage system.
Address Fowlers Culvert run-off at Hay Harbor.
Address ponding at Avenue B & State Troopers Barracks
Highway Department pumped areas via
HVAC Truck and cleaned drainage
infrastructure. Highway Department
employees are monitoring problem areas.
Easement required-meet with property
owner to resolve issue
Both are very Iow points and require
significant resources
Develop "ground-truthed" wetlands map
Town obtained "Mosquito Girls Wetland
Map". GIS Department to digitize map to
use a basis for wetland mapping project.
Develop litter and garbage management plan
Volunteer solutions and FIDCO
;Deliver CCE contracts to ICB and School
Partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension and University of Corm district for education--contact Chris Pickerel
to broaden educational offerings at school for sea grass talks
Planning Department to contact School
Establish smaller commuter boat for school i District to clarify need
Monday, November 17, 2008
4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
4:45 p.m.
Review Public Meeting Agenda
Site Plans
Project Name; ' Shizen (aka Ga a, Oki:d0) s~TM~i ' 1000-38~7,7~i
Location: i 2835 Shipyard Lane, East Marion
Description: ! PrOposed 114 unit hOtel With accessory restaurant and private marina
I with 16 boat slip~:
Act on . SEQR - Review DE S for adequacy forPu _b!ic_ comment.
Location; '~ 10300 NYS RotR~.25 Mattituck
Description: ~ This proposal is to subdivide a 112,647 sq. ff. parcel into two Lots where
Lot 1 equals 52,209.54 sq. ft. in the B Zoning District and Lot 2 equals
[ 60,529.61 sq~ ft. in the R-40 Zoning District.
. Ready for Sketch Approval
Recommend to Grant Conditional Sketch Approval, start the referral
process and SEQR review having the Planning Board as lead agency -
. coordinated review.
Attachments; , ~taff R~pprt
I project name; Miller Subdivision SCTrV~: i 1000-63-1-12
L0oa!i0n: '14~0
Description: This proposed standard subdivision is to subdivide a 4.28- acre parce
Status: A~ai~ing aket~ approve!
Action: , Re-consider recommended N~S..p~Lks phase I A(qheg!ogical Rev!e.w
Attachmentsl ,~ .Letter from NYS Pa~rks
For Discussion:
estaurant - Request for extension on approved site plan. Discuss
m~ject ' ( ~ (~ ~ C,~
~_~ ~^us..Tf H .amle_t Sta~;~°lder '
~=..~ng Ooard Meeting Schedules
For Discussion
October 21, 2008
Southold Town Economic Summit
The nation grapples with major financial implications from international, national
and regional economic problems. While some areas are far more vulnerable
than others, no region is immune from the "ripple effect" of the serious economic
In light of the economic uncertainties, the Town of Southold will assume a
proactive role in assisting local residents and businesses. This will be
accomplished through facilitating discussion of problems and linkages to
established resoumes to provide meaningful information, skills and solutions
relating to the current economic environment (finances, health insurance,
employment opportunities, mortgage foreclosure, fuel assistance, energy
conservation, affordable housing, Medicare counseling, etc.)
Southold Union Free School District Auditorium. Hosted by the Supervisor with
brief announcement (less than 5 minutes) from "vendors" of services they offer
that will be followed by breakout into the gymnasium "vendors" assigned tables
with chairs to work with local residents.
Potential Vendors:
Banks, CDCLI, LIHP, LIPA, HRC staff, Suffolk County office of Employment
Services, local businesses with job openings as organized by the Chambers of
Commerce, etc. To be further discussed.
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765'1823
Telephone (631) 765' 1889
Hamlet Study Stakeholders
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
October 31, 2008
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Update
I am pleased to provide stakeholders with an update of our current efforts to promote the
implementation of hamlet stakeholder ideas.
As Department Heads prepare their 2009 budgets, staff is sourcing grants for
applicable stakeholder recommendations as well as including some suggested
improvements within their budgets, where feasible. While the current economic
climate may temporarily impede the Town's efforts to fulfill some stakeholder
recommendations, my budget as presented, includes a $900,000 capital
improvement project for sidewalks in hamlet centers.
Heather Lanza, in conjunction with the Transportation Commission, is addressing
matters relating to gateway signage through a grant prepared by RBA group.
Stakeholders have been instrumental in providing feedback. In addition, we are
awaiting award announcements from our recent submission for Transportation
Enhancement Program funding that includes hamlet stakeholder recommendations.
Mark Terry will spearhead the implementation and coordination of the Environmental
Protection Fund grant, once the contract is executed,
Phillip Beltz is working with the Housing Advisory Commission to address issues
relating to affordable housing. In addition, he is working closely with Fishers Island
stakeholders and the Walsh Park Community Land Trust to specifically target
affordable housing on Fishers Island.
· The Town's website link "2007-2008 Hamlet Stakeholder Initiative" provides a further
detailed status report for July-October 2008.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Mattituck
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
,Ti Evaluate Traffic Calming.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25~
1, Evaluate traffic circle at Main Road and Love 2008 to address pedestrian access
Lane & safety at this intersection.
2. Evaluate traffic circle at Route 48 and Cox In progress. County DPW to study
Neck Road and develop plan.
3. Develop plan to reduce Route 48 to single Tabled -Town Transp, Commission
lane between Cox Neck Rd and Wickham investigated in the past and
Avenue. recommended against it.
Establish Community Pavilion at head of
Mattituck Creek with transportation and Tabled - future consideration T4
T2 )edestrian connectivity to Hamlet Center. deemed greater priority
Tabled - future consideration
Complete sidewalk extension of Love Lane north Wickham Ave might be better
T3 to Mattituck Ereek. ~edestrian connection
Transportation Enhancements
O Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 to address pedestrian access
T4 Develop West Mattituck Corridor Plan & streetscape here.
~reetscape : :
Develop streetscape plan from train trestle east
S1 to Love Lane along S.R. 25.
On September 24, 2008 HIP met
with Code Enforcer and was
advised that the Town Code would
need to be amended to ticket the
S2 Prohibit carsales on Main Road (Rt 25 e.g. NFB) vehicles.
ss Bury powercables
Referred to Pl~nin[ Department t~
S4 Develop attractive signs develop design standards.
