HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/15/1934$OITI~HOLD PARK DIS~'RICT
Notioe is hereby given us presorlb~
by Chapter 234 of the Session Laws
of 1907 of the State of New York,
entitled, "An act to a~'~,orize the form-
ation of a park district in the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, to acquire
lands for park purposes, and to issue
bonds therefoL" that a meeting of the
legal voters of said district (the poun-
daries of which are the same as those
of Southold Union School District
number five), will be held at the Town
Clerk's Office, in said district, on
Thursday, February 15, 1934, at 8:00
o'clock p. m., for the election of a Park
Commissioner for three years in the
place of N. E. Booth, whose term of
office will then expire.
The Park Commissioners will ask for
an appropriation of Fifteen Hundred
Dollars for improvement~.
The following proposition will also be
submitted to the voters at this meeting:
Shall the Commissioners be author-
izod to take title to the United States
Government property at Horton's
Point, known as the lighthouse prop-
erty on Long Island Sound, bounded
North by Long Island Sound; East by
Lighthouse Road; South by land of
· Davenport and others and West by
Smith, excepting so much as shall be
retained by the United States Govern-
ment for lighthouse purposes, provideql
the United States Government will
decd said property to the Commission-
ers of S0uthold park District free of
R. L. DAxrlsoN,
Town Clerk.
The annual ~eeting of the Southold Park District was held at the office of the
$outhold Town Clerk p~rsuant to Notice duly published on February tSth, 1934, at 8:00 P.M.,
the call of the meeting was read by Town Clerk D~vison, George ¢. Terry was elected chair-
man wad R. L. D~vison clerk.
The chair appointed L. B. Hill and Joseph N, Hallock to act as tellers who were
sworn in by Notary Public ~e~rge C. Terry.
The following proposition wes submitted to the meeting:-
e~alI the Cc--.alssloners be authorized to take title to the Un, ted States Government
property at Rortonts PoXnt, ~ ~ the llSth~ae p~ope~y on ~ ~l~d
S~d, ~ded Nor~ by ~ ~l~d ~; g~t ~ Ll~tho~e Road; S~th ~
l~d of ~v~ ~d ot~rs ~d West ~ ~th; exc~tl~ ~ ~ch as shall ~
reta~ed by ~e U~ted States ~ove~nt for 1X~t~e p~caes, p~vlded
the Un,ted States ~ver-~nt will de~ said p~pe~y to t~ C~ssloners
of S~old ~k D~st~lct f~ of c~e.e
Polls were k~pt opened from 8:00 to 9:00 P.M., four qualified voters casting their
~allote aa follows:- Joseph M. Nallock; L. B. Rill; Seorge C. Terry and Ro L. Dmvison. The
following votes were cast - f~ur in the afTlrmatlve and ncae 1~, the ne~tlve.
On the queetl~ of a Park Commissioner to be elected for three years In place of
Nat R. Booth, he was nomlmated to succeed himself for a term ~£ three years - four ballots
.being cast in the affirmative and none in the neg~tive.
On the question of the appropriation of $1500. for the coming year o four ballots were
c-=t in the affirmative and none in the negative.
Minutes of the meeting were Pead and approved.
Nesting adjourned at 9:10
Teen Clerk.