HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 DEPODT OF TDEASURER OF SOUTHOLD PADK DISTRICT 1951 RECEIPTS January 1, 195~~ 'Balance on: Hand $ 167.41 25 Received from Supevisor 4,000.00 FebrHary 28 Received from Mrs. Bennett 4 months rent April i Received from Mrs. Bennett 1 month rent May 1 Deceived from Mrs. Bennett 1 month rent June 8 Received from American Legion (use of hall) 8 Received from Ray Drow~ Rent at Lighthouse July 20 Received from Ray Brown Rent at Lighthouse 26 R. E. Davids, sharpening' Lawn Mower 6.00 '31 C. Gray Smith, Life Ou~rd 70.00 August 15 C. Gray Smith, Life Guard. 2 week~ 70.00 28 .C. Gray Smith, Life Guard 2 weeks 70.00 28 C. Gray Smith, Life Guard 8 days 40.09 120.00 · September i 17 Edward Swezey, mowing at Soldiers 5lonument 30.00 ! 1951 22.50 22 Peterson and Van Duzer Hardware 41.63 30.00 2~ Goldsmith and Tuthill ~ i bag cement 1.30 60.00 22 S. B. Pemberton 2 signs 30.00 22 Rothman Department Store 40.99 I Hardware 29.99 ~22 L. I. Lighting CO., gas and I Park (June 40.00! and July) 19.63 (1951) 29 Fred Boerge~son, work at South Harbor Park 1951 December 5 Southold Fuel Oil CO., 400; gal. fuel oil at .126 5 L.I. Lighting Co., gas and electricity Park 5 Henry W. Prince. work at Park for Novembor 11 L. I. Lighting Co., ~as and electricity Hall 24 L. I. Lighting Ce,. gas and electricity Park 25.00 5o.00 50.40 3.10 20.00 6.44 orn, says that 2.12 ONG iSLAND -- ~ pubJic news- $4,204.14 nfy; and that $4,957.81 4,21)4.14 :opy, has been Balance in Bank of Southold tituck Watch- January I, 1952 $753.67 ~ ) ~ ~DWAHD L. DONAH~E, .~ .... wee August - '30 Received from P~y Brown SeptembeR~nt at Llghtho~e 21 Received from Ray Brown Dent at Lighthouse ti21 Received from Power Squadron (use of Pm'k Hall) County (Use of Hall for V~ting) j22 40.00 29 L.I. Lighting CO., gas and ~0 00 29 electricty l-lan ~uir Bros., Bulldozer use 6 hours at $8.00 i October B North Fork Water CO. 200.00 Water Charge $ L. I. Lighting CO., ga~ and electricity, Hall and 2~.00 Park 15 Henry ~r. Prince, work at 5.0~ Park (2 months) 15 Southold Fuel Oil Co., 180 gal. at .126 ~0.00 15 Eust End Supply Co., roI~ and Corks Park ~0.00 15 L. L Traveler, l~nting 15 Peterson and Van Duzer, 16 Peterson and Van Duzer 40.00 November 1 Thom~s Stacy, Igintion A0 1 Charles F. Kramer and SOn First Aid Supplies ~ 2.57 40.00 1 L. I. Lighting CO., gas and electricity Hall 1 Arthur P. Gagen, premium on Policy No. 721 9 L. L Lightin~ Co., ga8 and electricity Park (thru October) 9 Goldsmith's Dost Shop 20 S. W. Petty, Sr., Depairs 20 L. L T~aveler, printing reward notice 1951 29 J.T. Over~on, Rent of land at Park 29 J. T. O~erton, removing trash Park and Hall ~iY)TAL RECEIPTS $4,957.81 EXPENSES PAID January 8 Southdid Fuel Oil Co. 555 gal. fuel oil at .126 69.93 9 North Fork VCater CO. Water Charge Hall and Park 10.00 5 L. I. Lighting Co. gas and electricity Hall 10.56 8 L. I. Lighting Co., Gas and electricity Park (2 mantras) 10.76 February 9 Southold Fuel Oil CO., $50 gals ~uel oil at .126 69.30 9 Fred G. Kaeiln, Treasurer's Rend 18.75 25 Arthur F. Gagen, Insnr- Pren'dums on Policlas 15.06 633 and 85440 28 Peterson & Van Duzer ~ Hardware 6.17 i March Il7 Southold Fuel Oil CO., 550 of fuel 57.33 gals oil 122 L. I. Traveler, printing I Tre~urers Report 30.20 122 Goldsmith & Tuthill, lumber 4.10 April 3 Arthur F. Gagen, premium on policy NO. 551,530 109.38 3 L.I. Lighting Co., Gas and electricity Park 8.87 5 North Fork ~rater Co. Water charge Hall and Park 10.00 5 L. I. Lighting ~Co.