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2007 HAMLET STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPANT,q Cutcho.que: (5) Jack DiPaola Jane Minerva Gwynn Schmeder Fred Carcich Bill Gatz East Marion: (11) Perry Angelson Ruth Ann Bramson Walter Gaipa Jenny Gould Kate Seponoski Joe Townsend Kevin Webster John Copertino George Peter Marilyn LoPresti Regi Weile Greenport West: (6) Don Leslie, Jr. Tanya Palmore Peter Russo Ural Talgat Victor Brown Melanie Norden Mattituck: {11) Sue Auer Peter Coleman Constance Connor Joseph Lee Ron McGreevey Henry Raynor Frank Wills Charlie Zaloom Nick Planamento Bill Bladykas Andy Kolb, Sr. New Suffolk: (9) Joan Robbins Tom Samuels, Jr. Jerry Schultheis Michael Simon Brian Andrews James Baker Total Number 75 Patricia (Pat) Mclntyre Klm Petrie Stephan Roussan Orient: (9) Glynis Berry Margaret Minichini Linton Duell Janet Markarian Priscilla Bull Ted Webb Keri Christ Jim Latham Rona Smith Peconic: (7) Dave Cichanowicz Andrew Greene Ed Dart Bill Grigonis Robed Adipietro Rich Bohner Hugh Switzer Southold: {17) Susan Krupski Fisher Alice Hussie John May Tom McCarthy John Nickles, Jr. John Rooney Marian Salerno Leslie Kanes Weisman Donald Wilson Caroline MacArthur John Sepenoski. Rich Caggiano John Romanelli Kris Pilles Pat Moore Joe Frohnhoefer III Herb Adler Cutchogue Jack Di Paola 765-6973 P.O. Box 1173 Cutchogue NY 11935 npdid~,optonline.net Cutchogue Georgeanna Fogarty 734-5866 P.O. Box 61 Cutchogue NY 11935 Cutchogue Bill Gatz 734-8214 1492 Skunk Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 qatzproperties~,optonline.net Cutchogue Jane Minerva 734-5117 P.O. Box 741 Cutchogue NY 11935 iminerva~.suffolk.lib.ny.us Cutchogue Paul Romanelli paul~,suffolksecuritiy.com Cutchogue Gwynn Schroeder 298-4912 P.O. Box 799 Mattituck NY I 11952 298-8880 qdsnfec~,optonline.net East Marion RuthAnn Bramson 477-1619 12040 Main Road East Marion NY 11939 rbramson(~,suffolk.edu East Marion Walter Gaipa 477-9713 P.O. Box 247 East Marion NY 11939 mq247~.optonline.net East Marion Jenny Gould 477-0877 P.O. Box 177 Greenport NY 11944 477-8607 lawjbq~,aol.com East Marion George Peter 477-1845 PO Box 646 East Marion NY 11939 Clppeterl~optonline.net East Marion Dean Sambach 477-2521 225 Dogwood East Marion NY 11939 obvl950~,aol,com Lane 765- 5121(w) heronharbor~,optonline.net East Marion Kate Sepenoski 477-0988 215 RockYRd Point East Marion NY 11939 513-3842 © East Marion Joe Townsend 477-1605 P.O. Box 40 Greenport NY 11944 477-0153 jtownsend2@aol.com East Marion Regi Weile 477-1797 PO Box 223 East Marion NY 11939 vreqiweile~,earthlink.net Greenport Victor Brown 477-1083 64 Sound Rd Greenport NY 11944 Greenport Mariel Dobler 477-8517 68835 Country Rd Greenport NY 11944 marieldobler~,aol.com 48 Greenport Sylvia Herlzberg 477-0410 1500 Brecknock Greenport NY 11944 snh~,peconiclandinq.net Greenport Donald Leslie 477-9421 340 Robinson Rd. Greenport NY 11944 d.leslie~,leslieiohnson.com Greenpor[ Melanie Norden 477-4914 1550 McCann La Greenport NY 11944 nordenl~,optonline.net Greenport Tanya Palmore 477-1070 P.O. box 329 Greenport NY 11944 477-8888 nfha~,aol.com Greenpod Nelia Purnhagen 477-2468 1055 Sutton Pi Greenport NY 11944 P.O. Box 2046, 13 Greenport Peter Russo 477-3519 Oyster Point, 5th Greenport NY 11944 prusso46~,aol.com Street Greenport Ural Tal,gat 477-8963 436 7th Street Greenpod NY 11944 ura159~..hotmail.com IOllO/20o7 2007 Hamlet Stakeholders Contact List.xls Mattituck Sue Auer 298-2168 