Mark Terry to draft memo &
forward dra~ tree codes to Tree
Committee. Highway Dept. arborist
will attend Tree Committee
S5 Develop Town -wide tree code. meetings.
~ process. Plannin~ Dept
IDevelop commerical design standards for new developed draft. Referred to
DZ and renovated buildings Plann[n~ to complete.
Page I of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July- October, 2008
Hamlet: Mattituck
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Close Love lane for Saturday Farmers Referred to Transportation
EH1 Market/Pedestrian Mall Commission/Planning Dept.
Develop sewage plan covering Mattituck
HALO/Hamlet Center areas to allow increased In process. Planning Dept working
EH2 density and housing opportunities, with agencies ~
EH3 Provide transient boat access Tabled
PaGe 2 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report- July- October, 2008
Hamlet: Cutchogue
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
In progress. Meeting held in April.
DOT will evaluate traffic calming
Establish a no parking zone in front of Karen's throughout hamlet center. In the
Deli or narrow sidewalks to improve line of interim, DOT will install a delayed
T1 sight, iwalk signal for pedestrians.
Change the sequence of the traffic light at
T2 intersection of New Suffolk Road. see above
Install more effective signage to s/ow Route 25
traffic entering the Griffin Street/Route 25
T3 intersection from the east see above
Relocate Hampton Jitney bus stop s/o King Tabled - potential conflict with
T4 Kullen parking lot, design install bus shelter, ingress & egress to King Kullen
Install pedestrian walkway across Route 25 to
serve eastbound bus passengers accessing King
T5 Kullen parking lot. see above
Planning Board will accomplish
Extend sidewalks on Griffing Street to Heritage through the subdivision and site
T6 ~ Cutchogue parcel, plan process.
J ~ ~.~ --~2x~~ Repair and mark shoulder of New Suffolk '
/ Avenue because it serves as a bike path. ,p~.~talL. Refer to Transportatiob
T7 new bicycle path in appropriate locationsland Commissiol~ ~_.' '
~ ' OPW has purchased bike rack.
Install bike rack in Town parking lot behind Town Board to seek property
T8 Karen's Deli owners permission.
Install dogwood trees on island between the ~,r.~. c~XC t~- ~,l.~.~?,,_
southbound and northbound lanes of Grilling y~h~ay [Z~pt2.to re~la~t j~La~d ~/C~
Referred to Transportation
Commission - long term, needs
TiO Commission Town wide Transportation Study funding.
Page 1 of 1
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report- July - October, 2008
Hamlet: New Suffolk
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Install signage at Old Harbor Road and Jackson
Street warning boaters of overhead electric Accomplished signage in
T1 wires ~lace/wires have been removed.
Install signage 30 MPH speed limit on New
T2 Suffolk Avenue and New Suffolk Road. Accomplished
Provide increased police surveillance of the Ongoing ad overall parking need
T3 }osted parking areas, comprehensive approach
T4 Enforce 30mph speed limit Ongoing
Investigate and develop traffic calming
T5 measures Ongoing
Increase sticker fee for non resident
T6 beach/ramp users Accomplished
T7 Enforce use of beach/ramp stickers Ongoing
:Develop and post appropriate restrictions for j~,tc,,,~.. ,~.~ ~. %.,~v~ ~
Panel recommends 21~boat ~e~gth
use of boat ramp particularly as to maximum
T8 size and weight of boats, reliction. ~. ~ ~'
~nstallstopsignatintersectionofOrchardand ~'~ ~'~ ~' ~ ~
T9 First Streets Not r~commended at this time.
Highway Department to look for
Evaluate and correct visual impediments at encroachments into the right of
T10 driveways and intersections, way causing safety issues.
Restrict through truck traffic on King Street past Needs site ~Dr~ ~
Forward draA tree cQ~es to Tree
Survey and protect significant trees and plant Committee/~aborist ~
S1 new street trees. ~ Tree Committee meetings
Provide additional parking for district including ~/~
S2 Legends Referre~ ~ ~lannL~art~
Preserve scenic water views and historic ~ ~
S3 character O~ ',~ ~ann]ng Dcpa[t~
In process. Planning Dept
Develop design guidelines for residential ~eveloped dra~. Referred to
~ D1 'commercial buildings Planning Dept. to complete.
IH1 Provide transient boat access Sit~ to be sc~edul~
Page 1 of I
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report- July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Peconic
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
' '~'-~'"~"~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~' HIPre~mmendsiflstalling-
crosswalk with stop signs. Send
Install crosswalk between Tasker and Cochran ~oposal baczk to Transportation
T1 Parks. Commission for action r
No site plan requirement that
owner must maintain lot. Private
Re lease parking lot from Owner (Post Office} property utilized by public, Town
T2 for $1 and provide maintenance, has no obligation.
Relocate bus stop to in front of Highway ~/t ~L~ )C~-;~ ~ ~-~q~' $C~ ~*."y-
T3 Department building with kiosk.'Y' NYSDOT reviewing ~.~, -.~ ~_~
Transportation Enhancement~
Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 may include a portion of this
.,~ .~g' _ I ,1 ',.--~ /~.--~-~.L T4 Repair sidewalks and connect to Route 25. recommendation.
~ ' \ ~' ' ~ There is funding in the 2008 Town
~l~,~ ~ ~'*)~-~ ~ Budget for parking lot
~mprovement. Concession stand not
feasible due to SC Health
O Improve parking lots in Cochran Park and add ~equirements and the vendor
TS concession stand ~ermit structure.
$1 Address Recreation Center eyesore Accomplished
Improve streetscape in hamlet center with
S2 landcaping Referred to Planning Department
Page 1 of 1
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report- July- October, 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Install shade trees, landscaping, improve
parking, sidewalks on south side, street
furniture, lighting and slgnage on Traveler's The Panel discussed a long term plan to link Travelers,
Street - make it more pedestrian friendly and Hortons, and Youngs Road with pedestrian-friendly
connected to the hamlet center and to infrastructure. Possibly part of a Transporation
encourage commercial and municipal Enhancements Program grant proposal being
P1 development, submitted in June.
