HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT 8OUTHOLD, N. Yo Recelpt~ January 1, 1§47 Balance on halld _~$~0.02 February 8 From Supervisor ~,5~.0~ March . 120 From Fanning ~ Housner Use of Hall : 20.00 May ~* . ' 6 From Vetersns of Foreign Wars, use of Hall 27.50 July 10 From Veterans of Foreign Wars, use of Hall 10.00 10 From UniVersalist Junior League, use of Hall 5.00 August .. 12 From Veterans of Foreign War~, use of Hail I0.00 12 From Baptist Bible So- ciety, use of Hall ' 5.00 12 From Republican ~own Committee. use ~f Hall 5.00 .September 17 From S~uthold · Club 17 From Democratte ~Town Committee, Use 'Of HaH 10.25 October =*9? 3 From VetarS~z bt Foreign Wars, use of Hall I0.00 December 8 From Veterans of Foreign Wars, use of Hall 7.~0- 8 From County Auditar, Use of Hall'~for Elections 40.~ TOTAL CFaPTS Expehd[~Ure~ ~anuary 13 L. L Light~g ~o~ $ 3.00 ,13 North Fork W~ter Co. 10.00 13 George H. Stel~kr Jr. labor (H.~I1)-~ ~ 21.00 13 Ellsworth Fish~l'~ cart- lng refuse 22.00 27 L.I. Lighting Cp 3.00 February 6 William H. Rafford, Plumbing repairs 11.25 6 L. I. Traveler, printing .. notices 18.91 ~17 Goldsmith & Tuthill, Coal and supplies 22.10 March 3 Henry W. Prince, cus- todian, Parks and Hall 22.25i 3 Fred W. Kaelin, Bond for Treasure~ 12.50 3 Arthur F. Gagen, prem- luna on Insurance 5.60 3 L. I. Lighting Co. 6.69 12 Goldsmith & Tuthfll, coal 19.40 20 Arthur F. Gagen, prem- ium on Insurance 14.00 Aprl! 7 Henry W. PrinCe, cus- todian Parks & Hall 24.75 7 Goldsmith & Tuthill, Supplies ' .84 7 North Fork Water Co. 10.00 28 L. I. Lighting Co. 10.02 28 Arthur F. Gagen, Lia- bility Insurance Prem- ium 99.57 May 6 Henry W. Prince, Cus- todian 21.00 June 5 Henry W. Prince, Cus- todian $43.10 5 George W. Gaffga, labor 13.85I July 7 Goldsmith & TuthilI, Building Supplies 74.73 7 Henry W. Prince. Cus- ' todian 18.75 7 L. L Lighting Co. 11.54[ 7 North Fork Water Co. 10.00 7 Henry W. Prince, Cus- todian 34.75 7 Charles Weygand, labor 18.75 28 C. Gray Smith, Life Guard 120.00 28 C. D. Jackson, Carting refuse 10.00 28 R. E. Davids, Repairing Lawn Mowers 9.00 28 Mrs. Florence Sanford Manager of Wharf House 150.00 October.. 3 Noi'tll Fork Water Co. S T~. 1. Lighting Co. ~!~ I. n~_~tlug Co. 8 Hem-y-W. Prince, CUS- tl 'C~Sr~_~:A. dagen, Post- ~ ~velopes ~L~g Co. ~t~ A;~. Gagen, En- v&o~ ~ 31 ~ Gag~, Pram- lm on I~urance ~og~b*e ~ I0 'ZJ~T.:~t~g Co., 10 G~ffiUg Hardware Co., K~ He~ W. Prince, C~- 't~ B~.& Fick~, ma- ~ and labor for Oe~,~thou~e ~epairs ~ ~d~ 8weezT, ~ow- :~:~ ~onmen~ for 13.34 12.75 1.80' OF SUFFOLK ] 4'ISDF NEW YORK ss. 15.00 ! 33*37terick C. Hawkins, being du!y sworn, -~ys that 3'61[e owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND 3.00~R _ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- 11.75 inted ct Southold, in Suffolk County; and that ~eof which the annexed is a printed copy, hcs been 299'091 in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- 20.00ie each week for ......... ~ZZ~.....