P.O. Box 1332 Mattituck NY 11952 iayiayq{'~,optonline.net Mattituck Bill Bladykas 298-2276 P.O. Box 611 Mattituck NY 11952 billbladykas~,qmail.com Mattituck Peter Coleman 765-1533 P.O. Box 364 Mattituck NY 11952 pcoleman~,bridqenb.com Mattituck Constance Connor 298-5398 830 Deep Hole Mattituck NY 11952 cc8985~,hotmail.com Drive Mattituck Andy Forkolb, Sr. 298-5527 PO Box 645 Mattituck NY 11952 1645 Meadow Mattituck Joseph Lee 298-1823 Beach Lane Mattituck NY 11971 Mattituck Ron McGreevy 298-4291 P.O. Box 427 Mattituck NY 11952 mcqreevy1 ~,,aol.com 7160 Horton's nicholas~,laferm edelamer.co Mattituck Nick Planamento 765-6720 Southold NY 11971 Lane m 275 Cardinal Mattituck Henry Raynor 298-8531 Drive Mattituck NY 11952 hraynor221 ~,,optonline.net Mattituck Frank Wills 298-8604 P.O. Box 371 Mattituck NY 11952 fwills~,suffolk.lib.ny.us 298- Mattituck Charles Zaloom 1472/298- 1356 Grand Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 czaloom~,yahoo.com 1891 New Suffolk Brian Andrews 734-2555 PO Box 207 New Suffolk NY 11956 bandrewsesq~,,optonline.net New Suffolk James Baker III 734-5121 PO Box 9 New Suffolk NY 11956 envirobaker~,,optonline.net New Suffolk Patricia Mclntyre 734-5663 PO Box 632 New Suffolk NY 11956 pemcint~,us.ibm.com New Suffolk Klm Petrie 734-5698 PO Box 612 New Suffolk NY 11956 drpetrie~,,earthlink.net New Suffolk Joan Robbins 734-6047 P.O. Box 147 New Suffolk NY 11956 jrobbins~'~,suf, lib.ny.us New Suffolk Stephan Roussan 734-2083 PO Box 42 New Suffolk NY 11956 sr(~,icvmqroup.com New Suffolk Tom Samuels Jr. 734-6405 25235 Main Road Cutchogue NY 11935 tom.samsteelmanC~.northfork. com 1640 First Street New Suffolk Jerry Schultheis 734-7265 P.O. Box 229 New Suffolk NY 11956 schu127~,attqlobal.net New Suffolk Michael Simon 734-7237 P.O. Box 303 New Suffolk NY 11956 masimon~,post.harvard.edu lO/lO/2O07 2007 Hamlet Stakeholders Contact List.xls Orient Glynis Berry 323-1426 P.O. Box 444 Orient NY 11957 RIynis~,studioabarchitects.co Orient Priscilla Bull 323-2720 34750 Main Rd Orient NY 11957 mabull(~,optonline.net Orient Keri Christ 323-1410 22715 Main Rd Orient NY 11957 kachrist~,,rcn.com Orient Maureen Cullinaire 323-0103 PO Box 35 Orient NY 11957 qoodqardens~,aol.com 323-2583, Orient Linton Duell 323- PO Box 387 Orient NY 11957 ocsdkdC~,aol.com 3638(H) Orient Deborah Dumont 323-2416 PO Box 516 Orient NY 11957 deborahdumont~,mac.com Orient Jim Latham 323-2642 P.O. Box 455 Orient NY 11957 Orient Janet Markarian 477-8353 PO Box 536 Orient NY 11957 orientlinenco~,aol.com P.O. Box 388 Orient Margaret Minichini 323-3979 Orient NY 11957 m minichini~,earthlink.net 1995 Village Lane Orient Rona Smith 323-1245 PO Box 404 Orient NY 11957 ronacom13(~,optonline.net Orient Reg Tuthill 323-3558 PO Box 86 Orient NY 11957 reqandruth~,northfork.net Orient Ted Webb 323-2622 PO Box 194 Orient NY 11957 tedwebbl~,optonline.net 10/10/2o07 2007 Hamlet Stakeholders Contact List.xls Peconic Bob Adipietro 765-9156 PO Box 192 Peconic NY 11958 Peconic Rich Bohner 765-6780 PO Box 184 Peconic NY 11958 richard~,cyclefinancial.com Peconic Dave Cichanowicz 734-7923 P.O. Box 160 Peconic Ny 11958 445-4875 dcichanowl(~,aol.com Peconic Sara Evans 765-1298 PO Box 131 Peconic NY 11958 saraevans~.earthlink.net Peconic Andrew Greene 298-4245 30653 County Rd Peconic NY 11958 aif:lreene8C~,yahoo.com 48 Peconic Billy Grigonis 765-9269 38705 Rt 25 Peconic Ny 11958 grigonis@hotmail.com Peconic Hugh Switzer 765-3296 PO Box 283 Peconic NY 11958 