HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1949 MEETING OF THE
Notice is hereby given, as pre-
scribed by Chapter 234 of the Sessions
Law of 1907 of the State of New
York, entitled "An .&ct to authorize
the formation of a Park District in
th~ Town of Southold, Suffolk
County to acquire land for park pur-
poses and to issue bonds therefor,"
and amendments therelo, that a
meeting of the legal voters of the
said Park District, the boundaries of
which are the same as those of
Southold Union School Districf No.
5, will be held in the Town Clerk's
Office in said District on Tuesday,
February ls, 1949, at 8 o'clock P, i~.
I At: this meeting a Park Commis-
sioner will be elected for a. term of
three years in the place of Dr. S. B.
Fischer, whose tern~ of office will
then expire.
At this meetin~ also a treasurer
will be elected for a term of three
years in the place of Edward L.
Donahue whose term of office willi
then expire. :
At this meeting also the Park[
Commissioners will ask for an appro-
priatlnu of Three .Thqusa~nd Five
Hundred Dollars ($3,500) for the:
maintenance of the Park Districti
properties and to transact any other
business that may properly come be-
fore the meeting.
~Dated, Southold, N. Y.
Sanuary 12, 1949.
llalph P. Booth,
Town Clerk
State of New York
County of Suffolk
Ralph P. Booth~ of Southold~
Town of Southold~ New York~ being
duly sworn~ says that he is over
the age of twenty-one years~
that on the 14th day of January~
1949~ he affixed a notice of which
the annexed printed notice is a true
copy in a proper and substantial
manner~ in a most public place in
the Town of Southold~ Suffolk
County~ to wit: At:
H.M. Hawkins Store~ Southold
Southold Post Office~ "
Town Clerk's BuildinM~ "
}~eterson & Vsn Duzers Store
me this 14th day of
January, 1949
Sworn to ~efore
"An Act to authorize
of a Park District in
of Southold, Suffolk
county tQ ~qu~ kd ~'~ark pur-
l~ses and to issue bonds'therefor,"
and ame~.~,.c!ments thereto that a
meeting o{' the legal voters oS the
i!,~?ark ~btstrict, the boundaries
i~ a~ the same_as those of
~Sg~iihold ,.Union Sch~ District No.
15, will be h~ld in th~& ¥~wn Clerk's
{Office in said District dn Tuesday,
}February 15, 1949, at 8 o'clock P. M.
{, At this tittering a Park commis-
~#oner ~ be elected for a term of
i~hree year~in the place~ of-Dr. S. B.
FisCher, v~nose terr~, of office will
then expire.
'At this meetin~aiso a treasurer
will be elected for a term of three
years in the place of Edward L.
Donahue whose term of office will
then expire.
At this meetin~ also the Park
Commissio~rs will ask for an appro-
priation o~ Three Thousand Five
~Hundred' D~llars ($3,500) for the
maintena~e?~ of the Park District'
properU.~_~ tO trisect ~uy other
busine~S~f I~ ma~ prOperly come be-
fore t~ ~
Daled,'~ S~h. oI~ 1~.
'' .~ph P. Booth,
· ~ ~ ' Town Clerk
Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that
he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLA.,ID
paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch-
man once each week for .....'Z/(.-......~...-i~F~Y~..).. weeks
successively, commencing on the ...../..,.~ .........................
doy of , L.. 19:~./.
Sworn to before me this ...... /L~.. ........... day of
........ ~.~.~'_~.~,,_~ ...... ,/.~.~_~.~ .................
Notary Pubi[c / J~.-'=~=.'.= ~f the ~eag=