HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/1958:~TAT~ OF ~EW YCF~K: C ~ Suffcuk. ,outcry of · ~ · -~ M~ETING OF THE ~UTI~OLD PARK DISTRICT i~reby given, as prescribed by Chal~,,234 of the Sessions Law of I907 or'the State of New York, en- titled "An .Act to authorize the forma- tion of a,Park District in the Town of Southold, l!~uffolk County to acquire land f6r park purl~ses and to issue bonds therefor," and amendments thereto, that a meeting of the legal 'voters of the said Park District, the boundaries of which are the same as those of ~outhold Union School Dis- trict No. 5, January Ist, 1957, will be held i2 Southold High School in said District on Wednesday evening, ~ary 20, 1958 at 8 o'clock p. M. At this meeting a Park Commis. sioner will be elected for a t~n of three years in the place of Mr. Corey Albertson and also ~ Treasurer will be e{ectod for a term of three years in the place of Edward L. Dona- hue. whose terms of office will then~ expire. At this meeting, a{so the Park missioner will a~k for an appropria. tion of Six Thous~l Dollars for the maintenance ®f the Park Dis- trict prol~erties, and to transact an}, other business that may ~ro~r~,. come I before the mee~ir~'. { Dated, Southold, N. ¥. January 23, Town Cl~rk RALPH F. BOOiH~ of So~.~thold~ Town of Southold~ being duly swcr.~ , says that be is orer tha age of twenty-on~ years; that on the 24th day of Jan- ~ary~ 1~8~ he ~fflxed 8 notice of which the ~nne~d printed not,ce [sa true copy, in protw~r :-~nd substantial manner~ i~ a most public place in the Town of Soutbo]d~ Suffolk County, to wit: ~lber~son's Store~ 2outhold Southold }'ost Office~ Southo]d Town ~lerk's Building~ Southo]d Southo]d Hardware~ Southo!d ?own Clerk Sworn to before me t~is 24th d~y of J.~nuary~ 19~8. Notary PublIc STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: County of Suffolk: RALPH P. BOOTH, of Southold, Town of Southold, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 2~th day of Jan- uary, 1958, he affixed a notice of which the annemed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Sout~old, Suffolk County, to wit: At: Albertson's Store, Southold Southold Post Office, Southold Town Ulerk's Building, Southold Southold Hardware, Southold Tow~Cl~k