huqhC~,switzers.com 10/10/2007 2007 Hamlet Stakeholders Contact List.xls Southold Herb Adler 765-3365 PO Box 308 Southold NY 11971 hiairC, optonline.net Southold Susan Fisher 765-2757 2975 Youngs Ave. Southold NY 11971 skrupskifC~,optonline.net P. O. Box 39 Southold Alice Hussie 765-3544 P.O. Box 1491 Southold NY 11971 yolo9C,,iuno.com Southold Caroline Mac, Arthur 765-2077 640 Grange Rd Southold NY 11971 cmacarthl~,,suffolk.lib.ny.us 2080 Town Southold John May 765-1739 Harbor Lane Southold NY 11971 maysholdC, optonline.net McCarthy Southold Tom McCarthy 765-5815 Management Southold NY 11971 tmccarthyC, peconic.net 46530 Rt. 48 Southold Patricia Moore 765-0034 370 Terry Lane Southold NY 11971 pcmoorel{~,optonline.net RI Est. E. Main Southold John Nickles, Jr. 765-3416 Road Southold Ny 11971 iinir(~.peconic.net 516-449- Southold Kris Pilles PO Box 504 Southold NY 11971 kris~,kpwwebtech.com 2783 3535 Cedar Southold John Romanelli 765-3767 Beach Rd Southold NY 11971 iohnC~,burts.com Southold John Rooney 765-3202 425 Maple Lane Southold NY : 11971 JPR3261761¢,,AOL.com P.O. box 1622 Southold Marian Salerno 765-4967 400 Hill Road, Southold Ny 11971 marian356¢~,att.net P.O. Box 61 Southold Ray Tamayo 765-0016 54505 County Southold NY 11971 raytamayo~,,hotmail.com Ro~ 48 10720 Soundview $outhold Leslie Kanes Weisman 765-1873 Ave. P.O. Box Southold NY 11971 weisman(~,,northfork.com 1280, Southold Donald Wilson 433-4177 1945 Nakomie Rd. Southold NY 11971 834-7448 wilddwilson~,yahoo.¢om 10/10/2007 2007 Hamlet Stakeholders Contact List.xls ? ! ~n.%k fi'In P.o. lbo'/,, P.o. P.o. (B o'K ~ ~'dFo Co ~ ~.o. ~ -<-fig 2007 HAMLET STAKEHOLDER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Mission Statement: Report directly to the Town of Southold Planning Board to assist with the implementation of the 2005 Hamlet Study findings to further define a vision statement for each Hamlet; to assist the Town in identifying and prioritizing short and long term planning projects outlined in the study; to identify funding resources available to accomplish identified projects; to solicit public and private partnerships to facilitate such projects and help disseminate information to all residents within the community. Roles and Responsibilities: 1. Attend the 2007 Hamlet Stakeholder Kick-off meeting. 2. Review 2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study for respective hamlets, in particular, the section on "Specific Hamlet Improvement Project Recommendations". 3. Attend Planning Board meetings on Monday evening on an ad hoc basis (approximately once a month) to accomplish improvement project recommendations. Advance notice will be provided. 4. Schedule meetings with hamlet community members to review improvement project recommendations to gather input and solicit feedback. 5. Provide community feedback to Planning Board. 6. Meet with members of the Housing Advisory Commission to identify sites appropriate for affordable housing and senior housing. 