HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/2011ZONI (, BOARD OF APPEAI~S Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O, Box 117,9 Sauthold. New York 11971-0959 Fax (63I) 765-9064 Telephoae (63 D 765-1 TO: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distribution to Super~qsor Russell and Town Board Members) FROM: Leslie Kanes Weisman~ ZBA Chairperson/Department Head RE: COMBINED MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAl) AND NEW I PLICATIONS]I~EES REPORT for: February 2011 DATE: March 8, 2011 L Requires Immediate Attention: Permits fbr Outdoor Special Events at Wineries In February thc ZBA office received 3 applications l¥om wineries requesting permits fi>r upcoming outdnor special events. Last year, in recognition that these applications had grown beyond the scope of a ministerial permit, our office developed a more comprehensive application fbrm with expanded submission requirements - especially with regard to public safety, parking m~d traffic control - mid user friendly inslructions, and we ent~ged the application review process to include Planning~ Building~ Police, and Land Preservation. Never-thedess, in learning t¥om experience. mom needs to be done m obtain essential ilffommtion from an applicant when it is oraitted or inadequately addressed in their submission, and to put into place office procedures that are easier and tess time consuming for stall'processing and the Chairperson's review. In anticipation ora large volume of applications this season. tt~e Chairperson has begun work on revisions. Carryover: Voting fi'om Fishers Island via Vidcoconfetencing On Feb. I5. 2011 the 'lk~wn Board approved the tine item budget change that Systems Administrato~ Lloyd Reiscnberg required in order to purchase the equipment needed to install videoconferencing capabilities in thc Annex firsl floor conference room. We look furwm'd m the prqiect's completion in March. Il. Items of Concern: Carryover: l~rovements in ZBA Workplace Satkty On Feb t4, 201 t the Supervisor issued a Memorandum titled "ZBA/Building Department - Public Access" summarizing the Town Board's decision to inst~l a phone at the Building Dcpa~ment counter that dials directly lo the ZBA office, and tu apportion a section of counter space dedicated to use by ZBA staffwheu assisting the public. In this way the public will be prohibited from entering the Building Department and ZBA work areas unless specifically invited back by staff. This decision will have a positive impact on ZBA staff safety and we thank the 'I'o;;n Board m~d the Workplace Safety Commltiee ~br their proactive support in successfully addressing this problem. I11, Board and Office Policies and Practices: Sp_ecial Exception Permits for Accessory Apartments in Accessory Structures At both the Regular and Special February meetings of the ZBA, work session discussions took place regarding the definition and calculation of liveable floor ama for accessory apartments in accessory structm'es, and what the Board will accept as verification of the square tbolage of total liveable floor area as required by (;ode (minimum 450 s.l: to maximum 750 s.t:). The discussion is ongoing and the Special Exception applicmion and instructions will be revised to include the final Board decision once it is reached. Municity Sol'tware Installation Our office has noted a number of problems in data entD~ and retrieval using the newly installed Municity software, and, as requested by Lloyd Reisenberg, we have sent him several e mails outlining those issues. We will continue to collaborate on resolving them and some improvement is already apparent. Financial/Budget/Personnel Issues: None at this time Activities of the Bnard/Accomplishments: ~cD~ular Meeting2. Date 2/3/11 Call to Order: 8:30AM Adjourned: 2:30 PM Pu_bkLc__lJi~4r)~s_: Total: 10 Number of new applications heard: 4 Number of Carryovers t¥om previous hearings: 6 Nmnber closed reserving decision to later date: 4 Number closed subject to receipt of additional infi)rmation: 3 Number adjourned to another date: 3 Number adjourned w/o a date: 0 Number of Resolutions passed: 13 Number of decisions made: 0 Nomber of Site Inspections made by Board members: I0x5=50 ~_ex..l_R.e~g_ular Meeting: March 3,2011 ~.~:ial Meeti~ Date: 2/16/I I Call to Order: 5:05 PM Ad. ioumed: 6:35 PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 5 Number of decisions made: 5 Nun'xber o f P, esolutions passed: 8 Meetings attended/initiated bzZBA.. ~)airperson/Dc~artment 1 lead 2/1 - Town Board work session r¢ Walx and Code Commitlec, 2/1 - Town Board Regular Meeting 2/2 -~ Municit~ Yralning/work session with ZBA staff 8AM lo noon 2/2 - Special Events Committee, 2/8 - Meeting with ZBA enviromnenml consultant. LKW and Assr I~ 2/10 - t,K W and [ WRP Coordinator on speci tic application before the Board 2/10 - Special Events Committee 2/I 7 - Assl 'IA. VT m~d LKW re: applications bcibre the Board 2/2t-21 - I,KW atlended Association of Towns Annual Meeting ~n NY( Vt V1. Staff Activities Nttmber of peoplc assisted at the counter: 43 hours spcnt assisting: 9 !4 (~4~s;~'istance inctudes filling out new applications, mailings and poslings, providing copies of decisions, FOIL requests and other materials, and general h~quiriex) Meetin~4s attended b.¥ ZBA staff 2/2 .., All 3 staff met for Municity work session/training for 4 hours 2/17 - VT met with Assr FA and LKW re applications before the Board 2/21-23 - VT attended Assoc of'l owns Annual Meeting in NYC MONTHLY REPORT ON NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES lotai Applications Received for the month of February 2011: 10 Total Fees Collected in Febrmtry 2011: $6,650 Coml~arison Between New and Old Fees Since the t~e increases did not go into effect until Feb 14, ~.0t i we can only provide a tv,'() week comparison this month Total Fees collected Feb. t 4-2~,._2()!_1_; I'otal Fees collected for Feb 14-28 m~der ~3ew fee schedule: $4,750 Tolal Fees collected lbr Feb 14-28 under old lee schedule $2,200 Additional revenue generated through fee increases for this month: $2,550 3