HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1941 SOUTnOLD PARK DISTRICT by Ch~r 234 o~ the S~sio~ Laws 190~ of the ~ate of N~ Yor~ ~titled old, Suffol~ County, ~o ~cqu~e land~ for Park pur~s, and to ~sue ~nds~ ~erefor," and amendments thereto, that a meeting of the legal voters of the said Distric~ (the arl~ of which are ~e same as these of the ~uthold Umon Sch~l Distflct~ No. 5) w~l ~ held ~ ~e office of the' To~ Clerk, ~ ~id D~t~ct on day, ~ch 4~, 1941, at 8:~ p. m, ~t th~ meet~g a P~k ~mm~on~ ~1 ~ elec~ for a ~ of ~e~s, ~ ~e p~ce of Dr. John W. ~k~, wh~ ~ of offl~ ~ e~e. At ~ m~ ~e foB~ ~on ~1 ~ ~b~t~: Sha~ the ~0ne~ of ~old P~k D~ ~ au~o~ and em- ~ ~ p~ch~ ~ ~ ~ ~d d~ ~und~ No~er~ ~ ~ ~ ~e h~b~y ~own ~ the ~w- ~ ~d, ~ly ~ ~ ~ H~ A. ~l~l~ ~d ~u~erly ~ ~e ~d, f~ a s~ not ~ ~ five h~ ~B~ ~d ~l ~e ~ of five h~ do~ ~ ~ ~ a u~ ~e pro~ ~ ~d for such ~t~ Fe~ 1, 19~. ~L.~ T~ ~ State of Ne~ York C~unty cf Suffolk Wslter ~. G~gem, being duly 2aye that he poeted the ~tt~cb~d notice ?t the following public pl~ce~ e~ the Ist ~,y of February, Southold Post Office Southold Fire Hou?e Southold Town Clerk's Office Southo!d Comm~nity Hall Sworu to before me thf~.... ..~r;... day of March, I94I. -NO t, ~¢ Public SOU~HOL~ pARK Notice is hereby ~ven, as by ~p~r ~4 of the Se~lon ~ws of 1~ of the S~ of New York "An A~ ~ author~ ~e fo~tion of a Park D~ist In ~e Town of old Suffolk Co~ty, to acquire land for Park pur~, and to issue bends ~erefor," af~d am2ndments thereto, that a we~ing of t~ l~gal y~ters of the said Dis~ict (the ~und- a~ of which are the same as ~ose of the ~uthold Union School D~trict No. 5) will ~ held ~ ~e office 0f ~e To~ ~erk, ~ said D~ict on ~es- ~y, ~ 4th, 19~1, at 8:~ p. m. At ~ meeting a ~k ~ston~ ~1 ~ elated for a ~ of ~ee ~ ~ ~e p~ce of Dr. John W. S~k~, wh~ ~ of offl~ will ~e. At ~ m~ ~ foB~ ~ ~e ~ of ~u~old ~ D~ ~ au~ and em- ~ ~ ~ ~y kno~ ~ the ~d,~~ofH~A. ~d, for a s~ ~t ~ ~ five h~ ~Ba~, ~ ~I ~e ~ of five h~ do~ ~ ~d ~y a ~n ~e ~o~ ~ ~d ~t for such ~d F~ 1, 194L-. R~ L. ~n To~ ~k STATE OF NEW YORK ] COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~' ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says teat he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .... ~. .............. weeks succesS, commencing on the..~7)..~-t~2 .......... day o~.~., 19~] Sworn to before me this . ?'~'..~, e.. day of Notary Public ~ ~ of it~fLPea(~--