~ ................ week~ 180 .I~. LTAghting Co. 7'51rely,, commencing on the ........ /[..~..~ ~ W. Prince Cns ............. fodian 12.00 r~- . 10 Goldsmith & Tuthill, ~.~..~.:~-~-.~:.~ ..... 19~..?.. - · Coal 20.50 k/ 10 L. I. Traveler~ Printin~ NoUcse 115ot 18 Jpna~an Overto~ Cart- * .............................................................................. ~g ref~ 14.00 ~ TOT~ PA~S $2,141.23] B~ance ~ B~ ofl,924.~$ ~c--. ~uthold, 3~ua~ 1, · * -~ ' 1948 ' ~W~ L. DON~, Treas~ Sworn to belore .......... Notary{, Public Justice of the Peace-- r 17 Fn~m Demo~a~Town Comz~ttee, U~ Of H~ 10.3~ October ~ ~om ~e~ ~f Fore~ W~, ~e of H~ I0~ December 8 ~om ~ete~ o~ Wa~ u~ of HaH 7.~ 8 Mm Cowry Au~r, Use of H~or El~fio~ TOT~ ~tPTS Expe~iture~ , ~January 13 L. L L~ ~, $ 3.00 13 No~ Fork W~er Co. 10.00 13 ~rge H. S~ Jr. labor (H~Ii~ ~' 21.~ 13 E~wor~'F~, ca~- ~ ~f~e 22.00 27 L.I. ~ght~g C~. 3.00 February 6 W~ H. R~o~, ~b~g re~s 6 L. I. ~avel~, print~ -,. notic~ 1~ ~ld~i~ & ~t~, Co~l and Ma~ch 3 He~ W. ~ce, cus- t~sn, Parks and Ha~ 22.25: 3 ~ed W. KaeHn, ~nd for Treasure~ 12.50 3 ~ur F. Gagen, i~ on Instate 5.60 3 L. L ~ht~g Co. 6.69 12 Goldsmith & Tuth~l, ~ 19.40 20 Arth~ F. Gagen, ium on I~urance 14,00 ~pHI 7 He~y W. ~in~e, cus- to,an P~ks & H~ 24.75 7 Goldsmith & ~i~, Supplies ' .84 ~ Nor~ Fork Water Co. 10.00 28 L. I. Lighting Co. 10.02 28 A~hur F. Gagen, Lia- b~ty In~rance ~em- i~ 99.57 May 6 ~enry W. ~nce, Cus- todian 2L00 June 5 Henry W. ~nce, Cus- 4 tod~an $43A0 5 George W. Gaffga, labor 13.85 July 7 Gol~mith & Tuthill, Building Supplies 74.73 7 Henry W. Prince, Cus- todian 18 75 7 L. I. Lighting Co. 11.54~ 7 North Fork Water Co. 10.00 7 Hen~ W. ~ince, Cus- todian 34.75 7 Charles Weyg~d, labor 18.75 28 C. Gray Smith, Life Gu=rd 120.00 28 C. D. ~ackson, Csrting refuse 10.00 28 R. E. D~vids, Repsirlng Lawn Mowers 9.00 28 Mrs. Florence Sanford Manager of ~arf House 150.00 28 Jonathan Overton, Rent of land ~t Bay 300.00 28 H~Iph L. Glover, plumb- ing Re~airs 13.65 28 Goldsmith & TuthflI, P~int 41.~5 August 2 D~vid Rothmen, supplies 16.50 2 Griffing Hardware Co., Keys 3.00 2 L. I. Lighting Co. 2.75 2 Joseph Kruko~ski, ~ork ~t Park 10.00 2 Henry W. Prince, cus- todian 24.50 2 Charles Weygand, labor ~t P~rk 3.75 2 R~lph L. G]over, plumb- lng repairs 8.30 26 S.W. Petty, Sr., Hard- were, chain, e~c. 61.60 26 Peterson & Van D~er, Supplies 9.75 26 Ral0h L. Glover, pump ~nd labor 8.85 26 Arthur F. Gagen, ~em- ium on Insurance 17.50 26 Harold R. Reeve & Son, Truck~g rafts 60.00 26 Goldsmith & ~ill, C~ent 2.00 11.25 18.31 22.10 ~ ~o0A 20.50 10 L. I. Traveler, Printin~ Notices 11.50 17 L. L L~ghtmg Co. 2.26~ . 18 Jon~an Overton, Cart- ' ............................................................................. ~ ~ ~4.oo { T~& PAINTS ~ance in B~ of ~ .,. ~uthold, ~anua~ ~, { --~ ' :'- /~ 1948 $1,924.~ ~D~ L. DON~, T~easu~e~