HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945;EPORT OF THE ~RER OF THE PARK DISTRICT HOLD, N. Y. ;eceipts 5 band $ 876.52 :rvisor 2,000.00 LUg Co. Re- 17.54 Town Com- ~se of Hall 5.00 Town Com- ~se of Hall 10.00 anch. Use of 5.00 unty. Use of Elections 40.00 cCEIPTS $2,954.06 penditurea ng Co. Elec- $ 1.25 : Water Co. ~arge 10.00 onik. Labor ~unity Hall 8.00 ng Co. Elec- 3.31 11. Insurance 17.50 Bros. Con- work at Hall 914.54 & TuthilL Supplies 24.46 ~d Traveler. Annual Re 35.02 ng Co. Elec- 1.00 · erry & Son. e 5.60 LUg Co. Sar- 10.47 ting Co. Gas nliy Hall) L00 k Water Co. ervice 13.99 ting Co. Gas tric (HaLl) 2.25 ~r. sharpen- ~ Mower 2.00 ~ran. Spread- -ards of fill 14.00 var. Plumb- ;11 and L~d- 25.70 :11. Bond f6r 12.50 ,ford. Labor 14.25 erry Smltho Land 150.00 ~g Co. Gas =tric (Hall) 3.26 ,ford. Labor 13,26 ~agen, Labor 10.09 k Water Co. :ervice 10.00 ting Co. Gas etric (Hall) 3.5C 10 Bernard Gagen. Labor 7.50 10 Alfred S~3nford. L~bor 8.00 10 Griffing Hardware Co. 50' Hos~ 4.29 10 Petersan & Van Duzar. Supplies 8.30 August ,~ 1 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric 4.37 4 Bernard Gagen. Labor 6.00 4 Alfred Sanford. Labor 6.50 6 Fred Boergesson. Care- taker at Griswold, Terry, Glarer Park, Season of 1945 · 50.00 6 David Lehr. Sharon- Lug Lawn Mower 4.00 13 Ralph Glovar. Plumb- Lug Repairs at Land- ing. 28.58 13 L. I. ~.,ighting Co. Gas and Electric (Ldg.) 10.68 6eptember 1 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) 2.91 4 B~d Gagen. Labor 7.25 4 Alfred Sarfford. Labor 9.25 10 Ralph T. Preston. Re- pairs to wharf at Landing 90.09 10 L. I. LightLug Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) 9.83 i0 Wm. H. Terry & Son. Insurance (HaLl) 17.50 26 Ralph Glover. Plumb- LUg Repairs (Ldg.) 5.50:, 26 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) 2 2 50 October 8 North Fork Water Co. Water Service 10.00 9 Alfred Sanford. Labor '~ 7.50 9 Bernard Gagen. Labor 7.50 9 Mrs. Florence Sanfor~L Caretaker Park House 150.00 9 M, I. Booth. Insurance Park House 28.80 25 L. I. Lighting Co. and Electric (HaLl). ~ 3.96 1 ~ Sanford. Labor 7.50 1 Bernard Gagen. Labor 7.50 26 Ralph (Mover, Draining Plumbing at Park House 5.85 26 Gok~mith & Tuth~ One Ton Coal 17.60 Edw Sw zy. lng Lawn at Soldfei~ Monument, 1945 20.00 2'/ L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hail) 8.06 December~ u. ~ 8 Bake~ ~ Flck~ I wOr~ at Lighthouse 65 26, 11Frank work i · a ~dian (Hall) 6.00 11 Ralph. (}lover. Plumb- ing Repairs (Hall) 5.50 Total Expenditures for year ending Decemb~ 31, 1945 $1,~t0.93 B~].nce in Bank of So~id, January 1, 1943 $1,013.13 EDWARD L. DONAItUE, Treasurer. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss. STATE OF NEW YORK J Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG IJ. LANL) TRAVELER MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........... ~' ............. weeks successively, commencing on the ........ .fi...~... ..................... of,"i ....... day .......................... ......:..:..' ........ :......~:;..~...