HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949I il4 REPORT OF TREASURER OF SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT 1949 ~ RECEIPTS 14 January 1, 1949 , Balance on hand $2,136.65 19 I February 4 From Supervisor 2,500.00 Rent of Community Hall 5.00 Town Committoe 5.00 5 Interest from Sofs~y Memorial Fund 20.33 Singers 5.00 5 Rent of Hall Suffolk Counly 30/00 North Fork Water Co., Water Charges (2) $ 10;00 and electricity (Hall) 4.70 I,~ Peterson & Van Duzer, glass 4.13 }8 L. I. Traveler, Printing · Treasurer's Report 23.98 and Electricity (Hall) 2.02 5 L. I. Lighting Co., Gas and Electricity (Park) 5 Fred W. Kaelin, Treas- L. I. Lighting Co., gas and Electricity (Hall) 3 Arthur F. Gagen, In~ and Electricity (Halt) 20 Arthur F. Gagen, \Vatcr Chmgcs (2) ar Park January 1 to Co!ai'~uniiy IIa]~ and Elech'icity (Hnll) mid Eiech'}iSty (!{ail) L. Glover (1) Crane Water Charg4es (2) an~ Electricity (Park) Work at Park 282.00 Henry W. Prince, Work at Park 19.75 Joseph Krukowski, Work at Park 10.00 George Gaffga, ~Vork at Park 5 75 C. Gray Smith, Life Guard 2 Weeks 60.00 [COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , STATE OF NEW YORK SS. Notary public First Aid Supplies Park 3.33 12.5u 26 Arthur F. Gagen, Insur- ' ance Premium on Policy No. 536 ; ~,~ 33.35 2.27 30 Fred Boergess0~, W~)rk at G, T. G. Park 1949 50.00 12.80 Octol~ee:~ 1 Nor~ Fork Water C9, '~ter Charges Hall and 101.17 1~k ;.~ 34.59 2.02 19 Ctm~*~es Turrler, Plumbing I~e~airs P~rk ir:~ - 2.00 19 df W. Smitfl & ~r~Ylat- terial an~l Labor, ~ork 101.17 Community Hall 184.88 N o v ~Jlll~ll~ 10.00 9 L,~L Lighting Co., Gas and Eicctffieity (Park) 16.07 9 L. I. Traveler, Printing 2.06 Notice o! Audit 2.10 9 Edw. A. Sv"zey, Mo'ring Soldiers l\Jonument Lawn I 1949 16.00 60.00 28 J. T. OvertqJh Rent of ~,.Land at Parg, Season 36.70 ~ ;1949 300.00 ~ ~ecem bee 18.34 22 S. B. Pemberton, Painting Warning Signs 12.00 ,¢~. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that August ' 2 C. Graxc~ith, Life Guard 'he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND 2 we~' 60.00 9 Peterson & Van Dazer, Supr TRAVELER MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news plies and Hardware 247.02 10 Suffolk Montauk Supply Co., poper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and thor Supplies Park House 19.80 the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been 10 Charles Turner, Plumbing Work Hall and Park ;published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Wotch- House 20.81 ' 13 Francis Strasser, Saw !mort once each week for ........................................ weeks Horses, Park House 12.83 15 C. Gray Smith, Life Guard, 60.00 successively, commencing on the ...................................... 27 R. T, ]Preston, 13redging _, ~-_..~a..-,. ~,~m~g ozo.oo day of .................................... 19 ........ 27 L. E Lighting Co., Gas .~ lind Electricity, Park House 12.62 29 C. Gray Smith, Life Guard ............... : .................... ~'. .................. [-. ..................... 2 vl~eeks ~ . 60.00 Septembe'~ 6 C. Gray Smith, L~ie Guard 10 days 40.00 6 L. I. Lighting Co., Gas and Electricity Hall and day o Park 1_I~2.31, Sworn to before me this ........................ 13 Rothman's Dept. Store, ! Incinerator for Park 6.951 7.73 13 Charles F. Kroner & Son, I 19 ........ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEw YORK ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been ~ublished in saic~ Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- nan once each week for ...... 4~/'.~ ................. weekli successively, commencing on the ........ ~...~....~:. ........... ............ C Sworn to before me this ../.....~x..¥.. .......... day of NOTARY PU[~LIC in THE STATE of NEW YORK