7. If warranted, present an addendum to the 2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study. SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765' 1823 Telephone (631) 765' 1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: From: Date: Re: Hamlet Study Stakeholders Scott A. Russell, Supervisor June 22, 2007 Community Outreach for Hamlet Study Implementation As highlighted in your Hamlet Implementation Workbooks, stakeholders are charged with scheduling open forum meetings in your respective communities to solicit feedback regarding your hamlet implementation ideas. The Town of Southold is committed to support and enhance your efforts to garner community feedback. To that end, please review the following procedures that should assist your ability to get community input: · When you have established dates, times and places for community meetings, please provide to Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator. He will make a flyer with appropriate information with Publisher software. You may use this to post in community facilities. In addition, he will forward to appropriate Town departments so it can appear on the Town's website, bulletin board and aired on the radio station WLNG. · If you are seeking to enhance your efforts via a mailing, the Town will provide a maximum of $500 per hamlet for mailing expenses. It is suggested that you send one mailing with information of multiple dates of meetings and/or have sign-in sheets at meetings to get contact information from interested parties. Please forward an invoice with original receipts to Mark Terry of the Planning Department for reimbursement. Linda Randolph, Planning Department secretary, is the contact person/Town staff assistance for mailing. The telephone number for the Planning Department is #765-t938 if you have questions. Stakeholder chairs should assume responsibility that the aforementioned procedures are followed. Once again, thank you for your hard work. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. SAR/pb SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 To: From: Date: Re: Hamlet Study Stakeholders Scott A. Russell, Supervisor derilyn Woodhouse, Planning Board Chair duly 06, 2007 Hamlet Study Implementation As stakeholders approach their second round of meetings with the Planning Board, we would like to offer several observations and suggestions to improve the content and process of your efforts. · Stakeholders should be concentrating on the mission statement and moving forward with the existing 2005 Hamlet Study document, not re-writing it. The findings of the original study represent an enormous amount of work that was accepted by the Town Board. While some elements may have lost relevancy or importance with the newly reconfigurad group, please develop priorities for implementation from the original study. · In addition to electing/selecting a chairperson, please electJeelect a secretary from your group. · To enhance communication, stakeholders should meet every two weeks as a group and in the future will meet with the Planning Board monthly (meeting dates to be announced at a later date). To ensure that you have sufficient time with the Planning Board, meetings will be scheduled at the beginning of the work session. Three days prior to your meeting with the Planning Board, the secretary from your group should send a one-page description of your findings for the month (e.g. developed priority list of short-term projects, etc.) · Stakeholder groups are unique entities and the expectation is that stakeholders should not "compete" with each other. Please work at your own pace that you are comfortable with and when meeting with the Planning Board, groups will have accomplished different tasks than other groups. · As stakeholders identify "problems", it is the responsibility of the Town to provide "solutions". This can be accomplished through the monthly meetings with the Planning Board. · While the