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Know all Mm by these Presents:
as Principal, and the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporation duly
incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland, as Surety, arc held and firmly bound unto
in the sum of FIVE THOUSAND AND OO/1OO ........ Dollars ($ 5,000.00---'5
lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made,
we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally,
fnmaly by these presents.
Whereas, the above bounden Principal was duly _appointed Treasurer of the
Southold Park Commission, Southold, New Zork and is required to furnish
bon~ fox_the pe, Fiod,~..egi,.mli,.n~,.Ma,r. ch.1, ,19.,53, .a,p.~, en.d,i_n$ M.a,rch 1st, 195~
A~OW, 'A'nerclore, ~ne con~l~lOn ox ~nls ODllga~lOn IS SUCU, ~na~ li ~ne Sal~ crlnclpal
EDWARD L. DONAHUE shall well and
faithfully perform all the duties of his said office, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in
full force and effect.
It is Understood and Agreed, and this bond is given and accepted on the condition that the Surety
shall in no way be held liable for any loss, costs, damages or expenses of any kind caused by the failure of
any Bank, Institution or Depository of any kind to pay, deliver over or properly account for any money,
moneys, papers, securities or property of any kind placed on deposit thercin or in its custody by or for
said Principal in his capacity as aforesaid or in any other capacity..
It is Further Understood and Agreed between all parties hereto, that if the Surety shall so elect,
this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Obligee and this bond
shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of the said thirty (80) days, the said Surcty remaining
liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been eemmitted by the Principal up
to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and prcvisions of this bond,' and the Surety
shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thercunder, refund the premium paid
less a pro rata part thereof, for the time this bond shall have been in force.
Signed, sealed and dated, this 26th day of February, 1953
United States Fidelit{I and Guarant~t Compamj
State of New York, County of New York, ss:
.Z oremepe o lycame CLIFFOED- _B;
_dM de an' ' ' '* ' "' ..... N Y ' , to me known, who being bY me duly sworn~
po.s~ ~.say theft ne re·iaea in ~ITV OF NEW YUan, ~ . ·
.t~_~t ..He.is. At~o.rn~.,~h-fact of the UNITED-]~TATES .FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, the corporation
ue~cr~oe~ 'm, ana whtcl~ executed the within lr~Lrument, that he knows the seal of said eorpo,r~tion= that the seal
affi~d ~ said irmtrument is su .c~. corporate seal; that it was ~ affixed by order of the Board of Dir~etere of said
~ ~ that he st~ned his ~-~e thereto by like order, and that the said Company has received from the
Sulmrintendemt of Insurance of the State of New York & certificate of solvency and of it· ·~y _si surety or
8um~n. ter, under Section 827 of the Insuranco Law of the State of New York, and that such certificate h~· not been
NOTARY PUBLIC, Strife of I~lew york
At a m~t~ of the Boa~ of DiThers of ~D STATES FIDELI~ ~ GUARA~
CO~, held at the o~ce of ~e ~m~, ~ ~e City of Bal~more, S~te of Ma~land, on the 20th
~y of Feb~, 1952, at wMch w~ present a quo~m of D~c~rs du]y autho~ to act in the
pre~, on moron B w~ u~imously:
H RESO~ED, ~t W~J.. Jeff,, K~ H. W~, ~lco B. Bmdb~, F~ H. ~i~e, Wfl~m J. A.
a~, W~ J. D~y, F~p ~ff~, ~on C. ~ee~, Jr., C~o~ B. ~, ~ G. H~ey M~k T. Ad~,
~ J. ~wl~d, ~ D. ~er~ No~ P. B~ll, He~ J. ~e~, Rus~ll ~ S~lley, ~om~ W. ~ne,
~om~y ~ ~ S~ of New x ~ ~d ~ of ~em is authoHz~ ~d ~r~
~ ~ ~e ~m~[, to ~y ~d all hon& ~d ~d~a~gs for, or on
~e fl~ o~ ~ hol~ p~s ~ ~bHc or p~ t~st
~ ~, ~ ~u~.~ ~g ~n& ~d o~er ~d~gs ~ or ~ ~ all ~o~ or p~ or
y ~w ~q~ i~cl~.co-s~t~ ~d ~ ~m~ ~d ~1 o~r ~n~ ~ o~ ~ of w~
~ ~ n& ~y ~ by~ ~g au~ofity, ~d ~ ~ ~d ~ ~v~ of ~o~ ~ of
~ of n~s of mo~s, ~d ~ ~ ~e ~ of order· ~
~a ~lu~on ~d~ ~e ~ ~ ~e ~m~.
State of New York, County of New York, ss:
How~w L. Cox B ' I · As~f~t ~eeret~,~
t emgduyswornsaysthathozs p~_o ~ . . of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND
G.UARANTY COMP~zNY, that he has compared the foregoing"re~o~with the original thereof, as recorded in the
minute book of the ..~id .Co~. p. any, and does hereby certify that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and
of the whole of amd orxgmal resolution, that the same is now in full force and effsot~ anc~ that the authority of the
~w~o~n ,~,med above who ex--the foregoing bond is still in full force and effect. ~f .~ /' /
NOTARY PUBLIC, Sf~fo of New Yore
~.~-3~ .~ S?ATEMENT
States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
':~.~c~,,~t.~,S,JI;~.,~,~,~:¢l,~.~,~Oddo~a,~..:,&PutramCo$ BALTIMORE B, MAI~YLAND
Term Ex.ires ~Aorch 30. 3953 .~.z. CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 31, 1951
V~oe Pre~nt-T,'ea.~re~.
State of New York,Count~ of~Ne~
.......................................................... :-- ...................... , ~g d~y ~o~, ~: ~t he is A~ey-~-f~ of the
UNIT~ STATES ~E~ ~D GU~ COMPS, ~d ~t, ~ ~e ~ ~ ~s ~owl~ ~d ~H~, ~e
~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~t ~ ~e fln~ c~on ~ ~d ~m~y, ~ of D~r ~1, 1951, ~d ~at
~ ~ ~d ~m~y k ~ now ~ zt m wh~ ~ ~t was m~
- . .~/~' Attorney-in-fact