HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/1963COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK :les of ~'hich are ~he ~q as thee of Union l~ee ~chool District No. 5 prior to January I; ,1~o5) ~fll be held at ~out~to~d ~lgh ~chool, hue, ~.~outhold, New York, hz said Dis- trict, on the ~Sth gsy ef ~, 1~ at 8:00 o'clock, p. M. ~ Standard Thne for the pttrpoee of electing a Oom~t~loner for a term of t~ree (~) yesrs to succeed ~7. C~'ey Albertson, and for the ~ of con° stderatfon ~f a prol~sal of the n~sioners to coastrt~ct a pier at Founders ~nding ~ at an m~ted east of $$0,0~0, and Tar the tran~ction of such other b~ml~ rosy properly come before the meeting. Dsted at Southold, New York, February 5, 1~ C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Caunty; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... [~.~f~....~..~.~ weeks successively, commencing on the .............. ~ ................... doyof ....... ....... Sworn to before me this ....... ,~...~..ii ....... day of ..... SOUT]IOLI~ PARK DISTI~ICT ~*OTIOE ~ I-I~..~y pr~cri~d by Cha~ ~4 of the ~ws of 1~ of the Sta~ of Ne~ Yo~, ~d the Ac~ amen~to~ there., t~t a m~ting of the legal vo~ of ~'~'n- ~ P~ D~I~ (~e ~n~ar- ~es ~ w~ch are the s~e U~on ~ee ~I D~lct No. to Janu~ 1, ,1~) ~H ~ held at ~u~o~ High ~hool, ~la~ Ave- nue, ~uthold, N~ York, In ~d ~s- trot, on the ~th day of ~a~, I~ at 8:~ o'clX, p. St~d~ Time for the p~ of elating a ~oner for a ~ of ~e (3) ye~s ~ su~ W. Corey Al,~n, a~ for the p~po~ of side~tion of a prop~ of the Com- ~on~ to co~ a pi~ at Pounde~ ~di~ P~ at an ~ted cost of $~,~, and 1or the ~ans~tion of s~h oth~ may ~rly ~e ~fore ~e me~g. ~ at ~uthol~, New York, ~eb~a~ 5, I~ ~T W.