selection of stakeholders was a fluid process, with names coming on and off, the decision was made to no longer accept additional names of stakeholders. The Town however may suggest the addition of names to further the diversity of groups (i.e. all stakeholders were asked to solicit members from the business and cuiturel community). · Quarterly meetings will be held with stakeholder chairs/co-cbsirs to facilitate dialogue between stakeholders. We hope that you find this helpful and instructive. Thank you again for your efforts. Toz Scott Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board From: Jerilyn Woodhouse, Chair Members of the Planning Board Rez Proposed Stakeholder Work Session Schedule to Implement the 2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study. Date: April 2, 2007 The Planning Board proposes to meet with Stakeholder Groups on the following dates to disperse the Hamlet Study Implementation Workbooks and discuss the process and scope of the exercise. The meetings will be held in the Meeting Hall. Hamlet Date Time Mattituck April 2 5:30-6:00 Cutchogue April 16 5:30-6:00 New Suffolk April 16 6:00-6:30 Peconic May 7 5:30-6:00 Southold May 7 6:00-6:30 Greenport May 21 5:30-6:00 East Marion May 21 6:00-6:30 Orient June 4 5:30-6:00 Fisher's Island TBA Upon the first meeting with the Planning Board, Stakeholder Groups will be provided a schedule of future meetings. Cc: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator 801JTHOLO TO~N HRC 002/002 IA Alialllll~mel.com; George; Ken Edwards (pappy~h~she~siand.~t); JTownsend2~aol.c~m; MaR ~ ~ Artthom/; E, emoll, Bil~t~o; Ford, Amy; BelIz, Phillip Th® pm~<)~l~ da~es for me Ham~t Stakeh~ldem to ret~m to the Planning ~1 and present ttteir ~ndinge are: I~ June 18 New~ee~ :l~ne 1~ CUt~gue J~ne 25 ~M July ~ 5:3~ ~__ ~ ~ Ju~ 2na ~t Ma~n July 16 ~nt July 16 ~ld~ will ~ve one flour ~ p~. ~ ~i~ ~ Jf ~ am any ~m~ations ~ ~n~. Mark Ten7 Prin~l~l P~anner L.WEP C~3r~J~atOr Tow~ Of ~oa~hOId Plannln9 pQ Be~ 1179 53095 Main Roe. $outhold, New York 11971 6/1,/2007 PHILLIP BELTZ Special Projects Coordinator Town of Southold ?.O. Box 85 Mattituck~ NY 11952 Tel. (631 ) 298-4460 Fax (631 ) 298-4462 August17,2007 To: Town of Southold Hamlet Stakeholders Fr: Phillip Beltz Re: Schedule of Additional Meetings with the Planning Board for the Implementation of the 2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study Below please find the schedule for the next round of meetings with the Planning Board regarding the implementation of the 2005 Town of Southold Hamlet Study. Prior to meeting with the Planning Board, please submit any minutes, meeting notes, etc. to assist with the preparation of an agenda. Hamlet Date Time Mattituck September 17th 5:00 p.m. New Suffolk September 17th 5:45 p.m. Cutchogue September 24th 5:00 p.m. Peconic September 24th 5:45 p.m. Southold October 9th 5:00 p.m. Greenport West October 9th 5:45 p.m. East Marion October 29th 5:00 p.m. Orient October 29th 5:45 p.m. In addition, please be advised that some stakeholder requests and ideas for implementation may require immediate action by the Planning Board and Town Board. To that end, the supervisor would like stakeholder chairs and possibly several designees to attend Town Board work sessions with the Planning Board to discuss immediate action items so that resources can be appropriated in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Cc: Planning Board Town Board Mark Terry, Principal Planner