HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 REPORT OF ~I,F, ASU~WU, SOUTHOLD PARK D~ 19S8 ~Y 1~ 1~ .,, ~emor~! ~ ~.~ .~onum~ ~ 29 ~eived ~t for ~ht H~use I mon~ ,July ~ ~eelved ~ for Ho~ 2 m~ ~.~ Sep~r 15 ~ceived ~nt for '~ht Ho~e I mo~ ~.~ 25 ~d f~m Park Teleph~e Oeto~ 2~ ~ceiv~ ~nt for ~ht Ho~e I mon~ ~.~ ~anu~ 27 ~u~old ~ket ~we~ 1.19 2~ L. L ~aveler ~t~g .~tiee I0.~ 2T ~orth ~rk Wa~ ~. Wa~r at P~k 19.~ Fe~ ~ ~ed W. Kae~ ~e~ure~ Rond 18,~ ~ ~ L ~vel~ ~t~g ~ort 43.98 ~ ~th~ F. Oagen ~emium oB ~HCy No. 111695 ~.10 29 L. L ~ght~g ~. gas ~ el~trlc Park Ho~e 3~3 16 ~thur F. Oagen Premium on O ~ Policy 1~.~ 7 ~orth Pork Wa~r Co Water at Park 5.~0 30 Al~rtso~ 6tore ~ppHes ~.41 21 Ruland Si~s 8 ~lg~ and ~ts 119.10 Hardw~e, e~ $.60 7 Henry W. Prince 36 ho~s wor~ at P~k ~ $1.25 ~.00 g~ 1 month 1955 ~tures and ~r 140.~ 5 Pete~on & Van Du~r Hardware ~.I1 5 ~ W. -van ~yl & Su~ey~g at L~ht Ho~ 1~.~ 5 Henry W. Price Work at P~ Month J~ 5 L, I,. ~aveler ~in~8 1 M Pe~l~ 19.75 5 L, I. Light~g Co ~ectr~ity at P~k ~.80 at P~k 2 ~ee~ I~.~ Richard ~ ~fe Ou~d at Park 1 w~ ~0.~ Rkha~ ~mer ~e at P~k 1 w~k ~0.~ ~ Hen~ p. J~obi p~k ~r ~ da~ ~.~ 23 Golds~ths B~t ~ 23 L. L Lighti~ ~. g~ at P~k 1 mon~ ~ New Yo~ Tel~hone Park Teleghone 15.38 30 Richard Osmer ~fe Oua~ at ~k 1 week ~.~ 6 ~ha~d ~mer ~ffe uard 6 He~Y ~. Prince Lair at 13.15 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being du[y sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... .~-..,.%..d..'~-..../.z./.../i.. weeks successively, commencing on the ............. '~..z(...~.~_/: ....... day of ........ Lf..~....~:..~ ............. 19..2 ..... ........ .......... Sworn to before me this -~ day of ........... ~-....~- ................. 19. .. Notary Public February 29 Fred W. Kaelin Treazurers Bond 18.79 29 L. I. Traveler Printing Report 43 98 29 Arthur F. Gagen 111695 45.10 29 L. I. Lighting Co. gas & electric Park Houee $33 March 16 Arthur F. Gagen Premium on O. L. ?. Policy 154.76 April 7 North Fork Water GO Water at Park 5.30 30 Aibertsons Store Supplies 25.41 May 21 Ruland Signs 9 Signs and Posts 119.10 21 Peterson & Van Duzer Hardware~ etc 2.60 7 Henry W. Prince 36 hours work at Park @ $1.25 45.00 Paint and Supplies 32.27 7 L. L Lighting ga~ 1 month 1955 120 July Flxtores and Labor 140,~9 5 Peterson & Van Duzer , Hardware 35.11 5 Otto W,-Van Tuyl & Son Surveying at Light House 10~.00 5 Henry W, Prince Work at Parks Month June 95.00 5 L. L~ ~raveler ~Printing 1 M Permits 19.75 5 L, I. Lighting Co electricity at Park 3.60 I, Richard Garner Life Guard at Pa~ 2 weeks 10~.00 i4 Richard Osmer Life Guard at Park 1 week 50.00 23 Richard Osmer Life Guard at Park i week 50.00 23 Henry p, Jacobi Park Officer to date 43.00 23 Goldsmiths Boat Shop Launching Floats 51.75 23 L. I. Lighting Co. gas at Park 1 month 28 New York Telephone Co~ ~ark Telephone 15,36 30 Richard Osmer Life Guard at Park 1 week 50.00 6 Richard Osmer Life uard at Fark 1 week 50.00 I 6 Henry W. Prince Labor at Parks July 26 hours @ 1.2~ 35.00 6 L. I, Lighting Co. gas and electricity Park House 13.15 16 Richard Osmer Life Guard at Park 2 weeks $I00.00 18 Henry P. Jacobi Park Officer 50.00 120 Rothman's Dept Store Hardware 5.17 !20 Chas. P. Kramer & Son First Aid Supplies 6.50 20 North l~ork Water Co. Water at Park 5.50 20 Chas, Gagen Postmaster 500 ]Park District envelopes 18.63 27 Richard Osmer Life Guard at Park ! week 50.00 September I 4 Richard Osmer Life Guard at Park 1% wec~ Sworn to before me this ........ ~.~. ............. doy of ...:...(..~....L....: ............. 19. ...... Not~r¥ Public 27 Southold Market Towe~ 1.19 Treasurers Bond 29 L. L Traveler puDusnea ,n so,a Long Islano ~raveler-lmartrtucK watch- mort once eoch week for ....... .c.-..~[.6..k.....~/./.../... weeks successively, commencing on the ............... ~.../._.:~/: ....... doy of .......... :..c.....M~ ............. 19..Z .... ........ .......... Sworn to before me this ........ ;.~. ............. doy of ' / ' ~ ' 19.:'.r.. Notary Public COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly swc~rn, soys that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - N~'I-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... ~-~.~...~./~... weeks successively, commencing on the ............. ~.~..~. day of~~.~ ......... ~ ~.5....~. : ........ ........ Sworn to before me this ........ ~.. ............ day of ........ ................ ...... Notary P~'~ii; .......... ADELE pAYNE blotaFf Public, State of Hew Residing in Suffolk Cour~ty