Provide sidewalks on Horton's Lane and
1-2 Young's Road See above
T3 Install crosswalks throughout Hamlet Center See above
Prevent accidents, improve pedestrian safety,
T4 and reduce traffic impacts:
1. Implement traffic calming measures m the
Hamlet Center between Boisseau and Tuckers
Lane, and to conduct traffic safety evaluations
at the intersections of Main Street and the
O Civil War Monument and Main Street and Referred to Transportation Commission - being
Boisseau evaluated.
2. Restrict right turn on red at selected
'intersections such as Main Street and Youngs
Avenue See above
3. Enforce posted speed limits throughout
the Hamlet Center and HALO zone, especially
on Youngs Avenue, Hortons Lane and Main
Street Increase Enforcement
4. Improve the design and signage at all
~edestrian crosswalks throughout the Hamlet
Center and HALO zone, especially at Main
Street and Oaklawn Avenue, and add a
crosswalk at Main Street and Beckwith Referred to Transportation Commission - being
Avenue evaluated.
5. Inventory all existing sidewalks in the
hamlet and ask the Highway Department to
budget for a periodic sidewalk inspection
program and to regularly repair and maintain Sidewalk inventory is proposed in the Hamlet
sidewalks in the hamlet center Revitalization EPF Grant.
O 6. Add an informat footpath on the east side Could be included in Transportation Enhancements
of Horton Lane from CR. 48 to Main Street Program grant- innovative options for sidewalks
Page 1 of 8
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report July-October, 2008
Hamlet: $outhold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Preserve and improve the vitality of Main
!T6 Street as a walkable local business district:
1. Provide additional strategically located
municipal parking with attractive signage,
Dark Sky lighting, landscaping, bike racks and Planning Board might incorporate more municipal
regular maintenance parking as part of future site plans in hamlet center
2. Investigate the feasibility of diagonal
street parking on Main Street Not feasible
3. Offer greater flexibiiityin parking
requirements in the site plan review process
(e.g. consider the overall parking as an Planning Board currently provides for flexibility where
average in the area instead of parcel by the code allows. Future code changes are also being
parcel) to encourage diverse business uses examined.
4. Encourage walking [n the Hamlet Center Transportation Enhancements Program grant should
land HALO zone accomplish some of this goal
T7 Support expansion/additions to Southold Free Library addition is on hold.
Develop a full service transit hub at the
T8 existing railroad station on Travelers Street
1. Work with the LIRR to improve
landscaping and parking around the train
station Local 6irl Scout Troop decorates and maintains area.
Investigated by Town Transportation Commission, not
feasible due to resistance from the County and the
2. Meet with County Public Transit and Jitney bus services. Turn is too tight for buses, and
Hampton Jitney to relocate bus stops to bette~ leaving the main road will cause delays in what is
locations such as the LIRR station already a very long bus route.
]-ransportation Enhancements Program ~rant
Create an infrastructure of bike paths and submitted June 25, 2008 may fund some work towards
T9 strategically located bike racks, this goal.
LITM (Lon~ Island Transportation Management) met
Implement a town-wide "dial-a-ride" car/van with Tranportation Commission on 10/27/08. They will
service and or the use of school busses for be providin~ more information at the Community
TlO affordable local transportation Economic Forum on Nov. 6 at 6:30pm at Southold H.S.
Provide new and attractive signa~e for
S1 municipal parking lots. Ongoing
-e Maintain and landscape municipal parking
S2 areas. Ongoing
Page 2 of B
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
status Report- July - October, 2008
Hamlet: $outhold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Install shade trees, landscaping, improve
parking, sidewalks on south side, street
furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's
53 Street Referred to Planning Board and Tree Committee
Support the Tree Committee's street tree
planting program, including the replacement
S4 of damaged or dead trees Referred to Tree Committee
Strictly enforce the Town's signage code and
educate business owners about illegal displays
and uses of public rights of way in business
S5 zones, especially on Main Street and CR 48 Referred to Code Committee
. ! Pass legislation requiring Dark Sky lighting on
all new construction and retrofitting pre
lexisting construction over a reasonable time
S6 frame. Energy Committee is reviewing draft code
Provide attractive trash and recycling
S7 receptacle throughout the hamlet
Build a newTawn Halt and campus in the
~ S8 existing location On Hold
Provide incentives to property owners to up
S9 grade existing streetscape attributes Referred to Planning Board
S10 Encourage burying of overhead utility lines Tabled
Housing Advisory Commission met with Planning
Board to discuss recommendations made to the Town
Board on accessory apartments. The Planning Board
Develop design guidelines for affordable fully supported the recommendations and forwarded
housing that reinforce local residential scale a memo on October 29th to the Town Board
D1 and historic precedents indicating such,
Develop design guidelines and standards that
)rohibit commercial sprawl, emphasize
human scale, create pedestrian connectivity Planning Board proposed Residential Site Plan
and respects historic precedents and Standards for the HD and HB zoning districts.
D2 typologies in Hamlet Centers and HALO zones Legislation is pending.
Page 3 of 8
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Southold
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
EH ! Retain IGA grocery store in current location Referred to Planning Department
Provide incentives for reuse and adaptive
EH2 reuse for existing commercial structures See D! response above.
EH3 Create more eaffordable housing Referred to Housing Advisory Commission
Legalize affordable workforce in detached
EH4 accessory buildings in HALO Referred to Housing Advisory Commission
EH5 Provide incentives for property taxes See D1 response above.
Provide financial incentives for rehab of
existing residential structures for affordable
EH6 housing. See D1 response above.
Preserve and improve vitality of Main Street
EH7 as walkable business district Referred to Planning Department
EH8 Provide additional strategic parking Referred to Planning Department
EH9 Felxibility in parking requirements Referred to Planning Department
Provide tax incentives to property owners whc
rent buildings at affordable rates to local
EHiO entrapanuers. See Dlresponse above.
