HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct 09SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765' 1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To; From: Date: Re: Hamlet Study Stakeholders Scott A. Russell, Supervisor April 16, 2008 Hamlet Study Implementation As discussed at the March 13th Hamlet Stakeholder Recognition meeting, the Town is seriously considering the advancement of stakeholder recommendations and priority projects. This will primarily be achieved through the direction of the Hamlet Implementation Panel (HIP), consisting of the following staff: Supervisor, Ad Hoc Town Board Members, Engineer, Highway, Public Works, Planning and Special Projects Coo.rdinator. On March 28th, the HIP met to discuss stakeholder recommendations relating to transportation, as stakeholders most notably cited this element for action as well as the time-sensitive ability to submit a grant. While some items are currently addressed within the 2008 budget, others regarding traffic calming, pedestrian safety, hamlet walkability, and alternative transportation were referred to the Transportation Commission. In addition, HIP members met with the Department of Transportation to clarify some stakeholder concerns. In order to provide stakeholders with timely and accurate information, status reports will be forwarded to stakeholders in the near future. The HIP is scheduled to meet again in April to address concerns relating to streetscape and design. If you have any questions, please contact me. Cc: Town Board Planning Board Neb Brashich, Chair, Transportation Commission /attachments SAR/pb Hamlet Study Implementation Panel Participants and Organizational Table First SeCOnd Third : FOUrth Project Management Implementation panel Involved committees InVolved Agencies Supervisor Supervisor Transportation Commission SCPC Special Projects Coordinator 2na Town Board Member Storm-water Committee NYSDOT Principal Planner Special Projects Coordinator Renewable Energy Committee SCDPW Principal Planner Parks, Beaches & Recreation Committee LIPA Planning Board Chair Tree Committee NYSDEC ZBA Chair Housing Advisory Commission NYSDOS Trustee President Land Preservation Committee EETC Assistant Town Attorney Conservation Advisory Committee Chief of Police or Appointee Historic Preservation Committee Director of Human Resources Director of Planning Land Preservation Coordinator Chief Building Inspector Engineer Inspector Director of Public Works Solid Waste Coordinator Highway Superintendent or Appoint. I suspect that meetings will not involve all participants and you could selectively request participants from this list based upon the agenda and element covered.