HomeMy WebLinkAboutYellow Bagsnj ~13 Postage Ceriifled Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) nj USE · Complete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delive~ is desired. · Pdnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits, D. Isdali¥~m/addr~sdifferent ftomltem 17 ri yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ri No 3. Se~,ice Type ,l~Certlfled Mall [] Expea~ Mall [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] Insured Mall [] C.O.D. 4. Restdcted Delive~? (E.x~a Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service labe~ 7009 0820 0001 7820 9249 . PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 25,2011 James Alderden Resourceful Bag & Tag Inc 6420 W. 127th Street, Suite 212 Palos Heights, IL 60463 Dear Sir: Enclosed please find your bid bond/check no. 300494875 dated 12/14/2010. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Encs. · Complete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can m~turn the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, er on the front if space permits. A. Signature [] Agent X [] Addressee B. R~ceived by (Pdnted/~we) C. Date of Delivery D. Is dalivery address different from item 1 ? [] Yes ff YES, enter delivery address below: [] No 3. Service Type [~)Ce~tilled Mall [] Express Mall [] R~gistered [] Return Receipt for Memhandlse [] Insured Mall [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Dalive~r7 (Extra F~e) I-I Yes 2. Article Number (r~sf~,~rv~e/~e~ 7009 0820 0001 7820 9072 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 y, Waste Zero C3 r'- _°_~_.P..O.[~_x_..N.°:...5_180 Hor.r.~. Drive Ste B Ci~ State, ZIP+~' .................... Murrells Inlet SC 29576 · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delive~7 is desired, [] Agent · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. [] Add,~-=-..=c~ · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by I Name) or on the front if space permits, 1, Article Addressed to: D. Is delive~yaddressd;tfe~t fromlte~117 [] Ye~ ~ If YES, enter dali~y address below. [] No Stacy Waste Zero 51~0 Horry Drive, Suite B Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 3. Service Type ~[~e~ Ma~l 1'3 F_xp~aas Mall [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchand~e · ~ - [] tnsured Mall [] C.O.D, 4. Rest~cted r~ ~.~m r-~e) DYes 2. Article Number (Tran~ferffom~ervi~el~el) 7009 0820 0001 7820 8907 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return R~pt ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor thfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 20, 2011 James Alderden Resourceful Bag & Tag, Inc 6420 W. 127th Street, Ste 212 Palos Heights, IL 60463 Dear Mr. Alderden: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on January 18,2011, the Town Board accepted the bid of Resourceful Bag & Tag, Inc. for supplying the Town of Southold with Municipal Garbage Bags. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. The bid deposit will be returned to you at the end of the contract. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 20, 2011 Mark Dancy Waste Zero 5180 Horry Drive, Suite B Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Dear Mr. Dancy: At the regular Town Board meeting held on January 18, 2011, the Town Board accepted the bid of Resourceful Bag & Tag Inc for supplying Municipal Garbage Bags. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Your bid deposit is being returned to you. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Deputy Town Clerk Ens. RESOLUTION 2011-54 ADOPTED DOC ID: 6492 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2011-54 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 18, 2011: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Resourceful Bag & Tag~ Inc. to supply the town with Municipal Garba~,e Ba~,s at the per-bag price of $ 0.118, $ 0.207, and $ 0.286 respectively for "Small", "Medium", and "Large" bags, all in accordance with the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS[ MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell 10058 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the 9th day of December, 2010. Sworn to before me this Principal Clerk 2010. L~GAL NOHCE NOTIC~ TOBIDDEIIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, accordance with the provisions of Soc- tion 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bid~ ~e so~ht ami reqat~. ed or the pardmM of PLASTIC GAR. BAGE BAGS by the Town of Southoin for Calendar Year 201L Specifications and bid proposal form may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, To~ of Southold, Town HaH, P.O. Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 1197L The sealed bid, together with a No~- collusive Bin Certificate and bank raft or o~ified check in the amount will be received by the Town Clerk, at the $outhoin Town Hall, PO Box 1179, $~095 Main Road, Southold, New York, 2D10, at which time they will he opened Board of the Town of Southoin reserve~ ti~. right to reject any and all bids and ~m~e any and all infom~alities in any bid shoind it be deemed in the heat interest of the Town of Southoin to do so. Afl bids must be signed and sealed in envefope~ plainly marked "Bid ou Gar- beg~ B~s", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax. federal, state, or fo- cal, from which the Town of Southoin is exempt. Dated: November 4, 2010 F! I~ ~B~TH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK CHRISTINA VOLINSKI ~]OTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01-V06105050 Qualified in Suffolk County ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Waste Zero 5180 Horry Drive, Suite B Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Mark Dancy 843-237-1711 Resourceful Bag & Tag, Inc 6420 W. 127th Street, Ste 212 Palos Heights, IL 60463 James Alderden 800-872-8241 BID OPENING 2011 Plastic Garba~,e Bags Bid Opening 12/16/10 10:00 A.M. price per bag Small Medium $0.0893 $0.175 Large $0.253 $0.10 $0.207 $0.286 rI~ your convenience bank? TCF National Bank ' 800 Burr Ridge Parkway Bulr Ridge, IL 60527-6486 OFFICIAL CHECK 300494875 1 '7-700012910 bECb. NSEk ~.~. 2~-~j~011720060 DATE 27076 BID ON GRkBHUr_ BRGS RE: kESOURCEFUL BRG& TAG MEMO: ,,~OOL, qh~,?S,· I:~]q~o?ooo~-' ;~qq;~O~,~?8OOr=O"' pAWLEYSIS~,AND, SOUTHCAI:~jl~I~'t~0 PAY TO~ THE; ORDER OF ' ME~nitter: WASTEZERO INC ***ONE HUNDRED and 00/100*~ SOUTHOLD OFFICIAL CHECK I~SUED BY: MONEYGRAM PAYMENT SYSTEMS. lNG, P,O. ~OX ~476 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55480 DRAWEE: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON EVERETr, MA DEC 14 2010 4'181126 DOLLARS 100.6~) DRAWER: PLANTATION FEDERAL BA~K ~ WasteZero® December 14, 2010 Elizabeth Neville $outhold Town Clerk 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Bid Town Trash Bags RECEIVED DEC ] ,5 SOUl,old Town Clerk Dear Ms. Neville, We are in receipt of the current bid request from the Town of Southold. Enclosed is our bid. Southold had been a valued customer of WasteZero since 2003. During that time, we have had some quality issues. Most have been drawstring problems. While definitely an added convenience, drawstrings are more complex to the traditional flat top twist tie bags, and add another dimension for potential bag failures. As the manufacturer, we have been able to react to these issues quickly and done our best to correct the problem and satisfy the Town. The new specification for a "Wave-Top" bag is used primarily in merchandise bags utilizing high density material, and not in the municipal or residential market. Because this specification is so unusual we suspect you will have only one bidder on wave top bags. We are therefore, supplying an alternative bid for traditional flat top twist tie bags of equal cap to bid spec. As always, we stand behind our products and hope the Town will include pricing, service after the sale, and references in making their final decision. Additionally as the #1 PAYT supplier, we ask you consider what changing suppliers will mean to your residents. The ones we see, from a manufacturer's standpoint and as the #1 supplier to PAY1- municipalities in the US are: 1- We understand the specific challenges associated with the municipal PAYT market, i.e. correct roll and case counts, on time delivery, etc. Can the same be said of the potential supplier(s) of the "Wave-top" bag? 2- As a manufacturer, as opposed to a broker, we have the ability to react to your needs such as quick order turn- around and/or changes in specifications. 3- As a US based manufacturer, as opposed to an importer, we have control over the processes required to make and supply your bags in a timely manner. We take away the uncertainties of import time and reaction to any potential quality issues. 