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Know all Men these Presents:
as Principal, and the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporation duly
incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto
SOUTHOLD PARK COMMISSION .................. , Obligee,
inthesumof FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 ....... Dollars ($ 5 ~ 000. 00- - )
lav~ul money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made,
we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jo~tly and severally,
firmly by these presents.
Whereas, the above bounden Principal was duly elected to the position of Treasurer
of the Southold Park Commission and is required to furnish bond for the
yeast, be.~inn, ing March 1st, 1950 and endingMarch lst~ .1951.
mow, 'rnere~ore, the condition of this obligation is such, that ff the said Principal
EDWARD L. DONAHUE shall well and
faithfully porform all the duties of his said office, then this obligation to be void, otherwlse to remain in
full force and effect.
It is Understood and Agreed, and this bond is given and accepted on the condition that the Surety
shall in no way be held liable for any loss, costs, damages or expenses of any kind caused by the failure of
any Bank, Institution or Depository of any kind to pay, deliver over or properly account for any money,
moneys, papers, securities or property of any kind placed on deposit therein or in its custody by or for
said Principal in his capacity as aforesaid or in any other capacity.
It is Further Understood and Agreed between all parties hereto, that ff the Surety shall so elect,
this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Obligee and this bond
shall bo deemed cancelled at the expiration of the said thirty ($0) days, the said Surety remaining
liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed by the Principal up
to the date of such cancellation, under the 'terms, conditions and provisions of this bond, and the Surety
shall, upon surrender of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the premium paid
less a pro rata part thereof, for the time this bond shall have been in force. .~
Signed, sealed and dated, this 21st day of FEBRUARY~ 1950
United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
' At~&~ey-in-Fac~
APPROVAL: This undertaking approved_ __ ....~as to form ~nd sufficiency
o.~ ~44 ~ ~-~ of surety and amount of ~maom~y therein.
State of New York, ~
County o~ New York,] °
to me personally known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the fore-
going instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
R~klir~ In ~foikOmm~
Suffolk Oount~ Omtf~ No. 1041
State of Now York, Cqunty4f New York, m:
, to me known, who beths b~ me clal~ sworn,
did de~o~$~..d.~q~y that he restda in the City of New York, that he is A _~_ _ey-in?fae~_ of the~l~Nr~!ID.ST~T,F~.
of _ite/i. :_~ ~ m~ o~ ~anter, under Section SS? o~,~e I.mu~nce ~w of the State ~.~
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the UNIT~,'D STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY
COMPANY., held at the office of the Compsn¥, in the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland. on the 28th
day of 'September, ~ D. 1949, at which was present a quorum of Directors duly authorized to act in the
premises, On motion it was un~-imously:
R~m~wd, ~hat W. A. Emt~, KltmN~H H. Woo~, Ca~mzS B. Be~DSlrav, Fl2~radC H. Sc.~l~m, Jo. ns B. I~t_ WLE~,
Noma~m P. B~aTm~, H~aM~ J. KLS~, _ALeS~ J. ROWLaNd, ~ T. _AD~S, Loa~rr~ D. ][~M~m, Rmm~LL L,
THOtIAS W. CsON~, EDWIN A. Hu(]~i~, Rxcv~Alm F. Mlcx and ~ J. Btm~s be ~ .they ,hereby are appeinted .After:
n.e .~-in-faet of this Company in the State of New York, and o~*~ ~ them ia anthonseo aaa ~npewered to execute ann
deliTe~ and to attach the se.al of the Company to any and a.U b0nde ~ un.~..r~-~s, for, or on I~h,l~ of the Companyl
in its- lmSi-~ce of guaranteeing the ~.delity of per~..ns~ holding pl~. o_~ ]?ub.lia or prtvate trot and the performance o~
~ontrac~ other .than hmurence.policxee, and 'excou~.-~:., .or gu..arenteeinW oond. s and o .t~er undertaktn~ required or per-
mi _t~d in all actmna or proceedings or bylaw reqmred, mcludin6~.. _e~et~Tahlp and ..r..mnsurance, igree~...en.t~ and .ai.l otb. er
bo ~t~d~; unde~lrl,p or 8uarantces of whataoevor nature not s.~ covered by r~e foregoing ~ority, ami to
and ~xcoute waivers of citation, ~lmt~tens of service of noUc~' o~ motions, a~.d eonsenis to the entry of orders m
thom ia hereby aUTaO~Zea ann em~ TO ~*cuy a copy oI Tins rceomuon tmaer rae cern o~ T~US uompany.
State of New York. County of New Y~rk, m:
Stem o~ New York, C~mty of New York, sa:
....................................~~~_..~j~my_~D.;B,..K~.~!~ ............................. duly ~ m = that he ia the Attorney-in-fact of the
Fa: Southold Park Commission
Effective date - 3/1/50
gaitad States Fidelity aud Guaranty Cempany