£onduct economic impact study of downtown I~an~ning Department is working with SUNY Stony
EH11 area 8rook MBA students/ Long term planning initiative//
Increase intesity of use of Silversmiths Corner
Ior picnincs, games, summer events and
EH12 activities. Referred to Parks and Recreation Committee
Promote additional housing in HALO Zone
~vith affordable and senior housing and garder
EH13 apartments. See D1 response
~,llowing density I unit per 10,000 sqaure feet
EH14 in HALO with public water and sewer. Referred to Planning Department
!Allowing density i unit per 5,000 sqaure feet
!in HALO with public water and sewer for
EH15 Seniors. Referredto Planning Department
Encourage mixed use residential within
EH16 business properties in HALO/Hamlet Center. Referred to Planning Department/PDD
~ ERTT- ~I~,PDD legislation Referred to Planning Department
~ --(' P~/er~ and support working landscapes and
~ditional industries Referred to Planning Department/LWRP
EH19 :Provide job opportunites for young people. Ongoing/Youth Bureau
Page 4 of 8
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
~'~"~ ~ [~, kc L ~ L Three way light request from
Transportation Commission has
~,~,u ~,~% ,~L~ ~,C' £hange the traffic light on CR 48 and SR 25 to recently been made to agencies for
~ ~D ~'~R~C~.~. \'/ ~'~ T1 hree color, implementation.
LO i-~- ~,~ ~L4~ 2~ Short-term- scenic corridor
recommendations implemented in
the site plan process by Planning
Board as they are submitted. Long-
term - create codifed design
Implement recommendation of the Town of standards based on the scenic
T2 Southold Scenic Corridor Plan orridor recommendations.
T3 Require dormant buses along Rt 25 be relocated ~o,',
1`ransportation Commission -~,\
investigating best location for//'~
[4 Install crosswalk in the vicinity of 7-11 crosswalk in this area.
Owners of properties in front of
O sidewalks must clear them of snow
& ice. Town Highway Dept -
maintenance, Town Board -
reconstruction. Enforcement issue.
I'5 Establish sidewalk maintenance responsibilities Possibly establish help-line.
Planning Board is accomplishing
T6 Develop a well designed gateway through well designed site plans.
Transportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
2008 to address pedestrian access
T7 install sidewalks on one side of the street & streetscape in this vicinity
Town Board is in an ongoing
discussion with the ferry on several
Explore methods to break-up continuous strings issues, this being one of the major
T8 of ferry traffic concerns.
SC DPW has designed a plan to
rework the road in that stretch to
calm traffic and improve pedestrian
safety, and begun implementing it.
i~ Explore traffic calming measures along North Not all of the plan has been funded
T9 Road i.e. near Soundview Restaurant for construction.
Page 1 of 3
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
~' Recommendation / Project Status
ELEMENT I.D. Panel had idea for hot-line to report
this and other problems such as
Evaluate all sight impediments at driveways and Ipotholes, and sidewalks in need of
T10 intersections repair.
(~. I Referred to Transportation
,~/ Tll Provide S-92 bus service on Sundays Commission,
The County has little flexibility in
~'/ types of bus shelter. They have
Hold competition to design bus shelters, require agreed to upgrade the type of
well designed and conveniently located bus shelters funded for t~his yea~' .a~p,~,,
T12 shelters cost to the Town. ~ ~L~,'
IPlanning Board subdivisi,~ocess
· Integrate new roads in subdivision with existing ]makes every attempt to do so
i%~\T13 roadways. Iwhere feasible.
' ~' ~T14 Provide public bus service along North Road ITransportation Commission
P~--~,~,~ T15 Extend train service to enhance public transit ITransportation Commission
iT:L6 Improve S-92 bus sch?ules with Shelter Island ITransportation Commission
~1~1~ Bury overhead utility lines for any new I Required pursuant to Town Code on
51 development new subdivisions.
Preserve the natural landscape and create 75-
52 100" buffers along the Hamlet's main roads Referred to Planning Board
Transportation Commission has a
grant to complete a sign study as
Develop a well designed gateway on Route 25 lapart of the study gateway signs
$3 east of the village tare proposed.
54 Preserve scenic vistas Referred to Planning Board
ICode Enforcer Officer informed HIP
Weekly road clean-up, including removal of Cars Ithat it is too cost prohibitive to tow
55 for Sale on Town property, garbage, debris etc... Icars.
Preserve street trees and develop planting and
56 maintenance plans /Referred to T~ee ~ommit~t,~e
Design parking behind front yard setback with Referred to Planning Board
D1 landscaped buffer
tn process. Planning Department
IdeveJoped working draft. Referred
D2 Develop design standards Ito Planning Department.
Page 2 of 3
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Greenport
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project ;tatus
Provide adequate parking for residential and
EH1 commercial development Referred to Planning Board
Page 3 of 3
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: East Marion
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation ! Project Status
Reduce and enforce speed limits and utilize
traffic calming devices and signa§e to emphasize
the need for drivers to slow down when passing
T:I throu§h East Marion. Ongoing
Explore multiple means of reducing the impact
of ever-increasing Orient ferry traffic and Town Board in ongoing: discussion
restricting any further expansion of ferry with ferry on several issues, this
T2 services being a major one.
Improve existin§ public beach access points by
repairing road ends and clearing phragmites.
Support repair of Bay Avenue and Gillette Drive
and removal of phragmites to increase beach Bay Avenue is complete. Gillete
T3 access. IDrive work is in the 2009 budget.
Support more consistent and frequent
T4 enforcement of traffic laws Ongoing
Referred to Transportation
Support better signage, identification of sites fol Commission & Town Attorney-
off-road parking, and relocating the bus stop to Town is renegotiating the
reduce traffic congestion near Post Office and maintenance agreement with the
iTS Angel's Store. Dept.
Sidewalk inventory proposed in the
Hamlet Revitalization EPF Grant.
Some pedestrian safety measures
)roposed in the Transportation
Make sidewalks and road shoulders more Enhancements Program grant
1-6 ~edestrian and bike-friendly, submitted June 25, 2008
Town will take this into
Eliminate road widening as an option for dealing make NYSDOT & SCDPW aware of
T7 with traffic problems, this recommendation.
Tranportation Enhancements
Program grant submitted June 25,
Install traffic calming devices at entrance and 2008, may include a project to
T8 exit to East Marion with slow-down sign accomplish this goal.
Bring together key players, such as Police
Commissioner, representative of bus company,
Cross Sound Ferry, Town Supervisor to help Achieved - this is what the panel is
T9 solve East Marion problems, and does.