4- By quoting a bag that is commonly used for residential trash collection in the US we are less likely to have a. Fit and hold issues- will the bags fall into the cans? b. Closure issues (can the bag be tied tight enough to keep trash from falling out or the bags coming untied when picked up) As the #1 supplier in the US municipal PAY]' market, we respectively request The Town of Southold to seriously consider and understand the issues we have stated. In response to the bid, we are supplying an alternative bid for twist tie equal capacity bags. Thank you for your consideration. Best Regards, Mark A. Dancy 5180 Horry Dr, Suite B, Murrells Inlet SC 29576 843-237-1711 Fax 843-237-8724 www. WasteZero.com NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond fumished herewithprior to the official ,o~ bid. Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number ~¢ .~9~ ~[I ~Bid on YEAR 2011 - 2012 PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS 'Town ~f Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 5of 7 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLASTIC GARBAGE BAG BID COST PROPOSAL The Vendor shall provide a bid pri6'e per 1,00ffbags meeting all of these specifications, furnished and delivered. NOTE: BIDDERS ARE TO SUBMIT ONE AND ONLY ONE 'TOTAL BID PRICE' IN RESPONSE TO THIS SOLICITATION. BIDS CONTAINING MULTIPLE OR "ALTERNATIVE" PRICES, UNLESS BASED SOLELY ON A PRODUCTION THRESHOLD, WILL BE WILL BE DEEMED UNRESPONSIVE TO THIS SOLICITATION AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Januar~ 1,2011 - December 31, 2012 Item Price Per Bag Price Extended 1) "Small" Bags , tg~q.~ x 1,000 = ~], 3D 2) "Medium" Bags , jr/~' x 1,000 = _ I r']5' OO 3) "Large" Bags , 163 x 1,000 = o 53.co. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. OMISSIONS, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS TO THE PROPOSAL MAY RESULT IN THE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Company !A) By(Name) Position ~'~ ('(.~<)i Address r lephone Town gf Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 6of 7 BIDDERS MUST PROVIDE AT LEAST FIVE (5) CUSTOMER REFERENCES (to include at least three (3) municipalities) Company Contact Address Phone # Contract Amount o Resourceful 800-872-8241~_lear Bag & Tag, Inc. Fax:708-489-2260 am' 6420 W, 127th Street, Unit 212 ?al~ Heights, IL 60463 www.bagandtag.eom sales~bagandtag.com Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Town Clerk Southold Solid Waste District PO Box 962 Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935-0962 RECEIVED DEC 16 °"'~ Southolct To~,n Clerk Dear Town Clerk: We are submitting a quote for the trash bags for Southold Solid Waste District according to your specifications. Our quote is attached. Our quote includes freight for 3 deliveries and artwork. If we are the successful bidder, bags will be custom run to specifications.. Samples are enclosed. Please test them aggressively and keep a sample on file for future reference. Please keep in mind that your sizes are custom sizes therefore the samples included represent strength, size and color. the opportunity to submit this bid. President F:~2010\31PlasticOther\southoldbidcover.doc NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. Corporate Title (if any) o(~g~ l Company Name '~-~)D{~ ~(2~/ ~(~+~-~ Mailing Address ~ ~ [~t~-t Phone Number (~) '- ~'~/~ --(~ Bid on YEAR 2011 - 2012 PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS Town of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 5of 7 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLASTIC GARBAGE BAG BID COST PROPOSAL The Vendor shall provide a bid price per 1,000 bags meeting all of these specifications, furnished and delivered. NOTE: BIDDERS ARE TO SUBMIT ONE AND ONLY ONE 'TOTAL BID PRICE' IN RESPONSE TO THIS SOLICITATION. BIDS CONTAINING MULTIPLE OR "ALTERNATIVE" PRICES, UNLESS BASED SOLELY ON A PRODUCTION THRESHOLD, WILL BE WlLL BE DEEMED UNRESPONSIVE TO THIS SOLICITATION AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Januar,/1, 2011 - December 31, 2012 Item 1) "Small" Bags 2) "Medium" Bags 3) "Large" Bags Price Per Bag Price Extended · x ,ooo = PLEASE COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. OMISSIONS, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS TO THE PROPOSAL MAY RESULT IN THE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. By (Name) Position Address l'elephone No. Fax No. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ~ompany '~ 0 ~ ~ ~)%4-"~,-~'~_...