HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-08/10/1961SOUTHDLD PARK DISTRICT SOUTHOLD~ L, I., N. Y. Budget meeting held at the Southold High School at 8 P N. Meeting called to order by Commissioner Jankowski. Commissioners W. C. Albertson, William Smith And Treasurer John Conrad also present. Call of meetingwas read by Treasurer Job_u Conrad. 0ommissioner C. Jankowski read the estimated budget of $13,490.O0, as d~awn up by the Commissioners. 8ome discussion on the budget. Mrs. John Conrad and Mr. John Ulp were appointed tellers. Vote was taken on $13,490.05 budget. Tellers reported lO votes "yes", no votes again- stbudget. Budget declared accepted. Commissioner Jankowski spoke about the South Har- bor Park. Town has leased area in front of Park from the Emerson Family for three years. The Town will turn the property over to the Park District for three years. Emerson's want to see how Park District handles Beach before they go anything defenite. Feeling is to do only necessary work atSouth Harbor Park until we see who will end up with this property. Discussion of dock at Fo~u~ers Landing. Can put up at o~ginal pointor build on tto present Jetty to make a dock. Estimated cost of dock and dredging, ~14,500.00 Commissioner Albertson spoke of contacting Mrs. Jonathan Overton about property next to Wharfhouse at Founders Landing. Can not buy or get an option to buy at present time. If they ~eciede to sell, will give the Park district a chance to buy. The lot diagiOnaly accross the road from Founders Landing they wouldbe willing to sell for $4,000.00. Lot is approxmately 100 ft. x 125ft. Can be used for parking.Notion made and seconded that we bring up this item at Annual meeting in February and vote on same at this time. Motion carried. Discussion of fire insurance on Hortons Point Light House. Lighthouse valued at from $80,000 to $10~O00.Insurance would cost from $500 to $600 per year, BuIIdlng is concrete outside with wooden floors etc inside,Motion made by Mr. Campbell, 2nd by Mr. Truden- bach to not take out fire insurance on Lighthouee. Motion carried.~ Mention was made about having five commissioners instead of three. Also Representive Otis Pike is being contacte~ about monies spent at the Lighthouse to see if any money would be retu~rned if the Government should take Lighthouse back. It was suggested to prohibit open fires on the Park Beaches(O K in fireplaces only). This met with favorable reaction. Motion to adjourn carried, Meeting closed at 9:30 P M.