HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952$8,3,12.84 7 S. W. petty, Jr., Electric Wirin~ Park 7 L. I. Lighting Co., gas and electric, Hell and Park 10 Henry W. Prince, ~ Custodian Jan. i thru April 19 L.I. Produce & Fertilizer Co. 40.00 Lawnmower parts 19 L. I. Lighting Co., gas 40.00 and electric park 19 Alex Ostroski, mason 80.00 work at Park 31 L. I. Lighting Co., gas' and electric Park 15.00 June 4000 5 ttenry W. Prince, 40.00 Custodian May 10.00 5 Thomas Stacy, 1~uel Oil 350 gal. ~.. Herdware 40.00 5 C. Lat~ank crane and truck work at Park 40.0016 Geo. M. Bridge, Water Heater installed at Park HoUSe 16 Peterson & Van Duzer, Hardware 15 L. L Lighting Co., gas and electric Hell 1% years telephone at Park notices 17.76 25 Robert Hyatt, Repairs 2'/ Bond 18.7~ on Policy No. 744 17 L. I. ]Lighting CO., and electric, ~ ami Park 15~9 7 Southold Fuel O11 CO. 7 North Pork Water CO., water Hell and Park 10~ ? It'. Y. Telephone Telephone at Park 47.70 20.00 and electric Park ii6 Peterson Ar Van Duzer, 2.90 Supplies 16 Goldsmith's Boat Shop, 2.12 I-iardware ,99 Edward Swezey, mowing' 300.00 Monument Lawn 1952 I October 2.124 A. F. Gagen, Premiums I. on Policiea 26,218 and 45.00 4 L. L L~ghting Co., I and electric Hall gas 44.194 N. Y. Telephone Co, Telephone at Park 1646 4 North Fork Water ,Co., water at Park and~ Hall 95 75 27 L. I. Lighting Co., gas and electric Hall 2~ Henry W. Prince, 285.32 Custodian 2 months }27 Baker & lqckeiszen, 4.98i Repairs t~ Park Properties Sherrill B. Pentherton, Painting signs 2 8.3527 N. Y. Telephone CO. Telephone at Park 50.00 Novembar i10 Joe MaNn, grading and seeding Town 11.00 ~ Creek Park 10 L. L Lighting Co., gas 2.12 - .~and electric Hall I10 Southold Fuel Oil CO. i 4{)0 gal. 10.00 10 L. I. Traveler, pri~ting I Reward Notice 57.00 ¢6 L. L Prcduce & 1~ertilizer CO. { Repairing Lawn Mower 10.0010 Ohas. Oagen, Postnmster, 10.00 : envelopes i29 ~red l~ergesecn, work 22.72 { 9.17 i i.~-- ~rn, says that 2t°° DNG SLAND public news~ !nt¥1 c. nd thot 119.81t ~opy, hos been 2130 Itituck Watch- 11.¢1 ....................... 35.00 93.10 8.00 2.30 299.76 i ..........day of ?.43: 53601 10.(~ 5.00 Park Suppliea 22.34 August ........................ 2 L. I. Traveler.-pa-intirg notice 2 Peterson & Van Duzer, Supplies 2 L. L Light~ng CO., gas and electric Park 2 t~. Y. Telephone Co., Telephone at P~rk 20 ~lex Ostreskl, ma~on work at Park 20 Alex Os~roski. mazo~ work at Town Creek l~rk 20 Cha& F. Kramer & Son, l~irst Aid Supplies 25 L. L Lighting CO., gas and electric ~ September 4 Jack ~gen, Life Ouard at Park 1952 Se~oa 5 R~hman's Dept. Store, Supplies 5 Albertson's Store, Park Supplies 5 Sou~hold Sales & Service Herd~are 5 ~old~nith & Tuthill, Paint, etc. 5 N. ¥. Telephone CO, Telel~one at Park 9 L. L Ll~ting CO., gas at South, Harbor Park 1952 Season 60.00 ,29 Jonathan Overtor~, Rent 2.10~ of land at Landl~ 1952 !29 Jonathan Overran, Removin~ I.~ Rubbish from Park t 1952 2.49 December ! 1 Southold Sales & Service37 53 7~21 Repairing pump at Light House . I and electric Hall 10.25 18 N. Y. Telephone Co., 400.00~ Telephone at Park 5~22 ~16 L. I. IAghth~g Co., gas 4.14 and electric Park 119 Thomse A Stacy, 330 gal. Fuel Oil 44~2 22~1 i 20 Chas. Cmgen, Pestmaster ~ 500 Stamped Envelol~s 15.00 465.00 20 Golds~th's Boat Shop, 1952 S~m~ry 67~8 'lotal Reesipte $6,~12.84 Total Paymel~ 41~19 ,Tanl 1, 1953 Balance on hand $1,975.90 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS. STATE OF NEW YORK Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly s.,worn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER ~ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been punished in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each Week for ..... ~"~'"'L~'"' wee~~'/ successively, commencing on the ....... ~.~...~ .................. day of .~~ ...... 19~....~. Sworn to before me this ........ ~ ............. day of