Page 1 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: East Marion
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
On September 24th Hamlet
Identify laws that are on the books and not Implementation Panel met with
being consistently enforced, such as traffic and Code Enforcement Officer; three
T10 housing codes, properties were cited.
Problem: Traffic moves too quickly along Rt. 25
iand is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists
Tll when exiting their cars. Police are enforcing speed limits
Town Transportation Commission
worked on this with DOT. They
would only agree to reduce speed
limit to 50 on causeway, no lower.
Possible Solutions: (Stakeholder) :~. Reduce Referred to Transportation
speed limit from 55 to 45 on causeway and from Commission for other speed limits
40 to 30 throughout East Marion. n other locations.
2. Direct Police Department to enforce speed
limits vigorously. Ongoing
O 3. Request assistance from Highway
Department to recommend traffic calming
devices, such as breakaway bollards or
landscaped mini-medians, which would be Referred to Transportation
appropriate to East Marion. Commission
4. Install residential neighborhood signs to Referred to Transportation
emphasize the need for slowing down. Commission
Planning Board developed
LIPA/Town contact protocol for
$1 Monitoring LIPA tree trimming tree trimming program
On September 24th Hamlet
Implementation Panel met with
Code Enforcement Officer; illegal
S2 Enforcing existing code on signage signs have been removed.
Provide boundary focal points for E. Marion with
well designed gateway signs at entrance and Referred to Transportation
S3 exit of the hamlet Commission
Page 2 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Orient
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation / Project Status
Enforce of the speed limit by Southold Town
along Route 25 in the area from the Causeway
T1 east to Platt Road. Ongoing
Use non-aggressive traffic calming methods
such as painting lines for narrower lanes, using
different color paint or material in the verge Referred to Transportation
T2 lanes, moving lanes, and crosswalks. Commission
Reduce speed on causeway using LED speed
limit signs, narrow median, traffic enforcement
T3 camera, etc.) Referred to Police for enforcement
Town Board is dealing with this and
other issues with their ongoing
T4 Address Ferry traffic and parking discussion with the ferry.
T5 Repair / repave sidewalks in the Hamlet. Ongoing
Explore system of pedestrian trails through
T6 fields in undeveloped areas ~)ngoing
Preserve the gateway property east of I-atham's Referred to Planning Board to
~1 farm stand (vista is important) ~mplement the Scenic Byway Plan
52 Road repair of Village Lane in design phase/funding is needed
S2 Sidewalk and curb repair along Village Lane Referred to Highway Department
S3 Repair to street lighting in the Hamlet Ongoing
Exploration of alternate street lighting that
would be of a style more consistent with the
Historic Preservation designation, and that
would also be more efficient in projecting light Future Downtown Revitalization
S4 down on the street and sidewalk where needed. Program Grant
Page 1 of 2
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Panel
Status Report - July - October, 2008
Hamlet: Orient
ELEMENT I.D. Recommendation/Project Status
Housing Advisory Commission met
with Planning Board to discuss
recommendations made to the
Town Board. The Planning Board
fully supported the
recommendations and forwarded
memo on October 29th to the
EH1 Review accessory apartment legislation town Board indicating such.
EH2 Keep Post Office in Hamlet Center F~eferred to Planning Dept.
Page 2 of 2
Special Projects Coordinator
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 85
Mattituck, NY 11952
Tel. (631 ) 298.-4460
Fax (631) 298.-4462
January 2, 2009
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator`q{
Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Re: Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Report 2008
Below please find a year-end report regarding the implementation efforts for the
implementation of hamlet stakeholders recommendations:
· Development of Hamlet Implementation Panel---membership and process
· Multiple meetings of HIP
· A~vard of LWRP Downtown Revitalization Environmental Protection Fund grant to
address multiple hamlet stakeholder recommendations
· Submission of quarterly reports to stakeholders
· Hamlet stakeholder recognition ~eeting/reception
· Website link created for hamlet otakeh~k!er quarterly repnrts
· Quarterly meeting with chairs ...........
· ????? list specific accomplishments
o Installation of crosswalk Peconic Lane ~)v~-
Objectives for 2009:
· Fulfillment of LWRP goals and objectives ~ ~ ~ x~ ~,~.~
· Identification of additional funding opportunities
· Execute capital improvements (sidewalk repair) approved;i~budget
· Budgetary restrictions
S p e c ittll~o[~l/sgRlni'~ n a t o r
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 85
Mattituck, NY 11952
TeL (631 ) 298-4460
Fax (631 ) 298-4462
January 2,2009
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator
Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Re: Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Report 2008
Below please find a year-end report regarding the implementation efforts for the
implementation of hamlet stakeholders recommendations:
· Development of Hamlet Implementation Panel--membership and process
· Multiple meetings of HIP
· Award of LWRP Downtown Revitalization Environmental Protection Fund grant to
address multiple hamlet stakeholder recommendations
· Submission of quarterly reports to stakeholders
· Hamlet stakeholder recognition meeting/reception
· Website link created for hamlet stakeholder quarterly reports
· Meeting with Fishers Island stakeholders during annual meeting and follow-up
meeting with several stakeholders and Walsh Park Development Corporation
board members to discuss ways the Town can assist their efforts towards
advancing affordable housing and economic development
· Meeting with stakeholder chairs June 2008
· Develop of preliminary recommendations from the Housing Advisory Commission
to foster the creation of affordable apartments
· Yearly report to stakeholders and Town Board regarding specific
Objectives for 2009:
· Fulfillment of LWRP goals and objectives
· Identification of additional funding opportunities
· Execute capital improvements (sidewalk repair) approved in budget
· HAC to host public forum on apartments/accessory apartments
· Legislative recommendations from the Town Board re accessory apts.
· Budgetary restrictions
Martin Sidor, Chair
Members of the Planning Board
From: Hamlet Implementation Panel
Re: Prioritizing Hamlet Stakeholder Recommendations for 2009
Date: January 26, 2009 (Revised March 23, 2009)
The Hamlet Implementation Panel is requesting that the Planning Board prioritize the
following listed hamlet stakeholder recommendations for 2009. Note that several
projects have been submitted to the Transportation Enhancement Program grant for
project funding however the grant award has not been announced.
