HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955 REPORT OF TREASURER OF SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT 1955 January 1 14~ R~ived from Supe~r 19 ~f~d on O. L, T. Po~cy 59~ J~y ~ ~o mont~ ~nt Light H~ ~.~ 27 ~e mont~ ~t of ~ ~e m~t~ ~t of No~ 2 ~e mon~ Rent of J~ 6 G~rge W. Smi~ & p~ ~ght Ho~e 6 Nor~ ~rk W~r ~, Inc. Wa~ ~k ~ & el~c ~rk F~ 5 ~u~ld Se~ce & PI~ ~p~ · on PO~Cy O. L. 18 L. L ~ht~g Co. ~ & elec. P~k ~ ~ B~n Work at $ N~ ~rk Wa~ Co. ~r at ~k ~y ,. 2 H~ W. ~ce 2 J~ ~y Work ~t ~ 1~.~ it ~ & v~ el~ty at ~ 1.19 31 'N. Y. T~epho~ ~one at ~k J~ 27 ~uthold ~ & L. L ~ ~. g~ & el~c at ~ 2.15 N. Y. Tel~hone ~one a,t ~k 2.~ J~ ~pai~ at P~k H~e g38.~ 1 J~ K~o~i 11 He~ W. ~in~ Work at Park 43.00 15 Wayne Willia~ i18 ~ed Boer~on Work at ~uth Har~r P~k 58.00 30 N. Y. Telephone Phone ~t ~rk 2.20 30 ~thold Service & Sal~ Gol~ Boa~ Shop ~ware 30.26 30 L. L ~ght~ ~. Ii North Fork Water CO. Water at Park 5.50 Arthur F. Oagen Premium on Policy 564689-9010 214.00 Jonathan T. Overton Rent of land at Park 2~ Jonathan T. Overton Remov- ing Rubbish Season 1955 25 L. L Llghtin~ CO. gas & electricity Park 2~ N. Y. Telephone Co. Phone at park 2.20 25 Long Island Traveler Printing Notice 2.15 25 Aubrey Mealy 6 Locust P~sts 6.00 29 Edward Swezey Mowing Monument Park 1955 22.50 · 3 Henry W. Prince Work at Parks 5 G~ldsmlth's Boat Shop Storing l~oats 5 L. I. Lighting CO. Electricity a~ Park 5 Peterson & Van Duzer $ Chs~les F. Van Duzer l~patrir~ H~at~r 6 Veterson & Van Duzer Hardware Electric work Park 16 I-larold Walters Removing Rubbish at Park 19 Baker & Plckeissen Rel~atring Park House Planting two trees OF SUFFOLK 25'°°F NEW YORK 2'LlO SS. rick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND ~ - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ted at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that )f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been ~9.75 n said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- .95 // / each week for ....... G?.~:.~/~.. ...... t .....,... wee~ 6.03,, .~ on the 6.'~5 ~mmencing ...................................... 9.7 .......... 19. . 12.50 ........................................................................... 1625.49 4735 TOTAL ~EI'CSES '/,I~S.~ ;worn to before me this ...... .~..~? ...........day of 1955 Summa-fy Total ~lp~ $7,~.63 ~ ~ . ~ ........... J~. 1, 19~6 ~nce on ~d 520.84 ~W~ L. ~u~, ....... ............. I' 28 L. I. Traveler Printing 2~ ~ ~e~n Work at 1~ ~& 1~ ~. L ~g ~. el~ty at ~ 1.19 ~e at ~k 11 ~ ~. ~ W~k at ~k ~.~ R~b~ ~m ~k 49.~ ~ Pe~ & V~ ~ 27 ~ut~Id ~ & ~ 30 L. I. L~ht~ ~. ~eguard 2 w~s 1~.00 H~dware 24.~ Jan, I, 1956 Balance on Hand 520.84 f ............... EDWARD L. DONAilo~, I - ............. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ! STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he i.s the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA-n'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... 4~.~........~..~/... week/ successively, commencing on the ...~.......~... ...................... .......... ............................. 7.". ......................... ~.'......: ........... ,~rn to before me this ..... /.....~. ........... day of AD£LE PAYNE Notary Public~ State of New Yo~ Residing in Suffolk Count~/ ~e2-3041000 Commis~an