~_ 'To~n of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 6of 7 BIDDERS MUST PROVIDE AT LEAST FIVE (5) CUSTOMER REFERENCES (to include at least thr~ (3) municipalities) *IDale Seibert Compa_n~; Ci.ty of Lima-Utilities Dept. 50 Town ~ Lima, OH 45801.-4948 ~ :' 419-221-5101 Robert Rhoades Ivlul'denberg~ County I PO BOX 13/ ! Graham, KY 42345 270-338-2549 i Amber Burnam t Veolia Environmental SerVices ~ 31226 Intrepid Rd ]Macon, MO 63552 i 660-77~5549 x25 Wade johnson Woodford Count)' SW & Recycling 220 Beasle¥ Dr VersailleS,'KY 40383-8831 859-873-0878 Bruce Martin Waste Management Marquette 910 W Baraga Ave Marquette, MI 49855-4029 906-228-3710 Address Phone# Contract Amount Notwithstanding the foregoing prices, .. if during the term of this agreement Resourceful's cost of resin shall increase to an amount greater than our bid price, and · if after providing such proof of the increased cost as the Town may reasonably require and · if Town fails to agree to a price adjustment acceptable to Resourceful, then Resourceful would give the Town of Southold 30 days to place an order at the contracted price. After 30 days, Resourceful shall have the right to terminate this agreement and shall be released from all further obligation thereunder. Page 1 of 1 From: OfiginlO:GGEA (843)237-1711 Dawn Curie WasteZem 5180 Hony Dr Suite B Mu~rells Inlet, SC 29576 SHIP TO: (631) 734-7685 Elizabeth Neville Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 BILL SENDER Ship Date: 14OEC10 ActWgt 0.5 LB CAD: 9837539/INET3090 Delivery Address Bar Code Ref # Enviro Invoice # PO # Dept # TRK# 7942 '1860 4296 WED - 15 DEC AM PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 11971 XE WSHA After printing this label: 1. Use the 'Print' button on this page to print your label to your laser or inkjet printer. 2. Fold the printed page along the horizontal line. 3. Place label in shipping pouch and affix it to your shipment so that the barcode portion of the label can be read and scanned. Warning: Use only the printed original label for shipping. Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your FedEx account number. Use of this system constitutes your agreement to the senAce conditions in the current FedEx Service Guide, available on fedex.corn. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery,misdelivery,or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a timely claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your dght to mcever from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic valueof the package, loss of sales, income interest, profit, attorney's fees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental,consequential, or special is limited to the greater of $1 O0 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for items of extraordinary value is $500, e.g. jewelry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our ServiceGuide. Written claims must be filed within strict time limits, see currant FedEx Service Guide. https://www.fedex.congshipping/html/en//PrintlFrame.html 12/14/2010 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested or the purchase of PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS by the Town of Southold for Calendar Year 2011. Specifications and bid proposal form may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bid, together with a Non-collusive Bid Certificate and bank raft or certified check in the mount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, December 16, 2010 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Garbage Bags", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: November 4, 2010 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON DECEMBER 9, 2010 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Members Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 15th day of November ,2010, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Bid on: Yellow Bags 2011 -izabeth A. Neville ~lS2uthold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 1Sth day of November , 2010. LYNDA M ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York NO. 0f BO6020932, Suffolk County Term Expires March 8, 20_LL.. NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. Signed: Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number I Bid on YEAR 2011 - 2012 PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS Town of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 2of 7 TOWN GARBAGE BAG BID SPECIFICATIONS TERM OF BID: JANUARY 1, 2011 -DECEMBER 