HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/2011Health Care Issues and Services for Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes Date: February 23, 2011 Attendees: Karen McLaughlin, STHRC, GEC, Jean DeLorme, STHRC, Phyllis Markopoulos, STHRC, Lynne Richards. STHRC, Juliet Frodella, South Oaks, ELIH, Nancy Gray, Private Practitioner, Jay Slotkin, MD, Daphne Shuttleworth, Comfort Keepers, Holly Rhodes Teague SCOFA, Bruce Petrucci, RSVP, Sandra Makucewicz, San Simeon Medical Model Day Care TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Review of Previous Minutes Minutes from 12/8 meeting were reviewed and accepted. Karen McLaughlin Southold Town Senior : An additional delivery of self-stable meals for Services Report seniors has been received. Karen and Jean presented at Peconic Landing of Town services including the social model day program. Seniors are increasingly concerned about heating costs and potential cuts to HEAP. The Center will host a meeting for East End Gay Organization on 3/1 from 6-8pm focusing on expanding services on Long Island. Phyllis Markopoulos : Meal delivery remains stable. Encouraging seniors to try and attend congregate dining whenever possible. Jean DeLorme : Exploring services for younger Alzheimer’s patients who are hesitant to join program. Lynne Richards : Bowling Tournament first week in April. Went to a meeting on “Aging Out” on Long Island. There are currently 2038 individuals with DD awaiting placement on Long Island. Mental Health Integration Next Wellness series 3/4: Elder Abuse. Independent for Life Series Grant starting on 2/28 at Peconic Landing, every Monday through March. 4/13 Senior Options and Solutions LIGEC Health Promotion/Disease Prevention. Flyer distributed for all events. Will be working with Dr Brook to develop a second telepsych site in attempts to promote integration of services. Jay Slotkin, MD: Agency Reports San Simeon census remains high. Updated the group on the Alliance PHO. He is now the director of Medical Education at ELIH and hopes to develop a residency program through NYCOM. Nancy Gray : Approx ½ of the individuals being serviced at Eastern Sun Holistic Health are Older Adults. Daphne Shuttleworth : Additional community seminars on insurance Health Care Issues and Services for Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes are being planned. Caregivers are available minimum 3-hour shifts. Caregivers will provide transportation to clients. Bruce Petrucci : A speaker’s bureau is available through he Smithtown office. Sandra Makucewicz : Medical model is up to 15 individuals with a capacity for 30. Outreach is being done. Discussed potential closing of John J Foley and the effect on services. Also reports a Long Island Chapter of the National Aging in Place Council is being formed. Holly Rhodes-Teague : 2011 budget: Office for Aging expects minimal changes to core programs, however, additional cuts have been made to NY Connects and changes to EPIC as of 1/1/12 include no fee but will cover only individuals in the donut hole. It will also no longer pay Part D Premiums. On a federal level, there are many potential changes to community services and HEAP. Our next scheduled meeting will be 3/30/11 at 1:30pm. Minutes Submitted By: Juliet Frodella MS, CRC, LMHC Director, Mental Health Integration/Geriatric Center of Excellence