~..:.....::....... ..... Sworn to before me this ...... ~:..:~ ......... day of Notary Public J~tice of the Peac~- ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Receipts January 1, 1945 Balance on hand $ 876.52 8 From Supervisor 2,000.00 27 L. I. Lighting Co. Re- fund August 25 Republican Town Com- mittee. Use of Hall 5.00 29 Republican Town Com- mittee, Use of Hall 10.00 29 Richard Branch. Use of Hall 5.00 Oeoembe~ 7 Suffolk County. Use of Hall for Elections 40.00 $2,954.06 TOTAL RECEIPTS Expenditures January 6 L.I. Lighting Co. Elec- tricity $ 6 North Fork Water Co. Water charge 8 John Slavonik. Labor at Community Hall 27 L.I. Lighting Co. Elec- tricity March 19 J.E. Howell· Insurance 19 Goldsmith Eros. Con- tract for work at Hall 19 Goldsmith & Tuthill. Building Supplies 19 Long Island Traveler. Prh~ting Annual Re port 19 L.I. Lighting Co. Elec- tricity 19 Wm. H. Terry & Son. Insurance April 3 L. I. Lighting Co. Ser- vice 16 L. I. Lig~ling Co. Gas (Community Hall) 16 North Fork Water Co. Water Service 26 L, I. Lighting Co. Gas and Elec~ic (Hall) 26 David Lehr. Sharpen- ing Lawn Mower 26 Frank Salerno. Spread- lng six yards of fill May 2 Ralph Glover. Plumb- lng at Hall and Land- 2 $. E. Howell. Bond idr 2 ALfred Santord. Labor 26 Minnie Terry Smith. Rent of Land 26 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) June 2 Alfred Sanford. Labor 2 Bernard Gagen. Labor July 3 North Fork Water Co. Water Service 3 L, I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) 17.54 10 Bernard Gagen. Labor 7.50 10 Alfred Sanford. L/~b0r 8.00 10 Griffing 1~ardwere Co. 50' Hos~ 4.29 10 Peterson & Van Duzer. Supplies 8.30 August 1 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric 4.37 4 Bernard Gagen. Labor 6.00 4 Al/red Sarfford. Labor 6.50 6 Fred Boergesson. Care- taker at Gri~vold, Terry, Glover park, Season of 1945 · 50.00 6 David Lehr. Sh~- lng Lawn Mower 4.00 13 Ralph Glover. Plumb- ing Repairs at Land- ing. 28.58 13 L. L Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Ldg.) 10.68 6eptember 1 L. L Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) 2.91 4 Bernard Gagen, Labor 7.25 1.25 4 Alfred Sanford. Labor 9.25 10 Ralph T. Preston. 10.00 pairs to wharf at Landing 90.09 8.00 10 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) 9.83 $.31 10 Wm. H. Terry & Son. Insurance (Hall) 17.50! 17.50 26 Ralph Glover. Plumb- lng Repairs (Ldg.) 5.50 914.54 26 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and Electric (Hall) ' 2 2 50 24.46 October 8 North Fork Water Co. Water Service ,~ 10.00 35.02 .~lfred Sanford. Labor 7.50 Bernard Gagen. Labor 7.50 1.00 Mrs. Florence SanforcL Caretaker Park House 150.00 5.60 9 M. I. Booth. Insuranc9 Park House 28.80 25 L. I. Lighting Co. Gas 10.47 and Electric (Hall). 3.96 November 1.00 1 ~ Sanford. Labor 7.50 1 Bernard Gagan. Labor 7.60 13.99 26 Ralph Glover. Dralnir~ plumbing at park 2.25 House ~,- 5.85 26 Goldsmith & Tvfh/~-: 2.00 One Ton Coal 17.60 26 Edwarct Sweezy. M~O~ ~ 14.00 lng Lawn at Soldi~t~~ Monument, 1945 20.0~ 2'/ L. I. Lighting Co. Gas and FAectric (Hall) 8.06 25.70 Oecembee LL~ 8 Baker~ Flckeis~n. 12.50 work at Lighthouse 65.26 14.25 11 Fran~ Sanford. Work ~s custodian (Hall) 6.00 150.00 11 Ralph Glover. Plumb- lng Repairs (Hall) 5 50 Total Expenditures for 12.25 year ending December 10.00 31, 1945 $1,940.93 Balance in Bank of So~ January 1, 10.00 1946 $1,013.13 EDWARD L. DONAHUE, 3.5C Treasurer. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss. STATE OF NEW YORK J Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG IJ. LA TRAVELER MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a pu newspaper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has punished in sold Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Wa man once each week for ........... ~ ........ , ..... W~ successively, commencing on the ........ ff....~. ................ day oF" i./~-~k%'.2W~- ....... 19.~& Sworn to before me this ...... ~'..:Q ......... dc Notary Public Justice