HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT JANUARY 1, 1960 Balance on Hand $1,667.~9 21 Received from Supervisor 6,040.00 May 3 Springfield Monarch Ins. 0o. 250.00 September 9 Southold Town--Rent Or~ I year 1.0O TOTAL R~IPTS 20 L. L Lighting company -~ ~1.05 20 Arthur F. Gagen--Premll~ ~ on Policy NO. 10WN20911~, :' '$6.60 9 Southold Ha~ Su~P~e~ ~ 6.30 Repa~s a~, ~ght~ ~4.50 ~or at ~hthou~ 145.~ John ~ad--Treasu~ urer ~d~PolicY No N3319~ ~arlho~e Wa~hmsn -- ~otice 2 floats 20 John A. Sepenoski--Mow- 29 John B. Ulp -- Repairs, Paint, cleaning at Wharf house L. I. Traveler - Mattituek Watchman--Ad & No- tice to Bidders Francis Schriefer--Erecting Fire boxes & repairing old fire places Raking at South Har- bor Park L. I. Produce & FerLilizer CO., Inc.--Lawn mower 30 Albert E. Sacco--Work at Founders Landing Ju[v 5 Albert E. Saco~Lifeguard 11 Albert E Sacco--Lifeguard 12 John A. Sepenoski --Mow- ing grass 14 Southold Hardware --Paint & Supplies fro' Wharf- house [ Village of Greenport Water 6.25 i Department -- Wharf- [ house 97.00i L.I. Lighting Co.--Elec. ~ Gas---What fhouse 12.50 Charles F. Kramer & Son First Aid Supplies Village of Greenport Water 6.37 Department -- Connect [ Steve J. Doroski--Mowlng 10.21 i grass at Hortons Point Steve J. Doroski- Work, 102.00i Fertilizer & Plants at Triangle Park LOS Steve J. Doroski--Work & ] Shrubbery at Wharf- house Rothmans Dept. Store -- frigerator & other su,p- plies for Wharfhouse L. I. Traveler - Mattituck Watchman -- Add & Parking Permits Goldsmith & Vuthill -- 6 L. I. Produce & Fertilizer Co., Inc.--Repair mower 86.17 Arthur F Gagen--Premium on Policy No. WPP32- 329.48 23.00 190.00 4.95 88.00 45.25 45.25 5:04 .20 10.60 45.25 i81.26 45.25 56.38 7.01 45.25 585.00 at Town Creek--Par- tial payment on $2.736 2,000.00 18.00 Albert E. Sacco--Lifeguard 45.25 29 Albert E. Sacco~Lifeguard 45.25 September 51.00 6 Albert E. Saco--Lifeguard 51.76 7 L. I. Lighting Co.--Wharf- house 17.21 5.00 New York Telephone Com- pany--Whar fhouse 3 50 9 Henry P. Jacobi--Park / lng grass 26.06 rIG iSLAND 6 New York Telephone Corn- I public news- 1.75 L, L Lighting Company-- 7.161tyj and that Wharfhouse 38.39 ,py, has been curity Agency--3rd tuck \'Vatch- 4.50 No~ember .................... 2.00 The Suffolk Times -- Add ........ day of 17t,00 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK~ '~' Walter B. Gagen, beiqg du, ly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- successiYel¥, commencing on the ........... ..~... ..................... Sworn to before me this .....~.....~.. ........... day of