31, 2012 NOTE: The quantity figures below are estimates onlv, based on past sales. While they are believed to be accurate, the town does not commit herein to Purchase from the bidder a specific number of bags. In addition, the town will not be bound to purchase bags based on a bidder's minimum production requirements. COLOR: Bright Yellow SIZES AND ESTIMATED QUANTITIES Size Quantity Dimension Small 80,000 25" x 37" Medium 250,500 33" x 45" Large 700,000 38" x 52" Capacity/Strength 16 gallons/1.00 mil 36 gallons/1.25 mil 56 gallon/1.4 mil FILM SPECIFICATIONS: Virgin Hexene LLDPE or equal. Tubular construction, flat bottom side seals water based solvent/organic pigment inks. NOTE: Bags are to be of 100% VIRGIN plastic fiber, no fillers, AND NO PRE- OR POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED PLASTIC CONTENT. Bags are to be bright yellow in color with black print. BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT A SAMPLE BAG REPRESENTATIVE OF SIZE AND STRENGTH FOR EACH SIZE CATEGORY. IMPRINT: · At top of bag, just under the drawstring, on one line:: "HOLD FILLED BAG AT SIDES TO LIFT. DO NOT LILFT BY DRAWSTRING" · Text for Town Garbage Bag Rules: see Attachment Itl to this spec. ("Town Logo" to be supplied by Town) At bottom of bag, in large type: Size of bag (e.g., "SMALL", "MEDIUM", OR "LARGE", on one line, to be followed by # of gallons (e.g., "16 GALLONS", or "36 GALLONS", or "56 GALLONS") on the same line. 'WAVE TOP' CLOSURE: All bags to be constructed to allow for easy tie closure when bag is full. Excess material ("ears") will remain on each side of the bag to allow easy closure. UPC 'BAR' CODE: Universal product code to be included in each sleeve as indicated below under "Packaging". Town of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 3of 7 PACKAGING: · Style and Counts Bags shall be packaged in 'sleeves' and 'cases' (boxes) in the following manner: Bag Size # Bags per Sleeve # Sleeves per Case Small 5 100 Medium 5 50 Large 3 33 Bags in sleeves may be inter-leaved or perforated. Insert and UPC Code Sleeves shall contain a paper insert no larger than 3" x 4", the color of which shall be different for each bag size, containing the UPC Bar Code, centered on the insert. Above the Bar Code shall be two lines of text as follows: First Line: "TOWN OF SOUTHOLD"; Second Line: appropriate size designation (e.g., "Small 16 Gallon" or "Medium 36 Gallon" or "Large 56 Gallon". Below the UPC Bar Code shall be the text: "Remember: Keep Your Bag Costs Down - RECYCLE!" ORDERS Orders for bags will be placed as needed, however, the Town expects to need 3-4 orders to receive its annual inventory. IF VENDOR PRICING IS BASED ON ORDERING A MINIMUM NUMBER OF BAGS, IT SHOULD STATE WHAT THAT MINIMUM THRESHOLD IS AS WELL AS THE ALTERNATE PRICE (for not meeting the threshold). DELIVERY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHIP ANY AND ALL ORDERS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN BAGS - OR PART THEREOF REQUIRED FOR THE TOWN TO MAINTAIN SUPPLY OF BAGS FOR ITS RESIDENTS - NOT LATER THAN SIX (6) WEEKS FROM THE DATE AN ORDER IS PLACED BY THE TOWN. If delivery of an order must be split, the contractor agrees it will not seek a higher price for the portion of the order shipped later. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS/INCREASES The Town recognizes that the market price of mineral oil-based products can fluctuate widely during the course of a contract awarded pursuant to this bid, and will consider justified requests for an upward adjustment(s) in price after award. Requests for price increases based on the cost of materials must be supported by appropriate written documentation by the manufacturer's published price lists or similar documentary evidence. The reasonableness of the request will be determined by comparing the request with the Producer Price Index or by performing a market survey of other bag manufacturers. A price Town of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 4of 7 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS/INCREASES (cont'd) increase from a vendor's supplier alone is not sufficient documentation. If the Southold Town Board agrees to and approves an upward adjustment in price, the Town shall issue written approval of the change. Any approved increase(s) in price will become effective with the first order of bags placed thirty (30) calendar days or more after a request is received, in