HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/19/1962. OUTHOLD PAI K DI- TI IOT
Annual Meeting 2/19/62, 8 P M.
Meeting held a~ the Southold High School. Meeting
called to order by Commissioner C. Jankowski. Commiss-
ioners William Smith, W. C. &lbertson and Treasurer
John Conrad Also present. The call of the ~eeting was
read by Treasurer John Conrad.
The first order of business was to elect a
Commissioner for three years to replace Commissioner
Ja~kowski. P arker Dickerson and George Gaffaga were
ap pointed tellers. Commissioner Jankowski turned the
m~eting over to Commissioner Albertson for the election.
Chester Jankowski was nominated and seconded for
Commissioner. There were no other nominations for
Commissioner. The vote was taken and 22 ballots were
cast, al~. favorable for Chester Jankowski. C. Jankow-
ski declared Commissioner for three years. Meeting agai~
turned over to Commissioner Jankowski.
Minutes of the last Budget Meetimg held 8/10/61
were read for information only.
Discussion about buying property accross from
Founders Landing. This property known and designated
as lot no. 2 on ~ certain map entitled "Map of Sub-
division, Property of Jonathan T. Overtop, situtated
at Southold, New York", made by Otto W. Van Tuyl,
Surveyor, dated April 30, 1931, and filed in Suffolk
County Glerks Office, consisting of a parcel of land
1OO ft by 150 ft. This property now owned by Mrs,
Jonathan. The selling price is ~4,0OO.OO.After much
discussion the tellers passed out the ballots on the
proposition tocbuy the Overton ~roperty. Twenty one
ballots were cast. The tellers ~oun~ 5 "Yes" votes,
15 "no" votes and one ballot unmarked. The proposition
was ~eclared defeated.
There was discussion about trying to keep beaches
cleaner, Also spohe about the small boat slips at
Yo~ngs Ave. Ps~rk. Suggested they be let o~t on first
come, first serve basis, sameas last year. Suggested
we make a list of the Parks owned by the Village and
post same in the Southold Post Office,
It ~as also s~g~este~ that we shoul8 keeo contact-
ing the Overton Family about b~ying the pro~r~y next
to the ~harfhouse facing the Bay. Have Lawyer R. Terry
write to the Overtons about this property.
Reaction favorable to our lifeguard this past
season~ Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P M. 22 ~resent.
SHALL the Commissioners of
authorized and empowered to pur-
chase for the use of said District the
follov~nE described property:
ALL that tract or parcel, of land
s tuate, lying and being at Southo. d,
in the Town of Southold, County
of Suffolk and State of New York,
known and designated as Lot NO. 2
on a certain Map entitled "Map of
Subdivision, Property of Jonathan
T. Overton, situate at Southold,
New York," made by Otto W. Van
Tuyl, Surveyor, dated April 30, 1931,
and filed in Suffolk County Clerk's
Office, consisting of a parcel of land
10O feet by 150 feet, and
SHALL the Commissioners of
Southold Park District be author-
ized and empowered to expend the
sum of 1~O~I~ THOUSKND ($4,000.)
DOLLARS for the purpose of pur-
chasing said real property for the
use of said District to be raised by
the levy of a tax upon the taxable
real property of said Dist0tlct.
Yes No