The Planning Department has secured $667,000 ($335,250 DOS Assistance) from the
EPF LWRP Grant Program for traffic calming, gateway signage, and affordable housing;
lighting and pedestrian movement analyses; development and implementation of site-
plan design standards; and hamlet centers economic studies. The Town is awaiting the
contract for this grant to execute.
A. Mattituck 1. Develop West Mattituck Corridor Plan including, develop streetscape plan from
train trestle east to Love Lane along S.R. 25.
2. Develop attractive signs.
3. Develop commercial design standards for new and renovated buildings.
4. Develop sewage plan covering Mattituck HALO/Hamlet Center areas to allow
increased density and housing opportunities.
B. Cutchogue
1. Install dogwood trees on island between the southbound and northbound lanes
of Griffin Street.
C. New Suffolk
1. Provide increased police surveillance of the posted parking areas. (Planning
Board should discuss long range planning for the waterfront).
2. Provide additional parking for district including Legends.
3. Preserve scenic water views and historic character.
4. Develop design guidelines for residential/commercial buildings.
D, Peconic 1. Repair sidewalks and connect to Route 25.
2. Improve streetscape in hamlet center with landscaping.
E. Southold
1. Install shade trees, landscaping, improve parking, sidewalks on south side, street
furniture, lighting and signage on Traveler's Street - make it more pedestrian
friendly and connected to the hamlet center and to encourage commercial and
municipal development.
2. Provide incentives to property owners to up-grade existing streetscape attributes.
3. Create PDD legislation.
F. Greenport 1. Implement recommendation of the Town of Southold Scenic Corridor Plan.
2. Design parking behind front yard setback with landscaped buffer.
3. Develop design standards.
G. East Marion 1. Make sidewalks and road shoulders more pedestrian and bike-friendly.
2. Install traffic calming devices at entrance and exit to East Marion with slow-down
3. Provide boundary focal points for E. Marion with well designed gateway signs at
entrance and exit of the hamlet.
H. Orient
1. Exploration of alternate street lighting that would be of a style more consistent
with the Historic Preservation designation, and that would also be more efficient
in projecting light down on the street and sidewalk where needed.
2. Preserve the gateway property east of Latham's farm stand (vista is important).
3. Keep Post Office in Hamlet Center.
I. Fishers Island 1. Sidewalk & potholes assessment and repair.
2. Housing
Monday, January 26, 2009
4:00 p.m.
Site Plans:
Project name: Natura mages/Kruk 2008 SCTM~ i i000:75-i,1.i
Location: approximately 650' east of Carroll Avenue, on the north side of County
.Roac~ 48 ?n~wn ~s. 3..4~00.county Road~ 4~..Pec0nic
Description: construction of a 20' x 124' greenhouse on a 3.8 acre parcel in the R-80
Status: ~PPm~d, F.in~! !~pe~ti°n
Action: [ ~ppr~o~ [!n~!
Attachments ~ D~aft. Letter to App cant
Discuss on Items: ~ ~ ~'~
~' Hamlet ImplementatiOn Paneh 2008 Yea~ E~d RepOrt/~ ~X'
Up-Date on Grants '
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765-1823
Telephone (631) 765-1889
Hamlet Study Stakeholders
Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
January 29, 2009
Hamlet Stakeholder Implementation Update
cc: Town Board and Planning Board
The Town Board, Planning Board and I are pleased to provide stakeholders with an update of
current efforts to promote the implementation of hamlet stakeholder ideas that includes a year-
end report featured on the Town's website:
Accomplishments: · Development of Hamlet Implementation Panel (H.I.P.)--membership and process
· Multiple meetings of H.I.P.
· Award of LWRP Downtown Revitalization Environmental Protection Fund grant to
address multiple hamlet stakeholder recommendations
· Submission of quarterly reports to stakeholders
· Hamlet stakeholder recognition meeting/reception
· Website link created for hamlet stakeholder quarterly reports
Meeting with Fishers Island stakeholders during annual meeting and follow-up meeting
with several stakeholders and Walsh Park Development Corporation board members to
discuss ways the Town can assist their efforts towards advancing affordable housing
and economic development
· Meeting with stakeholder chairs June 2008
· Develop of preliminary recommendations from the Housing Advisory Commission to
foster the creation of affordable apartments
· Yearly report to stakeholders and Town Board regarding specific accomplishments
Objectives for 2009: · Planning Board will develop list of priorities1 budget and timeline for pending streetscape
· Implement EPF grant work-plan goals and objectives
· Identification of additional funding opportunities
· Execute capital improvements (sidewalk repair) approved in budget
· HAC to host public forum on apartments/accessory apartments
· Legislative recommendations from the Town Board re accessory apts.
· Budgetary restrictions
If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you.
Follo~g up on o~ m~g ~ you ~ ~~ ~d of April ~d
on ~h~f of ~e ~iden~ ~d m~yem of Fish~ hl~d, we ~ sub~g to you
follo~g lia of~uem for ~ci~ mp~a ~v~g n~s ~thin o~ ~let.
~pmvemenff~s~acMg of To~ m~ways... ~
Re-pave m~ to T~f= Safion e~c~A}2 --
, k Co~m, cemer Tel~o~.miqeo cap~ili, c bw 7 ~ &'
Jelly fish net for b~ck ~ch. ~ & ~ ~ D ~
As~e p~ess move~ Mong, w~ c~ p~vide ~1~ de~lg on ~h item
Fishen Isled I~k foma to yom supra of Sou~old s ~ces tb o~ Halet
Prioritizing for Strategic Plan
Short Term goals:
Spring and fall meetings with key Town officials:
-Make a schedule and post and publicize the dates for island residents to
request meetings with officials.
-The Island Office and ICB will coordinate.
Feagles' Path into completion:
-Grebe and Highway Dept. coordination.
Supporting Campus Plan for ICC:
-Refurbish the Basketball Courts at school grounds as promised by Jim
-Improve/landscape the path from school to the basketball courts and ICC.
- Incorporate a community skate board ramp in near the tennis courts.
- Funds for landscaping around the Community Center.