~ gms and electricity (RAID 12.96 17 Golclsmith and Tuthlll Hardware 4.50 17 Souihold Fuel Oil Co., 525 gal. fuel oil 66.15 17 L. I. Traveler, printing notices 40.56 17 l~. I. Lighting Co., gas and electricty Hall and Park 13.50 May 3 Southold Fuel Oil Co.. 200 gal. ~uel oil 25.20 3 L. I. L~ghting. Co., gas and electricity Hall ~nd Park 8.54 L. I. Lighting Co., gas and Treasurer ~ electricity Park (August~ 22.91 ~. x, ............... ~ .......... 7 ff .................... 10.~ Sworn to before me this ................. day of Notary Public 6.42 33.35 20.2: 22.5, .95 6.63 10.00 J 300.00 8 Southold Fuel Oil Co. 555 ~al. fuel oil at .126 69.93 8 North Fork Water Co. Water Charge Hall and Park 10.06 8 L. I. Lighting Co. gas and electricity Hall 10.56 5 L. L Lighting Co., Gas and I electricity Park (2 months) 10.76 February 9 Southold Fuel Oil Co., 550 gals fuel oil at .126 69.30 9 Pred G. Kaelln, Treasurer's Bond 18,75 26 Arthur F. Gagen, Insur- Premiums on Policies 633 and 85440 15.08 28 Petorson & Van Duzer I Hardware 6.17 17 Southold FueI Oil Co., 550 gals of fuel OH 57.33 122 L. I. Traveler, printing ! Treasurers Report 30.50 122 Guidsmith & Tut&ill, lumber 4.10 3 Arthur F. Cragen, premium on policy No. 561,530 109.38 3 L. L Lighting Co., Gas and electricity Park 8.87 6 North Fork W'ater Co. Water charge Hall and Park 10.00 5 L. I. Lighting .Co.~ gas and electricity (Hall) 12.96 17 Goldsmith and Tut&ill Hardware 4.50 17 Soulhold Fuel Oil Co., 525 gal. fuel oil 66.15! 17 L. L Traveler, printing notices 40.56 17 I~. I. Lighting Co., gas and electricty Hall and Park 13.50 May 3 Southold Fuel Oil Co.. 200 gal. fuel nil 25.20 3 L. I. Lighting. Co., gas and electricity Hall and Park 8.64 3 Henry W. Prince, work on Park District Property (3 months) 35 00 9 Joseph Krukowskl, work at Park 10.00 9 Henry W. Prince, work at Park (1 month) $40.00 9 Louis Raymond. gas stove and appliances left in Lighthouse 300.0/) 9 Edna Bennett for appliances left at Light House 70.00 il0 Ralph Glover, plun~bing fittings 1L01 18 Peterson and Van Duzer 10 Hardware 1.11 Gold~nith ~nd Tut&ill ?.umber, Paint, etc. July 82.96 9 L. L Lighting CO.. gas and electricity Hall and Park 16.09 9 North F~rk Water CO., W~ter Charge Hall and Park 10.00 11 Henry V~. Prince work at 16 Park 41.00 16 George W. C~ffga, work at Park 15.00 Soul&old Florist Shop Flowers 10.00 16 Ralph T. Preston, repairin~ wharf at Park 1,595.~ '' g~"~Pol~cy No. 721 9 L. I. Lighting Co., cas and electricity Park (thru October) 9 Goldsmith's Boat Shop Hauling Floats 20 S. W. Petty, Sr., Repairs 20 Charles F. Kr~ner and Son First Aid Supplies 20 L. I. Traveler, printing reward notice 1951 29 J.T. Overton, Rent of land at Park J. T. Overton, removing trash Park and Hall 33.36 20.21 22.50 .95 6.63 300.00 { COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS, Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... ~Z'~_,~-~.....~.../.~?i.. week,/ successively, commencing on the ........... /...~......~... ........... day of ..~...~.. Sworn to before me this ........ /./.. ......... day of