HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island Development Corp OFVICE LOCATION:
Town Hail Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY 11971
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
To: Jill Doherty, President
Town of Southold Board of Trustees
From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner ~)
LWRP Coordinator '
Date: October 18, 2010
Located: P/o East End Rd., Fishers Island.
The proposed action is located in a designated NEW YORK STATE CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL
J:M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. requests a
Wetland Permit to construct an 8'× 132' Thru Flow boardwalk in the area of "Grey Gulls"; and construct
an 8'X 300' Thru Flow boardwalk supported by helical anchors and elevated 18" above grade in the
area of "Barle~eld Cove". As mitigation, construct/create an area of freshwater wetlands adjacent to
the 1st and 18"' holes of the Fishers Island Club golf course. Excavate the area down to elevation 3' and
remove approx. 1,920 cy. of material and stockpiling it. At proposed elevation 3' create approx. 9,650
sf. of open water wetlands and in that area between 'elevation 3' and elevation 4' create approx. 26,450
sr. of vegetated wetlands. Regrade portion of the fairway located to the south of the proposed wetlands
to control rainwater run-off by stripping sod off the fairway and stockpiling it. Approx. 1,050 cy. of fill
shall be placed in the exposed area to raise the elevation of the fairway to elevation 7'. Area shall be
replanted with the stockpiled sod.. Located: P/o East End Rd., Fishers Island.
The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of
Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards.
Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this
department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is
CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the
following best management practice is required:
To further Policy 6.3. Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands
Restore tidal wetlands and freshwater wetlands, wherever practical, to foster their
continued existence as natural systems by:
1. reconstructing lost physical conditions to maximize wetland values,
3. manipulating biological characteristics to emulate natural conditions
through re-introduction of indigenous flora and fauna, and
It is recommended that the Board establish survival rates for vegetation planted within the
created wetland.
Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its
written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action.
Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney
A co~ of fl~ LWRP h ava~b~ in fl~ f~lowin~ pis~: o~iin~ ~ fl~ Tram of Sou/~ld,s
SL-'RV~ - (Various)
CateSo~ of ?own ~Somlmhi agcn~ ~ (~ ~ ~):
(n) A~don undcx'takcn dire~dy by Town a~eacy (e.g, capital[]
(b) Finan4~nl asnimn~ (e-S- r~, loan. mzb~ddy)
Please see ,attached description
~/I'd I~99S9~:01 :NO~ ~:I0 010~-2-L90
Prcscatlmdus~: Ex~s~:~ng_roac~ ~
~)Ms~ Drawe~ E ....
~£shers Island, NY 06390
(o) T~mmlb~.A~.Cod~() o/o63!i~,SS~7251
l~iic~ L Fo~ttr a pattn-n d dm,thpmmt in th~ Town d Soath~id tfmt mlunu~ ~mnmuni~ ~,
path where one doe~ not ~n~'~-,-nt'l_u ,~4m+ . __
s Polio s
no~. appZtoable. ,
LWR)' Se~ !1I- l'~kkS l~m~ ( ~ 7 ~' wmlm6~ ~mim~
The pr~ect as proposed has been dest~ned (sttAna and mater~ls)
~nimal c!earin9 shall ~ake place and ~e
shall uti[~z.e Andiaenous Dlantinos. It ~s ~elt that th~s
As Consistent w~th th~s Pol~y ........
~el~ ~hat this ~Xicv is' not aDDli~ble to the Dro4ec~.
he p~o~eot shal~ have no impact upon rater ~ualitv or surely.
Therefore this Policy is not ap~licable to ~is p~oJect.
The prelect as proposed should have f~ttle negatZve Aspects
.... and areas while the
path iS ~onstructed. TO minimize impacts.the path was desS~--~
tO use "Thru-Flownf~berg~ass decking flor the walks which allows
~n~ig~t.t~penetrate. BeA1Acal anchors shall also be utilized so
~c 8na~ De no exoavation. Propo~ed plantings shall utilize
~ndi~en_o~s.thLs ~0~lcv.Vegetat~°n' Th~s pro, eot AS felt to be consAstent with
The p~ect d~s ~t involve ~he use o~ ~r ~he dis~sal o~
solid waste or h~a~us s~s~_n~ O~ wa~es, therefg~~ .
· he project as proposed shall provide access and z'ec~eation
OCT-E-E~IO 01: 46 ~ROM: TO: 7656641 P. 1?1
...... Policy 10, The pro:Jee~ as proposed does not involve
a water-de~nd~n~ use and ~herefore this Po~C~ is not
, &ppltcable ~0 this ~rojeat.
e project ~oes not in o£ve areas of Tt~al wetlar~s. Given
th~s:~ ~her. aha11 bo no tm~aoea u~on_~he eo_._m~_~rotal ann .........
.reg,,reational use of
pl~s. mo= shoul~ an~
i ~ed. Zt Is felt
[-~ Yu ?~[~e ~o n~ ~ Appnnbk
pro3ect does not involve a~Cu~Ural lands, ~he~e~o~e ~h~
Po~c~'~ ~Ot a~pl~cable to this ~ro~ect.
, The Fro:Jec~ does not ~nvo~ve the u,,se or deve~o~nen~ of
or mtne~a.1 r~sourcea, therefo=e ~hi~ ~ol~v i..~ ~nn]4~h]p
to thiS,,pro~eet~ ....... __