Lake Mobil:
-Coordinate with the Highway Dept. and Grebe to find the collection
pools/culverts near Mobil which need to be cleaned out and get this done.
Side walks and potholes:
-Identify and catalogue the problem sidewalks and potholes around town.
Connections to the Bike Path:
-Side walk that ends at the library needs to be extended to the FIDCO
guard house to connect the up coming bike path to the west end.
-This is a safety issue for people using the bike path that will "spill out"
onto Southold Town roads.
- Look into transportation grants though New York State,
Fowlers Culvert:
-Coordinate with DEC and Highway Dept. on solutions.
-This is a run-offissue for Hay Harbor and a wetland issue for planning and
-Home owner is not interested in having a leaching field on his property.
-The town was given pictures of the area and problems on Feb 12th with a
letter from the Fowlers.
Other drainage issues
-at Avenue B and near State Troopers barrackS.
Housing inventory:
- Define the type and amount of affordable housing needed.
- Identify which single family homes might be converted into two-family
- Publicize existing accessory apartment law.
- Solicit Suffolk County assistance to acquire and/or rehabilitate housing
through a public-private parmership.
- The use of County funds would not preclude giving year-round residents
first priority. It would only require allowing access to off-islanders
(fxom the Town of Southold, then Suffolk County) if there weren't
sufficient residents on the island.
- Update and maintain inventory of Island housing stock.
- Get new tax maps for FI.
Island Economy:
-Work with the Fishers Island Ferry District to develop alternative
management strategies for Town-owned land currently under Ferry
DisUiet jurisdiction.
- There is a Ferry Task Force set up under the ICB to look into an on-island
boat. This Task Force will need information and support from the town.
- Feasibility of a smaller commuter boat for FI.
-Maintain and update inventory of Island-related bus'messes.
-Explore ways to improve access to reasonably-priced health insurance and
homeowners insurance through company or Island-based insurance
-Work with legislators in New York and Connecticut to facilitate health
Long Term Goals:
-What, if anything can be done with the Cleveland buildings?
-Support the school and Walsh Park with housing additions on school
- Look into options to buy the Cleveland buildings though grants
*Downstate initiative
*Quality Communities Grant
Land Preservation: - Explore creative funding oppommities to preserve land; e.g. use of
Community Preservation Project Plan funds.
- Continue m highlight the work of the Ferguson Museum Land Trust.
- Inventory and evaluate the use of public access points (to Fishers Island).
- Seek funding to develop a "ground-truthed" wetlands map for the West
- Develop a litter and garbage management plan.
- Amend the Harbor Management Plan to afford better protection of marine
water quality and give the Fishers Island Harbor Committee tools to
- Recommend lighthouses for State landmark status.
- Continue to broaden the Fishers Island School's offerings by building
bridges with Comell University's Cooperative Extension, the University
of Connecticut at Avery Point and other relevant off-Island institutions.
- Develop a Parade Ground Preservation Plan.
- Broaden public awareness of the power of LWRP to implement Fishers
Island's Vision by distributing educational material and giving lectures.
- Seek LWRP-related funding to accomplish projects listed in the Fishers
Island section of the LWRP, particularly the revitalization of the Silver
Eel Cove area and protecting the fisheries resources.
- Feasibility of a smaller commuter boat for FI.
~mx.~a~M j. CREMEI~
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Younp Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephon®~ 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-8136
Hamlet Study Implementation
Fishers Island
'~..~ ,in june 5, ~ memorandum. W Town B~M.
~ a. Replpceme~m~r of Island sidewal~.
Rssu~ce ~e ~sket ball
' b, coud by Communi~
~~ . Improvemen~u~cing of Town roa~a
e. Re-pave mad to Transfer S~flon en~nce.
,..o_..,. .n.r
,. ,..,,,co...,,.,.
Review and upda~ 200112008 S~ksholder mcommendaUons
3. Discuss Planning Board re-prioritization of recommendations.
a. Sidewalks and Pothole assessment and repair (1)
b. Housing (2)
Scott A. Ru.~scll
Town Supervisor
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
Southold, NY 11971
Dear Scott, June 5, 2009
Following up on our meeting with you and John Cushman at the end of April and
on behalf of the residents and taxpayers of Fishers Island, we are submitting to you 'the
following list of requests for financial' support covering needs within our hamlet.
-~5:: Replacement/repair of Island sidewalks.
" i Resurface the basket-ball court by Community Center.----. __
~.~_~- Impmvemenffresuffacing of .T. own roadways.- -
Permanent fix of"Lake Mobil". <~4'~r ~,-~
Re-pave mad to Transfer Station entrance.
Fowler culvert drainage repair. ~ ~r~r,'~ ",-
7. West Harbor dredging.--
8. Community Center Teleconf./Video capability'~
9. Family counseling.
l 0. Beach maintenance
Jelly fish net for Dock Beach
As the process moves along, we can provide fuller details on each item to the
appropriate individual(s).
Fishers Island looks forWard to your support of Southold'S services to our Hamlet
within the Town of Southold.
Yours truly,
Jo . W. Spofford
Island Community Board
Hamlet Implementation .Panel
June 30, 2009
1~ Dis.c. ues Fishers Island Community Board Recommendsti°ne~.
outlined in June 5, 2009 memorandum. /
b. Rneurface the basket4mll Court by Community/Csqt~r~ ~
d. Pern~nent,x of"l.~ I,ob,". ~,~, ~,~
;' Re-pa~ , Transfer Station entmnce~/3,~'-:. *~ :_ · r
ii[ Fami,~ *
~ k £~lZ. Review and update Stakeholder recommendations (attached[
/~/%~ 3. Discuss pisnning Board re.prioriflzation of recommendations. \
· .
b. Housing (2)
Hamlet Implementation Panel Year End Status Report - 2008
Feagles' Path completion
Connect bike paths-FIDCO guard house/library via sidewalk.
Improve/landscape path from school to ICC and basketball courts.
Identify and catalogue problem sidewalks and potholes
Explore purchase of on-island commuter boat.
Path is complete. Site inspection to locate
playground equip scheduled for Fall 08.
Town Enginner to source alternative routes
land develop recommendation.
Department of Public Works will assess and
schedule in Spring 09
Highway Department repaired sidewalks in
the business district. Funds for Townwide
side-walk repair ~;900,000) appropriated in
2009 Capital Budget. Inventory completed
by stakeholder and priority list will be
generated for 2009 workplan.
Environmental Protection Fund Grant
money is also available for this project.
iPlanning Department will work with ICB to
conduct a needs assessmenb-survey needs
to be developed and issued asap.
type and amount of affordable housing.
On October 16, 2008 Special Projects
Coordinator (SPC) met with a few members
of FI stakeholder reps and Walsh Park
Benevolent Corp. to explore ways to
further affordable housing. In light ofthe
reality that Stony Brook could not dispatch
a team to the island for economic and
housing needs assessment, it was agreed
that such study should be done by someone
on the island. Request from attendees that
Town fund seed money (approx. 5k) for
study to be done with Fishers Island Ferry
District and local businesses re housing
'needs of workers who come to the island.
Needs assessment could also target
economic needs within the island. SPC
informed by Health Lanza that this may be
funded byEPF grant, once executed. SPC
will provide assistance as needed, with
Planning Department.
Identify single family homes to convert to two family homes
Pub-ITcize accessory apartment law.
Explore utilization of Suffolk City funds.
Update and maintain inventory of housing stock.
Utilization and development of Cleveland bldg.
Get new tax maps for FI.
j Change zoning regs.?
Work with Housing Advisory Com. to
jaddress impediments-rental permit law
~could address.
Meet with Jill RosemNikoloff.
Special Project Coordinator will work with
Walsh Park to prepare needs assessment.
S°ld to private developer.
Incorporate skate park ramps near tennis courts.
Refurbish basketball courts.
Funds to improve landscaping around Community Center
]ComPlete in Spring 2009..
Site plan will accomplish.
Maintain & update inventory of island related businesses.
Work with FIFD to develop mgt. strategies of town land under Ferry
Improve access to reasonably-priced healthcare.
Work with legislators {NY & CT) for healthcare.
Town Attorney will review legal documents.
ICB joined Eastern CT Chamber of
'Commerce to facilitate reciprocal
Not necessary-see above.
Parade Ground Preservation Plan Referred to Land Preservation
Utilize CPF to Preserve land.
I Referred to Land Preservation
Stewardship of properties acquired by Land Trust and FIDC0 (Ferguson [Planting Department t° consider developing
Museum) Ia plan.
Seek LWRP-related funding to accomplish projects listed in the
Fishers Island section of the LWRP, particularly the revitalization
of the Silver Eel Cove area and protecting the fisheries resources.
Amend Harbor Mgt plan to further Protect marine water quality
Maintain Lake Mobil drainage system.
Address Fowlers Culvert run-offat Hay Harbor.
Address ponding at Avenue B & State Troopers Barracks
Refer to Harbor Com. & Planning
Highway Department pumped areas via
HVAC Truck and cleaned drainage
infrastructure. Highway Department
employees are monitoring problem areas.
Easement required-meet with property
!owner to resolve issue
Both are very iow points and require
isignificant resources
Develop "ground-truthed" wetlands map
Develop litter and garbage management plan
Town obtained "Mosquito Control
Wetlands Map". GIS Department to digitize
map to use as basis for wetland mapping
Volunteer solutions and FIDCO
Partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension and University of Conn to
broaden educational offerings at school.
Establish smaller commuter boat for school
Deliver CCE contracts to ICB and School
district for education-~contact Chris Pickerel
for sea grass talks
Planning Department to contact School
District to clarify need
Terry, Mark
From: Terry, Mark
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 3:56 PM
Russell, Scott; Lpevans (Ipevans@fishersisland.net); wickhamthomas(~yahoo.com;
alkrupskitown@yahoo.com; Bill Ruland (rulandfarm@yahoo.com); Orlando, Vincent; Marry Sidor
(sidor@optoniine.net); Ken Edwards (pappy@flshersisland.net); Goerge Solomon
(wallst71@optonline.net); jtownsend2@aol.com; William Cremers (billcre@optonline.net)
Lanza, Heather; Beltz, Philiip; McLaughlin, Karen; McMahon, James; Richter, Jamie; Woodhull,
Ruthanne; Berliner, Sandra; Burke, Meaghan
Subject: 11:45 Meeting with Island Community Board and Stakeholders
A roundtable discussion between the Town Board members, Hamlet Implementation Panel and the Island
Community Board/Stakeholders has been scheduled on August 5, 2009 at 11:45 in the second floor
meeting room of the Island Community Center building. The agenda will focus on the requests outlined in
the June 5, 2009 memorandum sent from the Island Community Board to the Town Board and past
Stakeholder requests. A complete agenda will be distributed tomorrow morning for your review.
Please cell me with any questions.
Mark Teny
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Mark. Terrv~town.southold nv.us
Monday, August 10, 2009
4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. Applications
Site Plans
'~-scription: This amended agricultural site plan is to remove an existing greenhouse
and replace it with an 8,558 square foot agricultural barn with loft and
loading dock on a 1.837-acre parcel in the A-C Zoning District located on
the west aide of Alvah's Lane, approximately 1,855.07 feat south of the
...... _n.t_e.~_e~t_ ion of_~!.~ah's Lan_e_p_nd CR~.~ i~n_Cut_chogue_.
Status: Amended Site Plan
~Pr~ject name: James A. Neumann I SCTM~: 1 1000-107-1-1.1 & 1.2 _
Location: End of Mill Road in Mattituck
This proposal is for a standard subdivision to create a total of 5 lots from
a 24.9 acre parcel bordering Mattituck Creek in the R-80 Zone. One
three-story house exists on the parcel. Minimum lot size proposed is
2.0174 acres.
Status: Open
Action: Discuss site visit.
Subdivision | /
Location: Aldrich Lane, Laurel
This proposed conservation subdivision is to subdivide a 22.1659-acre
parcel into 4 lots, one of which the Town of Southold will purchase the
Development Rights over 18 acres for farmland preservation.
Review referrals submitted.
8/5 letter from SC Planning, hand-outs
~p-date ~lmplementation Panel up-date - Fishers Isla~:~'~**/(~
~ -zone ap ication for~'~'-mer Hollister's site
5:30 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda