HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953 SOU~HOLD FARK DISTRICT 1953 13 ~t of ~ ~eri~n 18 ~ from A. Brown ~.~ Ap~ ~y 4 ~ut f~m A. B~wn 40.~ ~ ~nt f~m A. Brown ~.~ A~ ~1 Eent from A. Brown 40.~ No~ TOT.~L ~S PA¥IVIEI~[~ N~rth Fork ~a~ater ~. Syl~ J. Cavanaro ~ ~ Stay 2 ~ at Park L. L L~h~ CO. ~ & ~trlcity Par~ ~th & ~th~ ~o~ A. Stacy ~ & el~ic Par~ ~ ~. ~uel oil ~h ~ur ~. Gagen ~ium on Po~cy ~rles Van Du~r ~rd~re 1.82 pI~t~ at ~rk 53.3~ ~ & eI~teic Park 2.12 ~ A. Stacy ~ ga~. fuel off 60.~ North ~rk Water CO. ~r Hall & Park i0.~ L. I. ~ghting Co. ~y gas & e1~tric H~I & ~rk 8.~ Peter~n & Van Duzer Hardware 11.35 ~ ~wn Mower 18.50 ~ldsmith's ~at Thomas A. Stacy 3~ ~s. fuel off Pe~r~n & V~ ~a~ at ~k $8586.06 lng and Labor at Park 5 Donald Daly, Life Guard ~t Park 2 weeks 14 Donald Daly, Life Guard ~t Park I week Water at Hall & Park 9.00 15 New York Telephone Co. Telephone at Park gas & electric Park 2 weeks September liardware October Water Hail & Park 10.00 20 Edward Swezey, mowing 10.00 120 Edward Brush, work at Park 14.80 64.32 10 N. Y. Telephone Co. Telephone at Park 4.60 35.~0 13 L. I. Lighting CO. 3.32 16 L.I. ~raveler, Printing notice i0.00 21 L. I .Lighting CO. 8.64 gas & electric Park 8'451 Park i953 aeason 7 L. I. Traveler, Printing 2.25 37.00 7 Ralph W. Sterling Park 392.46 2.12 Rent of land at Park 300.00 53.94 7 Jonatha~ T. Overton Removing rubbish at Park 25.09 7 Southold Fuel Oil CO. 8 ]5. I. Lighting Co. 100.00 OF SUFFOLK ~0,oo: NEW YORK ss. 6'53trick C. Hawkins, being duly ~worn, says that 2.30 owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND 17.54~ - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- 10o.oo~ted at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that 14.00 bf which the annexed is a printed copy, has been ~12 n said Long Island Traveler Mattituck Watch- leach week for ...... ~z..(..~.....(M./..,. ..... weeks , commencing on the .......... '~ ......................... ~.,.~ ............~,,.,:.,: Notary Public 60.00 52.00 3.75 7.33 1~3.62 TOTAL PA~ATTS January North Fork W~ater Co. ~ ~ & ~rk S~ J. Cavanaro S~ety file ~ ~ Stay ~0 ~l. fuel 2 tr~ at ~. L L~h~ Co. ~ & ~t~ci~y Park ~l~th & ~thm ~o~ A. Stacy ~ ~s. fuel ~ & el~tric ~ & el~ic Park L. L ~aveler, p~ntlng ~ur ~. Gagen ~lum on Policy ~arles Van Du~r ~¥h W. Ster~g, 3 ~ees pI~ted ~t ~rk ~ & elearic Park ~ gab. fuel N~th ~rk ~ater Co. ~a~r Hall & Park ~s & electric H~l L. L ~ghting ~ & electric Hall & Park Hardware ~ldsml~h's ~at Shop ~c~g ~oa~ ~ldsmith & ~t~ ~ & Rails Thomas A. Stacy ~ Mow~ ~ward B~h Work at Park G, W. ~th & So~ ~a~ a~ ~rk ~rd B~h Work at ~k J~ ~ow~ W~k at at P~k 1 week ~586 06 October 10.00 t20 North Fork Water Co. 20 Water Hall & Park Edward Swezey, mowing at Monument 22.50 I 10.00 t20 Edward Brush, work at Park 14.80 November 9'25~10 L. L Lighting Co, ~worn to bebre ~ts & electric Hall & Park 31.65 ~ /) ~/ 64.32 10 N. Y. Telephone Co. .~,.~.d~...~ ............ ]9...,L.. Telephone at Park 4.80 ~5.~ 3.32 13 L. I. Lighting Co. ga~ & elec~lc Hall & Park 3.60 16 L. L Traveler, Printing notice 10.00 21 L. I .Lighting CO. 8.64 gas & electric Park !28 Fred Boerge~on, work at 8'45tPark 1953 season December L. I. Traveler, Printing 2.25 67.00 7 Ralph W. Sterling Landscaping West ~d 11.47 Park 392.46 ' 7 Jonathan T. Overton 2.12 ~ Rent of land at Park 300.00 5324 7 Jonatha~ T. Overton Removing rubbish at Park 25.00 67.00 George ~,I. Bridge, dr~m- ing Plumbing at Park 7 Southold Fuel Oil Co. 400 ~ah. fuel oli 52.00 21./5 8 Joe Carey, 3 hours work at Park 3.75 18.79 8 L. I. Lighting Co. gas & electric Park 7.33 1.82 10 Arthur F. Gagen, Premium on O. L. T. No. 551530 183.62 53.36 TOTAL P,4,YMEN~S $3623.68 9.45 1953 S-mmary Total Receipts 8586.06' 2.12 Total Payment~ ~623.68 60.30 ~an. 1, 1954EDWARDBalanCeL.OnDoNAHUE,Hand $4962.38 10.00 ~ . Treasurer 10.55 ~ me this ........... ~ ........./day of Notary Public 60.00 25,86 9.55 8.54 11.35 18.50 44.3O 67.67 39.30 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says thai' he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Ma~ituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ~'"' '~"~-!'~"" weel~ successively, commencing on the ......... .~. ......................... Sworn to before me this ........... ~. .......... day of 9 ....~...'~.,~//