HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/24/1940State of New York County of Juffolk SOUTHOLD PARK DISTItICT NOtice o3 Plablie. Meeting Notice is hereby given, as prescribed ~y (~apter 2~4 'of the &~zi°n ]L~ws ,1,9,0~ of the State of Ne~ York, e~t/~led: An Act to authorize the ~l~tion Of. a Park District in the TOwn of South~ for Park p~rposos and ~eref0r?.th~t a meeting' of t~e legal arieS of which are til6~afi~'~,~ Sout~hokl Union School 'Dl~et 1~o~ 5) will be held at Community Hall in the said District, on Friday, iVlay 24, 1940, at 8:30 P. I At this meeting, the Park Commis- sioners will ask for an expression of !opinion from ~he legal voters of the distxlct as to the disposition of the Wharf House for the current season, A~ this meeting also, the Park missioners will ask for an expression of opinion on the p~rt of the legal vo- ters of the district as to the suggestion that a short jetty be ,built we~t of the present dock for the purpose Of secur- ing se~/eral hundred feet of extra b~th- ing~r-~lch tor the use of the district. D~f~d St Southold, N. ¥., ~ay 6, 1940 Southold Park Commissioners J. W. Stokes, Chairman, S. B. Fisher, Nathan Davis. Walter ~. Gagen. oeing ~ly eworn,says that he personally posted the notice of which the ~nnexed is = printed cony on the IIth ~y of M.y,I940, at the fo]lowing places: Com~nlty Hall, Southolt Southol~ ~st Office 5outhol~ Fire House Town Clerk's Office, Southold. Sworn to before me thls.~..., day of.~ ...... I940 $OUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT Notice of Public Meet~ Notice is hereby given, as prescribed ,by ~p~r 2~ of the ~on 1907 of ~e Sta~ of N~ Yo~ "~ A~ ~ a~hor~ ~e · P~k ~trict m the ~ 0f ~uth- old, ~o~ County, ~ a~ for ~rk P~s and ~ ~e~f~," ~t a ~ of ~ of which are ~e ~me ~ th~ of ~u~old U~n ~h~l D~i~ No. 5) ~ ~ h~d a~ ~ ~ ~ the ~l~ D~trict, o~ ~day, ~y ~4, 1940 at 8:~ p. M. [ At ~'m~t~g, ~he P~k Oommls- 3ioners wffi ~k for an ex~on of opinion f~ the l~al vo~ ~.the ~t~ct ~ ~ ~e ~ltton ~ ~ for ~ c~nt ~n. ~rs wffi ~ ~ a~ ~r~lon of option on ~e ~ of ~ legal ters of the ~t~ct as ~ the ~stlon th~ a ~rt Jetty ~ ~b~t w~ of ~e p~sent ~k for ~e p~p~ of ~ ~eral h~ feet of e~ ~ ~t~e ~of ~ Dated ~t ~uthold, N. Y., May 6, 1940 ~u~ld Park Co~s~oners J. w. Stokes, ~, S. B. ~sher, STATE OF NEW YORK I ss. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG .ISLAND TRAVELER, a public newspaper printed at Southold, :'n Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler once each week for ~ weeks successively, commencing' on the ......... ~..~ ..... ~;'~q,,~.'.[,~..'..-.~ ~ ~ · ~ Sworn to before me this .... day of