writing, by the Office of the Southold Town Clerk, 53095 Main Rd., Southold, NY 11971. Price adjustments/increases shall be presented as a percentage of increase/decrease, which will be used to adjust vendor pricing accordingly to the Town. The price increase shall be limited to the actual increase incurred by the awarded vendor. Price adjustments/increases will not be retroactive. REJECTION BY THE TOWN BOARD OF,4 REQUEST FOR A PRICE INCREASE WILL NOT FREE A VENDOR FROM ITS' RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER A CONTRACTAWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS BID. Price decreases are acceptable on invoice(s) presented for payment without documentation. TESTING: At least once during the contract period the Town will have an independent laboratory test bags selected at random from inventory. Failure to meet bag specifications as determined by this test(s) will be grounds for refusal of orders and/or cancellation of the contract. MINIMUM BAG STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS TO MEET WHEN TESTED SIZE DART MACHINE TEAR DIRECTION DIRECTION SMALL 195 536 588 MEDIUM 270 556 806 LARGE 345 576 1024 Town of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 5of 7 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLASTIC GARBAGE BAG BID COST PROPOSAL The Vendor shall provide a bid price per 1,000 bags meeting all of these specifications, furnished and delivered. NOTE: BIDDERS ARE TO SUBMIT ONE AND ONLY ONE 'TOTAL BID PRICE' IN RESPONSE TO THIS SOLICITATION. BIDS CONTAINING MULTIPLE OR "ALTERNATIVE" PRICES, UNLESS BASED SOLELY ON A PRODUCTION THRESHOLD, WILL BE WILL BE DEEMED UNRESPONSIVE TO THIS SOLICITATION AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. January 1,2011 - December 31, 2012 Item 1) "Small" Bags 2) "Medium" Bags 3) "Large" Bags Price Per Bag x 1,000 = x 1,000 = x 1,000 = Price Extended PLEASE COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. OMISSIONS, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS TO THE PROPOSAL MAY RESULT IN THE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Company. By (Name) Position Address Telephone No. Fax No. ' Town of Southold Garbage Bag Bid Specifications p. 6of 7 BIDDERS MUST PROVIDE AT LEAST FIVE (5) CUSTOMER REFERENCES (to include at least three (3) municipalities) Company Contact Address Phone # Contract Amount ' S'outhold Town Garbage Bag Specifications ATTACHMENT 1 Town Logo (9" diameter) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD "TOWN GARBAGE BAG" RULES '(5 · THIS BAG IS INTENDED FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD KITCHEN GARBAGE. (Bulky "rubbish" items must be disposed of separately by your carter or delivered to the transfer station over the vehicle scales). · All bags must be closed securely and tied with drawstring. DRAWSTRING MAY NOT HOLD WEIGHT OF FILLED BAG. HOLD FILLED BAG AT SIDES TO LIFT. · "Town Bags" are required BOTH for curbside pickup AND for garbage "self-hauled" by residents to the Cutchogue Transfer Station (operating hours 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, 7 days a week, except holidays). · Vehicles bringing garbage to the Transfer Station must display valid permit (available ONLY at Town Hall) or pay a separate single entry fee. SOUTHOLD RECYCLES! BUY FEWER TRASH BAGS - AND SAVE MONEY - BY RECYCLING. RECYCLABLES DO NOT GO IN THESE TRASH BAGS. You can also reduce your waste handling costs by: Composting food waste Re-using or giving away used but useable items Buying goods with recyclable packaging Avoiding goods with excess packaging. For questions or more information check out the Southold Town website at http://southoldtown.northfork.net/collection center.htm, or call (631) 734-7685. RESOLUTION 2010-874 SCHEDULED DOC ID: 6333 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-874 WAS SCHEDULED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 4, 2010: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the following items for 2011: Milk for the Human Resource Center Purchase of Police Department Uniform Clothing Cleaning of Police Department Uniform Clothing Gasoline for Town Vehicles Heating Fuel Oil for Town Buildings Diesel Fuel Oil for Highway Department and Transfer Station Bulk Ice Control Sand for the Highway Department Removal of Scrap Tires from the Transfer Station Town Brown Leaf Bags Town Yellow Garbage Bags Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk